91 resultados para Kitchens


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Apesar das diversas ações governamentais nas questões relacionadas a alimentação, a insegurança alimentar faz parte da realidade brasileira. Esta pode ocorrer em diversos níveis: primeiramente a preocupação com a oferta de alimentos e a qualidade dos mesmos, em seguida, redução da qualidade e quantidade de alimentos entre os adultos e por fim em um nível mais elevado, a redução ocorre entre as crianças, até mesmo a fome, quando não há nada para comer no domicilio. É direito de todos terem acesso a alimentos seguros e nutritivos, desta forma a alimentação e nutrição é uma condição para proteção da saúde. Trata-se de um estudo seccional, com 273 trabalhadores de sete restaurantes localizados no município do Rio de Janeiro. A avaliação da insegurança alimentar foi realizada utilizando a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar (EBIA) classificando a população em segurança alimentar e insegurança alimentar. As análises foram desenvolvidas aplicando-se o teste qui quadrado ou o teste exato de Fisher quando apropriado (p<0,20) e a regressão logística foi efetuada considerando três blocos de variáveis: socioeconômicas, laborais e de saúde. A prevalência de insegurança alimentar foi de 53,7%. A maioria da população estudada era do sexo masculino (57,9%), eram negros ou pardos (81,7%), com nove anos de escolaridade (57,1%), casados (58,2%), com filhos (70,1%), possuíam moradia própria (73,6%), eram ASGs ou copeiras (54,6%), quanto ao tempo gasto do deslocamento de casa para o trabalho, 67,6% dispendem mais de 40 minutos neste trajeto. As variáveis: escolaridade (OR-2,39; IC-95% 1,38 - 4,16), opinião sobre a falta de condições financeiras para manter alimentação saudável (OR-2,24; IC-95% 1,25 4,00), tempo de trabalho em cozinhas <29 meses (OR-2,72; IC-95% 1,44 5,16) e opinião da composição e regularidade da alimentação (OR- 2,01; IC-95% 1,12 3,57) associaram-se significativamente com a insegurança alimentar. Estes trabalhadores mesmo inseridos em um equipamento destinado a ofertar alimentação de qualidade, não tem a percepção da garantia ao acesso de forma satisfatória aos alimentos tanto quantitativamente como qualitativamente.


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Nowadays, control systems are involved in nearly all aspects of our lives. They are all around us, but their presence is not always really apparent. They are in our kitchens, in our DVD-players, computers and our cars. They are found in elevators, ships, aircraft and spacecraft. Control systems are present in every industry, they are used to control chemical reactors, distillation columns, and nuclear power plants. They are constantly and inexhaustibly working, making our life more comfortable and more efficient...until the system fails. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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A business model for integrating global-production efficiencies with sustainability is discussed. Two trends that emulate some of the aspects of the wealthy are the increasing willingness of many to pay extra for customization such as clothes, of kitchens and the increasing acceptance of purchasing a service as a product substitute. Two final trends that are also based in the attitudes of people is an increased awareness of the value of local culture and an increased concern with issues of sustainability. The results show that the goal congruence between for-profit and not-for-profit organizations puts emphasis on value and belief of the organization.


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Shijiawan –Lijiacha area, lying on the northeastern part of the Shanbei Slope of Ordos Basin, was selected as studying area. The previous explorations proved that the 2nd segment and 6th segment of the Yanchang Formation are the most important oil-bearing formations. It is indicated that the sedimentary facies and reservoir characteristics restricted the hydrocarbon accumulation regularity. Therefore, with petrology methodologies, such as outcrop observation, core description, geophysical logging interpretation, thin section determination, scanning electron microscope, as well as rock property analysis, the reservoirs was were systematically studied and characterized. The sedimentary micro-facies, seals, reservoir-seal combines, migration pathways and entrapping modes were taken into account. The author tempted to establish a base for further studies on reservoirs and on petroleum geology, and to provide some reliably geological evidences for later prospect activities. It was found that the sediments in the 2nd and 3rd segments of the Yanchang Formation in Shijiawan –Lijiacha area were deposited in braided rivers, and most sandy-bodies were identified as channel sandbars. The 4+5th and 6th segments were principally deposited in deltaic-plain environment, consisting of corresponding sub-facies such as distributary channels, natural levee, crevasse-splay and marsh. The skeleton sandy-bodies were identified as sandy sediments of distributary channels. The sand grains in reservoir in studied area possess generally low mineralogical maturity and moderate structural maturity, and the form of pores may be classified into intergranular types and dissolved types. Most reservoirs of Yanchang Formation in Shijiawan –Lijiacha area belong to extreme low-porosity low-permeability ones (type III), and the 2nd sediments belongs to low permeability one (type II) and the 6th segment belong to super low-permeability one(type Ⅳ). The reservoirs in the 2nd segment behave more heterogeneous than those in the 6th segment. The statistic analysis results show that, for 6th and 4+5th segments, the high quality reservoir-seal combines may be found everywhere in the studied area except in the northwest and the southwest parts; and for 1st and 2nd segments, in the northeast, central and southwest parts Petroleum migration happened in the duration of the Early Cretaceous period in both lateral and vertical directions. The migration paths were mainly constructed by permeable sandy-bodies. The superimposed channel sandy-bodies consist of the principal part of the system of carriers. the vertical fractures, that may travel through the seals between reservoirs, offered the vertical paths for migrating oil. It may be synthesized that oil coming from south kitchens migrated first laterally in carriers in the 6th segment. When arrived at the studied area, oil will migration laterally or/and vertical within both the sandy-bodies and fractures, in a climbing-stair way. The results demonstrate that the oil was entrapped in traps structure-lithology and/or lithology traps. In some cases, the hydrodynamic force may help to trap oil. Accumulation of oil in the area was mainly controlled by sedimentary facies, seals, structure, and heterogeneity of reservoir in the 2nd, 4+5th and 6th segments. Especially, the oil distributions in both the 2nd and 6th segments were obviously influenced by seals in the 4+5th segment. The existence of seals in 1st segment seems important for accumulation in the 2nd segment.


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Abstract In order to provide basic data for evaluation of the petroleum potential in the deep water area of the northern margin of the South China Sea (SCS), present-day thermal regime and basin tectonothermal evolution are reconstructed and the maturation history of the Cenozoic major source rocks in the study area is derived. The present-day geothermal regime in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is defined according to the geothermal gradient, thermal properties and heat flow data. Tectonic subsidence history is reconstructed based on borehole and seismic data, and accordingly the stretching episodes are determined from the subsidence pattern. Heat flow history in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is estimated on a finite time, laterally non-uniform and multi-episode stretching model. Maturation history of the main source rocks in the study area is estimated through EASYRo% kinetic model and thermal history, and the potential of petroleum in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is evaluated based on the data above. The results show that the present-day geothermal regime in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS is characterized by “hot basin” with high geothermal gradient (39.1±7.4℃/km) and high heat flow (77.5±14.8 mW/m2), and that the Qiongdongnan Basin (QDNB) underwent three stretching episodes and consequently suffered three heating episodes (Eocene, Oligocene and Pliocene time) with highest paleo-heat flow of 65~90 mW/m2 at the end of the Pliocene, that the Pearl River Mouth Basin (PRMB) two stretching and two heating episodes (Eocene, Oligocene time) with highest paleo-heat flow of 60~70 mW/m2 at the end of the Oligocene, and that the source rocks matured drastically responding to the heating episodes. There are four hydrocarbon generation kitchens in the deep water area of the northern margin of SCS which are favor of its bright petroleum perspective. Tectonothermal analysis indicates that the present-day geothermal regime which is characterized with “hot basin” in the deep water area of the PRMB resulted mainly from the Cenozoic stretching as well as faulting and magmatic activities during the Neotectonic period, and that the Pliocene heating episode of the QDNB is coupled with the transition from sinistral to dextral gliding of the Red Rive fault, and that the deep water basins in the northern margin of SCS are typical of multiple rifting which caused multi-episode heating process.


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With the introduction of budget airlines and greater competitiveness amongst all airlines, air travel has now become an extremely popular form of travel, presenting its own unique set of risks from food poisoning. Foodborne illness associated with air travel is quite uncommon in the modern era. However, when it occurs, it may have serious implications for passengers and when crew are affected, has the potential to threaten safety. Quality, safe, in-flight catering relies on high standards of food preparation and storage; this applies at the airport kitchens (or at subcontractors' facilities), on the aircraft and in the transportation vehicles which carry the food from the ground source to the aircraft. This is especially challenging in certain countries. Several foodborne outbreaks have been recorded by the airline industry as a result of a number of different failures of these systems. These have provided an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and current practice has, therefore, reached such a standard so as to minimise risk of failures of this kind. This review examines: (i) the origin of food safety in modern commercial aviation; (ii) outbreaks which have occurred previously relating to aviation travel; (iii) the microbiological quality of food and water on board commercial aircraft; and (iv) how Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points may be employed to maintain food safety in aviation travel.


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The Routledge Guide to Interviewing sets out a well-tested and practical approach and methodology: what works, difficulties and dangers to avoid and key questions which must be answered before you set out. Background methodological issues and arguments are considered and drawn upon but the focus is on what is ethical, legally acceptable and productive:
-Rationale (why, what for, where, how)
-Ethics and Legalities (informed consent, data protection, risks, embargoes)
-Resources (organisational, technical, intellectual)
-Preparation (selecting and approaching interviewees, background and biographical research, establishing credentials, identifying topics)
-Technique (developing expertise and confidence)
-Audio-visual interviews
-Analysis (modes, methods, difficulties)
-Storage (archiving and long-term preservation)
-Sharing Resources (dissemination and development)

From death row to the mansion of a head of state, small kitchens and front parlours, to legislatures and presbyteries, Anna Bryson and Seán McConville’s wide interviewing experience has been condensed into this book. The material set out here has been acquired by trial, error and reflection over a period of more than four decades. The interviewees have ranged from the delightfully straightforward to the painfully difficult to the near impossible – with a sprinkling of those that were impossible.
Successful interviewing draws on the survival skills of everyday life. This guide will help you to adapt, develop and apply these innate skills. Including a range of useful information such as sample waivers, internet resources, useful hints and checklists, it provides sound and plain-speaking support for the oral historian, social scientist and investigator.


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The Culinary Belfast project is an exploration of the city's food culture through sound. Field recordings and interviews from the kitchens of the city's top restaurants, St George's market and numerous food outlets make up a collection of sounds that tell the story of a city through food.
"Culinary Belfast :Soundscaping Food" collates some of these recordings into an 8 minute composition exploring, on one hand, the verbal articulation of food sounds by the city's chefs and food vendors and, on the other, the more abstract, close up and microscopic sound qualities of processes like chopping, frying and boiling.

Culinary Belfast is part of the Belfast Soundwalks project (www.belfastsoundwalks.org).


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialização Administração Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Translated from the original French manuscript - Le protestantisme à table. Les plaisirs de la foi. Genève, Labor et Fides: 2000 - by Steve Moyer


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La présente recherche traite des conflits d’aménagement pouvant être décelés dans les cuisines domiciliaires modernes. L’ajout d’objets mécanisés au rituel alimentaire quotidien a su changer la dynamique du lieu. En effet, l’architecture des cuisines modernes en Occident présente de grandes contradictions. Basées sur des standards architecturaux, les cuisines modulaires ne reflètent pas la variété et l’unicité des aliments auxquels les cuisines sont dédiées. Les cuisines devraient être le miroir de la vivacité naturelle des aliments et des échanges humains que la nourriture génère à travers le plaisir et le partage. Dans l’espoir de proposer des outils afin de rééquilibrer la dynamique de cette pièce, un cadre théorique basé sur les théories architecturales de l’architecte et mathématicien anglais Christopher Alexander a été établi. Supportant la présente recherche, ces théories architecturales s’inspirent de la structure et de la composition des choses de la nature et des monuments anciens afin d’établir des balises d’aménagement simples et équilibrées (qualité de vie, patterns, configuration des événements, configurations de l’espace, ...). Ces théories ont aidé à concevoir une formule d’ateliers participatifs qui visent à outiller les occupants, qui sont très souvent des non-professionnels du domaine de l’architecture et du design. Ces ateliers proposent un cheminement bien encadré qui permet aux participants de retravailler leur espace de cuisine respectif selon leurs goûts et leurs besoins. En fournissant un plan de l’étage où se situe la cuisine, quelques crayons, règles et autres matériel de dessin, les participants ont pour tâche de réaménager leur cuisine en un espace de cuisine idéal. La deuxième étape, qui elle se réalise en équipe avec tous les occupants participants de la demeure, consiste à réduire l’ampleur des changements afin d’arriver à un résultat réaliste. L’enthousiasme noté tout au long de ce processus a ainsi permis de confirmer que les non-professionnels du domaine de l’architecture et du design peuvent développer un intérêt marqué pour l’amélioration de leurs interactions quotidiennes, avec l’espace et entre les occupants, lorsque bien accompagnés dans cette tâche. Grâce aux propos et aux plans recueillis durant les séances d’ateliers participatifs ainsi qu’à l’analyse de ces données, une série d’interprétations ont émergé. Les données ont notamment démontrées l’influence positive de l’utilisation des patterns d’Alexander. L’analyse permet, en outre, de noter les tendances d’aménagement ayant émergé de l’utilisation des patterns dans les espaces de cuisine : définitivement, les cuisines se sont transformées en espace de vie partagé et polyvalent. Finalement, la présente recherche se conclut grâce à une série de recommandations qui traitent de la structure des cuisines, des ateliers participatifs et des patterns. Tout d’abord, l’impact de ces notions sur les espaces retravaillés par les participants est impressionnant. Les espaces sont bien organisés, vastes et, surtout, reflètent les occupants qui y vivent au quotidien. De plus, ayant démontré la facilité d’utilisation et la polyvalence des patterns, il a été jugé que certains aspects devraient être améliorés tels que l’actualisation de certains patterns, le prolongement du processus d’ateliers, le perfectionnement de la méthode et la diffusion des résultats.


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Commercial kitchens often leave a large carbon footprint. A new dataset of energy performance metrics from a leading industrial partner is presented. Categorising these types of buildings is challenging. Electricity use has been analysed using data from automated meter readings (AMR) for the purpose of benchmarking and discussed in terms of factors such as size and food output. From the analysed results, consumption is found to be almost double previous sector estimates of 6480 million kWh per year. Recommendations are made to further improve the current benchmarks in order to attain robust, reliable and transparent figures, such as the introduction of normalised performance indicators to include kitchen size (m2) and kWh per thousand-pound turnover.


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Academic and industrial literature concerning the energy consumption of commercial kitchens is scarce. Electricity consumption data were collected from distribution board current transformers in a sample of fourteen UK public house restaurants. This was set up to identify patterns of appliance use as well as to assess the total energy consumption of these establishments. The electricity consumption in the selected commercial kitchens was significantly higher than current literature estimates. On average, 63% of the premises electricity consumption was attributed to the catering activity. Key appliances that contributed to the samples average electricity consumption were identified as refrigeration (70 kwh, 41%), fryers (11 kwh, 13%), combi-ovens (35 kwh, 12%) bain maries (27 kwh, 9%) and grills (37kwh, 12%). Behavioral factors and poor maintenance were identified as major contributors to excessive electricity usage with potential savings of 70% and 45% respectively. Initiatives are required to influence operator behavior, such as the expansion of mandatory energy labeling, improved feedback information and the use of behavior change campaigns. Strict maintenance protocols and more appropriate sizing of refrigeration would be of great benefit to energy reduction.


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Academic and industrial literature concerning the energy use of commercial kitchens is scarce. Electricity consumption data were collected from distribution board current transformers in a sample of fourteen UK public house-restaurants. This was set up to identify patterns of appliance use as well as to assess the total energy consumption of these establishments. The electricity consumption in the selected commercial kitchens was significantly higher than current literature estimates. On average, 63% of the premises’ electricity consumption was attributed to the catering activity. Key appliances that contributed to the samples average daily electricity consumption of the kitchen were identified as refrigeration (70 kWh, 41%), fryers (11 kWh, 13%), combination ovens (35 kWh, 12%), bain maries (27 kWh, 9%) and grills (37 kWh, 12%). Behavioural factors and poor maintenance were identified as major contributors to excessive electricity usage with potential savings of 70% and 45% respectively. Initiatives are required to influence operator behaviour, such as the expansion of mandatory energy labelling, improved feedback information and the use of behaviour change campaigns. Strict maintenance protocols and more appropriate sizing of refrigeration would be of great benefit to energy reduction.


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Assembling 10 essays from around the globe which engage variously with the space in which food preparation occurs—the kitchen—revealed stunning diversity but also commonalities. In this first of two sets of theme papers on this vital but often unexamined domestic space, the discourse of modernity unites the look and use of twentieth-century kitchens in Australia, Britain and Finland. Imbued with notions of scientific management, the modern kitchen had some common designs which prescribed women's place within it—first as the main occupant and then as the family overseer. The construction of this semi-private space also involved particular domestic technologies which, as the new century dawns, now literally connect the kitchen to the world beyond via the internet fridge. This Introduction begins the two-part feast of gender, place and culture—with an overview of Australia and sketch of subsequent essays—Supski on mid-century migrant Australia, Saarikangas on Finland, Bennett on rural Britain and Watkins on the fridge.