986 resultados para Kinetic modeling
Objetivos: Determinar si existe diferencia en la ganancia interdialítica entre los pacientes al ser tratados con flujo de dializado (Qd) de 400 mL/min y 500 mL/min. Diseño: Se realizó un estudio de intervención, cruzado, aleatorizado, doble ciego en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis para determinar diferencias en la ganancia de peso interdialítica entre los pacientes tratados con flujo de dializado (Qd) de 400 ml/min y 500 ml/min. Pacientes: Se analizaron datos de 46 pacientes en hemodiálisis crónica con Qd de 400 ml/min y 45 con Qd de 500 ml/min. Análisis: La prueba de hipótesis para evaluar diferencias en la ganancia interdialítica y las otras variables entre los grupos se realizó mediante la prueba T para muestras pareadas. Para el análisis de correlación se calculó el coeficiente de Pearson. Resultados: No hubo diferencia significativa en ganancia interdialítica usando Qd de 400 ml/min vs 500 ml/min (2.37 ± 0.7 vs 2.41 ± 0.6, p=0.41) ni en Kt/V (1.57 ± 0.25 vs 1.59 ± 0.23, p = 0.45), potasio (4.9 ± 1.1 vs 5.1 ± 1.0, p=0.45), fosforo (4.5 ± 1.2 vs 4.4 ± 1.2, p=0.56) o hemoglobina (11.3 ± 1.8 vs 11.3 ± 1.6, p=0.96). Conclusiones: En pacientes con peso ≤ 65 Kg el uso de Qd de 400 ml/min no se asocia con menor ganancia interdialítica de peso. No hay diferencia en la eficiencia de diálisis lo que sugiere que es una intervención segura a corto plazo.
Control and optimization of flavor is the ultimate challenge for the food and flavor industry. The major route to flavor formation during thermal processing is the Maillard reaction, which is a complex cascade of interdependent reactions initiated by the reaction between a reducing sugar and an amino compd. The complexity of the reaction means that researchers turn to kinetic modeling in order to understand the control points of the reaction and to manipulate the flavor profile. Studies of the kinetics of flavor formation have developed over the past 30 years from single- response empirical models of binary aq. systems to sophisticated multi-response models in food matrixes, based on the underlying chem., with the power to predict the formation of some key aroma compds. This paper discusses in detail the development of kinetic models of thermal generation of flavor and looks at the challenges involved in predicting flavor.
This dissertation aims the development of an experimental device to determine quantitatively the content of benzene, toluene and xylenes (BTX) in the atmosphere. BTX are extremely volatile solvents, and therefore play an important role in atmospheric chemistry, being precursors in the tropospheric ozone formation. In this work a BTX new standard gas was produced in nitrogen for stagnant systems. The aim of this dissertation is to develop a new method, simple and cheaper, to quantify and monitor BTX in air using solid phase microextraction/ gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (SPME/CG/MS). The features of the calibration method proposed are presented in this dissertation. SPME sampling was carried out under non-equilibrium conditions using a Carboxen/PDMS fiber exposed for 10 min standard gas mixtures. It is observed that the main parameters that affect the extraction process are sampling time and concentration. The results of the BTX multicomponent system studied have shown a linear and a nonlinear range. In the non-linear range, it is remarkable the effect of competition by selective adsorption with the following affinity order p-xylene > toluene > benzene. This behavior represents a limitation of the method, however being in accordance with the literature. Furthermore, this behavior does not prevent the application of the technique out of the non-linear region to quantify the BTX contents in the atmosphere.
Among the heterogeneous catalysts materials made from niobium show up as an alternative to meet the demand of catalysts for biodiesel production. This study aims to evaluate the potential of a heterogeneous catalyst derived from a complex of niobium in the reaction of methyl esterification of oleic acid. The catalyst was synthesized after calcination at different temperatures of a niobium complex ((NH4)3[NbO(C2O4)3].H2O) generating a niobium oxide nanostructure with a different commercial niobium oxide used to synthesize the complex. The commercial niobium oxide, the complex niobium and niobium catalyst were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG and DTA), surface area analysis (BET), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD), showing the catalyst has researched morphological and crystallographic indicating a catalytic potential higher than that of commercial niobium oxide characteristics. Factorial with central composite design point, with three factors (calcination temperature, molar ratio of alcohol/oleic acid and mass percentage of catalyst) was performed. Noting that the optimal experimental point was given by the complex calcination temperature of 600°C, a molar ratio alcohol/oleic acid of 3.007/1 and the catalyst mass percentage of 7.998%, with a conversion of 22.44% oleic acid in methyl oleate to 60 min of reaction. We performed a composite linear and quadratic regression to determine an optimal statistical point of the reaction, the temperature of calcination of the complex at 450°C, the molar ratio of alcohol/oleic acid 3.3408/1 and mass percentage of catalyst of 7.6833% . Kinetic modeling to estimate parameters for heterogeneous catalysis it set well the experimental results with a final conversion of 85.01% with 42.38% of catalyst and without catalyst at 240 min reaction was performed. Allowing to evaluate the catalyst catalytic studied has the potential to be used in biodiesel production
As principais preocupações com relação à geração de resíduos estão voltadas para os efeitos que estes materiais podem ter sobre a saúde humana e sobre o meio ambiente, uma vez que os resíduos perigosos produzidos pelas indústrias precisam particularmente de atenção e cuidado, pois quando incorretamente gerenciados, tornam-se uma grave ameaça ao meio ambiente. Neste contexto, este trabalho mostra os estudos realizados visando a reciclagem da lama vermelha como matéria-prima para a obtenção de compostos de titânio. O estudo abrange três rotas hidrometalúrgicas: lama vermelha calcinada a 900°C (LV900), lama vermelha sem tratamento térmico (LV-STT) e lama vermelha sinterizada em atmosfera redutora (LV1300). Os experimentos de lixiviação foram realizados com valores de temperaturas de 60, 80 e 90 °C e concentrações de ácido sulfúrico de 20 e 30% em volume. Junto com o estudo de lixiviação foi realizada a modelagem matemática do processo de lixiviação. Os estudos realizados neste trabalho mostram que a lama vermelha pode ser aplicada como fonte de matéria-prima alternativa para a concentração e posterior recuperação de compostos de titânio. A modelagem cinética dos dados das curvas de extração em função do tempo e o modelo matemático desenvolvidos no presente trabalho mostram que a reação química é a etapa que descreve esses ensaios de lixiviação. Os modelos desenvolvidos também possibilitaram a obtenção de parâmetros cinéticos, tais como: energia de ativação e as velocidades das reações químicas do processo de lixiviação.
Purpose: There is no consensus on the optimal method to measure delivered dialysis dose in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). The use of direct dialysate-side quantification of dose in preference to the use of formal blood-based urea kinetic modeling and simplified blood urea nitrogen (BUN) methods has been recommended for dose assessment in critically-ill patients with AKI. We evaluate six different blood-side and dialysate-side methods for dose quantification. Methods: We examined data from 52 critically-ill patients with AKI requiring dialysis. All patients were treated with pre-dilution CWHDF and regional citrate anticoagulation. Delivered dose was calculated using blood-side and dialysis-side kinetics. Filter function was assessed during the entire course of therapy by calculating BUN to dialysis fluid urea nitrogen (FUN) ratios q/12 hours. Results: Median daily treatment time was 1,413 min (1,260-1,440). The median observed effluent volume per treatment was 2,355 mL/h (2,060-2,863) (p<0.001). Urea mass removal rate was 13.0 +/- 7.6 mg/min. Both EKR (r(2)=0.250; p<0.001) and K-D (r(2)=0.409; p<0.001) showed a good correlation with actual solute removal. EKR and K-D presented a decline in their values that was related to the decrease in filter function assessed by the FUN/BUN ratio. Conclusions: Effluent rate (ml/kg/h) can only empirically provide an estimated of dose in CRRT. For clinical practice, we recommend that the delivered dose should be measured and expressed as K-D. EKR also constitutes a good method for dose comparisons over time and across modalities.
This is the seventeenth of a series of symposia devoted to talks by students about their biochemical engineering research. The first, third, fifth, ninth, twelfth, and sixteenth were at Kansas State University, the second and fourth were at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the sixth was in Kansas City and was hosted by Iowa State University, the seventh, tenth, thirteenth, and seventeenth were at Iowa State University, the eighth and fourteenth were at the University of Missouri–Columbia, and the eleventh and fifteenth were at Colorado State University. Next year's symposium will be at the University of Colorado. Symposium proceedings are edited by faculty of the host institution. Because final publication usually takes place elsewhere, papers here are brief, and often cover work in progress. ContentsThe Effect of Polymer Dosage Conditions on the Properties of ProteinPolyelectrolyte Precipitates, K. H. Clark and C. E. Glatz, Iowa State University An Immobilized Enzyme Reactor/Separator for the Hydrolysis of Casein by Subtilisin Carlsberg, A. J. Bream, R. A. Yoshisato, and G. R. Carmichael, University of Iowa Cell Density Measurements in Hollow Fiber Bioreactors, Thomas Blute, Colorado State University The Hydrodynamics in an Air-Lift Reactor, Peter Sohn, George Y. Preckshot, and Rakesh K. Bajpai, University of Missouri–Columbia Local Liquid Velocity Measurements in a Split Cylinder Airlift Column, G. Travis Jones, Kansas State University Fluidized Bed Solid Substrate Trichoderma reesei Fermentation, S. Adisasmito, H. N. Karim, and R. P. Tengerdy, Colorado State University The Effect of 2,4-D Concentration on the Growth of Streptanthus tortuosis Cells in Shake Flask and Air-Lift Permenter Culture, I. C. Kong, R. D. Sjolund, and R. A. Yoshisato, University of Iowa Protein Engineering of Aspergillus niger Glucoamylase, Michael R. Sierks, Iowa State University Structured Kinetic Modeling of Hybidoma Growth and Monoclonal Antibody Production in Suspension Cultures, Brian C. Batt and Dhinakar S. Kampala, University of Colorado Modelling and Control of a Zymomonas mobilis Fermentation, John F. Kramer, M. N. Karim, and J. Linden, Colorado State University Modeling of Brettanomyces clausenii Fermentation on Mixtures of Glucose and Cellobiose, Max T. Bynum and Dhinakar S. Kampala, University of Colorado, Karel Grohmann and Charles E. Yyman, Solar Energy Research Institute Master Equation Modeling and Monte Carlo Simulation of Predator-Prey Interactions, R. 0. Fox, Y. Y. Huang, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University Kinetics and Equilibria of Condensation Reactions Between Two Different Monosaccharides Catalyzed by Aspergillus niger Glucoamylase, Sabine Pestlin, Iowa State University Biodegradation of Metalworking Fluids, S. M. Lee, Ayush Gupta, L. E. Erickson, and L. T. Fan, Kansas State University Redox Potential, Toxicity and Oscillations in Solvent Fermentations, Kim Joong, Rakesh Bajpai, and Eugene L. Iannotti, University of Missouri–Columbia Using Structured Kinetic Models for Analyzing Instability in Recombinant Bacterial Cultures, William E. Bentley and Dhinakar S. Kompala, University of Colorado
Una amarra electrodinámica (electrodynamic tether) opera sobre principios electromagnéticos intercambiando momento con la magnetosfera planetaria e interactuando con su ionosfera. Es un subsistema pasivo fiable para desorbitar etapas de cohetes agotadas y satélites al final de su misión, mitigando el crecimiento de la basura espacial. Una amarra sin aislamiento captura electrones del plasma ambiente a lo largo de su segmento polarizado positivamente, el cual puede alcanzar varios kilómetros de longitud, mientras que emite electrones de vuelta al plasma mediante un contactor de plasma activo de baja impedancia en su extremo catódico, tal como un cátodo hueco (hollow cathode). En ausencia de un contactor catódico activo, la corriente que circula por una amarra desnuda en órbita es nula en ambos extremos de la amarra y se dice que ésta está flotando eléctricamente. Para emisión termoiónica despreciable y captura de corriente en condiciones limitadas por movimiento orbital (orbital-motion-limited, OML), el cociente entre las longitudes de los segmentos anódico y catódico es muy pequeño debido a la disparidad de masas entre iones y electrones. Tal modo de operación resulta en una corriente media y fuerza de Lorentz bajas en la amarra, la cual es poco eficiente como dispositivo para desorbitar. El electride C12A7 : e−, que podría presentar una función de trabajo (work function) tan baja como W = 0.6 eV y un comportamiento estable a temperaturas relativamente altas, ha sido propuesto como recubrimiento para amarras desnudas. La emisión termoiónica a lo largo de un segmento así recubierto y bajo el calentamiento de la operación espacial, puede ser más eficiente que la captura iónica. En el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, podría eliminar la necesidad de un contactor catódico activo y su correspondientes requisitos de alimentación de gas y subsistema de potencia, lo que resultaría en un sistema real de amarra “sin combustible”. Con este recubrimiento de bajo W, cada segmento elemental del segmento catódico de una amarra desnuda de kilómetros de longitud emitiría corriente como si fuese parte de una sonda cilíndrica, caliente y uniformemente polarizada al potencial local de la amarra. La operación es similar a la de una sonda de Langmuir 2D tanto en los segmentos catódico como anódico. Sin embargo, en presencia de emisión, los electrones emitidos resultan en carga espacial (space charge) negativa, la cual reduce el campo eléctrico que los acelera hacia fuera, o incluso puede desacelerarlos y hacerlos volver a la sonda. Se forma una doble vainas (double sheath) estable con electrones emitidos desde la sonda e iones provenientes del plasma ambiente. La densidad de corriente termoiónica, variando a lo largo del segmento catódico, podría seguir dos leyes distintas bajo diferentes condiciones: (i) la ley de corriente limitada por la carga espacial (space-charge-limited, SCL) o (ii) la ley de Richardson-Dushman (RDS). Se presenta un estudio preliminar sobre la corriente SCL frente a una sonda emisora usando la teoría de vainas (sheath) formada por la captura iónica en condiciones OML, y la corriente electrónica SCL entre los electrodos cilíndricos según Langmuir. El modelo, que incluye efectos óhmicos y el efecto de transición de emisión SCL a emisión RDS, proporciona los perfiles de corriente y potencial a lo largo de la longitud completa de la amarra. El análisis muestra que en el modo más simple de fuerza de frenado, bajo condiciones orbitales y de amarras típicas, la emisión termoiónica proporciona un contacto catódico eficiente y resulta en una sección catódica pequeña. En el análisis anterior, tanto la transición de emisión SCL a RD como la propia ley de emisión SCL consiste en un modelo muy simplificado. Por ello, a continuación se ha estudiado con detalle la solución de vaina estacionaria de una sonda con emisión termoiónica polarizada negativamente respecto a un plasma isotrópico, no colisional y sin campo magnético. La existencia de posibles partículas atrapadas ha sido ignorada y el estudio incluye tanto un estudio semi-analítico mediante técnica asintóticas como soluciones numéricas completas del problema. Bajo las tres condiciones (i) alto potencial, (ii) R = Rmax para la validez de la captura iónica OML, y (iii) potencial monotónico, se desarrolla un análisis asintótico auto-consistente para la estructura de plasma compleja que contiene las tres especies de cargas (electrones e iones del plasma, electrones emitidos), y cuatro regiones espaciales distintas, utilizando teorías de movimiento orbital y modelos cinéticos de las especies. Aunque los electrones emitidos presentan carga espacial despreciable muy lejos de la sonda, su efecto no se puede despreciar en el análisis global de la estructura de la vaina y de dos capas finas entre la vaina y la región cuasi-neutra. El análisis proporciona las condiciones paramétricas para que la corriente sea SCL. También muestra que la emisión termoiónica aumenta el radio máximo de la sonda para operar dentro del régimen OML y que la emisión de electrones es mucho más eficiente que la captura iónica para el segmento catódico de la amarra. En el código numérico, los movimientos orbitales de las tres especies son modelados para potenciales tanto monotónico como no-monotónico, y sonda de radio R arbitrario (dentro o más allá del régimen de OML para la captura iónica). Aprovechando la existencia de dos invariante, el sistema de ecuaciones Poisson-Vlasov se escribe como una ecuación integro-diferencial, la cual se discretiza mediante un método de diferencias finitas. El sistema de ecuaciones algebraicas no lineal resultante se ha resuelto de con un método Newton-Raphson paralelizado. Los resultados, comparados satisfactoriamente con el análisis analítico, proporcionan la emisión de corriente y la estructura del plasma y del potencial electrostático. ABSTRACT An electrodynamic tether operates on electromagnetic principles and exchanges momentum through the planetary magnetosphere, by continuously interacting with the ionosphere. It is a reliable passive subsystem to deorbit spent rocket stages and satellites at its end of mission, mitigating the growth of orbital debris. A tether left bare of insulation collects electrons by its own uninsulated and positively biased segment with kilometer range, while electrons are emitted by a low-impedance active device at the cathodic end, such as a hollow cathode, to emit the full electron current. In the absence of an active cathodic device, the current flowing along an orbiting bare tether vanishes at both ends and the tether is said to be electrically floating. For negligible thermionic emission and orbital-motion-limited (OML) collection throughout the entire tether (electron/ion collection at anodic/cathodic segment, respectively), the anodic-to-cathodic length ratio is very small due to ions being much heavier, which results in low average current and Lorentz drag. The electride C12A7 : e−, which might present a possible work function as low as W = 0.6 eV and moderately high temperature stability, has been proposed as coating for floating bare tethers. Thermionic emission along a thus coated cathodic segment, under heating in space operation, can be more efficient than ion collection and, in the simplest drag mode, may eliminate the need for an active cathodic device and its corresponding gas-feed requirements and power subsystem, which would result in a truly “propellant-less” tether system. With this low-W coating, each elemental segment on the cathodic segment of a kilometers-long floating bare-tether would emit current as if it were part of a hot cylindrical probe uniformly polarized at the local tether bias, under 2D probe conditions that are also applied to the anodic-segment analysis. In the presence of emission, emitted electrons result in negative space charge, which decreases the electric field that accelerates them outwards, or even reverses it, decelerating electrons near the emitting probe. A double sheath would be established with electrons being emitted from the probe and ions coming from the ambient plasma. The thermionic current density, varying along the cathodic segment, might follow two distinct laws under different con ditions: i) space-charge-limited (SCL) emission or ii) full Richardson-Dushman (RDS) emission. A preliminary study on the SCL current in front of an emissive probe is presented using the orbital-motion-limited (OML) ion-collection sheath and Langmuir’s SCL electron current between cylindrical electrodes. A detailed calculation of current and bias profiles along the entire tether length is carried out with ohmic effects considered and the transition from SCL to full RDS emission is included. Analysis shows that in the simplest drag mode, under typical orbital and tether conditions, thermionic emission provides efficient cathodic contact and leads to a short cathodic section. In the previous analysis, both the transition between SCL and RDS emission and the current law for SCL condition have used a very simple model. To continue, considering an isotropic, unmagnetized, colissionless plasma and a stationary sheath, the probe-plasma contact is studied in detail for a negatively biased probe with thermionic emission. The possible trapped particles are ignored and this study includes both semianalytical solutions using asymptotic analysis and complete numerical solutions. Under conditions of i) high bias, ii) R = Rmax for ion OML collection validity, and iii) monotonic potential, a self-consistent asymptotic analysis is carried out for the complex plasma structure involving all three charge species (plasma electrons and ions, and emitted electrons) and four distinct spatial regions using orbital motion theories and kinetic modeling of the species. Although emitted electrons present negligible space charge far away from the probe, their effect cannot be neglected in the global analysis for the sheath structure and two thin layers in between the sheath and the quasineutral region. The parametric conditions for the current to be space-chargelimited are obtained. It is found that thermionic emission increases the range of probe radius for OML validity and is greatly more effective than ion collection for cathodic contact of tethers. In the numerical code, the orbital motions of all three species are modeled for both monotonic and non-monotonic potential, and for any probe radius R (within or beyond OML regime for ion collection). Taking advantage of two constants of motion (energy and angular momentum), the Poisson-Vlasov equation is described by an integro differential equation, which is discretized using finite difference method. The non-linear algebraic equations are solved using a parallel implementation of the Newton-Raphson method. The results, which show good agreement with the analytical results, provide the results for thermionic current, the sheath structure, and the electrostatic potential.
O objetivo principal deste estudo foi determinar a origem da inibição do processo foto-Fenton [Fe(II)/Fe(III), H2O2, luz UV] pelo íon cloreto. Um estudo das reações primárias da etapa fotocatalítica do processo foto-Fenton por fotólise por pulso de laser na presença de NaCl mostrou que a inibição reflete: i) fotólise competitiva dos complexos Fe(Cl)2+ e Fe(Cl)2+; ii) captura do radical hidroxila (dependente do pH) pelo íon cloreto. Esses dois processos formam o ânion radical menos reativo Cl2•- em lugar do radical HO•-, provocando uma progressiva inibição da reação de degradação com a diminuição do pH. Modelagem cinética destes resultados previa que a manutenção do pH em 3,0 durante a fotodegradação evitaria a formação do Cl2•-, o que foi confirmada através de experimentos de fotodegradação do fenol e da gasolina em meio aquoso na presença de NaCl. Por outro lado, na degradação do fenol pela reação térmica de Fenton [Fe(II)/Fe(III), H2O2], o radical hidroxila não parece ter um papel muito importante. A degradação térmica não foi inibida pela presença de íon cloreto e a cinética de mineralização do fenol pela reação térmica de Fenton é indistinguível da degradação do fenol pelo processo foto-Fenton inibido por NaCl. Isso sugere que a reação proposta por Hamilton, isto é, a redução de Fe(III) a Fe(II) por catecol (o principal intermediário inicial da oxidação do fenol) na presença de H2O2, é o mecanismo principal de catálise da reação térmica de Fenton no nosso sistema.
Cyclooxygenase 2 (COX2), a key regulatory enzyme of the prostaglandin/eicosanoid pathway, is an important target for anti-inflammatory therapy. It is highly induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines in a Nuclear factor kappa B (NFκB)-dependent manner. However, the mechanisms determining the amplitude and dynamics of this important pro-inflammatory event are poorly understood. Furthermore, there is significant difference between human and mouse COX2 expression in response to the inflammatory stimulus tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα). Here, we report the presence of a molecular logic AND gate composed of two NFκB response elements (NREs) which controls the expression of human COX2 in a switch-like manner. Combining quantitative kinetic modeling and thermostatistical analysis followed by experimental validation in iterative cycles, we show that the human COX2 expression machinery regulated by NFκB displays features of a logic AND gate. We propose that this provides a digital, noise-filtering mechanism for a tighter control of expression in response to TNFα, such that a threshold level of NFκB activation is required before the promoter becomes active and initiates transcription. This NFκB-regulated AND gate is absent in the mouse COX2 promoter, most likely contributing to its differential graded response in promoter activity and protein expression to TNFα. Our data suggest that the NFκB-regulated AND gate acts as a novel mechanism for controlling the expression of human COX2 to TNFα, and its absence in the mouse COX2 provides the foundation for further studies on understanding species-specific differential gene regulation.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
A oportunidade de produção de biomassa microalgal tem despertado interesse pelos diversos destinos que a mesma pode ter, seja na produção de bioenergia, como fonte de alimento ou servindo como produto da biofixação de dióxido de carbono. Em geral, a produção em larga escala de cianobactérias e microalgas é feita com acompanhamento através de análises físicoquímicas offline. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi monitorar a concentração celular em fotobiorreator raceway para produção de biomassa microalgal usando técnicas de aquisição digital de dados e controle de processos, pela aquisição de dados inline de iluminância, concentração de biomassa, temperatura e pH. Para tal fim foi necessário construir sensor baseado em software capaz de determinar a concentração de biomassa microalgal a partir de medidas ópticas de intensidade de radiação monocromática espalhada e desenvolver modelo matemático para a produção da biomassa microalgal no microcontrolador, utilizando algoritmo de computação natural no ajuste do modelo. Foi projetado, construído e testado durante cultivos de Spirulina sp. LEB 18, em escala piloto outdoor, um sistema autônomo de registro de informações advindas do cultivo. Foi testado um sensor de concentração de biomassa baseado na medição da radiação passante. Em uma segunda etapa foi concebido, construído e testado um sensor óptico de concentração de biomassa de Spirulina sp. LEB 18 baseado na medição da intensidade da radiação que sofre espalhamento pela suspensão da cianobactéria, em experimento no laboratório, sob condições controladas de luminosidade, temperatura e fluxo de suspensão de biomassa. A partir das medidas de espalhamento da radiação luminosa, foi construído um sistema de inferência neurofuzzy, que serve como um sensor por software da concentração de biomassa em cultivo. Por fim, a partir das concentrações de biomassa de cultivo, ao longo do tempo, foi prospectado o uso da plataforma Arduino na modelagem empírica da cinética de crescimento, usando a Equação de Verhulst. As medidas realizadas no sensor óptico baseado na medida da intensidade da radiação monocromática passante através da suspensão, usado em condições outdoor, apresentaram baixa correlação entre a concentração de biomassa e a radiação, mesmo para concentrações abaixo de 0,6 g/L. Quando da investigação do espalhamento óptico pela suspensão do cultivo, para os ângulos de 45º e 90º a radiação monocromática em 530 nm apresentou um comportamento linear crescente com a concentração, apresentando coeficiente de determinação, nos dois casos, 0,95. Foi possível construir um sensor de concentração de biomassa baseado em software, usando as informações combinadas de intensidade de radiação espalhada nos ângulos de 45º e 135º com coeficiente de determinação de 0,99. É factível realizar simultaneamente a determinação inline de variáveis do processo de cultivo de Spirulina e a modelagem cinética empírica do crescimento do micro-organismo através da equação de Verhulst, em microcontrolador Arduino.
Résumé : En imagerie médicale, il est courant d’associer plusieurs modalités afin de tirer profit des renseignements complémentaires qu’elles fournissent. Par exemple, la tomographie d’émission par positrons (TEP) peut être combinée à l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) pour obtenir à la fois des renseignements sur les processus biologiques et sur l’anatomie du sujet. Le but de ce projet est d’explorer les synergies entre l’IRM et la TEP dans le cadre d’analyses pharmacocinétiques. Plus spécifiquement, d’exploiter la haute résolution spatiale et les renseignements sur la perfusion et la perméabilité vasculaire fournis par l’IRM dynamique avec agent de contraste afin de mieux évaluer ces mêmes paramètres pour un radiotraceur TEP injecté peu de temps après. L’évaluation précise des paramètres de perfusion du radiotraceur devrait permettre de mieux quantifier le métabolisme et de distinguer l’accumulation spécifique et non spécifique. Les travaux ont porté sur deux radiotraceurs de TEP (18F-fluorodésoxyglucose [FDG] et 18F-fluoroéthyle-tyrosine [FET]) ainsi que sur un agent de contraste d’IRM (acide gadopentétique [Gd DTPA]) dans un modèle de glioblastome chez le rat. Les images ont été acquises séquentiellement, en IRM, puis en TEP, et des prélèvements sanguins ont été effectués afin d’obtenir une fonction d’entrée artérielle (AIF) pour chaque molécule. Par la suite, les images obtenues avec chaque modalité ont été recalées et l’analyse pharmacocinétique a été effectuée par régions d’intérêt (ROI) et par voxel. Pour le FDG, un modèle irréversible à 3 compartiments (2 tissus) a été utilisé conformément à la littérature. Pour la FET, il a été déterminé qu’un modèle irréversible à 2 tissus pouvait être appliqué au cerveau et à la tumeur, alors qu’un modèle réversible à 2 tissus convenait aux muscles. La possibilité d’effectuer une conversion d’AIF (sanguine ou dérivée de l’image) entre le Gd DTPA et la FET, ou vice versa, a aussi été étudiée et s’est avérée faisable dans le cas des AIF sanguines obtenues à partir de l’artère caudale, comme c’est le cas pour le FDG. Finalement, l’analyse pharmacocinétique combinée IRM et TEP a relevé un lien entre la perfusion du Gd-DTPA et du FDG, ou de la FET, pour les muscles, mais elle a démontré des disparités importantes dans la tumeur. Ces résultats soulignent la complexité du microenvironnement tumoral (p. ex. coexistence de divers modes de transport pour une même molécule) et les nombreux défis rencontrées lors de sa caractérisation chez le petit animal.
Cure kinetic model is an integral part of composite process simulation, which is used to predict the degree of curing and the amount of the generated heat. The parameters involved in kinetic models are usually determined empirically from isothermal or dynamic differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) data. In this work, DSC and rheological techniques were used to investigate some of the kinetic parameters of cure reactions of carbon/F161 epoxy prepreg and to evaluate the cure cycle used to manufacture polymeric composites for aeronautical applications. As a result, it was observed that the F161 prepreg presents cure kinetic with total order 1.2-1.9. (c) 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
[EN] Many ecologically important chemical transformations in the ocean are controlled by biochemical enzyme reactions in plankton. Nitrogenase regulates the transformation of N2 to ammonium in some cyanobacteria and serves as the entryway for N2 into the ocean biosphere. Nitrate reductase controls the reduction of NO3 to NO2 and hence new production in phytoplankton. The respiratory electron transfer system in all organisms links the carbon oxidation reactions of intermediary metabolism with the reduction of oxygen in respiration. Rubisco controls the fixation of CO2 into organic matter in phytoplankton and thus is the major entry point of carbon into the oceanic biosphere. In addition to these, there are the enzymes that control CO2 production, NH4 excretion and the fluxes of phosphate. Some of these enzymes have been recognized and researched by marine scientists in the last thirty years. However, until recently the kinetic principles of enzyme control have not been exploited to formulate accurate mathematical equations of the controlling physiological expressions. Were such expressions available they would increase our power to predict the rates of chemical transformations in the extracellular environment of microbial populations whether this extracellular environment is culture media or the ocean. Here we formulate from the principles of bisubstrate enzyme kinetics, mathematical expressions for the processes of NO3 reduction, O2 consumption, N2 fixation, total nitrogen uptake.