964 resultados para Karl Madden
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correspondence: card from fritz to karl; returned 4/ 16
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This collection holds papers of members of the Loewenstein family, especially Walter and Karl Loewenstein. Among the papers here are examples of Walter Loewenstein's writing, documentation of life in Rietberg in Westphalia (Germany) during the late 1930s and early 1940s, and correspondence concerning the fate of several family members during this time. Papers relating to Karl Loewenstein focus on his wartime activities. The genealogy of the Brandenstein family is also represented here along with a few papers of other family members. The collection consists of unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, photographs, official and restitution documentation, notebooks and notes, genealogical research, and fliers.
Eight German poems by Karl Seemann in Bad Bentheim
The mid-December 2006 to late January 2007 flood in southern Peninsular Malaysia was the worst flood in a century and was caused by three extreme precipitation episodes. These extreme precipitation events were mainly associated with strong northeasterly winds over the South China Sea. In all cases, the northeasterlies penetrated anomalously far south and followed almost a straight trajectory. The elevated terrain over Sumatra and southern Peninsular Malaysia caused low-level convergence. The strong easterly winds near Java associated with the Rossby wave-type response to Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) inhibited the counter-clockwise turning of the northeasterlies and the formation of the Borneo vortex, which, in turn, enhanced the low-level convergence over the region. The abrupt termination of the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in December 2006 played a secondary role as warmer equatorial Indian Ocean helped in the MJO formation.
The nonlinear response of a spherical shallow water model to an imposed heat source in the presence of realistic zonal mean zonal winds is investigated numerically. The solutions exhibit elongated, meridionally tilted ridges and troughs indicative of a poleward dispersion of wave activity. As the speed of the jets is increased, the equatorial Kelvin wave is unaffected but the global Rossby wave train coalesces to form a compact, amplified quadrupole structure that bears a striking resemblance to the observed upper level structure of the Madden-Julian oscillation. In the presence of strong subtropical westerly jets, the advection of planetary vorticity by the meridional flow and relative vorticity by the zonally averaged background flow conspire to create the distinctive quadrupole configuration of flanking Rossby waves.
Resumen: En 2012 se cumplen 50 años del inicio del Concilio Vaticano II, inaugurado por el Papa Juan XXIII el 11 de octubre de 1962. Es un dato reconocido el importante papel que desarrollaron muchos teólogos a lo largo de los diversos debates conciliares. Entre ellos destaca la figura de K. Rahner. Su principal contribución se dirigió a los asuntos eclesiológicos. Menos conocido es su aporte a los debates que, iniciados en octubre de 1962, conducirían, recién en 1965, a la aprobación de la Constitución Dei Verbum. Luego de una breve introducción, me detengo, en primer lugar, en el informe que Rahner preparó en noviembre de 1962 en contra del Esquema preparatorio, De fontibus revelationis. En un segundo momento, describo otro texto, el llamado “Esquema Rahner – Ratzinger”, elaborado en la misma época, pensado como un texto alternativo al oficial. En tercer lugar, destaco algunas ideas centrales de una conferencia de Rahner de 1963, titulada “Escritura y Tradición”. Finalmente, analizo el número noveno de Dei Verbum que, como se advertirá, muestra que las posiciones bíblico-sistemáticas de Rahner se direccionaban en el sentido de la llamada mayoría conciliar.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula