999 resultados para Juniperus virginiana
Se da a conocer la presencia de Juniperus phoenicea L. en el territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid y se estudia la distribución de las poblaciones más cercanas en territorios vecinos. Se han detectado tres localidades y se aportan inventarios de vegetación realizados en las mismas. Se hacen unas consideraciones sobre su comportamiento ecológico y distribución. Y por último se detallan medidas a tener en cuenta para la gestión de esta especie en la Comunidad de Madrid.
Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation.
Juniperus navicularis Gand. is a dioecious endemic conifer that constitutes the understory of seaside pine forests in Portugal, areas currently threatened by increasing urban expansion. The aim of this study is to assess the conservation status of previously known populations of this species located on its core area of distribution. The study was performed in south-west coast of Portugal. Three populations varying in size and pine density were analyzed. Number of individuals, population density, spatial distribution and individual characteristics of junipers were estimated. Female cone, seed characteristics and seed viability were also evaluated. Results suggest that J. navicularis populations are vulnerable because seminal recruitment is scarce, what may lead to a reduction of genetic variability due solely to vegetative propagation. This vulnerability seems to be strongly determined by climatic constraints toward increasing aridity. Ratio between male and female shrubs did not differ from 1:1 in any population. Deviations from 1:1 between mature and non-mature plants were found in all populations, denoting population ageing. Very low seed viability was observed. A major part of described Juniperus navicularis populations have disappeared through direct habitat loss to urban development, loss of fitness in drier and warmer locations and low seed viability. This study is the first to address J. navicularis conservation, and represents a valuable first step toward this species preservation.
Havupuiden erikoismuotoja on käytetty koristekasveina jo vuosisatoja ympäri maailmaa. Niitä on lisätty pääsääntöisesti pistokkaista ja varttamalla. Suomessa kotimaisten metsäpuidemme erikois-muotoja on kartoitettu ja kerätty kokoelmiin järjestelmällisemmin 1960-luvulta alkaen. Taimisto-viljelijät, puutarhasuunnittelijat ja kotipuutarhurit ovat olleet enenevässä määrin kiinnostuneita näistä kotimaisista kestävistä havukasveista. Yli 90 prosenttia markkinoillamme olevista havukas-veista tuodaan ulkomailta, joten on selvää, että niiden talvenkestävyydessä on ongelmia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kotimaisille erikoismuodoille sopivia lisäysmene-telmiä ja siten edistää kotimaisen havukasvituotannon mahdollisuuksia. Aineistona kokeissa oli kotimaisia erikoismuotoja metsäkuusesta (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) ja kotikatajasta (Juniperus communis L.), tavallisia metsäkuusia sekä kahdeksan ulkomaista havupuutaksonia. Lisäysmene-telmistä tutkittiin varttamista ja pistokaslisäystä ja kokeet suoritettiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen toimipaikoissa Lopen Haapastensyrjässä sekä Punkaharjulla. Varttamiskokeessa vertailtiin koti-maisen kuusen erikoismuotokloonien varttamisen onnistumista. Pistokaskokeissa tutkittiin geno-tyypin, emopuun iän, pistokasoksan sijainnin sekä hormonikäsittelyn vaikutusta havukasvien pis-tokkaiden juurtumiseen. Tavalliset metsäkuuset toimivat kontrolleina. Tutkimus osoitti, että varttaminen onnistui erinomaisesti kaikilla erikoismuotoklooneilla. Ovat-ko vartteet esteettisesti katsottuna koristekäyttöön sopivia, jää vielä seurattavaksi. Pistokaskokeis-sa havaittiin, että juveniilisuus vaikutti pistokkaiden juurtumiseen, mutta iäkkäistäkin puista lisää-minen onnistuu, kunhan genotyyppi on sopiva. Keskimäärin alaoksat juurtuivat paremmin kuin latvuksen yläosista otetut pistokasoksat, mutta vain yhdellä kloonilla ero oli tilastollisesti merkit-sevä. Hormonikäsittely heikensi selvästi kotimaisen kuusen ja katajan pistokkaiden juurtumista, mutta ulkomaisiin havupuulajeihin käsittelyllä ei ollut vaikutusta. Kotimaisen havukasvituotannon pohjaksi pitäisi tehdä kloonivalintaa, jossa koristearvon lisäksi otettaisiin huomioon myös kloonin lisättävyys. Taimien tuottaminen pistokkaista on selvästi edul-lisempaa kuin vartteiden tuottaminen, joskin varte kasvaa myyntikuntoon nopeammin kuin pisto-kastaimi. Pistokastaimi on kuitenkin omajuurinen ja stabiilimpi kasvutavaltaan kuin varte. Tämä korostuu etenkin kääpiömuotoja tuotettaessa.
EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Tree-ring records from foxtail pine (Pinus balfouriana) and western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) growing near tree line in the eastern Sierra Nevada, California, show strong correlations with summer temperature and winter precipitation. Response surfaces portraying tree growth as a function of summer temperature and winter precipitation indicate a strong interaction between these variables in controlling growth. ... Above average growth for both foxtail pine and western juniper from AD 1480 to 1570 can be interpreted as indicating an extended period of warm, moist conditions unequalled during the 20th century.
由于青藏高原的地貌效应,第四纪冰期气候的反复变化应对现今该地区生物的地理分布及其居群遗传结构产生重大影响.本文对这一地区特有分布物种祁连圆柏Juniperus przewalskii Kom.整个分布区内20居群392个个体的trnT-trnF序列变化进行了研究;共发现3种单倍型(haplotype),构成两种地理区域:高原台面上的居群主要固定HapA,而HapA、HapB和HapC在高原边缘居群均有分布.所有居群总的遗传多样性HT=0.511,GST=0.847.在低海拔的高原边缘,Hap A、Hap B和Hap C高频率固定在不同的居群中,表明可能存在多个不同的避难所,居群反复缩小和扩张的瓶颈效应造成了遗传多样性的丢失.而边缘的一个居群含有两种相似单倍型频率则可能是冰期后迁移融合而成或者该居群在冰期经受的瓶颈作用更弱.高原台面东部间断分布的居群只固定Hap A,表明它们可能经历了冰期后共同的回迁过程和由此产生的奠基者效应.我们的研究结果表明祁连圆柏在冰期可能存在多个避难所,瓶颈效应和奠基者效应造成了这些居群现在的遗传多样性分布式样.
Geo-ecological transect studies in the pastures of the upper catchment of the HuangHe (99 degrees 30'-100 degrees 00'E/35 degrees 30'-35 degrees 40'N'; 3,000-4,000 in a.s.l., Qinghai province, China) revealed evidence that pastures replace forests. Plot-based vegetation records and fenced grazing exclosure experiments enabled the identification of grazing indicator plants for the first time. The mapping of vegetation patterns of pastures with isolated juniper and Spruce forests raise questions as to the origin of the grasslands, which arc widely classified as "natural" at present. Soil investigations and charcoal fragments of Juniperus (8,153 +/- 63 uncal BP) and Picea (6,665 +/- 59 uncal BP) provide evidence of the wider presence of forests. As temperatures and rainfall records undoubtedly represent a forest climate, it is assumed that the present pastures have replaced forests. Circumstantial evidence arising from investigations into the environmental history of the Holocene effectively substantiates this theory.
An inventory of isolated tree stands surrounded by desert pastures in Southern Tibet (A.R. Xizang, China) revealed more than 50 sites with vigorous trees of Juniperus convallium Rehder & E.H. Wilson and Juniperus tibetica Kom and additional more than 10 records where juniper trees had been destroyed between 1959-1976. The tree stands are not restricted to any specific habitat, and occur within an area stretching 650 km westwards from the current forest border of Southern Tibet. The trees are religious landmarks of the Tibetan Buddhists. The highest trees were found at an elevation of 4,860 m. Vegetation records, rainfall correlations and temperature data collected by local climate stations and successful reforestation trials since 1999 indicate that forest relicts fragmented through human interference could regenerate if current cattle grazing and deforestation practices are halted. The drought line of Juniperus forests in Southern Tibet is approximately 200-250 mm/a. A first pollen diagram from Lhasa shows forest decline associated with the presence of humans since at least 4,600 yr BP. The currently degraded commons developed in the last 600 yr. To date, no findings of remains of ancient forests in the Central Tibetan Highlands of the Changtang have been reported.
Dimensiosis des galbules et/ou teneur en prodelphinidine des aiguilles permettent trés généralement de déterminer les sous-espéces oxycedrus et macrocarpa, respectivement septentrionale-continentale et méridionale-insulaire, du Genévrier oxyeédre Juniperus oxycedrus L. Parcontre, la sous-espéce nord-africaine rufescens (en montagne) ne parah pas distinguable à ces titres de la sous-espéce type. Mais l’étude biochimique plus approfondie d’une (méta)population languedocienne montre l’existence d’un polymorphisme proanthocyanique indépendant de la taille des galbules. Les deux sous-espéces classiquement reconnues pourraient donc n’étre que les formes extremes, homozygotes pour le caractére chimique considéré, d’un méme génóme spécifique. Si les spécimens littoraux (Corse, Majorque, Maghreb) correspondent bien à la pleine expression (= prodelphinidine forte) de ce polymorphisme, certains échantillons «péri-littoraux» (Baléares et Languedoc) trahissent une introgression (actuelle ou ancienne) ayee appartion d’individus hétérozygotes, aux teneurs intermédiaires: des génes «macrocarpa» sont done bien presents au nord de la Méditerranée, méme si le phénoméne n’est pas morphologiquement décelable, et ne mérite pas d’étre formalisé en termes systématiques.
Se comenta brevemente por su interés ecológico y corológico, la presencia de un ejemplar de Juniperus sabina en el norte de la provincia de Guadalajara.
Tras las observaciones efectuadas durante la sesión de la Amical Internacional de Fitosociogía en la Jura franco-suiza, los autores exponen alganos datos complementarios sobre las comunidades megafórbicas jurasianas con Cicerbita alpina y Adenostyles alliaria y analizan desde un nuevo punto de vista, la comunidad arbustiva de Jun¡perus nana, Pinus uncinata, Sorbus chamaespilus, Laburnum alpinum.., que existen en los pisos subalpino y montano superior del Jura.
A new epiphytic lichen species of dxc genus Rinodina is described. Rinodina mayrhoferi Crespo has bicincta-type spores (POELT & MAYRUOFER, 1979), and grows usually on Juniperus ¡hurifera (lera L., always in continental localities of the Iberian Peninsula.
The authors propose a new phyiosociologic interpretation of Juniperas comniunis subsp. hemisphaerica and Juniperus sabina shrublands in the Djurdjura. They make up two new associations: the Cynosuro balansae-Juniperetun, hemisphaericae and the Daphno oleoidis-Juniperetum sabinae, belonging to the new alliance Lonicero kabylicae-Juniperion hemisphaericae included in the order Querco Cedretalia atlanticae. The ecologic and biogeograpbic value of these communities is analized in a Westem-mediterrancan context as well as their dynamic importance. On this mountain, they correspond to ihe preforested level of cedar forests. For this reason, an attempt to inlerprel Kabylian cedar forests as a whole was made they belong to the new association Senecio perralderlani-Cedretum atlanticae. A diachronic evaluation of changes in native plant communities over a 30 year period is made, in particular as related to the creation of several local structures to protect natural resources.