816 resultados para Judicial psychologists
•Intractable disputes about withholding and withdrawing life-sustaining treatment from adults who lack capacity are rare but challenging. Judicial resolution may be needed in some of these cases. •A central concept for judicial (and clinical) decision making in this area is a patient's “best interests”. Yet what this term means is contested. •There is an emerging Supreme Court jurisprudence that sheds light on when life-sustaining treatment will, or will not, be judged to be in a patient's best interests. •Treatment that is either futile or overly burdensome is not in a patient's best interests. Although courts will consider patient and family wishes, they have generally deferred to the views of medical practitioners about treatment decisions.
It has become commonplace for courts to supervise an offender as part of the sentencing process. Many of them have Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). The focus of this article is how the work of specialist and/or problem solving courts can be informed by the insights of the psychology profession into the best practice in the treatment and management of people with ASPD. It is a legitimate purpose of legal work to consider and improve the well-being of the participants in the legal process. Programs designed specifically to deal with those with ASPD could be incorporated into existing Drug Courts, or implemented separately by courts to aid with reforming offenders with ASPD and in managing the re-entry of offenders into the community as part of their sentence. For the success of this initiative on the part of the court, ASPD will need to be specifically diagnosed and treated. Close co-operation between courts and psychologists is required to improve the effectiveness of court programs to treat people with ASPD and to evaluate their success.
The increasing international political, public and scientific engagement in matters of environmental sustainability and development has produced a rapidly expanding body of environmental law and policy. The advent of international protocols, directives, and multilateral agreements has occurred concomitantly with the harmonisation of widespread environmental regimes of governance and enforcement within numerous domestic settings. This has created an unprecedented need for environmental legal apparatuses to manage, regulate and adjudicate legislation seeking to protect, sustain and develop global natural habitats. The evolving literature in green criminology continues to explore these developments within discourses of power, harm and justice. Such critiques have emphasised the role of dedicated environmental courts to address environmental crimes and injustices. In this article, we examine the important role of specialist courts in responding to environmental crime, with specific reference to the State of Queensland. We offer a critique of existing processes and practices for the adjudication of environmental crime and propose new jurisdictional and procedural approaches for enhancing justice. We conclude that specialist environmental courts endowed with broad civil and criminal jurisdiction are an integral part of an effective response to environmental crime.
This study applies a narrative analysis of the first two judicial decisions on sexual harassment in Japan to test claims of a culture of gender bias in Japanese judicial attitudes towards victims of sexual violence. Although the results do not provide an unambiguous support or rebuttal of gendered justice in Japan, they do reveal some of the dangers of narrative analysis as a basis for making generalizable claims about how law functions in Japanese society.
The ever expanding availability of technology-based mental health services and resources has opened up new areas of psychological practice and research. There are many reasons to embrace this technology movement, whether specialising in providing e-mental health services, conducting research on e-mental health or using technology to assist you in your work in other fields of psychology. e-mental health services not only offer more treatment choices for clients but they provide health professionals with an array of free and comprehensive resources that can help streamline their face-to-face work. This growth in ePsychology (the application of e-mental health by psychologists) also opens up an exciting range of research and teaching possibilities. In this article we cover what ePsychology can offer the early career psychologist.
This Article analyzes the recognition and enforcement of cross-border insolvency judgments from the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia to determine whether the UNCITRAL Model Law’s goal of modified universalism is currently being practiced, and subjects the Model Law to analysis through the lens of international relations theories to elaborate a way forward. We posit that courts could use the express language of the Model Law text to confer recognition and enforcement of foreign insolvency judgments. The adoption of our proposal will reduce costs, maximize recovery for creditors, and ensure predictability for all parties.
The dissertation examines the role of the EU courts in new governance. New governance has raised unprecedented interest in the EU in recent years. This is manifested in a plethora of instruments and actors at various levels that challenge more traditional forms of command-and-control regulation. New governance and political experimentation more generally is thought to sap the ability of the EU judiciary to monitor and review these experiments. The exclusion of the courts is then seen to add to the legitimacy problem of new governance. The starting point of this dissertation is the observation that the marginalised role of the courts is based on theoretical and empirical assumptions which invite scrutiny. The theoretical framework of the dissertation is deliberative democracy and democratic experimentalism. The analysis of deliberative democracy is sustained by an attempt to apply theoretical concepts to three distinctive examples of governance in the EU. These are the EU Sustainable Development Strategy, the European Chemicals Agency, and the Common Implementation Strategy for the Water Framework Directive. The case studies show numerous disincentives and barriers to judicial review. Among these are questions of the role of courts in shaping governance frameworks, the reviewability of science-based measures, the standing of individuals before the courts, and the justiciability of soft law. The dissertation analyses the conditions of judicial review in each governance environment and proposes improvements. From a more theoretical standpoint it could be said that each case study presents a governance regime which builds on legislation that lays out major (guide)lines but leaves details to be filled out at a later stage. Specification of detailed standards takes place through collaborative networks comprising members from national administrations, NGOs, and the Commission. Viewed this way, deliberative problem-solving is needed to bring people together to clarify, elaborate, and revise largely abstract and general norms in order to resolve concrete and specific problems and to make law applicable and enforceable. The dissertation draws attention to the potential of peer review included there and its profound consequences for judicial accountability structures. It is argued that without this kind of ongoing and dynamic peer review of accountability in governance frameworks, judicial review of new governance is difficult and in some cases impossible. This claim has implications for how we understand the concept of soft law, the role of the courts, participation rights, and the legitimacy of governance measures more generally. The experimentalist architecture of judicial decision-making relies upon a wide variety of actors to provide conditions for legitimate and efficient review.
Resumen: La potestad judicial en el principio del constitucionalismo moderno aparece diseñada de modo impreciso y sin función clara. Ella adquiere entidad en el derecho norteamericano cuando la propia jurisprudencia diseña el control de constitucionalidad. Este es resistido por el derecho continental europeo, aunque finalmente aceptado, con otras modalidades, luego de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Con el tiempo ese poder excede el mero control de las leyes, para transformarse a través de sus sentencias en órgano que compite en la creación del derecho con los poderes políticos encargados de la función de gobierno. El autor considera que esa función basada en principios de normas internacionales de discutible vigencia y sin el freno de la consideración, por el nominalismo que la anima, de la existencia de un orden objetivo termina originando un poder incontrolable con riesgo de destrucción social.
Resumen: A partir de la vigencia del nuevo Código Procesal Penal de la Provincia, y la consecuente reforma de la estructura, organización y funciones tanto del fuero penal como los Ministerios Públicos de la acusación y defensa, en este trabajo se describe el organigrama básico de una oficina de gestión judicial, sus diferentes áreas y funciones principales, los aspectos presupuestarios, la infraestructura, el personal y los recursos tecnológicos necesarios para su eficaz desenvolvimiento.
Resumen: Se analiza un caso judicial inédito que involucra a una diócesis, a una parroquia, a un personal municipal y a un municipio de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Un agente municipal es adscripto provisoriamente, por decreto del señor intendente, para desempeñarse en una Cáritas diocesana, y luego este agente pasa a desempeñarse en una Cáritas parroquial de una parroquia perteneciente a esa diócesis, todo lo cual es comunicado y aceptado por el municipio, que es su empleador. Luego de desempeñarse un tiempo en esa Cáritas parroquial, el personal municipal primero intima y después inicia un juicio por despido contra la diócesis alegando una relación laboral no registrada con ésta. El caso lleva a plantear la aplicación del derecho canónico para su resolución. Se explica que la diócesis y las parroquias poseen personería jurídica propia, y que la acción judicial contra la diócesis es improcedente. Se expone en detalle el planteamiento realizado en el juicio por el agente municipal y por la diócesis.
Resumen: La actuación del abogado en el proceso judicial penal contribuye a la tutela del derecho a la defensa, a la intimidad, así como a la búsqueda de la verdad y de la justicia. Se presentan entonces los lineamentos centrales para tener en cuenta en el desempeño del abogado defensor, la importancia de su adecuada elección, considerando sus cualidades, experiencia y un fehaciente conocimiento del derecho canónico. Se recuerda que todo el proceso requiere de razonabilidad y proporcionalidad, en el que la actuación del abogado estará impregnada de las virtudes teologales para su correcto desempeño.
Sumario: 1. El ser de la Comisión Judicial Diocesana. 2. El obrar de la Comisión Judicial Diocesana. 2.1. Tareas encomendadas por los tribunales. 2.2. Tareas asignadas por el obispo diocesano. 2.3. Formación de agentes de pastoral. 2.4. Memoria y balance de la comisión judicial. 3. Algunas recomendaciones. 4. Modelos de formularios
Consultoria Legislativa - Área I - Direito Constitucional, Eleitoral, Municipal, Direito Administrativo, Processo Legislativo e Poder Judiciário.