941 resultados para Job demand-resources model


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Cada vez mais as organizações encetam a dar valor ao funcionamento ótimo do indivíduo, uma vez que acarreta vantagens, tanto para o indivíduo, como para a própria organização. Partindo deste pressuposto, surge o engagement como o conceito em estudo na presente investigação. O objetivo desta investigação, a partir do modelo demandas-recursos laborais (Job Demand-Resources), é analisar as relações entre o empowerment psicológico e o engagement no trabalho, bem como o seu impacto sobre a satisfação no trabalho e no bem-estar dos trabalhadores. Participaram 306 sujeitos empregados de ambos os géneros, com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 72 anos (M = 35.59, DP = 10.66), através de um questionário online. Os resultados indicam que o empowerment psicológico prediz significativamente o engagement, e o engagement prediz positivamente a satisfação profissional e o bemestar positivo no trabalho. Os resultados demonstram ainda, através da realização de uma path analysis que o engagement medeia a relação entre o empowerment psicológico e a satisfação profissional e o bem-estar positivo no trabalho. Constata-se assim a importância do engagement para a melhoria de qualidade de vida no trabalho. Futuras investigações deverão analisar profundamente as relações entre estas variáveis, com diferentes amostras e instituições.


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Le déploiement optimal de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière, qui traduit la mise en œuvre du rôle professionnel, est essentiel à l’accessibilité, à la continuité, à la qualité ainsi qu’à la sécurité des soins, dont ceux dispensés aux enfants et à leur famille. Or, il semble que les infirmières éprouvent certaines difficultés à déployer pleinement leur étendue de pratique, ce qui pourrait également compromettre la satisfaction professionnelle, un enjeu majeur pour la rétention du personnel dans les organisations de soins de santé. Le but de cette étude est de mesurer l’étendue effective de la pratique d’infirmières en pédiatrie, ses déterminants et son influence sur la satisfaction professionnelle. Le cadre de référence, un modèle original développé dans cette thèse, prend appui sur la théorie des caractéristiques de l’emploi (Hackman & Oldham, 1974), le modèle tension-autonomie (Karasek, 1985), la théorie du rôle (Biddle, 1979) et les travaux de D’Amour et al. (2012) portant sur l’étendue de la pratique infirmière. Afin d’atteindre le but de cette étude, le modèle développé met en relation les caractéristiques du travail et les caractéristiques individuelles d’influence potentielle sur le déploiement de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière. Il présuppose également un lien entre l’étendue de la pratique infirmière et la satisfaction professionnelle. Un devis corrélationnel descriptif a été retenu pour cette étude. Une enquête par questionnaire auprès d’infirmières de cinq secteurs d’activités d’un centre hospitalier pédiatrique universitaire du Québec a été réalisée (N=301). Les associations entre les variables ont été examinées en utilisant des analyses bivariées, multivariées et un modèle d’équations structurelles. Les analyses effectuées révèlent une bonne concordance du modèle développé (ratio x²/dl= 1,68; RMSEA = ,049; CFI = ,985). Au total, le modèle explique 32,5 % de la variance de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière et 11,3% de la variance de la satisfaction professionnelle. Les résultats font état d’un déploiement non-optimal de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière (3,21/6; É.T.= ,707). Les variables significativement associées au déploiement de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière sont: la latitude décisionnelle (β = ,319; p <0,01), la surcharge de rôle (β = ,201; p <0,05), l’ambiguïté de rôle (β = ,297; p <0,05), le besoin de croissance individuelle de l’infirmière (β = ,151; p <0,05) et le niveau de formation (β = ,128; p <0,05). Il est également démontré que l’étendue de la pratique infirmière est associée positivement à la satisfaction professionnelle (β = ,118; p <0,01). Une description plus détaillée des résultats de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière en fonction du niveau de formation et du poste occupé met en lumière que les infirmières bachelières ont une étendue de pratique significativement plus élevée (3,35; É.T =,746) que les infirmières collégiales (3,12; É.T =,669). L’occupation d’un poste de clinicienne est aussi associée à une plus grande étendue de pratique infirmière. Précisément, les infirmières qui occupent un poste d’infirmière obtiennent un score de 3,13/6 (É.T =,664) alors que le score des infirmières qui occupent un poste de clinicienne s’élève à 3,48/6 (É.T =,798). Cette étude innove en présentant un modèle de référence qui a le potentiel de générer des connaissances importantes en sciences infirmières en lien avec le déploiement optimal de l’étendue de pratique infirmière. Prenant appui sur ce modèle novateur, les résultats révèlent les caractéristiques du travail sur lesquelles il y a urgence d’agir afin d’accroître le déploiement de l’étendue de la pratique infirmière et par le fait même la satisfaction professionnelle.


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El presente trabajo pretende mostrar algunos avances en el término “engagement”, y como puede ser implementado en las organizaciones, teniendo en cuenta los diferentes factores que intervienen, para que los trabajadores se sientan “engaged” dentro de la organización. Además busca relacionar las diferentes habilidades y tipos de liderazgo que los altos mandos utilizan con sus empleados y como éste afecta la productividad de los trabajadores en las organizaciones. Para esto, se realizó una investigación de las clases de liderazgo y los comportamientos de los altos mandos, que pueden afectar positiva y negativamente el vínculo y sentido de pertenencia que tienen los trabajadores con la empresa en la que trabajan. Considerando importante las habilidades del liderazgo transformacional, para lograr desarrollar algún grado de engagement en los trabajadores, lo cual genera a su vez, un alza en la productividad de sus resultados dentro de la organización.


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The most significant findings of the present phenomenological research were in relation to the disengaging role of laissez-faire leadership and autocratic leadership, as well as the engaging role of human agency and employee voice. This culminated in a crisis-specific adaptation of the job demands-resources model.


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Generic models of job stress, such as the Job Strain Model (JSM), have recently been criticised for focusing on a small number of general work characteristics while ignoring those that are occupation-specific (Sparks & Cooper, 1999). However this criticism is based on limited research that has not examined the relative influence of all three dimensions of the JSM - job demand, job control and social support - and job-specific stressors. The JSM is the most commonly used model underpinning large-scale occupational stress research (Fox, Dwyer, & Ganster, 1993) and is regarded as the most influential model in the research on the psycho-social work environment, stress and disease in recent times (Kristensen, 1995). This thesis addresses the lack of information on the relative influence of the JSM and job-specific stressors by assessing the capacity of an augmented JSM to predict the strain experienced by managers and professional Australian footballers. The augmented JSM consisted of job-specific stressors in addition to the generic components of the model. Managers and professional Australian footballers represent two very different occupational groups. While the day-today roles of a manager include planning, organising, monitoring and controlling (Carroll & Gillen, 1987), the working life of a professional Australian footballer revolves around preparing for and playing football (Shanahan, 1998). It was expected that the large differences in the work undertaken by managers and professional Australian footballers would maximise the opportunities for identifying job-specific stressors and measuring the extent that these vary from one group to the next. The large disparity between managers and professional footballers was also used to assess the cross-occupational versatility of the JSM when it had been augmented by job-specific stressors. This thesis consisted of three major studies. Study One involved a survey of Australian managers, while studies Two and Three focused on professional Australian footballers. The latter group was under-represented in the literature, and as a result of the lack of information on the stressors commonly experienced by this group, an in-depth qualitative study was undertaken in Study Two. The results from Study Two then informed the survey of professional footballers that was conducted in Study Three. Contrary to previous research examining the relative influence of generic and job-specific stressors, the results only provided moderate support for augmenting the JSM with job-specific stressors. Instead of supporting the versatility of the augmented JSM, the overall findings reinforced the broad relevance of the original JSM. Of the four health outcomes measured in Studies One and Three, there was only one - the psychological health of professional Australian footballers - where the proportion of total variance explained by job-specific stressors exceeded 13%. Despite the generally strong performance of the JSM across the two occupational groups, the importance of demand, control and support diminished when examining the less conventional occupation of professional football. The generic model was too narrow to capture the highly specific work characteristics that are important for this occupational group and, as a result, the job-specific stressors explained significantly more of the strain over and above that already provided by the generic model. These findings indicate that when investigating the stressors experienced by conventional occupational groups such as managers, the large amount resources required to identify job-specific stressors are unlikely to be cost-effective. In contrast, the influence of the more situation specific stressors is significantly greater in unconventional occupations and thus the benefits of identifying these non-generic stressors are more likely to outweigh the costs. Studies One and Three identified strong connections between job-specific stressors and important characteristics of the occupation being studied. These connections were consistent with previous research and suggest that before attempting to identify job-specific stressors, researchers need to first become familiar with the nature and context of the occupation. The final issue addressed in this thesis was the role of work and non-work support. The findings indicate that the support provided by supervisors and colleagues was a significant predictor of wellbeing for both managers and professional footballers. In contrast, the level of explained strain accounted for by non-work support was not significant. These results indicate that when developing strategies to protect and enhance employee well-being, particular attention should be given to monitoring and, where necessary, boosting the effectiveness of work-based support. The findings from this thesis have been fed back to the management and sporting communities via conference presentations and peer-reviewed journals (refer pp 220-221). All three studies have been presented at national and international conferences and, overall, were well received by participants. Similarly, the methods, results and major findings arising from Studies One and Two have been critiqued by anonymous reviewers from two international journals. These papers have been accepted for publication in 2001 and 2002 and feedback from the reviewers indicates that the findings represent a significant and unique contribution to the literature. The results of Study Three are currently under review by a sports psychology journal.


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This paper reports on the results of a study aimed at identifying the relative influence of generic and job-specific stressors experienced by a cohort of Australian managers. The results of a regression analysis revealed that both the generic components of the job strain model (JSM) and job-specific stressors were predictive of the strain experienced by participants. However, when looking at the total amount of variance that is explained by the predictor variables, the combined influence of job demand, job control and social support contributed 98 per cent of the explained variance in job satisfaction and 90 per cent of the variance in psychological health. The large amount of variance explained by the JSM suggests that this model provides an accurate account of the work characteristics that contribute to the strain experienced by managers and no augmentation is needed.


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Background: Job engagement represents a critical resource for community-based health care agencies to achieve high levels of effectiveness. However, studies examining the organisational sources of job engagement among health care professionals have generally overlooked those workers based in community settings.
Purpose: This study drew on the demand-control model, in addition to stressors that are more specific to community health services (e.g., unrewarding management practices), to identify conditions that are closely associated with the engagement experienced by a community health workforce. Job satisfaction was also included as a way of assessing how the predictors of job engagement differ from those associated with other job attitudes.
Methodology/Approach: Health and allied health care professionals (n = 516) from two
Australian community health services took part in the current investigation. Responses from the two organisations were pooled and analysed using linear multiple regression.
Findings: The analyses revealed that three working conditions were predictive of both job engagement and job satisfaction (i.e., job control, quantitative demands and unrewarding management practices). There was some evidence of differential effects with cognitive demands being associated with job engagement, but not job satisfaction.
Practice Implications: The results provide important insights into the working conditions that, if addressed, could play key roles in building a more engaged and satisfied community health workforce. Further, working conditions like job control and management practices are amenable to change and thus represent important areas where community health services could enhance the energetic and motivational resources of their employees.


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Water is the driving force in nature. We use water for washing cars, doing laundry, cooking, taking a shower, but also to generate energy and electricity. Therefore water is a necessary product in our daily lives (USGS. Howard Perlman, 2013). The model that we created is based on the urban water demand computer model from the Pacific Institute (California). With this model we will forecast the future urban water use of Emilia Romagna up to the year of 2030. We will analyze the urban water demand in Emilia Romagna that includes the 9 provinces: Bologna, Ferrara, Forli-Cesena, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Ravenna, Reggio Emilia and Rimini. The term urban water refers to the water used in cities and suburbs and in homes in the rural areas. This will include the residential, commercial, institutional and the industrial use. In this research, we will cover the water saving technologies that can help to save water for daily use. We will project what influence these technologies have to the urban water demand, and what it can mean for future urban water demands. The ongoing climate change can reduce the snowpack, and extreme floods or droughts in Italy. The changing climate and development patterns are expected to have a significant impact on water demand in the future. We will do this by conducting different scenario analyses, by combining different population projections, climate influence and water saving technologies. In addition, we will also conduct a sensitivity analyses. The several analyses will show us how future urban water demand is likely respond to changes in water conservation technologies, population, climate, water price and consumption. I hope the research can contribute to the insight of the reader’s thoughts and opinion.


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A path model was developed to examine the impact of context-specific job stressors on the work outcomes of 132 customer service employees. Respondents who reported a moderate and high level of context-specific stressors report a higher level of job demand and work family conflict. Respondents who reported a higher level of job control tend to receive more work-related support and are more satisfied with their job. Surprisingly, respondents who experienced a higher level of work family conflict tend to receive less work-related support. We found that respondents who obtained more work-related support tend to report a higher level of job satisfaction. There was also a positive relationship between positive job satisfaction and a lower level of intention to quit.


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Understanding the antecedents of work-family conflict is important as it allows organisations to effectively engage in work design for professional employees. This study examines the impact of sources of social support as antecedents of work-family conflict. The hypotheses were tests using Partial Least Squares modelling on a sample of 366 professional employees. The path model showed that context-specific stressors impacted positively on job demand, which led to higher levels of work-family conflict. Contrary to our expectation, non-work related social support did not have any statistical relationship with job demand and work-family conflict. In addition, individuals experiencing high job demands were found to obtain more social support from both work and non-work-related sources. Individuals with more work-related social support were less likely to have less work-family conflict. Surprisingly, non-work social support sources had no statistically significant relationship with work-family conflict.


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Work ability describes employees' capability to carry out their work with respect to physical and psychological job demands. This study investigated direct and interactive effects of age, job control, and the use of successful aging strategies called selection, optimization, and compensation (SOC) in predicting work ability. We assessed SOC strategies and job control by using employee self-reports, and we measured employees' work ability using supervisor ratings. Data collected from 173 health-care employees showed that job control was positively associated with work ability. Additionally, we found a three-way interaction effect of age, job control, and use of SOC strategies on work ability. Specifically, the negative relationship between age and work ability was weakest for employees with high job control and high use of SOC strategies. These results suggest that the use of successful aging strategies and enhanced control at work are conducive to maintaining the work ability of aging employees. We discuss theoretical and practical implications regarding the beneficial role of the use of SOC strategies utilized by older employees and enhanced contextual resources at work for aging employees.


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Ensuring adequate water supply to urban areas is a challenging task due to factors such as rapid urban growth, increasing water demand and climate change. In developing a sustainable water supply system, it is important to identify the dominant water demand factors for any given water supply scheme. This paper applies principal components analysis to identify the factors that dominate residential water demand using the Blue Mountains Water Supply System in Australia as a case study. The results show that the influence of community intervention factors (e.g. use of water efficient appliances and rainwater tanks) on water demand are among the most significant. The result also confirmed that the community intervention programmes and water pricing policy together can play a noticeable role in reducing the overall water demand. On the other hand, the influence of rainfall on water demand is found to be very limited, while temperature shows some degree of correlation with water demand. The results of this study would help water authorities to plan for effective water demand management strategies and to develop a water demand forecasting model with appropriate climatic factors to achieve sustainable water resources management. The methodology developed in this paper can be adapted to other water supply systems to identify the influential factors in water demand modelling and to devise an effective demand management strategy.


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Global change in climate and consequent large impacts on regional hydrologic systems have, in recent years, motivated significant research efforts in water resources modeling under climate change. In an integrated future hydrologic scenario, it is likely that water availability and demands will change significantly due to modifications in hydro-climatic variables such as rainfall, reservoir inflows, temperature, net radiation, wind speed and humidity. An integrated regional water resources management model should capture the likely impacts of climate change on water demands and water availability along with uncertainties associated with climate change impacts and with management goals and objectives under non-stationary conditions. Uncertainties in an integrated regional water resources management model, accumulating from various stages of decision making include climate model and scenario uncertainty in the hydro-climatic impact assessment, uncertainty due to conflicting interests of the water users and uncertainty due to inherent variability of the reservoir inflows. This paper presents an integrated regional water resources management modeling approach considering uncertainties at various stages of decision making by an integration of a hydro-climatic variable projection model, a water demand quantification model, a water quantity management model and a water quality control model. Modeling tools of canonical correlation analysis, stochastic dynamic programming and fuzzy optimization are used in an integrated framework, in the approach presented here. The proposed modeling approach is demonstrated with the case study of the Bhadra Reservoir system in Karnataka, India.


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This paper studies the dynamic pricing problem of selling fixed stock of perishable items over a finite horizon, where the decision maker does not have the necessary historic data to estimate the distribution of uncertain demand, but has imprecise information about the quantity demand. We model this uncertainty using fuzzy variables. The dynamic pricing problem based on credibility theory is formulated using three fuzzy programming models, viz.: the fuzzy expected revenue maximization model, a-optimistic revenue maximization model, and credibility maximization model. Fuzzy simulations for functions with fuzzy parameters are given and embedded into a genetic algorithm to design a hybrid intelligent algorithm to solve these three models. Finally, a real-world example is presented to highlight the effectiveness of the developed model and algorithm.


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Drawing from the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model and research on social exchange relationships, this study investigates the impact of three job demands (work overload, interpersonal conflict, and dissatisfaction with the organization’s current situation) on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), the hitherto unexplored mediating role of organizational commitment in the link between job demands and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), as well as how this mediating effect might be moderated by social interaction. Using a multi-source, two-wave research design, surveys were administered to 707 employees and their supervisors in a Mexican-based organization. The hypotheses were tested with hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate a direct negative relationship between interpersonal conflict and OCB, and a mediating effect of organizational commitment for interpersonal conflict and dissatisfaction with the organization’s current situation. Further, social interaction moderates the mediating effect of organizational commitment for each of the three job demands such that the mediating effect is weaker at higher levels of social interaction. The study suggests that organizations aiming to instill OCB among their employees should match the immediate work context surrounding their task execution with an internal environment that promotes informal relationship building.