861 resultados para Intra-organizational network resources


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This study examines the efficiency of search engine advertising strategies employed by firms. The research setting is the online retailing industry, which is characterized by extensive use of Web technologies and high competition for market share and profitability. For Internet retailers, search engines are increasingly serving as an information gateway for many decision-making tasks. In particular, Search engine advertising (SEA) has opened a new marketing channel for retailers to attract new customers and improve their performance. In addition to natural (organic) search marketing strategies, search engine advertisers compete for top advertisement slots provided by search brokers such as Google and Yahoo! through keyword auctions. The rationale being that greater visibility on a search engine during a keyword search will capture customers' interest in a business and its product or service offerings. Search engines account for most online activities today. Compared with the slow growth of traditional marketing channels, online search volumes continue to grow at a steady rate. According to the Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization, spending on search engine marketing by North American firms in 2008 was estimated at $13.5 billion. Despite the significant role SEA plays in Web retailing, scholarly research on the topic is limited. Prior studies in SEA have focused on search engine auction mechanism design. In contrast, research on the business value of SEA has been limited by the lack of empirical data on search advertising practices. Recent advances in search and retail technologies have created datarich environments that enable new research opportunities at the interface of marketing and information technology. This research uses extensive data from Web retailing and Google-based search advertising and evaluates Web retailers' use of resources, search advertising techniques, and other relevant factors that contribute to business performance across different metrics. The methods used include Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), data mining, and multivariate statistics. This research contributes to empirical research by analyzing several Web retail firms in different industry sectors and product categories. One of the key findings is that the dynamics of sponsored search advertising vary between multi-channel and Web-only retailers. While the key performance metrics for multi-channel retailers include measures such as online sales, conversion rate (CR), c1ick-through-rate (CTR), and impressions, the key performance metrics for Web-only retailers focus on organic and sponsored ad ranks. These results provide a useful contribution to our organizational level understanding of search engine advertising strategies, both for multi-channel and Web-only retailers. These results also contribute to current knowledge in technology-driven marketing strategies and provide managers with a better understanding of sponsored search advertising and its impact on various performance metrics in Web retailing.


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Dans la présente recherche, nous nous sommes penchés sur le processus du transfert intra-organisationnel de connaissances au sein d’entreprises multinationales (EM). Partant du triple constat suivant : les connaissances organisationnelles constituent un avantage stratégique (Barney, 1991 ; Bartlett et Ghoshal, 1998), les transferts intra-organisationnels constituent la raison d’être des EM (Gupta et Govindarajan, 2000), lesquelles ont accès à un vaste bassin de connaissances disséminées à travers le monde par le biais de leurs filiales et les mécanismes organisationnels internes sont plus efficaces que ceux du marché (Williamson, 1987 ; Casson, 1976) pour transférer des connaissances entre unités organisationnelles; nous nous sommes intéressés aux facteurs pouvant affecter l’efficacité de ce processus de transfert. Ayant identifié, lors de notre revue des écrits théoriques, une multitude d’approches permettant d’appréhender ce phénomène, nous proposons, dans notre recherche, un modèle théorique intégrant les trois étapes propres au processus de transfert, soit : la détermination des connaissances à transférer, la sélection des mécanismes de transfert appropriés et, finalement, l’évaluation, d’une part, de l’efficacité des transferts et, d’autre part, de l’ensemble des facteurs contextuels ayant un impact sur l’efficacité de ce processus. Sur le plan théorique, cette recherche oppose deux courants dominant ce champ disciplinaire. L’approche stratégique, exprimée par la théorie des ressources, met l’accent sur l’importance prépondérante des facteurs organisationnels internes sur l’efficacité de toute action organisationnelle (Bartlett et Ghoshal, 1998 ; Barney, 1991). Cette approche s’oppose au courant institutionnel, lequel considère plutôt que les choix et les actions organisationnels sont surtout conditionnés par les contraintes de l’environnement externe (Ferner, 1997; Kostova, 1999; Scott, 1991). Les résultats de notre recherche démontrent que, malgré l’existence de contraintes de nature institutionnelle et culturelle, l’efficacité du processus de transfert des connaissances associées à la gestion des ressources humaines relève davantage des conditions organisationnelles internes et, plus particulièrement, de l’implication de la haute direction, du rôle accordé à la fonction RH et de l’alignement entre la stratégie corporative, la stratégie RH et la culture organisationnelle. Sur le plan méthodologique, il s’agit d’une recherche exploratoire qualitative menée auprès de trois EM (2 canadiennes et 1 française) oeuvrant dans les secteurs de la métallurgie et des télécommunications. Les données empiriques proviennent de 17 entrevues approfondies que nous ont accordées, au Canada, en France, en Allemagne et en Suisse des cadres responsables de la gestion des ressources humaines, affectés au siège social des EM en question ou œuvrant au sein de leurs filiales, et de sources documentaires secondaires.


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We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation. The proposed system is completely distributed and automates the mechanisms for adapting the logical network to the offered load. The system is able to manage dynamically a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switched path network in MPLS or GMPLS. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS) which make the decisions of when and how to change a logical path. Despite the lack of a centralised global network view, results show that MAS manages the network resources effectively, reducing the connection blocking probability and, therefore, achieving better utilisation of network resources. We also include details of its architecture and implementation


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El concepto de efectividad en Redes Inter-organizacionales se ha investigado poco a pesar de la gran importancia en el desarrollo y sostenibilidad de la red. Es muy importante entender este concepto ya que cuando hablamos de Red, nos referimos a un grupo de más de tres organizaciones que trabajan juntas para alcanzar un objetivo colectivo que beneficia a cada miembro de la red. Esto nos demuestra la importancia de evaluar y analizar este fenómeno “Red Inter-organizacional” de forma más detallada para poder analizar que estructura, formas de gobierno, relaciones entre los miembros y entre otros factores, influyen en la efectividad y perdurabilidad de la Red Inter-organizacional. Esta investigación se desarrolla con el fin de plantear una aproximación al concepto de medición de la efectividad en Redes Inter-organizacionales. El trabajo se centrara en la recopilación de información y en la investigación documental, la cual se realizará por fases para brindarle al lector una mayor claridad y entendimiento sobre qué es Red, Red Inter-Organizacional, Efectividad. Y para finalizar se estudiara Efectividad en una Red Inter-organizacional.


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Based on the approaches and studies on the subject of organizational strategies aimed at intra-firm aspects, resources and competencies developed by organizations have been identified as the key elements toward assessing and explaining a company¿s performance. Considering such perspective, it has been observed that the development and effective implementation of organizational strategies depend on the skills and knowledge supplied by workers who are motivated or led to contribute with their effort so as to meet the organization¿s goals. Considering this, the purpose of this dissertation is to identify how the competencies of the operational levels of an organization are mobilized to contribute to the shaping and implementation of organizational strategies. This assessment was accomplished by observing the existing relationships between organizational and human resources management processes and processes of short term and long term strategies in a company of the pharmaceutical industry. The analysis of the evidence collected during the observation of this company has shown a strong link between personnel processes and the accomplishment of short term strategic goals, and a weaker link with the establishment of long term strategies. As a rule, the corporation¿s operational levels have little influence on the strategic planning and its implementation, even though the company uses a model of competencies designed to create more effective and measurable relationships between individual competencies and the company¿s performance.


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This dissertation aims at examining empirical evidences obtained in the light of taxonomies and strategies for measuring firms technological capabilities and innovation in the context of developing countries, motivated by the fact that debates and studies directed to innovation has been intensified, for the last thirty years, by the recognition of its vital and growing importance to the technological, economic, competitive and industrial development of firms and countries. Two main tendencies can be identified on this debate. At one side, it¿s the literature related to the developed countries logic, whose companies are, in majority, positioned at the technological frontier, characterized by the domain of innovative advanced capabilities, directed to its sustaining, deepening and renewal. At the other side, there are the perspectives directed to the developing countries reality, where there is a prevalence of companies with deficiency of resources, still in process of accumulating basic and intermediate technological capabilities, with characteristics and technological development trajectories distinct or even reverse from those of developing countries. From this last tradition of studies, the measuring approaches based in C&T indicators and in types and levels of technological capabilities stand out. The first offers a macro level, aggregated perspective, through the analysis of a representative sample of firms, seeking to the generation of internationally comparable data, without addressing the intraorganizational specificities and nuances of the paths of technological accumulation developed by the firms, using, mostly, R&D statistics, patents, individual qualifications, indicators that carry their own limitations. On the other hand, studies that examine types and levels of technological capabilities are scarce, usually directed to a small sample of firms and/or industrial sectors. Therefore, in the light of the focus and potentialities of each of the perspectives, this scenario exposes a lack of studies that examine, in a parallel and complementary way, both types of strategies, seeking to offer more realistic, consistent and concrete information about the technological reality of developing countries. In order to close this gap, this dissertation examines (i) strategies of innovation measurement in the contexts of developing countries based on traditional approaches and C&T indicators, represented by four innovation surveys - ECIB, PINTEC, PAEP and EAI, and, (ii) from the perspective of technological capabilities as an intrinsic resource of the firm, the development of which occurs in a cumulative way and based on learning, presents and extracts generalizations of empirical applications of a metric that identifies types and levels of technological capabilities, through a dynamic and intra-firm perspective. The exam of the empirical evidences of the two approaches showed what each one of the metrics are capable to offer and the way they can contribute to the generation of information that reflect the technological development of specific industrial sectors in developing countries. In spite of the fact that the focus, objective, perspective, inclusion, scope and lens used are substantially distinct, generating, on a side, an aggregated view, and of other, an intra-sector, intra-organizational and specific view, the results suggest that the use of one doesn't implicate discarding or abdicating the other. On the contrary, using both in a complementary way means the generation of more complete, rich and relevant evidences and analysis that offer a realistic notion of the industrial development and contribute in a more direct way to the design of corporate strategies and government policies, including those directed to the macro level aspects just as those more specific and focused, designed to increment and foment firms in-house innovative efforts.


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Data-intensive Grid applications require huge data transfers between grid computing nodes. These computing nodes, where computing jobs are executed, are usually geographically separated. A grid network that employs optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology and optical switches to interconnect computing resources with dynamically provisioned multi-gigabit rate bandwidth lightpath is called a Lambda Grid network. A computing task may be executed on any one of several computing nodes which possesses the necessary resources. In order to reflect the reality in job scheduling, allocation of network resources for data transfer should be taken into consideration. However, few scheduling methods consider the communication contention on Lambda Grids. In this paper, we investigate the joint scheduling problem while considering both optical network and computing resources in a Lambda Grid network. The objective of our work is to maximize the total number of jobs that can be scheduled in a Lambda Grid network. An adaptive routing algorithm is proposed and implemented for accomplishing the communication tasks for every job submitted in the network. Four heuristics (FIFO, ESTF, LJF, RS) are implemented for job scheduling of the computational tasks. Simulation results prove the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed solution.


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Data-intensive Grid applications require huge data transfers between grid computing nodes. These computing nodes, where computing jobs are executed, are usually geographically separated. A grid network that employs optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology and optical switches to interconnect computing resources with dynamically provisioned multi-gigabit rate bandwidth lightpath is called a Lambda Grid network. A computing task may be executed on any one of several computing nodes which possesses the necessary resources. In order to reflect the reality in job scheduling, allocation of network resources for data transfer should be taken into consideration. However, few scheduling methods consider the communication contention on Lambda Grids. In this paper, we investigate the joint scheduling problem while considering both optical network and computing resources in a Lambda Grid network. The objective of our work is to maximize the total number of jobs that can be scheduled in a Lambda Grid network. An adaptive routing algorithm is proposed and implemented for accomplishing the communication tasks for every job submitted in the network. Four heuristics (FIFO, ESTF, LJF, RS) are implemented for job scheduling of the computational tasks. Simulation results prove the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed solution.


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Over the past several years, a number of design approaches in wireless mesh networks have been introduced to support the deployment of wireless mesh networks (WMNs). We introduce a novel wireless mesh architecture that supports authentication and authorisation functionalities, giving the possibility of a seamless WMN integration into the home's organization authentication and authorisation infrastructure. First, we introduce a novel authentication and authorisation mechanism for wireless mesh nodes. The mechanism is designed upon an existing federated access control approach, i.e. the AAI infrastructure that is using just the credentials at the user's home organization in a federation. Second, we demonstrate how authentication and authorisation for end users is implemented by using an existing web-based captive portal approach. Finally, we observe the difference between the two and explain in detail the process flow of authorized access to network resources in wireless mesh networks. The goal of our wireless mesh architecture is to enable easy broadband network access to researchers at remote locations, giving them additional advantage of a secure access to their measurements, irrespective of their location. It also provides an important basis for the real-life deployment of wireless mesh networks for the support of environmental research.


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Intra-session network coding has been shown to offer significant gains in terms of achievable throughput and delay in settings where one source multicasts data to several clients. In this paper, we consider a more general scenario where multiple sources transmit data to sets of clients over a wireline overlay network. We propose a novel framework for efficient rate allocation in networks where intermediate network nodes have the opportunity to combine packets from different sources using randomized network coding. We formulate the problem as the minimization of the average decoding delay in the client population and solve it with a gradient-based stochastic algorithm. Our optimized inter-session network coding solution is evaluated in different network topologies and is compared with basic intra-session network coding solutions. Our results show the benefits of proper coding decisions and effective rate allocation for lowering the decoding delay when the network is used by concurrent multicast sessions.


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Content-Centric Networking (CCN) naturally supports multi-path communication, as it allows the simultaneous use of multiple interfaces (e.g. LTE and WiFi). When multiple sources and multiple clients are considered, the optimal set of distribution trees should be determined in order to optimally use all the available interfaces. This is not a trivial task, as it is a computationally intense procedure that should be done centrally. The need for central coordination can be removed by employing network coding, which also offers improved resiliency to errors and large throughput gains. In this paper, we propose NetCodCCN, a protocol for integrating network coding in CCN. In comparison to previous works proposing to enable network coding in CCN, NetCodCCN permit Interest aggregation and Interest pipelining, which reduce the data retrieval times. The experimental evaluation shows that the proposed protocol leads to significant improvements in terms of content retrieval delay compared to the original CCN. Our results demonstrate that the use of network coding adds robustness to losses and permits to exploit more efficiently the available network resources. The performance gains are verified for content retrieval in various network scenarios.


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Regional tourism organizations (RTOs) plays a central role in planning, coordinating and marketing tourism in many areas, including Queensland, Australia. RTOs rely on interaction with a network of other organizations for their efficient functioning. This paper describes an exploratory case study that develops a method for use of social network analysis techniques to analyse the inter-organizational network in one RTO region in Queensland. Results indicate that differences exist in the structure of inter-organizational links between commercial tourism organizations and planning organizations, between tourism organizations and other sectoral clusters, and between organizations at local, regional and state levels. The results highlight areas or improvement in the role and responsibilities of RTOs in Queensland.


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In wireless sensor networks where nodes are powered by batteries, it is critical to prolong the network lifetime by minimizing the energy consumption of each node. In this paper, the cooperative multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) and data-aggregation techniques are jointly adopted to reduce the energy consumption per bit in wireless sensor networks by reducing the amount of data for transmission and better using network resources through cooperative communication. For this purpose, we derive a new energy model that considers the correlation between data generated by nodes and the distance between them for a cluster-based sensor network by employing the combined techniques. Using this model, the effect of the cluster size on the average energy consumption per node can be analyzed. It is shown that the energy efficiency of the network can significantly be enhanced in cooperative MIMO systems with data aggregation, compared with either cooperative MIMO systems without data aggregation or data-aggregation systems without cooperative MIMO, if sensor nodes are properly clusterized. Both centralized and distributed data-aggregation schemes for the cooperating nodes to exchange and compress their data are also proposed and appraised, which lead to diverse impacts of data correlation on the energy performance of the integrated cooperative MIMO and data-aggregation systems.


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We have limited knowledge on the potential pattern similarities/differences of trust’s role that may exist in information use obtained through intra- and extra-organizational relationships. This study addresses this question by investigating how trust leads to information use. Data from 338 intra-organizational and a sub-ample of 158 interorganizational dyadic information exchange-relationships showed that trust is an important driver of the utilization of market information in both cases. Trust has no direct relationship to information use, instead has a strong indirect effect through a mediator, perceived quality of information. The effects of trust on the use of information obtained through inter- and extra-organizational dyadic relationships proved to be similar.


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Network simulation is an indispensable tool for studying Internet-scale networks due to the heterogeneous structure, immense size and changing properties. It is crucial for network simulators to generate representative traffic, which is necessary for effectively evaluating next-generation network protocols and applications. With network simulation, we can make a distinction between foreground traffic, which is generated by the target applications the researchers intend to study and therefore must be simulated with high fidelity, and background traffic, which represents the network traffic that is generated by other applications and does not require significant accuracy. The background traffic has a significant impact on the foreground traffic, since it competes with the foreground traffic for network resources and therefore can drastically affect the behavior of the applications that produce the foreground traffic. This dissertation aims to provide a solution to meaningfully generate background traffic in three aspects. First is realism. Realistic traffic characterization plays an important role in determining the correct outcome of the simulation studies. This work starts from enhancing an existing fluid background traffic model by removing its two unrealistic assumptions. The improved model can correctly reflect the network conditions in the reverse direction of the data traffic and can reproduce the traffic burstiness observed from measurements. Second is scalability. The trade-off between accuracy and scalability is a constant theme in background traffic modeling. This work presents a fast rate-based TCP (RTCP) traffic model, which originally used analytical models to represent TCP congestion control behavior. This model outperforms other existing traffic models in that it can correctly capture the overall TCP behavior and achieve a speedup of more than two orders of magnitude over the corresponding packet-oriented simulation. Third is network-wide traffic generation. Regardless of how detailed or scalable the models are, they mainly focus on how to generate traffic on one single link, which cannot be extended easily to studies of more complicated network scenarios. This work presents a cluster-based spatio-temporal background traffic generation model that considers spatial and temporal traffic characteristics as well as their correlations. The resulting model can be used effectively for the evaluation work in network studies.