989 resultados para Internal representation


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Die protokollbasierte Medizin stellt einen interdisziplinären Brennpunkt der Informatik dar. Als besonderer Ausschnitt der medizinischen Teilgebiete erlaubt sie die relativ formale Spezifikation von Prozessen in den drei Bereichen der Prävention, Diagnose und Therapie.Letzterer wurde immer besonders fokussiert und gilt seit jeher im Rahmen klinischer Studien als Projektionsfläche für informationstechnologische Konzepte. Die Euphorie der frühen Jahre ernüchtert sich jedoch bei jeder Bilanz. Nur sehr wenige der unzählbaren Projekte haben ihre Routine in der alltäglichen Praxis gefunden. Die meisten Vorhaben sind an der Illusion der vollständigen Berechenbarkeit medizinischer Arbeitsabläufe gescheitert. Die traditionelle Sichtweise der klinischen Praxis beruht auf einer blockorientierten Vorstellung des Therapieausführungsprozesses. Sie entsteht durch seine Zerlegung in einzelne Therapiezweige, welche aus vordefinierten Blöcken zusammengesetzt sind. Diese können sequentiell oder parallel ausgeführt werden und sind selbst zusammengesetzt aus jeweils einer Menge von Elementen,welche die Aktivitäten der untersten Ebene darstellen. Das blockorientierte Aufbaumodell wird ergänzt durch ein regelorientiertes Ablaufmodell. Ein komplexes Regelwerk bestimmt Bedingungen für die zeitlichen und logischen Abhängigkeiten der Blöcke, deren Anordnung durch den Ausführungsprozeß gebildet wird. Die Modellierung der Therapieausführung steht zunächst vor der grundsätzlichen Frage, inwieweit die traditionelle Sichtweise für eine interne Repräsentation geeignet ist. Das übergeordnete Ziel besteht in der Integration der unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Therapiespezifikation. Dazu gehört nicht nur die strukturelle Komponente, sondern vorallem die Ablaufkomponente. Ein geeignetes Regelmodell ist erforderlich, welches den spezifischen Bedürfnissen der Therapieüberwachung gerecht wird. Die zentrale Aufgabe besteht darin, diese unterschiedlichen Ebenen zusammenzuführen. Eine sinnvolle Alternative zur traditionellen Sichtweise liefert das zustandsorientierte Modell des Therapieausführungsprozesses. Das zustandsorientierte Modell beruht auf der Sichtweise, daß der gesamte Therapieausführungsprozeß letztendlich eine lineare Folge von Zuständen beschreibt, wobei jeder Zustandsübergang durch ein Ereignis eingeleitet wird, an bestimmte Bedingungen geknüpft ist und bestimmte Aktionen auslösen kann. Die Parallelität des blockorientierten Modells tritt in den Hintergrund, denn die Menge der durchzuführenden Maßnahmen sind lediglich Eigenschaften der Zustände und keine strukturellen Elemente der Ablaufspezifikation. Zu jedem Zeitpunkt ist genau ein Zustand aktiv, und er repräsentiert eine von endlich vielen klinischen Situationen, mit all ihren spezifischen Aktivitäten und Ausführungsregeln. Die Vorteile des zustandsorientierten Modells liegen in der Integration. Die Grundstruktur verbindet die statische Darstellung der möglichen Phasenanordnungen mit der dynamischen Ausführung aktiver Regeln. Die ursprünglichen Inhalte des blockorientierten Modells werden als gewöhnliche Eigenschaften der Zustände reproduziert und stellen damit nur einen Spezialfall der zustandsbezogenen Sicht dar.Weitere Möglichkeiten für die Anreicherung der Zustände mit zusätzlichen Details sind denkbar wie sinnvoll. Die Grundstruktur bleibt bei jeder Erweiterung jedoch die gleiche. Es ergibt sich ein wiederverwendbares Grundgerüst,ein gemeinsamer Nenner für die Erfüllung der Überwachungsaufgabe.


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An optimizing compiler internal representation fundamentally affects the clarity, efficiency and feasibility of optimization algorithms employed by the compiler. Static Single Assignment (SSA) as a state-of-the-art program representation has great advantages though still can be improved. This dissertation explores the domain of single assignment beyond SSA, and presents two novel program representations: Future Gated Single Assignment (FGSA) and Recursive Future Predicated Form (RFPF). Both FGSA and RFPF embed control flow and data flow information, enabling efficient traversal program information and thus leading to better and simpler optimizations. We introduce future value concept, the designing base of both FGSA and RFPF, which permits a consumer instruction to be encountered before the producer of its source operand(s) in a control flow setting. We show that FGSA is efficiently computable by using a series T1/T2/TR transformation, yielding an expected linear time algorithm for combining together the construction of the pruned single assignment form and live analysis for both reducible and irreducible graphs. As a result, the approach results in an average reduction of 7.7%, with a maximum of 67% in the number of gating functions compared to the pruned SSA form on the SPEC2000 benchmark suite. We present a solid and near optimal framework to perform inverse transformation from single assignment programs. We demonstrate the importance of unrestricted code motion and present RFPF. We develop algorithms which enable instruction movement in acyclic, as well as cyclic regions, and show the ease to perform optimizations such as Partial Redundancy Elimination on RFPF.


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Manuscript 1: “Conceptual Analysis: Externalizing Nursing Knowledge” We use concept analysis to establish that the report tool nurses prepare, carry, reference, amend, and use as a temporary data repository are examples of cognitive artifacts. This tool, integrally woven throughout the work and practice of nurses, is important to cognition and clinical decision-making. Establishing the tool as a cognitive artifact will support new dimensions of study. Such studies can characterize how this report tool supports cognition, internal representation of knowledge and skills, and external representation of knowledge of the nurse. Manuscript 2: “Research Methods: Exploring Cognitive Work” The purpose of this paper is to describe a complex, cross-sectional, multi-method approach to study of personal cognitive artifacts in the clinical environment. The complex data arrays present in these cognitive artifacts warrant the use of multiple methods of data collection. Use of a less robust research design may result in an incomplete understanding of the meaning, value, content, and relationships between personal cognitive artifacts in the clinical environment and the cognitive work of the user. Manuscript 3: “Making the Cognitive Work of Registered Nurses Visible” Purpose: Knowledge representations and structures are created and used by registered nurses to guide patient care. Understanding is limited regarding how these knowledge representations, or cognitive artifacts, contribute to working memory, prioritization, organization, cognition, and decision-making. The purpose of this study was to identify and characterize the role a specific cognitive artifact knowledge representation and structure as it contributed to the cognitive work of the registered nurse. Methods: Data collection was completed, using qualitative research methods, by shadowing and interviewing 25 registered nurses. Data analysis employed triangulation and iterative analytic processes. Results: Nurse cognitive artifacts support recall, data evaluation, decision-making, organization, and prioritization. These cognitive artifacts demonstrated spatial, longitudinal, chronologic, visual, and personal cues to support the cognitive work of nurses. Conclusions: Nurse cognitive artifacts are an important adjunct to the cognitive work of nurses, and directly support patient care. Nurses need to be able to configure their cognitive artifact in ways that are meaningful and support their internal knowledge representations.


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A number of data description languages initially designed as standards for trie WWW are currently being used to implement user interfaces to programs. This is done independently of whether such programs are executed in the same or a different host as trie one running the user interface itself. The advantage of this approach is that it provides a portable, standardized, and easy to use solution for the application programmer, and a familiar behavior for the user, typically well versed in the use of WWW browsers. Among the proposed standard description languages, VRML is a aimed at representing three dimensional scenes including hyperlink capabilities. VRML is already used as an import/export format in many 3-D packages and tools, and has been shown effective in displaying complex objects and scenarios. We propose and describe a Prolog library which allows parsing and checking VRML code, transforming it, and writing it out as VRML again. The library converts such code to an internal representation based on first order terms which can then be arbitrarily manipulated. We also present as an example application the use of this library to implement a novel 3-D visualization for examining and understanding certain aspects of the behavior of CLP(FD) programs.


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En esta Tesis se presentan dos líneas de investigación relacionadas y que contribuyen a las áreas de Interacción Hombre-Tecnología (o Máquina; siglas en inglés: HTI o HMI), lingüística computacional y evaluación de la experiencia del usuario. Las dos líneas en cuestión son el diseño y la evaluación centrada en el usuario de sistemas de Interacción Hombre-Máquina avanzados. En la primera parte de la Tesis (Capítulos 2 a 4) se abordan cuestiones fundamentales del diseño de sistemas HMI avanzados. El Capítulo 2 presenta una panorámica del estado del arte de la investigación en el ámbito de los sistemas conversacionales multimodales, con la que se enmarca el trabajo de investigación presentado en el resto de la Tesis. Los Capítulos 3 y 4 se centran en dos grandes aspectos del diseño de sistemas HMI: un gestor del diálogo generalizado para tratar la Interacción Hombre-Máquina multimodal y sensible al contexto, y el uso de agentes animados personificados (ECAs) para mejorar la robustez del diálogo, respectivamente. El Capítulo 3, sobre gestión del diálogo, aborda el tratamiento de la heterogeneidad de la información proveniente de las modalidades comunicativas y de los sensores externos. En este capítulo se propone, en un nivel de abstracción alto, una arquitectura para la gestión del diálogo con influjos heterogéneos de información, apoyándose en el uso de State Chart XML. En el Capítulo 4 se presenta una contribución a la representación interna de intenciones comunicativas, y su traducción a secuencias de gestos a ejecutar por parte de un ECA, diseñados específicamente para mejorar la robustez en situaciones de diálogo críticas que pueden surgir, por ejemplo, cuando se producen errores de entendimiento en la comunicación entre el usuario humano y la máquina. Se propone, en estas páginas, una extensión del Functional Mark-up Language definido en el marco conceptual SAIBA. Esta extensión permite representar actos comunicativos que realizan intenciones del emisor (la máquina) que no se pretende sean captadas conscientemente por el receptor (el usuario humano), pero con las que se pretende influirle a éste e influir el curso del diálogo. Esto se consigue mediante un objeto llamado Base de Intenciones Comunicativas (en inglés, Communication Intention Base, o CIB). La representación en el CIB de intenciones “no claradas” además de las explícitas permite la construcción de actos comunicativos que realizan simultáneamente varias intenciones comunicativas. En el Capítulo 4 también se describe un sistema experimental para el control remoto (simulado) de un asistente domótico, con autenticación de locutor para dar acceso, y con un ECA en el interfaz de cada una de estas tareas. Se incluye una descripción de las secuencias de comportamiento verbal y no verbal de los ECAs, que fueron diseñados específicamente para determinadas situaciones con objeto de mejorar la robustez del diálogo. Los Capítulos 5 a 7 conforman la parte de la Tesis dedicada a la evaluación. El Capítulo 5 repasa antecedentes relevantes en la literatura de tecnologías de la información en general, y de sistemas de interacción hablada en particular. Los principales antecedentes en el ámbito de la evaluación de la interacción sobre los cuales se ha desarrollado el trabajo presentado en esta Tesis son el Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), la herramienta Subjective Assessment of Speech System Interfaces (SASSI), y la Recomendación P.851 de la ITU-T. En el Capítulo 6 se describen un marco y una metodología de evaluación aplicados a la experiencia del usuario con sistemas HMI multimodales. Se desarrolló con este propósito un novedoso marco de evaluación subjetiva de la calidad de la experiencia del usuario y su relación con la aceptación por parte del mismo de la tecnología HMI (el nombre dado en inglés a este marco es Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework). En este marco se articula una estructura de clases de factores subjetivos relacionados con la satisfacción y aceptación por parte del usuario de la tecnología HMI propuesta. Esta estructura, tal y como se propone en la presente tesis, tiene dos dimensiones ortogonales. Primero se identifican tres grandes clases de parámetros relacionados con la aceptación por parte del usuario: “agradabilidad ” (likeability: aquellos que tienen que ver con la experiencia de uso, sin entrar en valoraciones de utilidad), rechazo (los cuales sólo pueden tener una valencia negativa) y percepción de utilidad. En segundo lugar, este conjunto clases se reproduce para distintos “niveles, o focos, percepción del usuario”. Éstos incluyen, como mínimo, un nivel de valoración global del sistema, niveles correspondientes a las tareas a realizar y objetivos a alcanzar, y un nivel de interfaz (en los casos propuestos en esta tesis, el interfaz es un sistema de diálogo con o sin un ECA). En el Capítulo 7 se presenta una evaluación empírica del sistema descrito en el Capítulo 4. El estudio se apoya en los mencionados antecedentes en la literatura, ampliados con parámetros para el estudio específico de los agentes animados (los ECAs), la auto-evaluación de las emociones de los usuarios, así como determinados factores de rechazo (concretamente, la preocupación por la privacidad y la seguridad). También se evalúa el marco de evaluación subjetiva de la calidad propuesto en el capítulo anterior. Los análisis de factores efectuados revelan una estructura de parámetros muy cercana conceptualmente a la división de clases en utilidad-agradabilidad-rechazo propuesta en dicho marco, resultado que da cierta validez empírica al marco. Análisis basados en regresiones lineales revelan estructuras de dependencias e interrelación entre los parámetros subjetivos y objetivos considerados. El efecto central de mediación, descrito en el Technology Acceptance Model, de la utilidad percibida sobre la relación de dependencia entre la intención de uso y la facilidad de uso percibida, se confirma en el estudio presentado en la presente Tesis. Además, se ha encontrado que esta estructura de relaciones se fortalece, en el estudio concreto presentado en estas páginas, si las variables consideradas se generalizan para cubrir más ampliamente las categorías de agradabilidad y utilidad contempladas en el marco de evaluación subjetiva de calidad. Se ha observado, asimismo, que los factores de rechazo aparecen como un componente propio en los análisis de factores, y además se distinguen por su comportamiento: moderan la relación entre la intención de uso (que es el principal indicador de la aceptación del usuario) y su predictor más fuerte, la utilidad percibida. Se presentan también resultados de menor importancia referentes a los efectos de los ECAs sobre los interfaces de los sistemas de diálogo y sobre los parámetros de percepción y las valoraciones de los usuarios que juegan un papel en conformar su aceptación de la tecnología. A pesar de que se observa un rendimiento de la interacción dialogada ligeramente mejor con ECAs, las opiniones subjetivas son muy similares entre los dos grupos experimentales (uno interactuando con un sistema de diálogo con ECA, y el otro sin ECA). Entre las pequeñas diferencias encontradas entre los dos grupos destacan las siguientes: en el grupo experimental sin ECA (es decir, con interfaz sólo de voz) se observó un efecto más directo de los problemas de diálogo (por ejemplo, errores de reconocimiento) sobre la percepción de robustez, mientras que el grupo con ECA tuvo una respuesta emocional más positiva cuando se producían problemas. Los ECAs parecen generar inicialmente expectativas más elevadas en cuanto a las capacidades del sistema, y los usuarios de este grupo se declaran más seguros de sí mismos en su interacción. Por último, se observan algunos indicios de efectos sociales de los ECAs: la “amigabilidad ” percibida los ECAs estaba correlada con un incremento la preocupación por la seguridad. Asimismo, los usuarios del sistema con ECAs tendían más a culparse a sí mismos, en lugar de culpar al sistema, de los problemas de diálogo que pudieran surgir, mientras que se observó una ligera tendencia opuesta en el caso de los usuarios del sistema con interacción sólo de voz. ABSTRACT This Thesis presents two related lines of research work contributing to the general fields of Human-Technology (or Machine) Interaction (HTI, or HMI), computational linguistics, and user experience evaluation. These two lines are the design and user-focused evaluation of advanced Human-Machine (or Technology) Interaction systems. The first part of the Thesis (Chapters 2 to 4) is centred on advanced HMI system design. Chapter 2 provides a background overview of the state of research in multimodal conversational systems. This sets the stage for the research work presented in the rest of the Thesis. Chapers 3 and 4 focus on two major aspects of HMI design in detail: a generalised dialogue manager for context-aware multimodal HMI, and embodied conversational agents (ECAs, or animated agents) to improve dialogue robustness, respectively. Chapter 3, on dialogue management, deals with how to handle information heterogeneity, both from the communication modalities or from external sensors. A highly abstracted architectural contribution based on State Chart XML is proposed. Chapter 4 presents a contribution for the internal representation of communication intentions and their translation into gestural sequences for an ECA, especially designed to improve robustness in critical dialogue situations such as when miscommunication occurs. We propose an extension of the functionality of Functional Mark-up Language, as envisaged in much of the work in the SAIBA framework. Our extension allows the representation of communication acts that carry intentions that are not for the interlocutor to know of, but which are made to influence him or her as well as the flow of the dialogue itself. This is achieved through a design element we have called the Communication Intention Base. Such r pr s ntation of “non- clar ” int ntions allows th construction of communication acts that carry several communication intentions simultaneously. Also in Chapter 4, an experimental system is described which allows (simulated) remote control to a home automation assistant, with biometric (speaker) authentication to grant access, featuring embodied conversation agents for each of the tasks. The discussion includes a description of the behavioural sequences for the ECAs, which were designed for specific dialogue situations with particular attention given to the objective of improving dialogue robustness. Chapters 5 to 7 form the evaluation part of the Thesis. Chapter 5 reviews evaluation approaches in the literature for information technologies, as well as in particular for speech-based interaction systems, that are useful precedents to the contributions of the present Thesis. The main evaluation precedents on which the work in this Thesis has built are the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the Subjective Assessment of Speech System Interfaces (SASSI) tool, and ITU-T Recommendation P.851. Chapter 6 presents the author’s work in establishing an valuation framework and methodology applied to the users’ experience with multimodal HMI systems. A novel user-acceptance Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework was developed by the author specifically for this purpose. A class structure arises from two orthogonal sets of dimensions. First we identify three broad classes of parameters related with user acceptance: likeability factors (those that have to do with the experience of using the system), rejection factors (which can only have a negative valence) and perception of usefulness. Secondly, the class structure is further broken down into several “user perception levels”; at the very least: an overall system-assessment level, task and goal-related levels, and an interface level (e.g., a dialogue system with or without an ECA). An empirical evaluation of the system described in Chapter 4 is presented in Chapter 7. The study was based on the abovementioned precedents in the literature, expanded with categories covering the inclusion of an ECA, the users’ s lf-assessed emotions, and particular rejection factors (privacy and security concerns). The Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework proposed in the previous chapter was also scrutinised. Factor analyses revealed an item structure very much related conceptually to the usefulness-likeability-rejection class division introduced above, thus giving it some empirical weight. Regression-based analysis revealed structures of dependencies, paths of interrelations, between the subjective and objective parameters considered. The central mediation effect, in the Technology Acceptance Model, of perceived usefulness on the dependency relationship of intention-to-use with perceived ease of use was confirmed in this study. Furthermore, the pattern of relationships was stronger for variables covering more broadly the likeability and usefulness categories in the Subjective Quality Evaluation Framework. Rejection factors were found to have a distinct presence as components in factor analyses, as well as distinct behaviour: they were found to moderate the relationship between intention-to-use (the main measure of user acceptance) and its strongest predictor, perceived usefulness. Insights of secondary importance are also given regarding the effect of ECAs on the interface of spoken dialogue systems and the dimensions of user perception and judgement attitude that may have a role in determining user acceptance of the technology. Despite observing slightly better performance values in the case of the system with the ECA, subjective opinions regarding both systems were, overall, very similar. Minor differences between two experimental groups (one interacting with an ECA, the other only through speech) include a more direct effect of dialogue problems (e.g., non-understandings) on perceived dialogue robustness for the voice-only interface test group, and a more positive emotional response for the ECA test group. Our findings further suggest that the ECA generates higher initial expectations, and users seem slightly more confident in their interaction with the ECA than do those without it. Finally, mild evidence of social effects of ECAs was also found: the perceived friendliness of the ECA increased security concerns, and ECA users may tend to blame themselves rather than the system when dialogue problems are encountered, while the opposite may be true for voice-only users.


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En esta tesis se tratan dos aspectos fundamentales de los sistemas funcionales, de cuyo tratamiento depende, en gran medida, la eficiencia de tales sistemas. En primer lugar, se presentan y evalúan una serie de soluciones al problema de representación interna en los sistemas funcionales, soluciones basadas en la utilización de estructuras lineales para obtener una mejora en el tiempo de ejecución y en la ocupación de la memoria del sistema. En segundo lugar, se presenta un sistema de evaluación multitarea para reducir programas funcionales, basado en la especificación de varios ficheros de salida. En él, las tareas del sistema evalúan, de forma concurrente, las diversas partes del resultado de un programa y se .comunican entre sí en base a mensajes que permiten detectar y resolver, sin necesidad de abortar la ejecución, bucles de dependencias entre tareas. El sistema reacciona ante estas situaciones de error de forma comedida, de modo que este error no afecta al resto de las tareas del sistema. Se plantea también un mecanismo de gestión de memoria, mecanismo que introduce una tarea especial en el sistema, encargada de la gestión de una memoria común a todo él, y satisface las necesidades de memoria de las tareas de forma, transparente al mecanismo de evaluación.---ABSTRACT---Two fundamental aspects of functional systems, of which their efficiency to a large extent depends, are dealt with in this thesis. Firstly, several solutions to the internal representation problem of functional systems are proposed and evaluated. These solutions are based on the use of linear data structures in order to achieve a shorter execution time and smaller memory requirement. Secondly, a new multitask evaluation system for the reduction of functional programs is described; it is based on the specifücation of several output files. In this evaluation system, the task evaluates in the different parts of the program result concurrently. Tasks communicate one another through messages, which make it possible to detect and solve the dependency loops within tasks. The program does not need to be aborted, the sistem reacts to such error situations in a smooth way, no other tasks are affected. A memory management system is also introduced. This management system inserts a special task, that carries-out the management of a common memory and serves all tasks memory requirements in a transparent mode to the evaluation mechanism.


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In many Environmental Information Systems the actual observations arise from a discrete monitoring network which might be rather heterogeneous in both location and types of measurements made. In this paper we describe the architecture and infrastructure for a system, developed as part of the EU FP6 funded INTAMAP project, to provide a service oriented solution that allows the construction of an interoperable, automatic, interpolation system. This system will be based on the Open Geospatial Consortium’s Web Feature Service (WFS) standard. The essence of our approach is to extend the GML3.1 observation feature to include information about the sensor using SensorML, and to further extend this to incorporate observation error characteristics. Our extended WFS will accept observations, and will store them in a database. The observations will be passed to our R-based interpolation server, which will use a range of methods, including a novel sparse, sequential kriging method (only briefly described here) to produce an internal representation of the interpolated field resulting from the observations currently uploaded to the system. The extended WFS will then accept queries, such as ‘What is the probability distribution of the desired variable at a given point’, ‘What is the mean value over a given region’, or ‘What is the probability of exceeding a certain threshold at a given location’. To support information-rich transfer of complex and uncertain predictions we are developing schema to represent probabilistic results in a GML3.1 (object-property) style. The system will also offer more easily accessible Web Map Service and Web Coverage Service interfaces to allow users to access the system at the level of complexity they require for their specific application. Such a system will offer a very valuable contribution to the next generation of Environmental Information Systems in the context of real time mapping for monitoring and security, particularly for systems that employ a service oriented architecture.


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In many models of edge analysis in biological vision, the initial stage is a linear 2nd derivative operation. Such models predict that adding a linear luminance ramp to an edge will have no effect on the edge's appearance, since the ramp has no effect on the 2nd derivative. Our experiments did not support this prediction: adding a negative-going ramp to a positive-going edge (or vice-versa) greatly reduced the perceived blur and contrast of the edge. The effects on a fairly sharp edge were accurately predicted by a nonlinear multi-scale model of edge processing [Georgeson, M. A., May, K. A., Freeman, T. C. A., & Hesse, G. S. (in press). From filters to features: Scale-space analysis of edge and blur coding in human vision. Journal of Vision], in which a half-wave rectifier comes after the 1st derivative filter. But we also found that the ramp affected perceived blur more profoundly when the edge blur was large, and this greater effect was not predicted by the existing model. The model's fit to these data was much improved when the simple half-wave rectifier was replaced by a threshold-like transducer [May, K. A. & Georgeson, M. A. (2007). Blurred edges look faint, and faint edges look sharp: The effect of a gradient threshold in a multi-scale edge coding model. Vision Research, 47, 1705-1720.]. This modified model correctly predicted that the interaction between ramp gradient and edge scale would be much larger for blur perception than for contrast perception. In our model, the ramp narrows an internal representation of the gradient profile, leading to a reduction in perceived blur. This in turn reduces perceived contrast because estimated blur plays a role in the model's estimation of contrast. Interestingly, the model predicts that analogous effects should occur when the width of the window containing the edge is made narrower. This has already been confirmed for blur perception; here, we further support the model by showing a similar effect for contrast perception. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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An intelligent agent, operating in an external world which cannot be fully described in its internal world model, must be able to monitor the success of a previously generated plan and to respond to any errors which may have occurred. The process of error analysis requires the ability to reason in an expert fashion about time and about processes occurring in the world. Reasoning about time is needed to deal with causality. Reasoning about processes is needed since the direct effects of a plan action can be completely specified when the plan is generated, but the indirect effects cannot. For example, the action `open tap' leads with certainty to `tap open', whereas whether there will be a fluid flow and how long it might last is more difficult to predict. The majority of existing planning systems cannot handle these kinds of reasoning, thus limiting their usefulness. This thesis argues that both kinds of reasoning require a complex internal representation of the world. The use of Qualitative Process Theory and an interval-based representation of time are proposed as a representation scheme for such a world model. The planning system which was constructed has been tested on a set of realistic planning scenarios. It is shown that even simple planning problems, such as making a cup of coffee, require extensive reasoning if they are to be carried out successfully. The final Chapter concludes that the planning system described does allow the correct solution of planning problems involving complex side effects, which planners up to now have been unable to solve.


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The effect of variable currents on internal solitary waves is described within the context of a variable coefficient Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation, and the approximate slowly varying, solitary-wave solution of this equation. The general theory which leads to the variable coefficient KdV equation is described; a derivation for the special case when the solitary wave and the current are aligned in the same direction is given in the Appendix. Using further simplifications and approximations, a number of analytical expressions are obtained for the variation in the solitary wave amplitude resulting from variable shear in the basic current or from when the basic current is a depth-independent flow which is a simple representation of a geostrophic current, tidal flow or inertial wave.


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The phase contrast across the crystal thickness induced by the internal field is measured by the digital holographic interferometry just after the congruent lithium niobate crystal is partially poled. The direction of applied external field is antiparallel to that of internal field, and the measured phase contrast varies linearly with the applied external field. A new internal field is obtained by this method and named effective internal field. The distinct discrepancy between effective and equivalent internal fields is observed. The authors attribute this effect to the new macroscopic representation of elastic dipole components of defect complex in the crystal. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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To explore the neural mechanisms related to representation of the manipulation dynamics of objects, we performed whole-brain fMRI while subjects balanced an object in stable and highly unstable states and while they balanced a rigid object and a flexible object in the same unstable state, in all cases without vision. In this way, we varied the extent to which an internal model of the manipulation dynamics was required in the moment-to-moment control of the object's orientation. We hypothesized that activity in primary motor cortex would reflect the amount of muscle activation under each condition. In contrast, we hypothesized that cerebellar activity would be more strongly related to the stability and complexity of the manipulation dynamics because the cerebellum has been implicated in internal model-based control. As hypothesized, the dynamics-related activation of the cerebellum was quite different from that of the primary motor cortex. Changes in cerebellar activity were much greater than would have been predicted from differences in muscle activation when the stability and complexity of the manipulation dynamics were contrasted. On the other hand, the activity of the primary motor cortex more closely resembled the mean motor output necessary to execute the task. We also discovered a small region near the anterior edge of the ipsilateral (right) inferior parietal lobule where activity was modulated with the complexity of the manipulation dynamics. We suggest that this is related to imagining the location and motion of an object with complex manipulation dynamics.


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In an attempt to account for the exceptionally low levels of female representation in Northern Ireland, this paper provides an analysis of the contemporary candidate selection procedures of the region's five main political parties. Drawing on evidence gathered from 29 elite interviews, plus official internal party documents, the study finds that the localised nature of the parties' selection procedures may disadvantage women aspirants. Also important are ‘supply-side’ factors influencing legislative recruitment and female participation rates, namely the strongly embedded social norm of female domestic responsibility, a masculinised political culture and the lack of confidence of potential female candidates.


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This article proposes a critical analysis of recent interpretations made to the history of architecture and urban planning in the Portuguese colonial context in the twentieth century, particularly in the former African territories. More generally, it intends to explore how the internal history produced by specific fields of activity, such as architecture or urbanism, can reinforce the logic of a national and nationalized history. This effect is due partly to the fact that the legitimacy of these fields is largely dependent on the national identification in the context of activities that are internationalized. I will argue that the specific field of activity, while creating this internal discourse, can directly or indirectly produce representations of the nation, its history and its people on a larger scale, penetrating popular culture and influencing a shared common sense. In the case in question, the internal discourse on architectural and urbanistic works, on authors and styles, eventually reinforces an idealized and idyllic image of Portuguese colonialism.