Construcción y validación de un instrumento diagnóstico para la representación cognitiva de la Orientación Psicopedagógica en Galicia. 'Construction and validation of a diagnostic instrument for the cognitive representation of the Guidance in Galicia'.

Autoria(s): Sarmiento Campos, José Antonio; Ocampo Gómez, Camilo Isaac; Cid Sabucedo, Alfonso






Resumen tomado de la publicación. Con el apoyo económico del departamento MIDE de la UNED

Se presenta el proceso de validación de un instrumento de diagnóstico compuesto por dos elementos: ontología de la orientación psicopedagógica y cuestionario para indagar sobre el modelo común de orientación entre los orientadores educativos de Galicia. En el artículo se muestran las especificaciones técnicas del cuestionario, cuyo índice de consistencia interna es de un Alpha de 0,947. Mediante análisis factorial, de conglomerados y ecuaciones estructurales se identifican dos modelos, uno teórico y otro empírico. La gran afinidad entre ambos da cuenta de la validez de constructo del instrumento. Las conclusiones y la prospectiva del trabajo constituyen la parte final del artículo.

The aim of this work claims the validation of an instrument of diagnosis composed by two elements: ontology of the psycho-pedagogical guidance and a questionnaire to investigate the existence of a common model of psycho-pedagogical guidancee among the educational counsellors of Galicia. The ontology has been elaborated on the basis of 22 bibliographical and 5 legislative sources, whereas the questionnaire has been validated with a sample of 105 educational counsellors of public centers of primary and secondary. Along the article there are studied the technical specifications of the question-naire. The internal reliability level (Cronbach's alpha) was 0,947. On the other hand, by means of factor analysis and cluster analysis, several factors are established, as well as its relations, which there form two models, the theoretical and different empirical one. Using structural equations there is verified the adjustment of both models for, finally, to establish the degree of similarity (correlation) between them. The above mentioned contrast concludes in the great affinity between the theoretical model and the empirical model, which realizes of its high construct validity. Finally the conclusions appear, the prospective of the work and of the instrument used.


p. 196-197

1139-7853 - Jose Antonio Sarmiento.pdf


EC R-1656




Revista española de orientación y psicopedagogía. Madrid, 2009, v. 20, n. 2, segundo cuatrimestre ; p. 184-197


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Palavras-Chave #orientación pedagógica #validez #cuestionario #formación del concepto #datos estadísticos

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