995 resultados para Interfaccia, Cervello, Computer, Attività, Cerebrale, Tecnologia, BCI


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Based on the report for the “Project III” unit of the PhD programme on Technology Assessment under the supervision of Prof. António B. Moniz. This report was discussed also at the 2nd Winter School on Technology Assessment held at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Caparica Campus, Portugal on December 2011.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia


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Forming suitable learning groups is one of the factors that determine the efficiency of collaborative learning activities. However, only a few studies were carried out to address this problem in the mobile learning environments. In this paper, we propose a new approach for an automatic, customized, and dynamic group formation in Mobile Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (MCSCL) contexts. The proposed solution is based on the combination of three types of grouping criteria: learner’s personal characteristics, learner’s behaviours, and context information. The instructors can freely select the type, the number, and the weight of grouping criteria, together with other settings such as the number, the size, and the type of learning groups (homogeneous or heterogeneous). Apart from a grouping mechanism, the proposed approach represents a flexible tool to control each learner, and to manage the learning processes from the beginning to the end of collaborative learning activities. In order to evaluate the quality of the implemented group formation algorithm, we compare its Average Intra-cluster Distance (AID) with the one of a random group formation method. The results show a higher effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in forming homogenous and heterogeneous groups compared to the random method.


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La tesi esplora le possibilità di rinnovamento e di riconfigurazione del ruolo del docente di lingua e letteratura italiana e, più in generale, del ruolo stesso della letteratura all'interno dei sistemi educativi, si colloca necessariamente all'intersezione tra diversi settori di studio: ? la didattica della letteratura italiana, una disciplina giovane, i cui inizi si possono far risalire agli anni Sessanta-Settanta del secolo scorso, situata all'incrocio tra linguistica, italianistica e teoria della letteratura, che ha contribuito alla messa a punto di metodi e di strumenti per l'insegnamento della letteratura soprattutto nel contesto scolastico; ? l'informatica umanistica, la disciplina che si occupa dell'interazione tra la tecnologia e il sapere umanistico, sia dal punto di vista dell'utilizzo dei mezzi digitali per la ricerca (la produzione, la ricerca, la rappresentazione e la conservazione delle informazioni), sia da quello del ruolo dei saperi umanistici nella struttura epistemologica e nella storia della digitalizzazione; ? la tecnologia dell'educazione, che a partire dai primi mezzi di comunicazione elettrici e, poi, dall'invenzione del computer, ha sviluppato concetti e metodi per un approccio critico alle tecnologie utilizzate intenzionalmente con finalità didattiche, sia nelle attività di istruzione in aula, sia nelle attività cosiddette a distanza. A contatto con concetti e strumenti elaborati in questi ambiti, quindi, lo studioso di letteratura italiana dovrebbe mettere in discussione concetti e strumenti tipici della propria disciplina, riflettere sul proprio ruolo di ricercatore e di docente nella produzione e distribuzione di contenuti disciplinari per la formazione degli studenti e, infine, individuare strumenti operativi che gli consentano di assumere il controllo sui processi di apprendimento e sul complesso rapporto che essi intrattengono con l'insegnamento.


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Treball de Fi de Carrera sobre la tecnologia .NET de Microsoft. En aquest treball s'ha creat un servei WCF i una petita aplicació de consola per hostatjar-lo. Aquest servei utilitza unes classes de LINQ To SQL per accedir a la base de dades. L'aplicació HotelSpaWPF, creada amb WPF i XAML, consumeix el servei WCF per treballar amb la informació de que es disposa a la base de dades.L'aplicació d'escriptori HotelSpaWPF consta de dues parts, la part corresponent als clients de l'hotel, on podran consultar el serveis, activitats i recursos oferts així com fer peticions, inscripcions o reserves. La part d'administrador permet gestionar tota aquesta informació.


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Sistema de detecció d'incendis mitjançant una xarxa de sensors inalàmbrics que mostregen la temperatura ambient i envien aquestes dades a un PC.


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The EVS4CSCL project starts in the context of a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment (CSCL). Previous UOC projects created a CSCL generic platform (CLPL) to facilitate the development of CSCL applications. A discussion forum (DF) was the first application developed over the framework. This discussion forum was different from other products on the marketplace because of its focus on the learning process. The DF carried out the specification and elaboration phases from the discussion learning process but there was a lack in the consensus phase. The consensus phase in a learning environment is not something to be achieved but tested. Common tests are done by Electronic Voting System (EVS) tools, but consensus test is not an assessment test. We are not evaluating our students by their answers but by their discussion activity. Our educational EVS would be used as a discussion catalyst proposing a discussion about the results after an initial query or it would be used after a discussion period in order to manifest how the discussion changed the students mind (consensus). It should be also used by the teacher as a quick way to know where the student needs some reinforcement. That is important in a distance-learning environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student and it is difficult to detect the learning lacks. In an educational environment, assessment it is a must and the EVS will provide direct assessment by peer usefulness evaluation, teacher marks on every query created and indirect assessment from statistics regarding the user activity.


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Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are becoming more and more popular as an input device for virtual worlds and computer games. Depending on their function, a major drawback is the mental workload associated with their use and there is significant effort and training required to effectively control them. In this paper, we present two studies assessing how mental workload of a P300-based BCI affects participants" reported sense of presence in a virtual environment (VE). In the first study, we employ a BCI exploiting the P300 event-related potential (ERP) that allows control of over 200 items in a virtual apartment. In the second study, the BCI is replaced by a gaze-based selection method coupled with wand navigation. In both studies, overall performance is measured and individual presence scores are assessed by means of a short questionnaire. The results suggest that there is no immediate benefit for visualizing events in the VE triggered by the BCI and that no learning about the layout of the virtual space takes place. In order to alleviate this, we propose that future P300-based BCIs in VR are set up so as require users to make some inference about the virtual space so that they become aware of it,which is likely to lead to higher reported presence.


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A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a new communication channel between the human brain and a computer. Applications of BCI systems comprise the restoration of movements, communication and environmental control. In this study experiments were made that used the BCI system to control or to navigate in virtual environments (VE) just by thoughts. BCI experiments for navigation in VR were conducted so far with synchronous BCI and asynchronous BCI systems. The synchronous BCI analyzes the EEG patterns in a predefined time window and has 2 to 3 degrees of freedom.


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L'interface cerveau-ordinateur (ICO) décode les signaux électriques du cerveau requise par l’électroencéphalographie et transforme ces signaux en commande pour contrôler un appareil ou un logiciel. Un nombre limité de tâches mentales ont été détectés et classifier par différents groupes de recherche. D’autres types de contrôle, par exemple l’exécution d'un mouvement du pied, réel ou imaginaire, peut modifier les ondes cérébrales du cortex moteur. Nous avons utilisé un ICO pour déterminer si nous pouvions faire une classification entre la navigation de type marche avant et arrière, en temps réel et en temps différé, en utilisant différentes méthodes. Dix personnes en bonne santé ont participé à l’expérience sur les ICO dans un tunnel virtuel. L’expérience fut a était divisé en deux séances (48 min chaque). Chaque séance comprenait 320 essais. On a demandé au sujets d’imaginer un déplacement avant ou arrière dans le tunnel virtuel de façon aléatoire d’après une commande écrite sur l'écran. Les essais ont été menés avec feedback. Trois électrodes ont été montées sur le scalp, vis-à-vis du cortex moteur. Durant la 1re séance, la classification des deux taches (navigation avant et arrière) a été réalisée par les méthodes de puissance de bande, de représentation temporel-fréquence, des modèles autorégressifs et des rapports d’asymétrie du rythme β avec classificateurs d’analyse discriminante linéaire et SVM. Les seuils ont été calculés en temps différé pour former des signaux de contrôle qui ont été utilisés en temps réel durant la 2e séance afin d’initier, par les ondes cérébrales de l'utilisateur, le déplacement du tunnel virtuel dans le sens demandé. Après 96 min d'entrainement, la méthode « online biofeedback » de la puissance de bande a atteint une précision de classification moyenne de 76 %, et la classification en temps différé avec les rapports d’asymétrie et puissance de bande, a atteint une précision de classification d’environ 80 %.


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A new control paradigm for Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs) is proposed. BCIs provide a means of communication direct from the brain to a computer that allows individuals with motor disabilities an additional channel of communication and control of their external environment. Traditional BCI control paradigms use motor imagery, frequency rhythm modification or the Event Related Potential (ERP) as a means of extracting a control signal. A new control paradigm for BCIs based on speech imagery is initially proposed. Further to this a unique system for identifying correlations between components of the EEG and target events is proposed and introduced.


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The paper describes the implementation of an offline, low-cost Brain Computer Interface (BCI) alternative to more expensive commercial models. Using inexpensive general purpose clinical EEG acquisition hardware (Truscan32, Deymed Diagnostic) as the base unit, a synchronisation module was constructed to allow the EEG hardware to be operated precisely in time to allow for recording of automatically time stamped EEG signals. The synchronising module allows the EEG recordings to be aligned in stimulus time locked fashion for further processing by the classifier to establish the class of the stimulus, sample by sample. This allows for the acquisition of signals from the subject’s brain for the goal oriented BCI application based on the oddball paradigm. An appropriate graphical user interface (GUI) was constructed and implemented as the method to elicit the required responses (in this case Event Related Potentials or ERPs) from the subject.


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Abstract. Different types of mental activity are utilised as an input in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) systems. One such activity type is based on Event-Related Potentials (ERPs). The characteristics of ERPs are not visible in single-trials, thus averaging over a number of trials is necessary before the signals become usable. An improvement in ERP-based BCI operation and system usability could be obtained if the use of single-trial ERP data was possible. The method of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) can be utilised to separate single-trial recordings of ERP data into components that correspond to ERP characteristics, background electroencephalogram (EEG) activity and other components with non- cerebral origin. Choice of specific components and their use to reconstruct “denoised” single-trial data could improve the signal quality, thus allowing the successful use of single-trial data without the need for averaging. This paper assesses single-trial ERP signals reconstructed using a selection of estimated components from the application of ICA on the raw ERP data. Signal improvement is measured using Contrast-To-Noise measures. It was found that such analysis improves the signal quality in all single-trials.


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Accurate single trial P300 classification lends itself to fast and accurate control of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs). Highly accurate classification of single trial P300 ERPs is achieved by characterizing the EEG via corresponding stationary and time-varying Wackermann parameters. Subsets of maximally discriminating parameters are then selected using the Network Clustering feature selection algorithm and classified with Naive-Bayes and Linear Discriminant Analysis classifiers. Hence the method is assessed on two different data-sets from BCI competitions and is shown to produce accuracies of between approximately 70% and 85%. This is promising for the use of Wackermann parameters as features in the classification of single-trial ERP responses.