911 resultados para Integrity constraints
Pipeline systems play a key role in the petroleum business. These operational systems provide connection between ports and/or oil fields and refineries (upstream), as well as between these and consumer markets (downstream). The purpose of this work is to propose a novel MINLP formulation based on a continuous time representation for the scheduling of multiproduct pipeline systems that must supply multiple consumer markets. Moreover, it also considers that the pipeline operates intermittently and that the pumping costs depend on the booster stations yield rates, which in turn may generate different flow rates. The proposed continuous time representation is compared with a previously developed discrete time representation [Rejowski, R., Jr., & Pinto, J. M. (2004). Efficient MILP formulations and valid cuts for multiproduct pipeline scheduling. Computers and Chemical Engineering, 28, 1511] in terms of solution quality and computational performance. The influence of the number of time intervals that represents the transfer operation is studied and several configurations for the booster stations are tested. Finally, the proposed formulation is applied to a larger case, in which several booster configurations with different numbers of stages are tested. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clock signal distribution in telecommunication commercial systems usually adopts a master-slave architecture, with a precise time basis generator as a master and phase-locked loops (PLLs) as slaves. In the majority of the networks, second-order PLLs are adopted due to their simplicity and stability. Nevertheless, in some applications better transient responses are necessary and, consequently, greater order PLLs need to be used, in spite of the possibility of bifurcations and chaotic attractors. Here a master-slave network with third-order PLLs is analyzed and conditions for the stability of the synchronous state are derived, providing design constraints for the node parameters, in order to guarantee stability and reachability of the synchronous state for the whole network. Numerical simulations are carried out in order to confirm the analytical results. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The increasing adoption of information systems in healthcare has led to a scenario where patient information security is more and more being regarded as a critical issue. Allowing patient information to be in jeopardy may lead to irreparable damage, physically, morally, and socially to the patient, potentially shaking the credibility of the healthcare institution. Medical images play a crucial role in such context, given their importance in diagnosis, treatment, and research. Therefore, it is vital to take measures in order to prevent tampering and determine their provenance. This demands adoption of security mechanisms to assure information integrity and authenticity. There are a number of works done in this field, based on two major approaches: use of metadata and use of watermarking. However, there still are limitations for both approaches that must be properly addressed. This paper presents a new method using cryptographic means to improve trustworthiness of medical images, providing a stronger link between the image and the information on its integrity and authenticity, without compromising image quality to the end user. Use of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine structures is also an advantage for ease of development and deployment.
This paper presents a novel algorithm to successfully achieve viable integrity and authenticity addition and verification of n-frame DICOM medical images using cryptographic mechanisms. The aim of this work is the enhancement of DICOM security measures, especially for multiframe images. Current approaches have limitations that should be properly addressed for improved security. The algorithm proposed in this work uses data encryption to provide integrity and authenticity, along with digital signature. Relevant header data and digital signature are used as inputs to cipher the image. Therefore, one can only retrieve the original data if and only if the images and the inputs are correct. The encryption process itself is a cascading scheme, where a frame is ciphered with data related to the previous frames, generating also additional data on image integrity and authenticity. Decryption is similar to encryption, featuring also the standard security verification of the image. The implementation was done in JAVA, and a performance evaluation was carried out comparing the speed of the algorithm with other existing approaches. The evaluation showed a good performance of the algorithm, which is an encouraging result to use it in a real environment.
The representation of sustainability concerns in industrial forests management plans, in relation to environmental, social and economic aspects, involve a great amount of details when analyzing and understanding the interaction among these aspects to reduce possible future impacts. At the tactical and operational planning levels, methods based on generic assumptions usually provide non-realistic solutions, impairing the decision making process. This study is aimed at improving current operational harvesting planning techniques, through the development of a mixed integer goal programming model. This allows the evaluation of different scenarios, subject to environmental and supply constraints, increase of operational capacity, and the spatial consequences of dispatching harvest crews to certain distances over the evaluation period. As a result, a set of performance indicators was selected to evaluate all optimal solutions provided to different possible scenarios and combinations of these scenarios, and to compare these outcomes with the real results observed by the mill in the study case area. Results showed that it is possible to elaborate a linear programming model that adequately represents harvesting limitations, production aspects and environmental and supply constraints. The comparison involving the evaluated scenarios and the real observed results showed the advantage of using more holistic approaches and that it is possible to improve the quality of the planning recommendations using linear programming techniques.
Nowadays, the rising competition for the use of water and environmental resources with consequent restrictions for farmers should change the paradigm in terms of irrigation concepts, or rather, in order to attain economical efficiency other than to supply water requirement for the crop. Therefore, taking into account the social and economical role of bean activity in Brazil, as well as the risk inherent to crop due to its high sensibility to both deficit and excessive water, the optimization methods regarding to irrigation management have become more interesting and essential. This study intends to present a way to determine the optimal water supply, considering different combinations between desired bean yield and level of risk, bringing as a result a graph with the former associated with the latter, depending on different water depths.
Experimental results obtained from a greenhouse trial with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) plants performed to test model hypotheses regarding the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions and the shape of the transpiration reduction curve in the falling rate phase are presented. According to these hypotheses based on simulations with an upscaled single-root model, the matric flux potential at the onset of limiting hydraulic conditions is as a function of root length density and potential transpiration rate, while the relative transpiration in the falling rate phase equals the relative matric flux potential. Transpiration of bean plants in water stressed pots with four different soils was determined daily by weighing and compared to values obtained from non-stressed pots. This procedure allowed determining the onset of the falling rate phase and corresponding soil hydraulic conditions. At the onset of the falling rate phase, the value of matric flux potential M(I) showed to differ in order of magnitude from the model predicted value for three out of four soils. This difference between model and experiment can be explained by the heterogeneity of the root distribution which is not considered by the model. An empirical factor to deal with this heterogeneity should be included in the model to improve predictions. Comparing the predictions of relative transpiration in the falling rate phase using a linear shape with water content, pressure head or matric flux potential, the matric flux potential based reduction function, in agreement with the hypothesis, showed the best performance, while the pressure head based equation resulted in the highest deviations between observed and predicted values of relative transpiration rates. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background/Aims: It is a challenge to adapt traditional in vitro diffusion experiments to ocular tissue. Thus, the aim of this work was to present experimental evidence on the integrity of the porcine cornea, barrier function and maintenance of electrical properties for 6 h of experiment when the tissue is mounted on an inexpensive and easy-to-use in vitro model for ocular iontophoresis. Methods: A modified Franz diffusion cell containing two ports for the insertion of the electrodes and a receiving compartment that does not need gassing with carbogen was used in the studies. Corneal electron transmission microscopy images were obtained, and diffusion experiments with fluorescent markers were performed to examine the integrity of the barrier function. The preservation of the negatively charged corneal epithelium was verified by the determination of the electro-osmotic flow of a hydrophilic and non-ionized molecule. Results: The diffusion cell was able to maintain the temperature, homogenization, porcine epithelial corneal structure integrity, barrier function and electrical characteristics throughout the 6 h of permeation experiment, without requiring CO(2) gassing when the receiving chamber was filled with 25 m M of HEPES buffer solution. Conclusion: The system described here is inexpensive, easy to handle and reliable as an in vitro model for iontophoretic ocular delivery studies. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Results of two experiments are reported that examined how people respond to rectangular targets of different sizes in simple hitting tasks. If a target moves in a straight line and a person is constrained to move along a linear track oriented perpendicular to the targetrsquos motion, then the length of the target along its direction of motion constrains the temporal accuracy and precision required to make the interception. The dimensions of the target perpendicular to its direction of motion place no constraints on performance in such a task. In contrast, if the person is not constrained to move along a straight track, the targetrsquos dimensions may constrain the spatial as well as the temporal accuracy and precision. The experiments reported here examined how people responded to targets of different vertical extent (height): the task was to strike targets that moved along a straight, horizontal path. In experiment 1 participants were constrained to move along a horizontal linear track to strike targets and so target height did not constrain performance. Target height, length and speed were co-varied. Movement time (MT) was unaffected by target height but was systematically affected by length (briefer movements to smaller targets) and speed (briefer movements to faster targets). Peak movement speed (Vmax) was influenced by all three independent variables: participants struck shorter, narrower and faster targets harder. In experiment 2, participants were constrained to move in a vertical plane normal to the targetrsquos direction of motion. In this task target height constrains the spatial accuracy required to contact the target. Three groups of eight participants struck targets of different height but of constant length and speed, hence constant temporal accuracy demand (different for each group, one group struck stationary targets = no temporal accuracy demand). On average, participants showed little or no systematic response to changes in spatial accuracy demand on any dependent measure (MT, Vmax, spatial variable error). The results are interpreted in relation to previous results on movements aimed at stationary targets in the absence of visual feedback.
The effects of temporal precision constraints and movement amplitude on performance of an interceptive aiming task were examined. Participants were required to strike a moving target object with a 'bat' by moving the bat along a straight path (constrained by a linear slide) perpendicular to the path of the target. Temporal precision constraints were defined in terms of the time period (or window) within which contact with the target was possible. Three time windows were used (approx. 35, 50 and 65 ms) and these were achieved either by manipulating the size of the bat (experiment 1a), the size of the target (experiment 1b) or the speed of the target (experiment 2). In all experiments, movement time (MT) increased in proportion to movement amplitude but was only affected by differences in the temporal precision constraint if this was achieved by variation in the target's speed. In this case the MT was approximately inversely proportional to target speed. Peak movement speed was affected by temporal accuracy constraints in all three experiments: participants reached higher speeds when the temporal precision required was greater. These results are discussed with reference to the speed-accuracy trade-off observed for temporally constrained aiming movements. It is suggested that the MT and speed of interceptive aiming movements may be understood as responses to the spatiotemporal constraints of the task.
Quasar (QSO) absorption spectra provide an extremely useful probe of possible cosmological variation in various physical constants. Comparison of H i 21-cm absorption with corresponding molecular (rotational) absorption spectra allows us to constrain variation in , where α is the fine-structure constant and gp is the proton g-factor. We analyse spectra of two QSOs, PKS 1413+135 and TXS 0218+357, and derive values of at absorption redshifts of and 0.6847 by simultaneous fitting of the H i 21-cm and molecular lines. We find and respectively, indicating an insignificantly smaller y in the past. We compare our results with other constraints from the same two QSOs given recently by Drinkwater et al. and Carilli et al., and with our recent optical constraints, which indicated a smaller α at higher redshifts.
Seven cysteine-rich repeats form the ligand-binding region of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor. Each of these repeats is assumed to bind a calcium ion, which is needed for association of the receptor with its ligands, LDL and beta-VLDL. The effects of metal ions on the folding of the reduced N-terminal cysteine-rich repeat have been examined by using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography to follow the formation of fully oxidized isomers with different disulfide connectivities. in the absence of calcium many of the 15 possible isomers formed on oxidation, whereas in its presence the predominant product at equilibrium had the native disulfide bond connectivities. Other metals were far less effective at directing disulfide bond formation: Mn2+ partly mimicked the action of Ca2+, but Ba2+, Sr2+, and Mg2+ had little effect. This metal-ion specificity was also observed in two-dimensional H-1 NMR spectral studies: only Ca2+ induced the native three-dimensional fold. The two paramagnetic ions, Gd3+ and Mn2+, and Cd2+ did not promote adoption of a well-defined structure, and the two paramagnetic ions did not displace calcium ions. The location of calcium ion binding sites in the repeat was also explored by NMR spectroscopy. The absence of chemical shift changes for the side chain proton resonances of Asp26, Asp36, and Glu37 from pH 3.9 to 6.8 in the presence of calcium ions and their proximal location in the NMR structures implicated these side chains as calcium ligands. Deuterium exchange NMR experiments also revealed a network of hydrogen bonds that stabilizes the putative calcium-binding loop.