857 resultados para Information Technology and Communication
Successful introduction of information technology applications in various operations of hotel management is vital to most service firms. In recent decades, technologies of information, automation, and communication are increasingly recognized as essential components of a hotel company’s strategic plan. In this study, 62 super-deluxe hotels (5 star), deluxe hotels (4 star), and tourist hotels (3 star) in Korea are examined for differences in the impact of information technology services on guest’ satisfaction, guest convenience, and operational efficiency. The findings generally suggest that the impacts of information technology-enhanced services vary according to the category of hotels in Korea. The results of the study are expected to assist managers in the selections and implementation of information technology systems in their hotel.
Availability of health information is rapidly increasing and the expansion and proliferation of health information is inevitable. The Electronic Healthcare Record, Electronic Medical Record and Personal Health Record are at the core of this trend and are required for appropriate and practicable exchange and sharing of health information. However, it is becoming increasingly recognized that it is essential to preserve patient privacy and information security when utilising sensitive information for clinical, management and administrative processes. Furthermore, the usability of emerging healthcare applications is also becoming a growing concern. This paper proposes a novel approach for integrating consideration of information accountability with a perspective from usability engineering that can be applied when developing healthcare information technology applications. A social networking user case in the healthcare information exchange will be presented in the context of our approach.
The current global environment and the general increase in the spread and use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) by companies and consumers, make the use of these technologies as essential to confront the growing competition in the market. Focused on this sector, in this research we analyze the use of electronic commerce, as through websites as through electronic markets, and the use of social networking tools as enablers of business. For this aim, we conducted a comparative analysis between the Andalusian olive oil cooperatives and other legal forms which are present in the sector.
The future power grid will effectively utilize renewable energy resources and distributed generation to respond to energy demand while incorporating information technology and communication infrastructure for their optimum operation. This dissertation contributes to the development of real-time techniques, for wide-area monitoring and secure real-time control and operation of hybrid power systems. ^ To handle the increased level of real-time data exchange, this dissertation develops a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system that is equipped with a state estimation scheme from the real-time data. This system is verified on a specially developed laboratory-based test bed facility, as a hardware and software platform, to emulate the actual scenarios of a real hybrid power system with the highest level of similarities and capabilities to practical utility systems. It includes phasor measurements at hundreds of measurement points on the system. These measurements were obtained from especially developed laboratory based Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) that is utilized in addition to existing commercially based PMU’s. The developed PMU was used in conjunction with the interconnected system along with the commercial PMU’s. The tested studies included a new technique for detecting the partially islanded micro grids in addition to several real-time techniques for synchronization and parameter identifications of hybrid systems. ^ Moreover, due to numerous integration of renewable energy resources through DC microgrids, this dissertation performs several practical cases for improvement of interoperability of such systems. Moreover, increased number of small and dispersed generating stations and their need to connect fast and properly into the AC grids, urged this work to explore the challenges that arise in synchronization of generators to the grid and through introduction of a Dynamic Brake system to improve the process of connecting distributed generators to the power grid.^ Real time operation and control requires data communication security. A research effort in this dissertation was developed based on Trusted Sensing Base (TSB) process for data communication security. The innovative TSB approach improves the security aspect of the power grid as a cyber-physical system. It is based on available GPS synchronization technology and provides protection against confidentiality attacks in critical power system infrastructures. ^
Today's society called information society, grows rapidly and undergoes changes in the sources of information under the Information Technology and Communication ("tics"), in this situation it is necessary to develop tools or reference sources that allow the (to) user (a) the accessibility and use of information. It systematized information on the Meritorious Citizen of the Fatherland and Honor that is Costa Rica, since 1847 to 2008, due to its contribution to culture, science, recreation, among others. The overall objective of this research was to make a work print and digital reference, which will collect each of the biographies and works written by (as) Benefactors (as) of the country and citizens (as) of Honor and to facilitate access to information and strengthen outreach conducted by the Library "Victor Manuel Sanabria Martínez" of the Legislature, through its publications, exhibitions and related activities, to publicize its documentary. The variables used for this investigation were:-sources (primary and secondary), Organization of information - tools in various documentation centers and libraries. This was carried out a questionnaire, which was structured in the Excel program, aimed at (as) directors (as) or officers (as) in different libraries and documentation centers, and visits to selected sites for search and selection information. It is important to spread this final graduation in different public and school libraries in the country, since history and culture rescues national, who gave identity to the Costa Rican people. The systematization made by a thematic CD-ROM, provide accessibility to all (as) the (as) citizens (as) who access the Internet through the website of the Legislative Assembly Library and other state institutions wishing through a hyperlink on your "web", to refer the same.
This article presents a literature review on current issues in the field of library science, related to competence in the management and use of information, information technology and communication, information society and knowledge among others. It further seeks to highlight the importance of users to acquire these skills so they can deal effectively with decision-making, problem solving, conducting investigations and their own training. This is possible if the information and documentation systems as dynamic agents engaged to distribute scientific and technical knowledge.
This section presents information on the delivery ceremony of the official certificate of reaccreditation, by the SINAES, to the career of Diploma, Bachelor (with the following two emphases: Information Management, Information Technology and Communication) and Bachelor of Library and Documentation, held last March 3, 2011. It includes some of the speeches delivered that night, and several photographs illustrating such an important event for both the School of Library and to the university community.
Dietary fi bres (DFs) are essential components of the balanced diet. Even though the adequate level of their consumption can be ensured from several natural (e.g. fruit, vegetables, legumes) and ‘artifi cial’ sources (e.g. functional foods), the consumed levels are below the recommendations. To analyse the Hungarian and Romanian consumers’ knowledge level, their perceptions of the health benefi ts associated with fi bre, as well as the recognition of the potential information sources, a survey questionnaire was conducted with the total of 713 consumers. Results showed that the level of knowledge about DFs was not adequate. Internet was found to be widely used and identifi ed as one of the most appropriate information sources to encourage the consumption of DF. It was a favourable result that three-quarter of the respondents was interested in the topic of healthy food consumption; however, just less than half of them took into consideration the label information during their shopping decisions. To increase the consumption of DF and to support the responsibility and conscious consumer decisions steps must to be done (e.g. education of children, pointing out of the sources). For this purpose, modern information technology and communication channels fi tting to the consumers’ cultural and personal particularities can be utilized.
[ES] Analizamos en este artículo las ideas y opiniones de los educadores de museos sobre las ventajas e inconvenientes de la integración y uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación en los museos y espacios de presentación del patrimonio. Para el desarrollo de la investigación, en la que han participado 45 educadores de museos, se ha utilizado la metodología por encuesta, analizando los aspectos a tener en cuenta en su integración y utilización, así como las ventajas e inconvenientes que aportan en la realidad de los museos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran opiniones favorables a la integración y uso de las mismas en estos contextos de aprendizaje y una actitud positiva hacia las tecnologías por parte de los educadores de museos.
Esta pesquisa analisa os sentidos circulantes nos textos publicados (postagens) por professores e Moderadora no Fórum de discussão online do Programa Conexão Professor, desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro (SEEDUC). Parte de dois modos de objetivação das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC): uma, em que as TIC são apontadas como revolução tecnológica no contexto da sociedade da informação; e outra centrada na recontextualização educacional das TIC. Situa a distribuição de laptops para os professores da rede estadual de ensino no contexto do Programa citado, buscando apreender ambos nos termos do ciclo contínuo de políticas, de Richard Bowe e Stephen Ball. Trata o Fórum de discussão online como locus privilegiado e os textos nele produzidos, entre dezembro de 2008 e julho de 2010, como corpus. Assume como alternativa teórico-metodológica a Análise Crítica do Discurso (ACD), formulada por Norman Fairclough, elegendo como pontos de entrada: o controle interacional, as escolhas lexicais e a modalidade. Investiga, a partir das pistas discursivas detectadas nas postagens, as relações estabelecidas entre a proposta de incorporação das TIC e a totalidade do trabalho docente. Conclui que os sentidos postos em circulação contestam a centralidade atribuída às TIC, apontando a substituição tecnológica como tendência política atual, expressa pelo deslocamento da ênfase na discussão para o fornecimento de materiais prontos, denominados objetos de aprendizagem
Este trabalho de pesquisa tem dois objetivos principais: o primeiro diz respeito a avaliar, em livros didáticos, indicados pelos professores do Estado do Piauí, Teresina, a abordagem proposta neles acerca dos gêneros digitais, tendo em vista a grande disseminação da tecnologia da informação e comunicação nas últimas décadas. Para tanto, propõe-se um acurado levantamento dos livros didáticos, do 6 ao 9 ano, verificando a incidência de gêneros discursivos digitais e não digitais nos diferentes livros analisados. Buscou-se entender os critérios de como são apresentados, bem como o tratamento dado ao gênero, cotejando a forma de abordagem proposta para os gêneros denominados digitais a outros gêneros predominantes na abordagem dos diferentes livros. Das quatro coleções analisadas, percebeu-se uma abordagem mais formalizada não só do ponto de vista da estrutura, mas também do ponto de vista dos recursos linguísticos que compõem os diferentes gêneros não digitais. Em contrapartida, pôde-se verificar uma incidência muito restrita de abordagem dos gêneros digitais. Os resultados nos levam a postular que esses são pouco frequentes nos livros didáticos mais adotados no estado e, quando são apresentados, há uma abordagem voltada somente para a sua estrutura, de forma metalinguística, sem preocupação com o uso social dos recursos utilizados nos gêneros digitais. Tal perspectiva nos levou ao segundo objetivo: propor a apresentação de uma sequência didática, cujo gênero central são os gêneros digitais, atendendo às habilidades e competências 1 e 9 do ENEM Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio. Neste sentido essas competências e habilidades visam a identificar as diferentes linguagens veiculadas na mídia; conhecer e dominar os recursos expressivos como caracterizadores dos sistemas de comunicação e informação, além de reconhecer a função social da linguagem, como também o impacto das ferramentas tecnológicas na vida pessoal e profissional. Estas habilidades e competências usam os dois pilares fundamentais: a função social do gênero e a aplicação do seu uso. A proposta apresentada baseia-se em uma concepção sóciohistórica de língua, considerando a importância de uma conscientização dos cidadãos, jovens em idade escolar, da importância social dos recursos tecnológicos, bem como a necessidade de ampliação do uso em uma sociedade multissemiótica
El texto presenta una experiencia socioconstruccionista que une el trabajo entre estudiantes de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona y de Magisterio de la Universidad del País Vasco. Un trabajo colaborativo entre docentes y estudiantes que conllevó compartir conocimientos y saberes a través del uso de nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (Skype y Blogs). El foco del artículo está situado en las relaciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje propias y singulares de una experiencia concreta, y en lo que se deriva de ello en el desarrollo de identidades de discentes y docentes; en esta línea, surgieron temas vinculados con: las posicionamientos emergentes, los modos de colocarse en los espacios de aprendizaje, las formas de relacionarse con los conocimientos, resistencias y potenciales del uso de nuevas tecnologías, etc. El texto está articulado en dos partes: una primera en la que brevemente se muestra el anclaje teórico que sustentó el trabajo (la investigación narrativa, y el trabajo educativo basado en Leaning by Desing); y una segunda parte que, llevando por título Desayunos Donostia–Barcelona y con una retórica basada en la novela de ficción, presenta experiencias significativas que hablan de los encuentros entre estudiantes y docentes. Dichas experiencias se inscriben dentro de las actividades de los grupos de innovación docente Indaga-t (2010PID-UB/33) y Elkarrikertuz (IT433-10), y es el resultado de trabajos colaborativos entre docentes e investigadores miembros de los mismos.El texto, que parte de la relación entre los grupos de innovación Indaga-t (2010PID-UB/33) y Elkarrikertuz (IT433-10), muestra una experiencia de colaboración que permite a los estudiantes establecer puentes entre diferentes comunidades y entre dos lugares de aprendizaje supuestamente alejados como son las facultades de Bellas Artes y Magisterio. Además nos ha ofrecido la oportunidad de construir experiencias de aprendizaje donde hemos aprendido a trabajar de un modo colaborativo entre docentes y estudiantes.