991 resultados para Industrial surveys.


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This thesis describes the history of robots and explains the reasons for the international differences in robot diffusion, and the differences in the diffusion of various robot applications with reference to the UK. As opposed to most of the literature, diffusion is examined with an integrated and interdisciplinary perspective. Robot technology evolves from the interaction of development, supply and manufacture, adoption, and promotion. activities. Emphasis is given to the analysis of adoption, at present the most important limiting factor of robot advancement in the UK. Technical development is inferred from a comparison of surveys on equipment, and from the topics of ten years of symposia papers. This classification of papers is also used to highlight the international and institutional differences in robot development. Analysis of the growth in robot supply, manufacture, and use is made from statistics compiled. A series of interviews with users and potential users serves to illustrate the factors and implications of the adoption of different robot systems in the UK. Adoption pioneering takes place when several conditions exist: when the technology is compatible with the firm, when its advantages outweigh its disadvantages, and particularly when a climate exists which encourages the managerial involvement and the labour acceptance. The degree of compatibility (technical, methodological, organisational, and economic) and the consequences (profitability, labour impacts, and managerial effects) of different robot systems (transfer, manipulative, processing, and assembly) are determined by various aspects of manufacturing operations (complexity, automation, integration, labour tasks, and working conditions). The climate for adoption pioneering is basically determined by the performance of firms. The firms' policies on capital investment have as decisive a role in determining the profitability of robots as their total labour costs. The performance of the motor car industry and its machine builders explains, more than any other factor, the present state of robot advancement in the UK.


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A kínai-magyar gazdasági kapcsolatoktól mindenki sokat várt eddig, de viszonylag kevés növekedési hatást sikerült elérnie Magyarországnak a dinamikusan felemelkedő kínai gazdaságból. A tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy az ipari parkok, logisztikai bázisok terén mi teheti vonzóvá Magyarországot az EU piacát megcélzó kínai vállalatok számára, illetve milyen gazdasági lehetőségek rejlenek az ipari parkok hálózatában ahhoz, hogy a kínai növekedési dinamika valamennyire érvényesüljön a magyar gazdaságban is. / === / Most of the economic and political actors in Hungary have expected high benefits from the Chinese – Hungarian economic relations, but only moderated growth impact has been imported from the dynamic emerging Chinese economy. The study surveys the potentials of industrial parks and logistic bases whether how much they can add to the attractiveness of Hungary toward the Chinese companies targeting the single market of the EU, and what range of economic opportunities is exploitable in the network of industrial parks for having the Chinese growth dynamics to prevail particularly in the Hungarian economy.


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This dissertation analyzes how marketers define markets in technology-based industries. One of the most important strategic decisions marketers face is determining the optimal market for their products. Market definition is critical in dynamic high technology markets characterized by high levels of market and technological uncertainty. Building on literature from marketing and related disciplines, this research is the first in-depth study of market definition in industrial markets. Using a national, probability sample stratified by firm size, 1,000 marketing executives in nine industries (automation, biotechnology, computers, medical equipment and instrumentation, pharmaceuticals, photonics, software, subassemblies and components, and telecommunications) were surveyed via a mail questionnaire. A 20.8% net response rate yielding 203 surveys was achieved. The market structure-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm from industrial organization provided a conceptual basis for testing a causal market definition model via LISREL. A latent exogenous variable (competitive intensity) and four latent endogenous variables (marketing orientation, technological orientation, market definition criteria, and market definition success) were used to develop and test hypothesized relationships among constructs. Research questions relating to market redefinition, market definition characteristics, and internal (within the firm) and external (competitive) market definition were also investigated. Market definition success was found to be positively associated with a marketing orientation and the use of market definition criteria. Technological orientation was not significantly related to market definition success. Customer needs were the key market definition characteristic to high-tech firms (technology, competition, customer groups, and products were also important). Market redefinition based on changing customer needs was the most effective of seven strategies tested. A majority of firms regularly defined their market at the corporate and product-line level within the firm. From a competitive perspective, industry, industry sector, and product-market definitions were used most frequently.


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Objectionable odors remain at the top of air pollution complaints in urban areas such as Broward County that is subject to increasing residential and industrial developments. The odor complaints in Broward County escalated by 150 percent for the 2001 to 2004 period although the population increased by only 6 percent. It is estimated that in 2010 the population will increase to 2.5 million. Relying solely on enforcing the local odor ordinance is evidently not sufficient to manage the escalating odor complaint trends. An alternate approach similar to odor management plans (OMPs) that are successful in managing major malodor sources such as animal farms is required. ^ This study aims to develop and determine the feasibility of implementing a comprehensive odor management plan (COMP) for the entire Broward County. Unlike existing OMPs for single sources where the receptors (i.e. the complainants) are located beyond the boundary of the source, the COMP addresses a complex model of multiple sources and receptors coexisting within the boundary of the entire county. Each receptor is potentially subjected to malodor emissions from multiple sources within the county. Also, the quantity and quality of the source/receptor variables are continuously changing. ^ The results of this study show that it is feasible to develop a COMP that adopts a systematic procedure to: (1) Generate maps of existing odor complaint areas and malodor sources, (2) Identify potential odor sources (target sources) responsible for existing odor complaints, (3) Identify possible odor control strategies for target sources, (4) Determine the criteria for implementing odor control strategies, (5) Develop an odor complaint response protocol, and (6) Conduct odor impact analyses for new sources to prevent future odor related issues. Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to identify existing complaint areas. A COMP software that incorporates existing United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air dispersion software is developed to determine the target sources, predict the likelihood of new complaints, and conduct odor impact analysis. The odor response protocol requires pre-planning field investigations and conducting surveys to optimize the local agency available resources while protecting the citizen's welfare, as required by the Clean Air Act. ^


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Time use surveys -despite having represented a turning point in the study of inequalities between women and men- continue hiding care times and subtracting relevance to the qualitative dimensions of time. This due both, to the ideological conception that lies behind this type of studies that consider more relevant market process as to surveys methodology. This article analyzes the theoretical model that lies behind time use surveys and, consequently, the study of the conceptual aspects, the methodology and the potential of these surveys as an analytical instrument. The aim is to unraveling the limitations presented by the surveys to take in account the subjective dimensions of time related to the wellbeing of  people.


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En el Ecuador, a partir del año 2010, por resolución de la Superintendencia de Compañías, las compañías que se encuentran reguladas por este organismo, deben aplicar de manera obligatoria las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF), cuyo objetivo fundamental es que los Estados Financieros reflejen la realidad de la compañía y puedan ser comparables a nivel mundial, permitiendo una mayor competitividad y mejor toma de decisiones. La exención de la NIIF 1 permite optar en la fecha de transición a las NIIF por la medición de una partida de propiedad, planta y equipo por su Valor Razonable, y utilizar este valor como Costo Atribuido lo que implica contablemente un incremento en el valor tanto del activo como del patrimonio así como el reconocimiento de impuestos diferidos. Las NIIF no están diseñadas para realizar reportes impositivos por lo que la revaluación en los elementos de propiedad, planta y equipo generó implicaciones tributarias en la determinación del Impuesto a la Renta sobre todo en el sector industrial porque las compañías que pertenecen a este sector tienen en sus activos un valor significativo en propiedad, planta y equipo. El presente trabajo de investigación se lo realizó a través de un estudio de caso a una de las compañías objeto de estudio así como también a través de la aplicación de encuestas a las compañías que pertenecen al sector industrial del Cantón Cuenca y del análisis de la información que consta en la página de la Superintendencia de Compañías de dichas compañías.


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