990 resultados para Industrial sites


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Australian construction and building workers are exposed to serious workplace risks - including injury, illness and death - and although there have been improvements in occupational health and safety (OHS) performance over the past 20 years, the injury and fatality rate in the Australian construction industry remains a matter of concern. The concept of safety culture is rapidly being adopted in the industry, including recognising the critical role that organisational leaders play in overall safety performance. This paper reviews recent research in construction safety leadership and provides some examples and applications relevant to risk reduction in the workforce. By focusing on developing safety competency in those that fulfil safety critical roles, and clearly articulating the relevant safety management tasks, leaders can positively influence the organisation’s safety culture. Finally, some promising research on Safety Effectiveness Indicators (SEIs) may be an industry-friendly solution to reducing workplace risks across the industry, by providing a credible, accurate, and timely measure of safety performance.


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The scarcity of large parcels of land in well-serviced areas is one motivator for redeveloping industrial or commercial property that is abandoned or underused and often environmentally contaminated – so-called brownfield land. Poor industrial waste disposal practices caused by industrial activities including gas works, factories, railway land and waste tips have contributed to many instances of contaminated land identified as brownfield sites. It is estimated there are between 10,000 and 160,000 brownfield sites in Australia, with Queensland accounting for around 4000 of these.


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Management of the industrial nations' hazardous waste is a current and exponentially increasing, global threatening situation. Improved environmental information must be obtained and managed concerning the current status, temporal dynamics and potential future status of these critical sites. To test the application of spatial environmental techniques to the problem of hazardous waste sites, as Superfund (CERCLA) test site was chosen in an industrial/urban valley experiencing severe TCE, PCE, and CTC ground water contamination. A paradigm is presented for investigating spatial/environmental tools available for the mapping, monitoring and modelling of the environment and its toxic contaminated plumes. This model incorporates a range of technical issues concerning the collection of data as augmented by remotely sensed tools, the format and storage of data utilizing geographic information systems, and the analysis and modelling of environment through the use of advance GIS analysis algorithms and geophysic models of hydrologic transport including statistical surface generation. This spatial based approach is evaluated against the current government/industry standards of operations. Advantages and lessons learned of the spatial approach are discussed.


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European accounts from the 17th century onwards have referred to the repute and manufacture of “wootz’, a traditional crucible steel made especially in parts of southern India in the former provinces of Golconda, Mysore and Salem. Pliny's Natural History mentions the import of iron and steel from the Seres which have been thought to refer to the ancient southern Indian kingdom of the Cheras. As yet the scale of excavations and surface surveys is too limited to link the literary accounts to archaeometallurgical evidence, although pioneering exploratory investigations have been made by scholars, especially on the pre-industrial production sites of Konasamudram and Gatihosahalli discussed in 18th-19th century European accounts. In 1991–2 during preliminary surveys of ancient base metal mining sites, Srinivasan came across unreported dumps with crucible fragments at Mel-Siruvalur in Tamil Nadu, and Tintini and Machnur in Karnataka and she collected surface specimens from these sites as well as from the known site of Gatihosahalli. She was also given crucible fragments by the Tamil University, Tanjavur, from an excavated megalithic site at Kodumanal, dated to ca 2nd c. Bc, mentioned in Tamil Sangam literature (ca 3rd c. BC-3rd c. AD), and very near Karur, the ancient capital of the Sangam Cheras. Analyses of crucible fragments from the surface collection at Mel-Siruvalur showed several iron prills with a uniform pearlitic structure of high-carbon hypereutectoid steel (∼1–1.5% C) suggesting that the end product was uniformly a high-carbon steel of a structure consistent with those of high-carbon steels used successfully to experimentally replicate the watered steel patterns on ‘Damascus’ swords. Investigations indicate that the process was of carburisation of molten low carbon iron (m.p. 1400° C) in crucibles packed with carbonaceous matter. The fabric of crucibles from all the above mentioned sites appears similar. Preliminary investigations on these crucibles are thus reported to establish their relationship to crucible production of carbon steel and to thereby extend the known horizons of this technology further.


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Studies by the Freshwater Biological Association over the last 25 years have supplied data relevant to the levels of acidity in local soils and water before the onset of industrial pollution and current interest in acid rain. This article reviews published analysis from cores of lake sediments, in or near the catchment of the River Duddon. Electron spin resonance spectra of humic acids and iodine values confirm evidence from pollen analysis for a history of progressive acidification of the source material of lake sediments since before 5000 radiocarbon years, in upland catchments of the Lake District. Processes involved included: removal of basic ions from soils by rainfall, the effects of which were intensified by removal by man of deciduous forest; acidification of soils and waters by decomposition products of Calluna and further acidification of waters by Sphagnum species which colonized habitats where drainage became impeded by paludification processes.


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A colaboração de usuários em sites jornalísticos é um fenômeno crescente. Cada vez mais, a evolução tecnológica abre espaço para uma maior participação dos usuários no processo de construção da narrativa noticiosa. Nesse contexto, um olhar do design sobre os modelos colaborativos dos sites jornalísticos fornece subsídios para o entendimento deste fenômeno e para o aprofundamento em cada uma das etapas que compõe o processo colaborativo. Dessa forma, essa dissertação apresenta a análise teórica e prática dessas diferentes etapas, bem como das soluções de design aplicáveis aos modelos colaborativos, de maneira a estabelecer conceitos e diretrizes para a construção de modelos que otimizem o aproveitamento do conteúdo enviado por usuários e sua relação com o conteúdo editorial dos sites noticiosos.


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The surface sites of MoP/SiO2 catalysts and their evolution under sulfiding conditions were characterized by IR spectroscopy using CO as the probe molecule. The HDS activities of thiophene were measured on the MoP/SiO2 catalyst that was subjected to different sulfidation and reactivation pretreatments. Cus Modelta+ (0 < delta less than or equal to 2) sites are probed on the surface of fresh MoP/SiO2 by molecularly adsorbed CO, exhibiting a characteristic IR band at 2045 cm(-1). The surface of MoP/SiO2 is gradually sulfided in HDS reactions, as revealed by the shift of the IR band at 2045 to ca. 2100 cm(-1). Although the surface of a MoP/SiO2 catalyst becomes partially sulfided, the HDS activity tests show that MoP/SiO2 is fairly stable in the initial stage of the HDS reaction, providing further evidence that molybdenum phosphide is a promising catalytic material for industrial HDS reactions. Two kinds of surface sulfur species are formed on the sulfided catalyst: reversibly and irreversibly bonded sulfur species. The MoP/SiO2 catalyst remains stable in the HDS of thiophene because most sulfur species formed under HDS conditions are reversibly bonded on the catalyst surface. A detrimental effect of presulfidation on the HDS activity is observed for the MoP/SiO2 catalyst treated by H2S/H-2 at temperatures higher than 623 K, which is ascribed to the formation of a large amount of the irreversibly bonded sulfur species. The irreversibly sulfided catalyst can be completely regenerated by an oxidation and a subsequent reduction under mild conditions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We use conjoint choice questions to investigate people's tastes for cancer risk reductions and income in the context of public programs that would provide for remediation at abandoned industrial contaminated sites. Our survey was self-administered using the computer by persons living in the vicinity of an important contaminated site on the Italian National Priority List. The value of a prevented case of cancer is €2.6 million, but this figure does vary with income, perceived exposure to contaminants, and respondent opinions about priorities that should be pursued by cleanup programs. © 2011 Society for Risk Analysis.


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Le tétrachloroéthène (PCE) et les éthènes chlorés qui lui sont apparentés ont été abondamment utilisés pour plusieurs applications en industrie dès le début du 20e siècle. Ils sont cependant comptés parmi les polluants les plus communs des sols et de l’eau et beaucoup d’efforts sont déployés afin de les éliminer. Nous croyons que la conversion des éthènes chlorés en éthènes par des microorganismes est une solution prometteuse. Le premier aspect du projet visait donc à établir les conditions pour lesquelles un consortium enrichi en Dehalococcoides ethenogenes permettrait la conversion complète de PCE en éthène. Les expériences réalisées nous ont permis de souligner le rôle de l’acide lactique ajouté aux cultures comme source de carbone et source indirecte d’électrons pour la déhalorespiration. Nous avons également pu établir l’effet de la concentration initiale de biomasse dans les cultures sur le profil de déhalogénation du PCE. Le deuxième aspect du projet visait à développer un protocole d’encapsulation du consortium dans une matrice polymérique afin de profiter des nombreux avantages potentiels de l’encapsulation. Nous avons testé trois montages d’encapsulation différents : atomisation avec jet d’air, atomisation avec vibrations ultrasoniques et « drop-wise ». Le dernier montage prévoyait l’encapsulation des cultures dans des billes d’alginate enrobées de chitosane gélifié par du lignosulfonate. C’est le seul montage qui nous a permis d’encapsuler le consortium de façon efficace sans effet significatifs négatifs sur son activité de déchlorination. Aussi, la comparaison des profils de déhalogénation du PCE de cellules encapsulées et cellules libres a montré une plus faible accumulation de TCE, 1,2-DCE et VC dans les échantillons de cellules encapsulée et, par conséquent, une conversion plus rapide et plus complète du PCE en éthène. Finalement, nous avons observé une tendance favorable à l’idée que les microorganismes encapsulés bénéficient d’un effet de protection contre de faibles concentrations d’oxygène.


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La protection de l’environnement est un enjeu capital de la société contemporaine. Suite à la révolution industrielle, la contamination de l’environnement a pris divers chemins pour se retrouver dans notre eau, notre atmosphère et, de manière parfois moins évidente, dans nos sols. Considérant le nombre de sites contaminés répertoriés par le ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs, on peut s’interroger sur l’efficacité des dispositions prévues à la section IV.2.1 de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement qui prévoit des pouvoirs d’ordonnance de caractérisation et de réhabilitation pouvant viser de manière rétroactive non seulement le pollueur et celui ayant permis la contamination, mais également, dans certains cas, le gardien, à quelque titre que ce soit, du terrain. En 2003, le cadre réglementaire en matière d’ordonnances de décontamination a fait l’objet d’une réforme majeure, dont les grandes lignes sont rapportées dans la première partie de cette étude. Toutefois, l’application de ces mesures relève d’un pouvoir de nature discrétionnaire pour le ministre, cette discrétion faisant l’objet de développements dans la deuxième partie de notre mémoire. Le nombre d’ordonnances rendues par le ministre en matière de décontamination des sites est si peu élevé qu’on ne peut éviter de traiter, dans la dernière partie de notre étude, de l’éventuelle responsabilité de l’État en lien avec la contamination des sols, considérant les principes de développement durable et surtout, d’équité intergénérationnelle qui, selon nous, devraient se refléter dans l’application des pouvoirs d’ordonnance du ministre de l’Environnement.


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One of the objectives of the current investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of Spirodela polyrhiza to remove heavy metals and other contaminants from the water samples collected from wetland sites of Eloor and Kannamaly under controlled conditions .The results obtained from the current study suggest that the test material S. polyrrhiza should be used in the biomonitoring and phytoremediation of municipal, agricultural and industrial effluents because of their simplicity, sensitivity and cost-effectiveness. The study throws light on the potential of this plant which can be used as an assessment tool in two diverse wetland in Ernakulum district. The results show the usefulness of combining physicochemical analysis with bioassays as such approach ensures better understanding of the toxicity of chemical pollutants and their influence on plant health. The results shows the suitability of Spirodela plant for surface water quality assessment as all selected parameters showed consistency with respect to water samples collected over a 3-monitoring periods. Similarly the relationship between the change in exposure period (2, 4 and 8 days) with the parameters were also studied in detail. Spirodela are consistent test material as they are homogeneous plant material; due to predominantly vegetative reproduction. New fronds are formed by clonal propagation thus, producing a population of genetically homogeneous plants. The result is small variability between treated individuals. It has been observed that phytoremediation of water samples collected from Eloor and Kannamaly using the floating plant system is a predominant method which is economic to construct, requires little maintenance and eco friendly.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un modelo de implementación, aplicación y medición de diferentes procesos de eco-innovación al interior de una empresa. Para lograr este fin, se presenta una estructura donde se evalúan los procesos productivos del sector industrial colombiano y su relación con la eco-innovación, esto para realizar un filtro dentro de la propuesta y poder dirigir el proyecto a empresas idóneas para adoptar un modelo eco-innovador. Este modelo está basado en diferentes métodos de desarrollo de conceptos como lo son la innovación, el desarrollo sostenible y un término que en los últimos tiempos ha venido tomando fuerza dentro del sector empresarial mundial, el término Eco-amigable. Este término será entonces una base para la relación de los procesos productivos con la adaptación de la eco-innovación para generar un desarrollo sostenible referente al ambiente y un posicionamiento empresarial industrial dentro de un mercado altamente competitivo.


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Trace element measurements in PM10–2.5, PM2.5–1.0 and PM1.0–0.3 aerosol were performed with 2 h time resolution at kerbside, urban background and rural sites during the ClearfLo winter 2012 campaign in London. The environment-dependent variability of emissions was characterized using the Multilinear Engine implementation of the positive matrix factorization model, conducted on data sets comprising all three sites but segregated by size. Combining the sites enabled separation of sources with high temporal covariance but significant spatial variability. Separation of sizes improved source resolution by preventing sources occurring in only a single size fraction from having too small a contribution for the model to resolve. Anchor profiles were retrieved internally by analysing data subsets, and these profiles were used in the analyses of the complete data sets of all sites for enhanced source apportionment. A total of nine different factors were resolved (notable elements in brackets): in PM10–2.5, brake wear (Cu, Zr, Sb, Ba), other traffic-related (Fe), resuspended dust (Si, Ca), sea/road salt (Cl), aged sea salt (Na, Mg) and industrial (Cr, Ni); in PM2.5–1.0, brake wear, other traffic-related, resuspended dust, sea/road salt, aged sea salt and S-rich (S); and in PM1.0–0.3, traffic-related (Fe, Cu, Zr, Sb, Ba), resuspended dust, sea/road salt, aged sea salt, reacted Cl (Cl), S-rich and solid fuel (K, Pb). Human activities enhance the kerb-to-rural concentration gradients of coarse aged sea salt, typically considered to have a natural source, by 1.7–2.2. These site-dependent concentration differences reflect the effect of local resuspension processes in London. The anthropogenically influenced factors traffic (brake wear and other traffic-related processes), dust and sea/road salt provide further kerb-to-rural concentration enhancements by direct source emissions by a factor of 3.5–12.7. The traffic and dust factors are mainly emitted in PM10–2.5 and show strong diurnal variations with concentrations up to 4 times higher during rush hour than during night-time. Regionally influenced S-rich and solid fuel factors, occurring primarily in PM1.0–0.3, have negligible resuspension influences, and concentrations are similar throughout the day and across the regions.


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The effectiveness of a therapist-supported Internet intervention program for tinnitus distress in an industrial setting was evaluated using a cluster randomised design. Fifty-six Australian employees of two industrial organisations were randomly assigned, based on their work site (18 work sites from BP Australia and five from BHP Billiton), to either a cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) program or an information-only control program. Participants were assessed at pre- and postprogram, measuring tinnitus distress, depression, anxiety, stress, quality of life, and occupational health. The CBT program was not found to be superior to the information program for treating tinnitus distress. A high attrition rate and small sample size limit the generalisability of the findings, and further developments of the program and assessment process are needed to enhance engagement and compliance.