999 resultados para Implante de Prótese de Válvulas Cardíacas


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OBJETIVO: Comparar, clinica e laboratorialmente, três grupos de pacientes submetidos ao tratamento cirúrgico da insuficiência mitral crônica isolada; um grupo submetido à plástica valvar e dois à troca da valva mitral com diferentes técnicas de preservação das cordas. MÉTODOS: Operados 28 pacientes com idade média de 54,1 anos, sem doença coronariana, multivalvar ou reoperações: 9 tiveram plástica valvar, 10 troca valvar mitral com preservação das cordas de ambas as cúspides, e 9 apenas da cúspide posterior. Avaliações clínicas, ecodopplercardiográfica e radioisotópica foram realizadas até o 6º mês de seguimento. RESULTADOS: Ao final, 88,8% encontravam-se em classe funcional I. Um faleceu por hemorragia intracraniana durante tratamento anticoagulante. Houve queda no diâmetro diastólico (p<0,0001) e volume diastólico final do ventrículo esquerdo (p<0,0001) nos três grupos. Apenas os pacientes submetidos à plástica tiveram queda no diâmetro sistólico (p=0,0003) e no volume sistólico final (p=0,0040), sem alterações na fração de ejeção (p=0,5586). Os submetidos à troca valvar mitral tiveram queda similar na fração de ejeção (p=0,0001 e p=0,0296). CONCLUSÃO: Houve melhora clínica com as três técnicas empregadas. Os pacientes submetidos à plástica valvar tiveram melhor preservação da função ventricular. Não houve diferença significativa no desempenho cardíaco entre os dois grupos submetidos à troca valvar mitral com preservação das cordas até o 6º mês de seguimento.


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A varfarina é droga amplamente utilizada na prevenção de fenômenos tromboembólicos e o conhecimento de seus efeitos adversos faz-se necessário para o acompanhamento dos pacientes. Embora o desenvolvimento de discrasias sanguíneas seja complicação potencial nesses pacientes, a ocorrência de sangramento retroperitoneal é rara. Este artigo discute o caso de um paciente que evoluiu com hematoma do músculo iliopsoas durante tratamento com a referida droga, pós-implante de prótese aórtica metálica, com quadro clínico envolvendo importantes diagnósticos diferenciais.


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A estenose valvar aórtica é cada vez mais prevalente concordante com o envelhecimento populacional. Por conseguinte, torna-se mais comum o atendimento de pacientes assintomáticos com estenose aórtica grave. Embora os pacientes com estenose aórtica grave sem sintomas façam parte de um mesmo grupo, são heterogêneos sob o ponto de vista clínico, laboratorial e ecocardiográfico. A abordagem desses pacientes traz à tona o dilema do tratamento clínico versus cirúrgico: submeter o paciente aos riscos da cirurgia ou mantê-lo em observação clínica sob o perigo do dano miocárdio irreversível ou mesmo da morte súbita? Sob esta perspectiva, baseando-se na literatura atual, este artigo fornece ferramentas que auxiliam na estratificação dos pacientes. A área valvar, grau de calcificação, velocidade de fluxo transvalvar aórtico, hipertrofia ventricular esquerda e teste de esforço alterado são os fatores que colocam os portadores de estenose aórtica grave assintomáticos em um grupo denominado de muito alto risco, em que a estratégia cirúrgica passa a ser considerada.


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FUNDAMENTO: A presença de nervos nas válvulas cardíacas foi demonstrada pela primeira vez há décadas e identificadas em subpopulações: simpáticas e parassimpáticas, e, portanto, é esperado que as válvulas sejam grandemente afetadas pelos nervos autônomos. Entretanto, poucos estudos têm se concentrado na regulação de válvulas cardíacas pelo sistema nervoso autônomo. OBJETIVO: Buscamos identificar o papel do sistema nervoso autônomo na regulação das propriedades mecânicas dos tecidos de válvulas mitrais porcinas. MÉTODOS: As propriedades mecânicas dos folhetos de válvulas mitrais porcinas foram avaliados em resposta à norepinefrina (NE) e acetilcolina (ACH), os principais neurotransmissores. Ao mesmo tempo, fentolamina (FENT), metoprolol (Metop), atropina (Atrop) e desnudamento endotelial foram adicionados ao sistema reativo. RESULTADOS: Sob condições fisiológicas, a rigidez não foi afetada pelo desnudamento endotelial (p > 0,05). A NE significantemente aumentou a rigidez valvar por aumento de 10 vezes na concentração (10-6 vs 10-7, p < 0,05; 10-5 vs 10-6, p < 0,05). Essa resposta foi amenizada por FENT, Metop ou desnudamento endotelial (p < 0,05); entretanto, manteve-se aumentada de maneira significante quando comparada aos Controles (p < 0,05). A ACH causou uma diminuição na rigidez acompanhada por um aumento em sua concentração (alteração significante na rigidez por aumento de 10 vezes na concentração de ACH, 10-6 vs Controle, p < 0,05; 10-5 vs 10-6, p < 0,05), que foi revertida pelo desnudamento endotelial e Atrop (p > 0,05 vs Controle). CONCLUSÃO: Esses achados ressaltam o papel do sistema nervoso autônomo na regulação das propriedades mecânicas das cúspides de válvula mitral porcina, o que reforça a importância do estado nervoso autônomo no funcionamento ideal da válvula.


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Transcatheter aortic valve implantation is an expanding procedure thus far restricted to a target population of old and high-comorbidity patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis. The need for bulky devices (up to 24F) combined with the high prevalence of peripheral vascular disease in these patients explains the increased risk of vascular complications in transfemoral Edwards Sapien (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, Calif) transcatheter aortic valve implantation procedures, with a rate of 20% for the transfemoral arm of either the Placement of AoRTic traNscathetER valves in the European Union (PARTNER EU) trial or the SOURCE Registry.1,2


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BACKGROUND Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation is an emerging therapeutic alternative for patients with a failed surgical bioprosthesis and may obviate the need for reoperation. We evaluated the clinical results of this technique using a large, worldwide registry. METHODS AND RESULTS The Global Valve-in-Valve Registry included 202 patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves (aged 77.7±10.4 years; 52.5% men) from 38 cardiac centers. Bioprosthesis mode of failure was stenosis (n=85; 42%), regurgitation (n=68; 34%), or combined stenosis and regurgitation (n=49; 24%). Implanted devices included CoreValve (n=124) and Edwards SAPIEN (n=78). Procedural success was achieved in 93.1% of cases. Adverse procedural outcomes included initial device malposition in 15.3% of cases and ostial coronary obstruction in 3.5%. After the procedure, valve maximum/mean gradients were 28.4±14.1/15.9±8.6 mm Hg, and 95% of patients had ≤+1 degree of aortic regurgitation. At 30-day follow-up, all-cause mortality was 8.4%, and 84.1% of patients were at New York Heart Association functional class I/II. One-year follow-up was obtained in 87 patients, with 85.8% survival of treated patients. CONCLUSIONS The valve-in-valve procedure is clinically effective in the vast majority of patients with degenerated bioprosthetic valves. Safety and efficacy concerns include device malposition, ostial coronary obstruction, and high gradients after the procedure.


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Hypertension and congenital aortic valve malformations are frequent causes of ascending aortic aneurysms. The molecular mechanisms of aneurysm formation under these circumstances are not well understood. Reference genes for gene activity studies in aortic tissue that are not influenced by aortic valve morphology and its hemodynamic consequences, aortic dilatation, hypertension, or antihypertensive medication are not available so far. This study determines genes in ascending aortic tissue that are independent of these parameters. Tissue specimens from dilated and undilated ascending aortas were obtained from 60 patients (age ≤70 years) with different morphologies of the aortic valve (tricuspid undilated n = 24, dilated n = 11; bicuspid undilated n = 6, dilated n = 15; unicuspid dilated n = 4). Of the studied individuals, 36 had hypertension, and 31 received ACE inhibitors or AT1 receptor antagonists. The specimens were obtained intraoperatively from the wall of the ascending aorta. We analyzed the expression levels of 32 candidate reference genes by quantitative RT-PCR (RT-qPCR). Differential expression levels were assessed by parametric statistics. The expression analysis of these 32 genes by RT-qPCR showed that EIF2B1, ELF1, and PPIA remained constant in their expression levels in the different specimen groups, thus being insensitive to aortic valve morphology, aortic dilatation, hypertension, and medication with ACE inhibitors or AT1 receptor antagonists. Unlike many other commonly used reference genes, the genes EIF2B1, ELF1, and PPIA are neither confounded by aortic comorbidities nor by antihypertensive medication and therefore are most suitable for gene expression analysis of ascending aortic tissue.


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BACKGROUND Very few data exist on the clinical impact of permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI) after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of PPI after transcatheter aortic valve implantation on late outcomes in a large cohort of patients. METHODS AND RESULTS A total of 1556 consecutive patients without prior PPI undergoing transcatheter aortic valve implantation were included. Of them, 239 patients (15.4%) required a PPI within the first 30 days after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. At a mean follow-up of 22±17 months, no association was observed between the need for 30-day PPI and all-cause mortality (hazard ratio, 0.98; 95% confidence interval, 0.74-1.30; P=0.871), cardiovascular mortality (hazard ratio, 0.81; 95% confidence interval, 0.56-1.17; P=0.270), and all-cause mortality or rehospitalization for heart failure (hazard ratio, 1.00; 95% confidence interval, 0.77-1.30; P=0.980). A lower rate of unexpected (sudden or unknown) death was observed in patients with PPI (hazard ratio, 0.31; 95% confidence interval, 0.11-0.85; P=0.023). Patients with new PPI showed a poorer evolution of left ventricular ejection fraction over time (P=0.017), and new PPI was an independent predictor of left ventricular ejection fraction decrease at the 6- to 12-month follow-up (estimated coefficient, -2.26; 95% confidence interval, -4.07 to -0.44; P=0.013; R(2)=0.121). CONCLUSIONS The need for PPI was a frequent complication of transcatheter aortic valve implantation, but it was not associated with any increase in overall or cardiovascular death or rehospitalization for heart failure after a mean follow-up of ≈2 years. Indeed, 30-day PPI was a protective factor for the occurrence of unexpected (sudden or unknown) death. However, new PPI did have a negative effect on left ventricular function over time.


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Dilatation of the ascending aorta (AAD) is a prevalent aortopathy that occurs frequently associated with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), the most common human congenital cardiac malformation. The molecular mechanisms leading to AAD associated with BAV are still poorly understood. The search for differentially expressed genes in diseased tissue by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) is an invaluable tool to fill this gap. However, studies dedicated to identify reference genes necessary for normalization of mRNA expression in aortic tissue are scarce. In this report, we evaluate the qPCR expression of six candidate reference genes in tissue from the ascending aorta of 52 patients with a variety of clinical and demographic characteristics, normal and dilated aortas, and different morphologies of the aortic valve (normal aorta and normal valve n = 30; dilated aorta and normal valve n = 10; normal aorta and BAV n = 4; dilated aorta and BAV n = 8). The expression stability of the candidate reference genes was determined with three statistical algorithms, GeNorm, NormFinder and Bestkeeper. The expression analyses showed that the most stable genes for the three algorithms employed were CDKN1β, POLR2A and CASC3, independently of the structure of the aorta and the valve morphology. In conclusion, we propose the use of these three genes as reference genes for mRNA expression analysis in human ascending aorta. However, we suggest searching for specific reference genes when conducting qPCR experiments with new cohort of samples.


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OBJECTIVE To study the factors associated with choice of therapy and prognosis in octogenarians with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS). STUDY DESIGN Prospective, observational, multicenter registry. Centralized follow-up included survival status and, if possible, mode of death and Katz index. SETTING Transnational registry in Spain. SUBJECTS We included 928 patients aged ≥80 years with severe symptomatic AS. INTERVENTIONS Aortic-valve replacement (AVR), transcatheter aortic-valve implantation (TAVI) or conservative therapy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES All-cause death. RESULTS Mean age was 84.2 ± 3.5 years, and only 49.0% were independent (Katz index A). The most frequent planned management was conservative therapy in 423 (46%) patients, followed by TAVI in 261 (28%) and AVR in 244 (26%). The main reason against recommending AVR in 684 patients was high surgical risk [322 (47.1%)], other medical motives [193 (28.2%)], patient refusal [134 (19.6%)] and family refusal in the case of incompetent patients [35 (5.1%)]. The mean time from treatment decision to AVR was 4.8 ± 4.6 months and to TAVI 2.1 ± 3.2 months, P < 0.001. During follow-up (11.2-38.9 months), 357 patients (38.5%) died. Survival rates at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 81.8%, 72.6%, 64.1% and 57.3%, respectively. Planned intervention, adjusted for multiple propensity score, was associated with lower mortality when compared with planned conservative treatment: TAVI Hazard ratio (HR) 0.68 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.49-0.93; P = 0.016) and AVR HR 0.56 (95% CI 0.39-0.8; P = 0.002). CONCLUSION Octogenarians with symptomatic severe AS are frequently managed conservatively. Planned conservative management is associated with a poor prognosis.


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A 49-year-old woman, without known cardiovascular risk factors. Hoarseness of voice caused by a paralysis of left vocal cord. She was admitted to hospital because of acute coronary syndrome, associated to resuscitated cardiac arrest (asystolia documented) without later neurology sequels. Physical examination was anodyne. Echocardiographic study demonstrated a compatible image with a large left sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) (Panel A) and mild aortic regurgitation. Cardiac catheterization confirmed the presence of left SVA (Panel B) that produced extrinsic compression of the left main coronary artery (Panels C and D). Repair surgery was made by means of closing the aneurysmal orifice with a patch of dacron. Intra-operatory echocardiographic control study found severe aortic regurgitation, so valvular replacement with 19 mm mechanical prosthesis and extension of the valve annulus with patch of dacron was performed, associated with bypass with safena vein graft to left coronary artery. SVA is a very infrequent cardiac anomaly, generally with silent clinical course until it ruptures. Myocardial ischaemia caused by coronary artery compression is unusual. We described the case of a patient diagnosed of left SVA, whose initial clinical manifestation was the appearance of resuscitated sudden cardiac death in the context of an acute coronary syndrome.


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OBJECTIVE To study the factors associated with choice of therapy and prognosis in octogenarians with severe symptomatic aortic stenosis (AS). STUDY DESIGN Prospective, observational, multicenter registry. Centralized follow-up included survival status and, if possible, mode of death and Katz index. SETTING Transnational registry in Spain. SUBJECTS We included 928 patients aged ≥80 years with severe symptomatic AS. INTERVENTIONS Aortic-valve replacement (AVR), transcatheter aortic-valve implantation (TAVI) or conservative therapy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES All-cause death. RESULTS Mean age was 84.2 ± 3.5 years, and only 49.0% were independent (Katz index A). The most frequent planned management was conservative therapy in 423 (46%) patients, followed by TAVI in 261 (28%) and AVR in 244 (26%). The main reason against recommending AVR in 684 patients was high surgical risk [322 (47.1%)], other medical motives [193 (28.2%)], patient refusal [134 (19.6%)] and family refusal in the case of incompetent patients [35 (5.1%)]. The mean time from treatment decision to AVR was 4.8 ± 4.6 months and to TAVI 2.1 ± 3.2 months, P < 0.001. During follow-up (11.2-38.9 months), 357 patients (38.5%) died. Survival rates at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 81.8%, 72.6%, 64.1% and 57.3%, respectively. Planned intervention, adjusted for multiple propensity score, was associated with lower mortality when compared with planned conservative treatment: TAVI Hazard ratio (HR) 0.68 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.49-0.93; P = 0.016) and AVR HR 0.56 (95% CI 0.39-0.8; P = 0.002). CONCLUSION Octogenarians with symptomatic severe AS are frequently managed conservatively. Planned conservative management is associated with a poor prognosis.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a resposta tecidual de uma endoprótese biosintetica implantada na aorta torácica descendente e veia cava inferior de suínos. MÉTODO: Foi implantada uma endoprótese auto-expansível composta de aço inoxidável, revestida por veia jugular de bovino, processada pelo método L-hydro, com auxilio de uma bainha de liberação Taheri-Leonhardt (Flórida, EUA) na aorta torácica descendente, e a veia cava infra-renal de 10 suínos. Sessenta dias após, as endopróteses foram retiradas e analisadas sob o ponto de vista macro e microscópicos. Foram observados: perviedade, grau de incorporação a parede do vaso, tipo de reação inflamatória, e local de maior resposta, tanto em relação a camada do vaso quanto ao local de contato com o anel de aço RESULTADOS: Todas as endopróteses encontravam-se pérvias, e incorporadas à parede. No setor venoso, seis apresentaram traves fibrosas em sua luz, e quatro apresentaram fibrose perivascular. No setor arterial somente uma prótese apresentou discreta estenose, sem fibrose perivascular. A reação inflamatória crônica tipo corpo estranho ocorreu em 100% das peças, a camada média foi a mais acometida no setor venoso, enquanto a íntima foi mais constante na artéria, o grau de incorporação foi mais firme na veia em comparação a artéria. A reação tecidual mostrou maior tendência nas áreas em intimo contato com o anel de aço (intra-anelar), mais intensa na artéria do que na veia. CONCLUSÃO: A prótese apresentou baixa trombogenicidade em ambos os sistemas, houve maior reação tecidual e baixa biocompatibilidade no setor venoso.


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Descrevem-se os achados clínicos e patológicos da paratuberculose em uma criação intensiva de bovinos de leite no município de Capela de Santana, RS. Sinais clínicos foram observados em oito de um total de 345 bovinos e consistiam em diarréia crônica refratária ao tratamento, emagrecimento progressivo e queda da produção de leite. As principais lesões macroscópicas, observadas nos oito animais eutanasiados e necropsiados, incluíam intestino delgado com acentuado espessamento da parede e superfície mucosa de aspecto reticulado, semelhante às circunvoluções cerebrais, lesão essa perceptível através da serosa. A luz intestinal estava preenchida por conteúdo fluido e de aspecto leitoso. Os vasos linfáticos do mesentério mostravam-se mais evidentes, sendo que alguns tinham aspecto varicoso. Os linfonodos mesentéricos estavam aumentados de volume e, ao corte, fluía grande quantidade de líquido leitoso. Focos de mineralização foram observados na íntima das artérias, nas válvulas cardíacas e na serosa do rúmen. Havia também edema das dobras do abomaso e do mesentério e atrofia do lobo caudado do fígado. As principais lesões microscópicas incluíam enterite, linfadenite e linfangite granulomatosas que se caracterizavam por infiltrado inflamatório composto por macrófagos, células epitelióides e células gigantes de Langhans que continham grande quantidade de bacilos álcool-ácido resistentes. As lesões vasculares consistiam em degeneração e mineralização das túnicas íntima e média das artérias de grande calibre associadas à proliferação de colágeno. Havia calcificação da serosa do rúmen, atrofia hepatocelular difusa e hepatite granulomatosa multifocal. Mycobacterium paratuberculosis foi cultivado em meio de Herrold enriquecido com micobactina a partir de raspados do intestino em todas as oito amostras enviadas para exame bacteriológico.


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No publicado. Pertenece al Proyecto de Formación en Centros del curso 1998/99