954 resultados para Immunofluorescence Microscopy


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Infection of young poults with turkey coronavirus (TCoV) produces a syndrome characterized by acute enteritis, diarrhea, anorexia, ruffled feathers, decreased body weight gain and uneven flock growth. The objective of this study was to standardize an intestinal organ culture (IOC) in order to assess host-virus interaction related to apoptosis. For this purpose the Brazilian strain (TCoV/Brazil/2006 with GenBank accession number FJ188401), was used for infection. Infected IOC cells had mitochondrial dysfunction and initial nuclear activation with MTT value of 90.7 (± 2.4) and apoptotic factor 2.21 (± 2.1), considered statistically different from uninfected IOC cells (p > 0.05). The kinetics of TCoV antigens and viral RNA was directly correlated to annexin-V, caspases- 2 and -3, p53, BCl-2 antigens at 24, 72 and 96 h post-infection (p.i.). Morphological and biochemical features of apoptosis, such as in situ nuclear fragmentation (TUNEL and annexin-V) and DNA ladder formation were also detected in infected cells at all assayed p.i. intervals. Moreover, different from other coronaviruses, the expression of both effective caspase-2 and - 3 and p53 antigens were considered lower. However, at all p.i., the BCl-2 antigens were expressed quantitatively and qualitatively as viral antigen measured by immunofluorescence microscopy analysis. Because the diagnosis of TCoV infection is only performed by infecting embryonated poult eggs, the pathological characteri tics related to host-virus interaction remain unclear. This is the first report on apoptosis of TCoV infected IOC, and reveals that it may be useful immunological method to assess virus pathogenesis.


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Disfunções imunes podem surgir pela combinação entre susceptibilidade genética e fatores ambientais. Existem evidências, em humanos expostos ao mercúrio (Hg), de alterações da resposta imunológica por auto-anticorpos induzidos por Hg. Este trabalho investigou a ocorrência de auto-imunidade induzida por Hgtotal entre indivíduos ribeirinhos da região do Tapajós (Brasília Legal, São Luiz do Tapajós e Barreiras), expostos ao Hgtotal, e da comunidade ribeirinha da região do Tocantins (Panacauera) não exposta ao Hgtotal. No período de junho de 2004 a dezembro de 2006 foram coletadas 236 pares de amostras de cabelo e sangue, nas quais a concentração de Hgtotal no cabelo foi determinada por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica, e no soro, os auto-anticorpos foram analisados por microscopia de imunofluorescência (IF) usando substrato de células epiteliais humanas (Hep-2). Os mais altos níveis de Hgtotal no cabelo foram os de São Luiz do Tapajós (11,24 ± 2,23 μg/g), seguido por Brasília Legal (10,00 ± 0,99) e Barreiras (8,64 ± 1,13), e os mais baixos foram os de Panacauera (2,98 ± 0,20). Em relação à variável sexo, foi observada associação somente em Brasília Legal, com níveis de Hgtotal mais altos no cabelo dos homens. Cerca de 79,65% ribeirinhos do Tapajós e 31,25% da região do Tocantins apresentaram no soro autoanticorpos induzidos por Hg. Os padrões de auto-anticorpos identificados por IF foram: misto (50,96%), nuclear (31,21%), nucleolar (14,65%) e aparelho mitótico/citoplasmático (3,18%), observando-se maior prevalência dos padrões misto e nuclear nas comunidades expostas (p<0,01). Os auto-anticorpos mais freqüentes foram, por ordem de prevalência: NuMa1, PM/Scl, Ssa-Ro, rRNP/Sm, golgi/Ssa/Ro, PCNA, rRNP, Ku, além de outros auto-anticorpos com especificidade ainda não definida. A intensidade de IF (p< 0,0001) foi mais reativa nos ribeirinhos do Tapajós. Análise por regressão logística múltipla indicou que o risco de apresentar auto-anticorpos foi aproximadamente duas vezes maior nos expostos ao mercúrio com faixa etária acima de 50 anos (p>0,01). Finalmente, estudos adicionais são indispensáveis para confirmar a especificidade destes auto-anticorpos induzidos pela exposição mercurial, bem como elucidar os mecanismos imunotoxicológicos da ação do mercúrio sobre o sistema imune humano.


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Desmosomen sind hoch organisierte interzelluläre Verbindungen, die Zellverbänden eine mechanische Stabilität verleihen. Die Intermediärfilamentnetzwerke benachbarter Zellen werden mit Hilfe der desmosomalen Cadherine vom Desmoglein- und Desmocollin-Typ miteinander verknüpft. Diese Glykoproteine interagieren miteinander im Interzellularspalt zwischen benachbarten Zellen und stellen mit ihren zytoplasmatischen Domänen einen Ankerpunkt für desmosomale Brückenproteine dar, an welche wiederum die Proteine des Intermediärfilament-Zytoskeletts binden. Bei der Maus spielt das desmosomale Cadherin Desmoglein 2 (DSG2) bereits in frühen Stadien der Embryogenese eine entscheidende Rolle. Homozygote DSG2-Knockout-Mäuse sterben bereits vor der Implantation des Embryos ab. Im adulten Tier ist Dsg2 die am weitesten verbreitete Isoform, in Darm, Leber und Herzmuskel wird es zudem exklusiv exprimiert. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Bedeutung von Dsg2 in differenzierten Gewebeverbänden adulter Tiere zu untersuchen. Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit wurden mehrere transgene Mauslinien hergestellt, in denen mit Hilfe des Cre/loxP-Systems eine Deletion im DSG2-Gen konditional und gewebsspezifisch induziert werden konnte. Dazu wurden zuerst zwei loxP-Sequenzen und eine mit zwei FRT-Stellen flankierte Neomyzinresistenzgen-Kassette in das DSG2-Gen von embryonalen Stammzellen durch homologe Rekombination eines Targeting-Konstrukts inseriert. Diese Zellen wurden in Blastozysten injiziert und Mauslinien hergestellt. Mit Hilfe der Flpe-Rekombinase wurde anschließend die Resistenzenzgen-Kassette entfernt. Diese Stämme wurden mit Mäusen verpaart, die eine induzierbare und gewebsspezifische Synthese der Cre-Rekombinase ermöglichen. Im Darmepithel und der Leber konnte eine gewebsspezifische Rekombination des DSG2-Gens induziert werden. Untersuchungen der DSG2-mRNA zeigten, dass die DSG2-Rekombination in der Darmschleimhaut nahezu vollständig erfolgte. Immunfluoreszenz-Analysen an Gewebsfragmenten induzierter Tiere mit Isotyp-spezifischen Antikörpern, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergestellt worden waren, zeigten jedoch keine signifikanten Unterschiede der Desmosomenzahl und -verteilung. Daher wurden eGFP-Hybride des zu erwartenden mutierten Dsg2-Proteins in Zellen exprimiert und mit wildtypischem Dsg2 verglichen. Es konnte hinsichtlich der Verteilung und Morphologie der Desmosomen keine Unterschiede zwischen beiden Dsg2-Proteinen festgestellt werden. Der Dsg2-Mutante fehlen wichtige Proteinbereiche, die für die trans-Interaktion der extrazellulären Domäne verantwortlich sind, die Haupt-N-Glykosylierungsstelle, sowie eine der insgesamt vier Kalzium-Bindestellen. Dies sind Eigenschaften, von denen man bisher annahm, dass sie eine zentrale Bedeutung für die desmosomale Adhäsion besitzen. Weitere Experimente werden zeigen, inwieweit die hergestellte Dsg2-Mutante in „Stresssituationen“, wie sie z.B. bei Regenerationsvorgängen oder der Tumorgenese auftreten, zu veränderten adhäsiven Eigenschaften führt.


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Il sarcoma di Ewing (ES) è un tumore maligno pediatrico dell’apparato scheletrico; è associato a una traslocazione specifica codificante la proteina di fusione EWS-FLI1 e all’alta espressione di CD99, una glicoproteina di membrana fisiologicamente coinvolta in diversi processi biologici. EWS-FLI1 e CD99, sono riportati avere ruoli divergenti nella modulazione della malignità e del differenziamento di ES. CD99 inoltre è riportato modulare il pathway di MAPK, il quale interagendo con molteplici fattori di trascrizione partecipa a processi di proliferazione e differenziamento. In questo studio abbiamo investigato in due linee cellulari di ES silenziate per CD99 (TC-71shCD99 e IOR/CARshCD99) l’attività basale di diversi fattori trascrizionali quali: NF-kBp65, AP1, Elk-1, E2F e CREB. L’unico fattore trascrizionale statisticamente significativo è risultato essere NF-kBp65 e abbiamo valutato il suo ruolo nel differenziamento neurale di cellule di ES e la relazione con EWS-FLI1 e CD99. L’attività trascrizionale di NF-kB è stata valutata attraverso gene reporter assay in linee cellulari di ES a diversa espressione di CD99, EWS-FLI1 e NF-kB stesso. Il differenziamento neurale è stato valutato come espressione di βIII-Tubulin in immunofluorescenza. Il silenziamento di CD99 induce una down-modulazione dell’attività trascrizionale di NF-kB, mentre il knockdown di EWS-FLI1 ne induce un’aumento. Inoltre, il silenziamento di EWS-FLI1 non è in grado di contrastare la riduzione dell’attività di NF-kB osservata dopo silenziamento di CD99, suggerendo un ruolo dominante del CD99 nel signaling di NF-kB. Cellule deprivate di CD99 ma non di EWS-FLI1, mostrano un fenotipo differenziato in senso neurale, fenotipo che viene perso quando le cellule sono indotte a sovraesprimere NF-kB. Inoltre, in cellule CD99 positive, il silenziamento di NF-kB induce un leggero differenziamento neurale. In conclusione, questi dati hanno evidenziato il ruolo di NF-kB nel differenziamento di cellule di ES e che potrebbe essere un potenziale target nel ridurre la progressione di questo tumore.


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Oxidativer Stress in Form reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) und Exzitotoxizität durch supraphysiologische Konzentrationen des Neurotransmitters Glutamat sind nicht nur beteiligt an der Pathogenese vielzähliger neurodegenerativer Erkrankungen wie Schlaganfall, Hirntrauma, Alzheimer Demenz oder Multipler Sklerose, sondern spielen zudem eine Schlüsselrolle im dort beobachteten Zusammenbruch der Blut-Hirn-Schranke. Glutamat führt durch Stimulation neuronaler und endothelialer NMDA-Rezeptoren zu einer Generierung von ROS. Nicht verfolgt worden war bisher, welche Auswirkungen ROS umgekehrt auch auf den NMDA-Rezeptor haben könnten. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde daher untersucht, ob und in welcher Weise die Exposition gegenüber reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies einen Einfluss auf die Expression und Aktivierbarkeit von NMDA-Rezeptoren auf zerebrovaskulären Endothelzellen ausübt.rnEs konnte zunächst die Expression der funktionell obligaten NR-1 Untereinheit des NMDA-Rezeptors auf der verwendeten Zelllinie b.End3 mittels Immunfluoreszenz-Mikroskopie gesichert werden. Ein Nachweis von mRNA für die Untereinheiten NR1 und NR2B, C und D erfolgte mittels RT-PCR. In der Analyse der replizierten RNA zeigten sich Hinweise für eine heterogene Komposition der exprimierten endothelialen NMDA-Rezeptoren.rnEs konnte weiter mit Hilfe der In-Cell-Western-Technik gezeigt werden, dass die Expression des NMDA-Rezeptors durch transiente Stimulation mit reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies im Sinne einer Heraufregulation moduliert werden kann. Die Stimulation der Zellen mit den reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies O2-, ONOO- und H2O2 führte dabei im Experiment zu einer deutlichen Zunahme der NR1-Expression, die spätestens nach 72 Stunden höchst signifikant war.rnUm zu überprüfen, welche Bedeutung diese Überexpression für die Integrität der Blut-Hirn-Schranke unter den exzitotoxischen Bedingungen hoher Glutamatkonzentrationen haben könnte, wurde mit Hilfe des ECIS-Systems („Electrical Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing“) die Impedanz ROS-präexponierter Endothelmonolayer gemessen. Auf Rezeptorstimulation mit dem spezifischen Agonisten NMDA reagierten die vorbehandelten Gruppen mit einem Abfall der Impedanz gegenüber der nicht vorbehandelten Kontrolle.rnrnDie vorliegenden Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ROS in der Lage sind, funktionelle endotheliale NMDA-Rezeptoren zu induzieren und auf diesem Weg zu einem verstärkten Abfall der BHS-Integrität unter den Bedingungen exzitotoxischen und oxidativen Stresses führen. Dies stellt einen neuen Mechanismus zur Erklärung der Pathogenese des Blut-Hirn-Schrankenversagens dar.


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Rhogocytes, also termed ‘pore cells’, exist free in the hemolymph or embedded in the connective tissue of different body parts of molluscs, notably gastropods. These unique cells can be round, elongated or irregularly shaped, and up to 30 μm in diameter. Their hallmark is the so-called slit apparatus: i.e. pocket-like invaginations of the plasma membrane creating extracellular lacunae, bridged by cytoplasmic bars. These bars form distinctive slits of ca. 20 nm width. A slit diaphragm composed of proteins establishes a molecular sieve with holes of 20 x 20 nm. Different functions have been assigned to this special molluscan cell type, notably biosynthesis of the hemolymph respiratory protein hemocyanin. It has further been proposed, but not proven, that in the case of red-blooded snail species rhogocytes might synthesize the hemoglobin. However, the secretion pathway of these hemolymph proteins, and the functional role of the enigmatic slit apparatus remained unclear. Additionally proposed functions of rhogocytes, such as heavy metal detoxification or hemolymph protein degradation, are also not well studied. This work provides more detailed electron microscopical, histological and immunobiochemical information on the structure and function of rhogocytes of the freshwater snails Biomphalaria glabrata and Lymnaea stagnalis. By in situ hybridization on mantle tissues, it proves that B. glabrata rhogocytes synthesize hemoglobin and L. stagnalis rhogocytes synthesize hemocyanin. Hemocyanin is present, in endoplasmic reticulum lacunae and in vesicles, as individual molecules or pseudo-crystalline arrays. The first 3D reconstructions of rhogocytes are provided by means of electron tomography and show unprecedented details of the slit apparatus. A highly dense material in the cytoplasmic bars close to the diaphragmatic slits was shown, by immunogold labeling, to contain actin. By immunofluorescence microscopy, the protein nephrin was localized at the periphery of rhogocytes. The presence of both proteins in the slit apparatus supports the previous hypothesis, hitherto solely based on similarities of the ultrastructure, that the molluscan rhogocytes are phylogenetically related to mammalian podocytes and insect nephrocytes. A possible secretion pathway of respiratory proteins that includes a transfer mechanism of vesicles through the diaphragmatic slits is proposed and discussed. We also studied, by electron microscopy, the reaction of rhogocytes in situ to two forms of animal stress: deprivation of food and cadmium contamination of the tank water. Significant cellular reactions to both stressors were observed and documented. Notably, the slit apparatus surface and the number of electron-dense cytoplasmic vesicles increased in response to cadmium stress. Food deprivation led to an increase in hemocyanin production. These observations are also discussed in the framework of using such animals as potential environmental biomarkers.


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Among clinically relevant somatostatin functions, agonist-induced somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sst(2)) internalization is a potent mechanism for tumor targeting with sst(2) affine radioligands such as octreotide. Since, as opposed to octreotide, the second generation multi-somatostatin analog SOM230 (pasireotide) exhibits strong functional selectivity, it appeared of interest to evaluate its ability to affect sst(2) internalization in vivo. Rats bearing AR42J tumors endogenously expressing somatostatin sst(2) receptors were injected intravenously with SOM230 or with the [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide (TATE) analog; they were euthanized at various time points; tumors and pancreas were analyzed by immunohistochemistry for the cellular localization of somatostatin sst(2) receptors. SOM230-induced sst(2) internalization was also evaluated in vitro by immunofluorescence microscopy in AR42J cells. At difference to the efficient in vivo sst(2) internalization triggered by intravenous [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide, intravenous SOM230 did not elicit sst(2) internalization: immunohistochemically stained sst(2) in AR42J tumor cells and pancreatic cells were detectable at the cell surface at 2.5min, 10min, 1h, 6h, or 24h after SOM230 injection while sst(2) were found intracellularly after [Tyr(3), Thr(8)]-octreotide injection. The inability of stimulating sst(2) internalization by SOM230 was confirmed in vitro in AR42J cells by immunofluorescence microscopy. Furthermore, SOM230 was unable to antagonize agonist-induced sst(2) internalization, neither in vivo, nor in vitro. Therefore, SOM230 does not induce sst(2) internalization in vivo or in vitro in AR42J cells and pancreas, at difference to octreotide derivatives with comparable sst(2) binding affinities. These characteristics may point towards different tumor targeting but also to different desensitization properties of clinically applied SOM230.


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The ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates the transport of cholesterol, phospholipids, and other lipophilic molecules across cellular membranes. Recent data provide evidence that ABCA1 plays an important role in placental function but the exact cellular sites of ABCA1 action in the placenta remain controversial. To clarify this issue, we analyzed the cellular and subcellular localization of ABCA1 with immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence and subsequent confocal or immunofluorescence microscopy in different types of isolated primary placenta cells: cytotrophoblast cells, amnion epithelial cells, villous macrophages (Hofbauer cells), and mesenchymal cells isolated from chorionic membrane and placental villi. After 12 h of cultivation, primary cytotrophoblast cells showed intensive membrane and cytoplasmic staining for ABCA1. After 24 h, with progressive syncytium formation, ABCA1 staining intensity was markedly reduced and ABCA1 was dispersed in the cytoplasm of the forming syncytial layer. In amnion epithelial cells, placental macrophages and mesenchymal cells, ABCA1 was predominantly localized at the cell membrane and cytoplasmic compartments partially corresponding to the endoplasmic reticulum. In these cell types, the ABCA1 staining intensity was not dependent on the cultivation time. In conclusion, ABCA1 shows marked expression levels in diverse placental cell types. The multitopic localization of ABCA1 in diverse human placental cells not all directly involved in materno-fetal exchange suggests that this protein may not only participate in transplacental lipid transport but could have additional regulatory functions.


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Bullous pemphigoid (BP) represents the most common autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease. BP typically affects the elderly and is associated with significant morbidity. It has usually a chronic course with spontaneous exacerbations. The cutaneous manifestations of BP can be extremely protean. While diagnosis of BP in the bullous stage is straightforward, in the non-bullous stage or in atypical variants of BP signs and symptoms are frequently non-specific with eg, only itchy excoriated, eczematous, papular and/or urticarial lesions that may persist for several weeks or months. Diagnosis of BP critically relies on immunopathologic examinations including direct immunofluorescence microscopy and detection of serum autoantibodies by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy or BP180-ELISA.


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Filaggrin loss-of-function mutations resulting in C-terminal protein truncations are strong predisposing factors in human atopic dermatitis (AD). To assess the possibility of similar truncations in canine AD, an exclusion strategy was designed on 16 control and 18 AD dogs of various breeds. Comparative immunofluorescence microscopy was performed with an antibody raised against the canine filaggrin C-terminus and a commercial N-terminal antibody. Concurrent with human AD-like features such as generalized NFKB activation and hyperproliferation, four distinctive filaggrin expression patterns were identified in non-lesional skin. It was found that 10/18 AD dogs exhibited an identical pattern for both antibodies with comparable (category I, 3/18) or reduced (category II, 7/18) expression to that of controls. In contrast, 4/18 dogs displayed aberrant large vesicles revealed by the C-terminal but not the N-terminal antibody (category III), while 4/18 showed a control-like N-terminal expression but lacked the C-terminal protein (category IV). The missing C-terminal filaggrin in category IV strongly points towards loss-of function mutations in 4/18 (22%) of all AD dogs analysed.


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Cardiolipin is important for bacterial and mitochondrial stability and function. The final step in cardiolipin biosynthesis is catalyzed by cardiolipin synthase and differs mechanistically between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. To study the importance of cardiolipin synthesis for mitochondrial integrity, membrane protein complex formation, and cell proliferation in the human and animal pathogenic protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei, we generated conditional cardiolipin synthase-knockout parasites. We found that cardiolipin formation in T. brucei procyclic forms is catalyzed by a bacterial-type cardiolipin synthase, providing experimental evidence for a prokaryotic-type cardiolipin synthase in a eukaryotic organism. Ablation of enzyme expression resulted in inhibition of de novo cardiolipin synthesis, reduction in cellular cardiolipin levels, alterations in mitochondrial morphology and function, and parasite death in culture. By using immunofluorescence microscopy and blue-native gel electrophoresis, cardiolipin synthase was shown to colocalize with inner mitochondrial membrane proteins and to be part of a large protein complex. During depletion of cardiolipin synthase, the levels of cytochrome oxidase subunit IV and cytochrome c1, reflecting mitochondrial respiratory complexes IV and III, respectively, decreased progressively.


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An immunohistochemical examination of guinea-pig taste buds in vallate papillae revealed gustducin-immunoreactive cells in the area of von Ebner’s glands, minor salivary glands. Since there have been no reports describing those cells in these locations for other species, we investigated these glands in order both to localize the cells and compare their immunoreactive characteristics with corresponding cells in the vallate taste buds. The gustducin-immunoreactive cells coincided with cells containing no secretory granules in the end portion of the glands, which was supported by the electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. Double immunofluorescence microscopy confirmed these cells to be entirely immunopositive to type III inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (IP3R-3), phospholipase Cβ2 (PLCβ2), and villin and also partly immunopositive to neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and calbindin D-28K. The gustducin-immunoreactive cells in the vallate taste buds exhibited completely the same immunoreactivities for these five molecules. Accordingly, the present results give credence to a consideration that the gustducin-immunnoreactive cells in both locations are identical in function(s) e.g., chemo-reception.


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Bullous pemphigoid (BP) represents the most common autoimmune subepidermal blistering disease. BP typically affects the elderly and is associated with significant morbidity. It has usually a chronic course with spontaneous exacerbations. The cutaneous manifestations of BP can be extremely protean. While diagnosis of BP in the bullous stage is straightforward, in the non-bullous stage or in atypical variants of BP signs and symptoms are frequently non-specific with eg, only itchy excoriated, eczematous, papular and/or urticarial lesions that may persist for several weeks or months. Diagnosis of BP critically relies on immunopathologic examinations including direct immunofluorescence microscopy and detection of serum autoantibodies by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy or BP180-ELISA.


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The pH(i) (intracellular pH) is an important physiological parameter which is altered during hypoxia and ischaemia, pathological conditions accompanied by a dramatic decrease in pH(i). Sensors of pH(i) include ion transport systems which control intracellular Ca2+ gradients and link changes in pH(i) to functions as diverse as proliferation and apoptosis. The annexins are a protein family characterized by Ca2+-dependent interactions with cellular membranes. Additionally, in vitro evidence points to the existence of pH-dependent, Ca(2+)-independent membrane association of several annexins. We show that hypoxia promotes the interaction of the recombinant annexin A2-S100A10 (p11) and annexin A6 with the plasma membrane. We have investigated in vivo the influence of the pH(i) on the membrane association of human annexins A1, A2, A4, A5 and A6 tagged with fluorescent proteins, and characterized this interaction for endogenous annexins present in smooth muscle and HEK (human embryonic kidney)-293 cells biochemically and by immunofluorescence microscopy. Our results show that annexin A6 and the heterotetramer A2-S100A10 (but not annexins A1, A4 and A5) interact independently of Ca2+ with the plasma membrane at pH 6.2 and 6.6. The dimerization of annexin A2 within the annexin A2-S100A10 complex is essential for the pH-dependent membrane interaction at this pH range. The pH-induced membrane binding of annexins A6 and A2-S100A10 might have consequences for their functions as membrane organizers and channel modulators.