924 resultados para IT intervention programmes


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Background Burns and scalds are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Successful counter-measures to prevent burn and scald-related injury have been identified. However, evidence indicating the successful roll-out of these counter-measures into the wider community is lacking. Community-based interventions in the form of multi-strategy, multi-focused programmes are hypothesised to result in a reduction in population-wide injury rates. This review tests this hypothesis with regards to burn and scald injury in children. Objectives To assess the effects of community-based interventions, defined as coordinated, multi-strategy initiatives, for reducing burns and scalds in children aged 14 years and under. Search strategy We searched the Cochrane Injuries Group's specialised register, CENTRAL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, National Research Register and the Web of Knowledge. We also handsearched selected journals and checked the reference lists of selected publications. The searches were last updated in May 2007. Selection criteria Included studies were those that reported changes in medically attended burn and scald-related injury rates in a paediatric population (aged 14 years and under), following the implementation of a controlled community-based intervention. Data collection and analysis Two authors independently assess studies for eligibility and extracted data. Due to heterogeneity between the included studies, a pooled analysis was not appropriate. Main results Of 39 identified studies, four met the criteria for inclusion. Two of the included studies reported a significant decrease in paediatric burn and scald injury in the intervention compared with the control communities. The failure of the other two studies to show a positive result may have been due to limited time-frame for the intervention and/or failure to adequately implement the counter-measures in the communities. Authors' conclusions There are a very limited number of research studies allowing conclusions to be drawn about the effectiveness of community-based injury prevention programmes to prevent burns and scalds in children. There is a pressing need to evaluate high-quality community-based intervention programmes based on efficacious counter-measures to reduce burns and scalds in children. It is important that a framework for considering the problem of burns and scalds in children from a prevention perspective be articulated, and that an evidence-based suite of interventions be combined to create programme guidelines suitable for implementation in communities throughout the world.


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Objective: We systematically reviewed the literature to examine the evidence for the effectiveness of community-based interventions to reduce fall-related injury in children aged 0-16 years. Methods: We performed a comprehensive search of the literature using the following study selection criteria: community-based intervention study; target population was children aged 0-16 years; outcome measure was fall-related injury rates; and either a community control or historical control was used in the study design. Quality assessment and data abstraction were guided by a standardized procedure and performed independently by two authors. Results: Only six studies fitting the inclusion criteria were identified in our search and only two of these used a trial design with a contemporary community control. Neither of the high quality evaluation studies showed an effect from the intervention and while authors of the remaining studies reported effective falls prevention programmes, the pre- and post-intervention design, uncontrolled for background secular trends, makes causal inferences from these studies difficult. Conclusion: There is a paucity of research studies from which evidence regarding the effectiveness of community-based intervention programmes for the prevention of fall-related injury in children could be based.


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This article reviews a particular aspect of the critique of the increasing focus on the brain and neuroscience; what has been termed by some, 'neuromania'. It engages with the growing literature produced in response to the 'first three years' movement: an alliance of child welfare advocates and politicians that draws on the authority of neuroscience to argue that social problems such as inequality, poverty, educational underachievement, violence and mental illness are best addressed through 'early intervention' programmes to protect or enhance emotional and cognitive aspects of children's brain development. The movement began in the United States in the early 1990s and has become increasingly vocal and influential since then, achieving international legitimacy in the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the UK and elsewhere. The movement, and the brain-based culture of expert-led parent training that has grown with it, has been criticised for claiming scientific authority whilst taking a cavalier approach to scientific method and evidence; for being overly deterministic about the early years of life; for focusing attention on individual parental failings rather than societal or structural problems, for adding to the expanding anxieties of parents and strengthening the intensification of parenting and, ultimately, for redefining the parent-child relationship in biologised, instrumental and dehumanised terms. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.


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Einleitung: Zu den autistischen Syndromen werden der frühkindliche Autismus (Kanner-Syndrom), das Asperger-Syndrom und atypische Autismusformen oder nicht-spezifizierte tiefgreifende Entwicklungsstörungen gezählt. Bei den autistischen Syndromen liegen Beeinträchtigungen (1) der Kommunikation und (2) der sozialen Interaktion vor. Weiterhin weisen (3) die Kinder in unterschiedlichem Maß stereotypes, repetitives Verhalten auf und haben bestimmte Sonderinteressen. Verhaltensbasierte Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus basieren auf lerntheoretischen und verhaltenstherapeutischen Konzepten. Sie berücksichtigen die besonderen vorliegenden Beeinträchtigungen in der Wahrnehmung, der emotionalen Reaktionen, der sozialen Interaktionen sowie der Kommunikationsmuster. Die systematische Anwendung und Evaluation solcher Modelle in Deutschland ist aber bisher eher die Ausnahme. Fragestellungen: - Wie sind die gesundheitliche Effektivität und Sicherheit von verhaltens- oder fertigkeitenbasierten Frühinterventionen bei autistischen Syndromen untereinander und verglichen mit einer Standardbehandlung? - Gibt es Hinweise auf besondere Wirkfaktoren für die Effektivität? - Wie ist die Kosten-Effektivität? - Wie hoch sind die Kosten der verschiedenen Interventionen? - Lassen sich aus ethischen und rechtlichen Überlegungen Schlüsse für die Anwendung der betrachteten Interventionen bei Betroffenen mit autistischem Syndrom in der Praxis ziehen? Methoden: Basierend auf einer systematischen Literaturrecherche werden ab 2000 in deutscher oder englischer Sprache veröffentlichte kontrollierte Studien zu verhaltens- oder fertigkeitenbasierten Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus im Alter von bis zu zwölf Jahren eingeschlossen und bewertet. Die Mindestzahl an Studienteilnehmern muss zehn pro Interventionsgruppe betragen. Ergebnisse: Insgesamt 15 Veröffentlichungen klinischer Primärstudien, acht systematische Reviews und eine ökonomische Veröffentlichung erfüllen die Einschlusskriterien. Die meisten Studien evaluieren intensive Frühinterventionen, die sich an das Modell von Lovaas (Early intensive behavioural treatment (EIBT), Applied behavioural analysis (ABA)) anlehnen. Einige Studien evaluieren andere Interventionen, die teilweise pragmatisch waren und teilweise einem bestimmten Modell folgen (spezifisches Elterntraining, Responsive education and prelinguistic milieu teaching (RPMT), Joint attention (JA) und symbolisches Spielen (SP), Picture exchange communication system (PECS)). Verhaltensanalytische Interventionen basierend auf dem Lovaas-Modell können weiterhin als die am besten empirisch abgesicherten Frühinterventionen angesehen werden. Vorschulkinder mit Autismus können durch verhaltensbasierte Interventionen mit einer Mindestintensität von 20 Stunden pro Woche Verbesserungen in kognitiven und funktionalen Bereichen (expressive Sprache, Sprachverständnis und Kommunikation) erreichen. Es bleibt jedoch unklar, welche Mindestintensität notwendig ist, und welche Wirkkomponenten für die Ergebnisse verantwortlich sind. Für andere umfassende Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus liegt keine hochwertige Evidenz vor. Die für den ökonomischen Teilbereich identifizierte und einbezogene Publikation ist methodisch und thematisch nicht dazu geeignet, die Fragen nach der Kosten-Effektivität oder den Kostenwirkungen von Frühinterventionen beim Autismus auch nur ansatzweise zu beantworten. Publikationen zu rechtlichen, ethischen oder sozialen Aspekten werden nicht identifiziert. Die finanzielle Lage der Betroffenen und der Familien wird durch das Pflege-Weiterentwicklungsgesetz (Pf-WG) verbessert. Weitere rechtliche Belange betreffen die Betreuung und die Deliktfähigkeit der Menschen mit Autismus. Auch die gleichheitliche Betreuung und Versorgung sind insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Pflege im häuslichen Umfeld eine wichtige Frage. Diskussion: Es gibt nur wenige methodisch angemessene Studien zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit von Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus. Die meisten Studien sind vergleichsweise kurz und haben teilsweise kein verblindetes Ergebnis-Rating. Der Mangel an hochwertigen vergleichenden Studien lässt keine solide Antwort auf die Frage zu, welche Frühintervention bei welchen Kindern mit Autismus am wirksamsten ist. Programme nach dem Lovaas-Modell scheinen am wirkungsvollsten zu sein. Dies gilt vor allem, wenn sie klinikbasiert durchgeführt werden. Zu einzelnen Wirkfaktoren von Frühinterventionen nach dem ABA-Modell konnte allerdings keine solide Evidenz gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich, dass ein Elterntraining hinsichtlich der Verbesserung der Kommunikation besser ist als eine Routinebehandlung, in der eine Mischung von Theapieelementen angewendet wird. Sowohl für die klinischen als auch die gesundheitsökonomischen Studien besteht das Problem unzureichender Verallgemeinerbarkeit der Studienergebnisse in den deutschen Versorgungskontext. Die ökonomischen Studien sind methodisch und thematisch nicht dazu geeignet die aufgeworfenen Fragestellungen zu beantworten. Schlussfolgerung: Basierend auf der derzeitigen Studienlage liegt für keine der untersuchten verhaltensbasierten Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus ausreichende Evidenz vor. Die in diesem Bericht ausgewerteten Studien und Reviews legen nahe, dass Vorschulkinder mit Autismus durch verhaltensbasierte Interventionen mit einer Mindestintensität von 20 Stunden pro Woche Verbesserungen in kognitiven und funktionalen Bereichen erreichen können. Es gibt bisher keine Hinweise, dass bei einem substantiellen Anteil der Kinder eine vollständige Normalisierung der Entwicklung erreicht werden kann. Die meiste Evidenz liegt für die ABA vor. Ein Minimum an erforderlicher oder sinnvoller Behandlungsintensität kann jedoch nicht angegeben werden. Eine professionelle Umsetzung eines verhaltensbasierten Frühinterventionsprogrammes in engem und ausführlichem Kontakt mit den Kindern und unter Einbeziehung der Eltern erscheint sinnvoll. Zur Kosten-Effektivität von intensiven Frühinterventionen bei Kindern mit Autismus können keine validen Angaben gemacht werden. Effektive Frühinterventionen könnten jedoch die Gesamtkosten des Autismus langfristig reduzieren, indem die anfallenden hohen Aufwendungen durch eine spätere bessere soziale Anpassung überkompensiert werden.


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Background Cannabis use appears to exacerbate psychotic symptoms and increase risk of psychotic relapse. However, the relative contribution of cannabis use compared with other risk factors is unclear. The influence of psychotic symptoms on cannabis use has received little attention. Aims To examine the influence of cannabis use on psychotic symptom relapse and the influence of psychotic symptom severity on relapse in cannabis use in the 6 months following hospital admission. Method At baseline, 84 participants with recent-onset psychosis were assessed and 81 were followed up weekly for 6 months, using telephone and face-to-face interviews. Results A higher frequency of cannabis use was predictive of psychotic relapse, after controlling for medication adherence, other substance use and duration of untreated psychosis. An increase in psychotic symptoms was predictive of relapse to cannabis use, and medication adherence reduced cannabis relapse risk. Conclusions The relationship between cannabis use and psychosis may be bidirectional, highlighting the need for early intervention programmes to target cannabis use and psychotic symptom severity in this population.


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Hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) are common in a number of sports and incidence rates have not declined in recent times. Additionally, the high rate of recurrent injuries suggests that our current understanding of HSI and re-injury risk is incomplete. Whilst the multifactoral nature of HSIs is agreed upon by many, often individual risk factors and/or causes of injury are examined in isolation. This review aims to bring together the causes, risk factors and interventions associated with HSIs to better understand why HSIs are so prevalent. Running is often identified as the primary activity type for HSIs and given the high eccentric forces and moderate muscle strain placed on the hamstrings during running these factors are considered to be part of the aetiology of HSIs. However, the exact causes of HSIs remain unknown and whilst eccentric contraction and muscle strain purportedly play a role, accumulated muscle damage and/or a single injurious event may also contribute. Potentially, all of these factors interact to varying degrees depending on the injurious activity type (i.e. running, kicking). Furthermore, anatomical factors, such as the biarticular organization, the dual innervations of biceps femoris (BF), fibre type distribution, muscle architecture and the degree of anterior pelvic tilt, have all been implicated. Each of these variables impact upon HSI risk via a number of different mechanisms that include increasing hamstring muscle strain and altering the susceptibility of the hamstrings to muscle damage. Reported risk factors for HSIs include age, previous injury, ethnicity, strength imbalances, flexibility and fatigue. Of these, little is known, definitively, about why previous injury increases the risk of future HSIs. Nevertheless, interventions put in place to reduce the incidence of HSIs by addressing modifiable risk factors have focused primarily on increasing eccentric strength, correcting strength imbalances and improving flexibility. The response to these intervention programmes has been mixed with varied levels of success reported. A conceptual framework is presented suggesting that neuromuscular inhibition following HSIs may impede the rehabilitation process and subsequently lead to maladaptation of hamstring muscle structure and function, including preferentially eccentric weakness, atrophy of the previously injured muscles and alterations in the angle of peak knee flexor torque. This remains an area for future research and practitioners need to remain aware of the multifactoral nature of HSIs if injury rates are to decline.


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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows:The primary objective of the review is to assess the effectiveness of primary, secondary and tertiary intervention programmes utilised to reduce or prevent, or both, elderly abuse in organisational, institutional and community settings. We will also identify and report on adverse consequences or effects of the intervention/s in the review.The secondary objective is to investigate whether intervention?s effects are modified by types of abuse, types of participants, setting of intervention or cognitive status of the elderly.


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This study explored the interaction between physical and psychosocial factors in the workplace on neck pain and disability in female computer users. A self-report survey was used to collect data on physical risk factors (monitor location, duration of time spent using the keyboard and mouse) and psychosocial domains (as assessed by the Job Content Questionnaire). The neck disability index was the outcome measure. Interactions among the physical and psychosocial factors were examined in analysis of covariance. High supervisor support, decision authority and skill discretion protect against the negative impact of (1) time spent on computer-based tasks, (2) non-optimal placement of the computer monitor, and; (3) long duration of mouse use. Office workers with greater neck pain experience a combination of high physical and low psychosocial stressors at work. Prevention and intervention strategies that target both sets of risk factors are likely to be more successful than single intervention programmes. Statement of Relevance The results of this study demonstrate that the interaction of physical and psychosocial factors in the workplace has a stronger association with neck pain and disability than the presence of either factor alone. This finding has important implications for strategies aimed at the prevention of musculoskeletal problems in office workers.


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This pilot project investigated the existing practices and processes of Proficient, Highly Accomplished and Lead teachers in the interpretation, analysis and implementation of National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) data. A qualitative case study approach was the chosen methodology, with nine teachers across a variety of school sectors interviewed. Themes and sub-themes were identified from the participants’ interview responses revealing the ways in which Queensland teachers work with NAPLAN data. The data illuminated that generally individual schools and teachers adopted their own ways of working with data, with approaches ranging from individual/ad hoc, to hierarchical or a whole school approach. Findings also revealed that data are the responsibility of various persons from within the school hierarchy; some working with the data electronically whilst others rely on manual manipulation. Manipulation of data is used for various purposes including tracking performance, value adding and targeting programmes for specific groups of students, for example the gifted and talented. Whilst all participants had knowledge of intervention programmes and how practice could be modified, there were large inconsistencies in knowledge and skills across schools. Some see the use of data as a mechanism for accountability, whilst others mention data with regards to changing the school culture and identifying best practice. Overall, the findings showed inconsistencies in approach to focus area 5.4. Recommendations therefore include a more national approach to the use of educational data.


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Objective Melanoma is on the rise, especially in Caucasian populations exposed to high ultraviolet radiation such as in Australia. This paper examined the psychological components facilitating change in skin cancer prevention or early detection behaviours following a text message intervention. Methods The Queensland-based participants were 18 to 42 years old, from the Healthy Text study (N = 546). Overall, 512 (94%) participants completed the 12-month follow-up questionnaires. Following the social cognitive model, potential mediators of skin self-examination (SSE) and sun protection behaviour change were examined using stepwise logistic regression models. Results At 12-month follow-up, odds of performing an SSE in the past 12 months were mediated by baseline confidence in finding time to check skin (an outcome expectation), with a change in odds ratio of 11.9% in the SSE group versus the control group when including the mediator. Odds of greater than average sun protective habits index at 12-month follow-up were mediated by (a) an attempt to get a suntan at baseline (an outcome expectation) and (b) baseline sun protective habits index, with a change in odds ratio of 10.0% and 11.8%, respectively in the SSE group versus the control group. Conclusions Few of the suspected mediation pathways were confirmed with the exception of outcome expectations and past behaviours. Future intervention programmes could use alternative theoretical models to elucidate how improvements in health behaviours can optimally be facilitated.


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BACKGROUND: Family-based cardiac screening programmes for persons at risk for genetic cardiac diseases are now recommended. However, the psychological wellbeing and health related quality of life (QoL) of such screened patients is poorly understood, especially in younger patients. We sought to examine wellbeing and QoL in a representative group of adults aged 16 and over in a dedicated family cardiac screening clinic.

METHODS: Prospective survey of consecutive consenting patients attending a cardiac screening clinic, over a 12 month period. Data were collected using two health measurement tools: the Short Form 12 (version 2) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), along with baseline demographic and screening visit-related data. The HADS and SF-12v.2 outcomes were compared by age group. Associations with a higher HADS score were examined using logistic regression, with multi-level modelling used to account for the family-based structure of the data.

RESULTS: There was a study response rate of 86.6%, with n=334 patients providing valid HADS data (valid response rate 79.5%), and data on n=316 retained for analysis. One-fifth of patients were aged under 25 (n=61). Younger patients were less likely than older to describe significant depression on their HADS scale (p<0.0001), although there were overall no difference between the prevalence of a significant HADS score between the younger and older age groups (18.0% vs 20.0%, p=0.73). Significant positive associates of a higher HADS score were having lower educational attainment, being single or separated, and being closely related to the family proband. Between-family variance in anxiety and depression scores was greater than within-family variance.

CONCLUSIONS: High levels of anxiety were seen amongst patients attending a family-based cardiac screening clinic.Younger patients also had high rates of clinically significant anxiety. Higher levels of anxiety and depression tends to run in families, and this has implications for family screening and intervention programmes.


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PURPOSE: Understanding the experience of late effects from the perspective of cancer survivors is essential to inform patient-centred care. This study investigated the nature and onset of late effects experienced by survivors and the manner in which late effects have affected their lives.

METHODS: Sixteen purposively selected cancer survivors participated in a qualitative interview study. The data were analysed inductively using a narrative schema in order to derive the main themes that characterised patients' accounts of late effects.

RESULTS: Individual survivors tended to experience more than one late effect spanning a range of physical and psychological effects. Late effects impacted on relationships, working life, finances and the ability to undertake daily activities. Survivors reported experiencing psychological late effects from around the end of treatment whereas the onset of physical effects occurred later during the post-treatment period. Late effects were managed using formal health services, informal social support and use of 'wellbeing strategies'. Survivors engaged in a process of searching for reasons for experiencing late effects and struggled to make sense of their situation. In particular, a process of 'peer-patient comparison' was used by survivors to help them make sense of, or cope with, their late effects. There appeared to be an association between personal disposition and adaptation and adjustment to the impact of late effects.

CONCLUSIONS: Cancer survivors identified potential components for supported self-management or intervention programmes, as well as important considerations in terms of peer comparisons, personal disposition and making sense of experienced late effects.


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The objective of this work is to present elements of the project Student engagement in Schools (SES). The team consists of 10 researchers from six Universities. Student engagement in schools is a multidimensional construct that unites affective, behavioural, and cognitive dimensions of student adaptation in the school and has influence on students‘outcomes. The team of researchers conceptualized two major studies, a differential study to analyze the relations between SES and contextual factors, personal factors, student’s outcomes, and a quasi-experimental study to analyze the effects on SES of a specific intervention programmes. In study 1, the sample size is around 600 students (150 6th graders, 150 7th graders, 150 9th graders, and 150 10th graders). We shall focus on years of school transition, with rural and urban populations, on different regions of the country, and on students with different family background. We shall conduct questionnaires with national and international scales. The study 2 will involve students in 7th and 9th grade, from four classes, two of the experimental group and two of the control group. Patterns of verbal communications between a teacher and students can influence the classroom environment and SES. This model of communication would result in more effective student management and more time on-task for learning.


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Comunicação apresentada no XI Congresso da AEPEC (Associação da Educação Pluridimensional e da Escola Cultural) - Da exclusão à excelência - caminhos organizacionais para a qualidade da educação. Évora: Universidade de Évora, 16, 17 e 18 de Setembro de 2010.


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Pesticide use among smallholder coffee producers in Jamaica has been associated with significant occupational health effects. Research on pesticide handling practices, however, has been scarce, especially in eastern Jamaica. This explorative study aims at filling this gap and provides a first basis to develop effective interventions to promote a safer pesticide use. A random sample of 81 coffee farmers was surveyed. The majority of farmers reported to suffer from at least one health symptom associated with pesticide handling, but safety practices were scarcely adopted. There was also the risk that other household members and the wider local community are exposed to pesticides. The lack of training on pesticide management, the role of health services and the cost for protective equipment seemed to be the most significant factors that influence current pesticide handling practices in eastern Jamaica. Further research is recommended to develop a systemic understanding of farmer’s behaviour to provide a more solid basis for the development of future intervention programmes.