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This paper describes two simple thermal methods for measuring the energy fluence in J/cm 2 from a diagnostic x-ray exposure. Both detectors absorb essentially 100% of the radiation and give a signal that is directly proportional to the energy fluence of the x-ray beam. One detector measures the thermal effect when a pulse of x rays is totally absorbed in the pyroelectric detector of lead-zirconium-titanate (PZT). The other detector measures the expansion of a gas surrounding a lead disk detector in a photoacoustic chamber. The increased pressure of the gas is transmitted through a 1-mm duct to a sensitive microphone. Both detectors have previously been used to measure the energy fluence rate of continuous x-ray beams in the same energy region using a chopped beam and a lock-in amplifier. Measurement of the energy fluence of a pulse of radiation eliminates the need for the beam chopper and lock-in amplifier and results in a simple, rugged, and inexpensive dosimeter. Either method can be combined with the area of the beam to give an estimate of the imparted energy to the patient from a diagnostic x-ray exposure.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper consists in the evaluation of the exposure rate to ionizing radiation to which professionals working in surgical procedures which require radiological examinations are subjected. Were initially performed real-time readings of exposure rate within four distinct operating rooms during the execution of four surgical procedures that made use of fluoroscopy equipment (including three orthopedic surgeries, one in the shoulder, one in the arm, another for deployment of metal pin in the leg region, and a fourth for vascular procedure); in these surgeries were used ionization chamber detector and an electrometer. In order to check the values achieved, was made a re-evaluation of the distribution of the rate of exposure to radiation, from the surgical procedures, now with thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs). For this, thirty TLDs were distributed in the operating rooms, arranged in points of interest as occupation by professionals. The TLDs were prepared for thirty consecutive days, after which they were removed and replaced with new dosimeters not exposed yet. The dosimeters were subjected to reading of the rate of exposure; this procedure was repeated for four months without interruption. The quantification of the results sought primarily to convert the rate of exposure for equivalent dose rate, both in measurements with ionization chamber as in measurements with TLDs, in order to highlight the presence of the biological effect of ionizing radiation for comparisons within scientific context. Then, the results were plotted to establish the relationship between the values of equivalent dose and the distance to the central axis of the x -ray source, confirming the inverse square law for distance. Finally, the values were associated with the maximum limit recommended by the legislation for occupationally exposed individuals. The methodology for the analysis and quantification of the data in this work aims at implementing a work plan that meets ...


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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[ES] En este trabajo se han determinado los niveles de 222Rn en el agua subterránea en la zona noreste de Gran Canaria a partir de 28 muestras de pozos en bombeo. La concentración de actividad de radón en una muestra de agua se determina mediante un sistema en circuito cerrado que consta de un monitor AlphaGUARD que mide la concentración de radón en aire por medio de una cámara de ionización y un conjunto AquaKIT que se utiliza para transferir el radón disuelto en la muestra de agua al aire del circuito. Los valores de la concentración de radón en agua de las muestras estudiadas varían entre 0.9 y 76.9 Bq/L. Debido a la peligrosidad radiológica del radón, en España se ha establecido un límite de actividad de 100 Bq/L de 222Rn para las aguas de consumo humano. Los valores obtenidos para todas las muestras analizadas se encuentran por debajo de este límite.


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The conversion coefficients from air kerma to ICRU operational dose equivalent quantities for ENEA’s realization of the X-radiation qualities L10-L35 of the ISO “Low Air Kerma rate” series (L), N10-N40 of the ISO “Narrow spectrum” series (N) and H10-H60 of the ISO “High Air-kerma rate” (H) series and two beams at 5 kV and 7.5 kV were determined by utilising X-ray spectrum measurements. The pulse-height spectra were measured using a planar high-purity germanium spectrometer (HPGe) and unfolded to fluence spectra using a stripping procedure then validate with using Monte Carlo generated data of the spectrometer response. HPGe portable detector has a diameter of 8.5 mm and a thickness of 5 mm. The entrance window of the crystal is collimated by a 0.5 mm thick Aluminum ring to an open diameter of 6.5 mm. The crystal is mounted at a distance of 5 mm from the Berillium window (thickness 25.4 micron). The Monte Carlo method (MCNP-4C) was used to calculate the efficiency, escape and Compton curves of a planar high-purity germanium detector (HPGe) in the 5-60 keV energy. These curves were used for the determination of photon spectra produced by the X-ray machine SEIFERT ISOVOLT 160 kV in order to allow a precise characterization of photon beams in the low energy range, according to the ISO 4037. The detector was modelled with the MCNP computer code and validated with experimental data. To verify the measuring and the stripping procedure, the first and the second half-value layers and the air kerma rate were calculated from the counts spectra and compared with the values measured using an a free-air ionization chamber. For each radiation quality, the spectrum was characterized by the parameters given in ISO 4037-1. The conversion coefficients from the air kerma to the ICRU operational quantities Hp(10), Hp(0.07), H’(0.07) and H*(10) were calculated using monoenergetic conversion coefficients. The results are discussed with respect to ISO 4037-4, and compared with published results for low-energy X-ray spectra. The main motivation for this work was the lack of a treatment of the low photon energy region (from a few keV up to about 60 keV).


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The proton-nucleus elastic scattering at intermediate energies is a well-established method for the investigation of the nuclear matter distribution in stable nuclei and was recently applied also for the investigation of radioactive nuclei using the method of inverse kinematics. In the current experiment, the differential cross sections for proton elastic scattering on the isotopes $^{7,9,10,11,12,14}$Be and $^8$B were measured. The experiment was performed using the fragment separator at GSI, Darmstadt to produce the radioactive beams. The main part of the experimental setup was the time projection ionization chamber IKAR which was simultaneously used as hydrogen target and a detector for the recoil protons. Auxiliary detectors for projectile tracking and isotope identification were also installed. As results from the experiment, the absolute differential cross sections d$sigma$/d$t$ as a function of the four momentum transfer $t$ were obtained. In this work the differential cross sections for elastic p-$^{12}$Be, p-$^{14}$Be and p-$^{8}$B scattering at low $t$ ($t leq$~0.05~(GeV/c)$^2$) are presented. The measured cross sections were analyzed within the Glauber multiple-scattering theory using different density parameterizations, and the nuclear matter density distributions and radii of the investigated isotopes were determined. The analysis of the differential cross section for the isotope $^{14}$Be shows that a good description of the experimental data is obtained when density distributions consisting of separate core and halo components are used. The determined {it rms} matter radius is $3.11 pm 0.04 pm 0.13$~fm. In the case of the $^{12}$Be nucleus the results showed an extended matter distribution as well. For this nucleus a matter radius of $2.82 pm 0.03 pm 0.12$~fm was determined. An interesting result is that the free $^{12}$Be nucleus behaves differently from the core of $^{14}$Be and is much more extended than it. The data were also compared with theoretical densities calculated within the FMD and the few-body models. In the case of $^{14}$Be, the calculated cross sections describe the experimental data well while, in the case of $^{12}$Be there are discrepancies in the region of high momentum transfer. Preliminary experimental results for the isotope $^8$B are also presented. An extended matter distribution was obtained (though much more compact as compared to the neutron halos). A proton halo structure was observed for the first time with the proton elastic scattering method. The deduced matter radius is $2.60pm 0.02pm 0.26$~fm. The data were compared with microscopic calculations in the frame of the FMD model and reasonable agreement was observed. The results obtained in the present analysis are in most cases consistent with the previous experimental studies of the same isotopes with different experimental methods (total interaction and reaction cross section measurements, momentum distribution measurements). For future investigation of the structure of exotic nuclei a universal detector system EXL is being developed. It will be installed at the NESR at the future FAIR facility where higher intensity beams of radioactive ions are expected. The usage of storage ring techniques provides high luminosity and low background experimental conditions. Results from the feasibility studies of the EXL detector setup, performed at the present ESR storage ring, are presented.


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Die Gesundheitseffekte von Aerosolpartikeln werden stark von ihren chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften und somit den jeweiligen Bildungsprozessen und Quellencharakteristika beeinflusst. Während die Hauptquellen der anthropogenen Partikelemissionen gut untersucht sind, stellen die spezifischen Emissionsmuster zahlreicher kleiner Aerosolquellen, welche lokal und temporär zu einer signifikanten Verschlechterung der Luftqualität beitragen können, ein Forschungsdesiderat dar.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit werden in kombinierten Labor- und Feldmessungen durch ein integratives Analysekonzept mittels online (HR-ToF-AMS ) und filterbasierter offline (ATR-FTIR-Spektroskopie ) Messverfahren die weitgehend unbekannten physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Emissionen besonderer anthropogener Aerosolquellen untersucht. Neben einem Fußballstadion als komplexe Mischung verschiedener Aerosolquellen wie Frittieren und Grillen, Zigarettenrauchen und Pyrotechnik werden die Emissionen durch Feuerwerkskörper, landwirtschaftliche Intensivtierhaltung (Legehennen), Tief- und Straßenbauarbeiten sowie abwasserbürtige Aerosolpartikel in die Studie mit eingebunden. Die primären Partikelemissionen der untersuchten Quellen sind vorrangig durch kleine Partikelgrößen (dp < 1 µm) und somit eine hohe Lungengängigkeit gekennzeichnet. Dagegen zeigen die Aerosolpartikel im Stall der landwirtschaftlichen Intensivtierhaltung sowie die Emissionen durch die Tiefbauarbeiten einen hohen Masseanteil von Partikeln dp > 1 µm. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt auf der chemischen Charakterisierung der organischen Partikelbestandteile, welche für viele Quellen die NR-PM1-Emissionen dominieren. Dabei zeigen sich wichtige quellenspezifische Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der organischen Aerosolfraktion. Die beim Abbrand von pyrotechnischen Gegenständen freigesetzten sowie die abwasserbürtigen Aerosolpartikel enthalten dagegen hohe relative Gehalte anorganischer Substanzen. Auch können in einigen spezifischen Emissionen Metallverbindungen in den AMS-Massenspektren nachgewiesen werden. Über die Charakterisierung der Emissionsmuster und -dynamiken hinaus werden für einige verschiedenfarbige Rauchpatronen sowie die Emissionen im Stall der Intensivtierhaltung Emissionsfaktoren bestimmt, die zur quantitativen Bilanzierung herangezogen werden können. In einem weiteren Schritt werden anhand der empirischen Daten die analytischen Limitierungen der Aerosolmassenspektrometrie wie die Interferenz organischer Fragmentionen durch (Hydrogen-)Carbonate und mögliche Auswertestrategien zur Überwindung dieser Grenzen vorgestellt und diskutiert.rnEine umfangreiche Methodenentwicklung zur Verbesserung der analytischen Aussagekraft von organischen AMS-Massenspektren zeigt, dass für bestimmte Partikeltypen einzelne Fragmentionen in den AMS-Massenspektren signifikant mit ausgewählten funktionellen Molekülgruppen der FTIR-Absorptionsspektren korrelieren. Bedingt durch ihre fehlende Spezifität ist eine allgemeingültige Interpretation von AMS-Fragmentionen als Marker für verschiedene funktionelle Gruppen nicht zulässig und häufig nur durch die Ergebnisse der komplementären FTIR-Spektroskopie möglich. Des Weiteren wurde die Verdampfung und Ionisation ausgewählter Metallverbindungen im AMS analysiert. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht, dass eine qualitative und quantitative Auswertung dieser Substanzen nicht ohne Weiteres möglich ist. Die Gründe hierfür liegen in einer fehlenden Reproduzierbarkeit des Verdampfungs- und Ionisationsprozesses aufgrund von Matrixeffekten sowie der in Abhängigkeit vorangegangener Analysen (Verdampferhistorie) in der Ionisationskammer und auf dem Verdampfer statt-findenden chemischen Reaktionen.rnDie Erkenntnisse der Arbeit erlauben eine Priorisierung der untersuchten anthropogenen Quellen nach bestimmten Messparametern und stellen für deren Partikelemissionen den Ausgangpunkt einer Risikobewertung von atmosphärischen Folgeprozessen sowie potentiell negativen Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit dar. rn


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The verification possibilities of dynamically collimated treatment beams with a scanning liquid ionization chamber electronic portal image device (SLIC-EPID) are investigated. The ion concentration in the liquid of a SLIC-EPID and therefore the read-out signal is determined by two parameters of a differential equation describing the creation and recombination of the ions. Due to the form of this equation, the portal image detector describes a nonlinear dynamic system with memory. In this work, the parameters of the differential equation were experimentally determined for the particular chamber in use and for an incident open 6 MV photon beam. The mathematical description of the ion concentration was then used to predict portal images of intensity-modulated photon beams produced by a dynamic delivery technique, the sliding window approach. Due to the nature of the differential equation, a mathematical condition for 'reliable leaf motion verification' in the sliding window technique can be formulated. It is shown that the time constants for both formation and decay of the equilibrium concentration in the chamber is in the order of seconds. In order to guarantee reliable leaf motion verification, these time constants impose a constraint on the rapidity of the image-read out for a given maximum leaf speed. For a leaf speed of 2 cm s(-1), a minimum image acquisition frequency of about 2 Hz is required. Current SLIC-EPID systems are usually too slow since they need about a second to acquire a portal image. However, if the condition is fulfilled, the memory property of the system can be used to reconstruct the leaf motion. It is shown that a simple edge detecting algorithm can be employed to determine the leaf positions. The method is also very robust against image noise.


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O uso de Tomografia Computadorizada (CT) para procedimentos de imagiologia vem crescendo cada vez mais devido aos avanços da tecnologia dos equipamentos de CT, que permitem a obtenção de imagens com melhor resolução do que por outras técnicas, sendo consequentemente responsável pelo aumento da dose de radiação no paciente durante o procedimento. Isso acarretou uma maior preocupação com as doses recebidas pelos pacientes que se submetem a esse tipo de exame. Para a realização da dosimetria de feixes de CT, o instrumento mais utilizado é a câmara de ionização do tipo lápis, pois este dosímetro apresenta uma resposta uniforme ao feixe de radiação incidente em todos os ângulos. A câmara convencional que se encontra disponível no mercado apresenta um comprimento de volume sensível de 10 cm; entretanto, alguns estudos têm mostrado que esse dosímetro tem subestimado os valores de dose. Portanto, neste trabalho optou-se por desenvolver no Laboratório de Calibração de Instrumentos do Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares (LCI-IPEN/CNEN) duas câmaras de ionização, fazendo uso de materiais nacionais de baixo custo, com comprimentos de volume sensível de 10 cm e 30 cm. A caracterização destas câmaras foi realizada e os resultados se apresentaram dentro dos limites recomendáveis internacionais. Como uma aplicação, as câmaras desenvolvidas, juntamente com uma câmara comercial, foram testadas em um tomógrafo clínico. As câmaras de ionização desenvolvidas foram analisadas de maneira completa, para os seus possíveis usos.


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An instrument that can continuously monitor air for tritium has been developed. It utilizes a flow type ionization chamber and a vibrating reed electrometer. A response of double normal background is produced by 9.4 x 10⁻⁵ [mu]c H³/cc air; the presently accepted MPC is 2.0 x 10⁻⁵ [mu]c H³/cc air. Its operation is completely automatic.


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[EN]Rn has been detected in 28 groundwater samples from the northeast of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands, Spain) utilizing a closed loop system consisting of an AlphaGUARD monitor that measures radon activity concentration in the air by means of an ionization chamber, and an AquaKIT set that transfers dissolved radon in the water samples to the air within the circuit. Radon concentration in the water samples studied varies between 0.3 and 76.9 Bq/L. Spanish radiological protection regulations limit the concentration of 222Rn for drinking water to 100 Bq/L, therefore the values obtained for all the analyzed samples are below this threshold. The hydrogeological study reveals a significant correspondence between the radon activity concentration and the material characteristics of the aquifer.


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Recentemente foi desenvolvido um dosímetro baseado em fibras cintilantes (BCF-12 da companhia Saint Gobain Crystals com 1 e 0,5 mm de diâmetro e 5 mm de comprimento) para braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose, em particular a braquiterapia direcionada para o tratamento do cancro da próstata. Este utiliza um novo fotomultiplicador de estado sólido dado pelo nome de MPPC - MultiPixel Photon Counter da companhia Hamamatsu Photonics (Japão). Nesta dissertação é estudado o mesmo dosímetro para a modalidade de braquiterapia de elevada taxa de dose (HDR). A informação sobre a dose neste tipo de dosímetros é obtida a partir de sinais óticos (em vez de sinais elétricos), que são imunes a interferências elétricas e eletromagnéticas. Adicionalmente as pequenas dimensões das fibras oferecem uma excelente resolução espacial e uma invasão mínima para uso em dosimetria in vivo, permitindo medir a dose diretamente ou próximo ao tumor e em tempo real. A sua utilização em braquiterapia para o cancro da próstata constitui-se assim como uma vantagem, uma vez que as fibras podem ser inseridas diretamente nos aplicadores utilizados neste tipo de tratamentos. Apesar de tudo, este tipo de dosímetros possui algumas desvantagens, como por exemplo a luz de Cherenkov e a fluorescência (forma de ruído dada pelo nome de stem effect) que, e a contrário da luz produzida pela fibra cintilante, não são diretamente proporcionais à energia depositada. Contudo, e para energias praticadas em braquiterapia de HDR, nesta dissertação, mostrou-se que este problema é pouco significativo dado que a percentagem de contribuição destes efeitos para o sinal medido é menor que 1% (ou 5% para distâncias menores que 25 mm). Ao longo desta dissertação é feita a caraterização do dosímetro (em modo corrente e impulso) e das suas várias partes em ambiente de laboratório e clínico. Nestes estudos o dosímetro, além de exibir uma boa reprodutibilidade (variação máxima de 3% entre medidas), mostrou uma alta linearidade para uma ampla gama de doses, assim como uma sensibilidade (µGy) semelhante à de uma câmara de ionização, tornando-o adequado para braquiterapia de HDR (tratamento que envolve altos gradientes de dose). Complementarmente, a sua grande versatilidade e simples utilização possibilita a sua aplicação prática em outras modalidades radioterapêuticas.


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Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia Nuclear)