988 resultados para IONIC INTERACTIONS


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In dieser Arbeit werden zwei Arten von nicht-kovalent verknüpften Netzwerkstrukturen vorgestellt, die aus phosphonsäurehaltigen Molekülen aufgebaut sind. Einerseits sollen diese phosphonsäurehaltigen Moleküle als Protonenleiter in Brennstoffzellen eingesetzt werden. Dies ist durch die Möglichkeit des kooperativen Protonentransports in wasserstoffbrückenhaltigen Netzwerken begründet. Auf der anderen Seite sollen die phosphonsäurehaltigen Moleküle unter Einsatz von Metallkationen zur Darstellung ionischer Netzwerke verwendet werden. In diesem Fall fungieren die phosphonierten Moleküle als Linker in porösen organisch-anorganischen Hybridmaterialien, die sich beispielsweise zur Gasspeicherung eignen.rnEine Brennstoffzelle stellt Energie mit hoher Effizienz und geringer Umweltbelastung bereit. Das Herzstück der Brennstoffzelle ist die Elektrolytmembran, die auch als Separator oder Protonenaustauschmembran (PEM) bezeichnet wird. Es wird davon ausgegangen, daß der Schlüssel zur Weiterentwicklung der PEM-Brennstoffzellen in der Entwicklung von Elektrolyten liegt, die ausschließlich und effizient Protonen transportieren und darüber hinaus chemisch (oxidationsbeständig) und mechanisch stabil sind. Die mechanische Stabilität betrifft insbesondere den Betrieb der Brennstoffzelle bei hohen Temperaturen und niedriger relativer Feuchtigkeit. In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuartiger Ansatz zum Erreichen eines hohen Protonentransports im Festkörper vorgestellt, der auf dem Einsatz kleiner Moleküle beruht, die durch Selbstorganisation eine kontinuierliche protonenleitende Phase erzeugen. Bis jetzt stellt Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol das erste Beispiel eines kristallinen Protonenleiters dar, der im festen Zustand eine hohe und konstante Leistung zeigt. Die Modifizierung von Hexakis(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol, entweder durch Änderung von para- zu meta-Substitution oder die Einführung von Alkylketten, führt zu Verbindungen geringerer Kristallinität und niedriger Protonenleitfähigkeit.rnIm zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker in der Synthese von offenen Phosphonat-Netzwerken eingesetzt. Es bilden sich aufgrund der ionischen Wechselwirkung zwischen den positiv geladenen Metallkationen und den negativ geladenen Phosphonsäuregruppen hochstabile Feststoffe. Eines der wichtigsten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit besteht darin, daß 1,3,5-Tris(p-phosphonatophenyl)benzol als Linker zum Aufbau poröser Hybridmaterialien eingesetzt werden kann. Zum ersten Mal wurde ein dreifach phosphoniertes organisches Molekül zum Aufbau mikroporöser offener Phosphonat-Netzwerke verwendet. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Porosität mit dem Wachstumsmechanismus dieser Materialien zusammenhängt. Es ist nur dann möglich ein gleichfalls mikroporöses und kristallines ionisches Netzwerk auf der Grundlage phosphonierter Moleküle zu erhalten, wenn Linker und Konnektor die gleiche Geometrie und Funktionalität besitzen.rn


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Loss of function of the urea cycle enzyme argininosuccinate lyase (ASL) is caused by mutations in the ASL gene leading to ASL deficiency (ASLD). ASLD has a broad clinical spectrum ranging from life-threatening severe neonatal to asymptomatic forms. Different levels of residual ASL activity probably contribute to the phenotypic variability but reliable expression systems allowing clinically useful conclusions are not yet available. In order to define the molecular characteristics underlying the phenotypic variability, we investigated all ASL mutations that were hitherto identified in patients with late onset or mild clinical and biochemical courses by ASL expression in human embryonic kidney 293 T cells. We found residual activities >3 % of ASL wild type (WT) in nine of 11 ASL mutations. Six ASL mutations (p.Arg95Cys, p.Ile100Thr, p.Val178Met, p.Glu189Gly, p.Val335Leu, and p.Arg379Cys) with residual activities ≥16 % of ASL WT showed no significant or less than twofold reduced Km values, but displayed thermal instability. Computational structural analysis supported the biochemical findings by revealing multiple effects including protein instability, disruption of ionic interactions and hydrogen bonds between residues in the monomeric form of the protein, and disruption of contacts between adjacent monomeric units in the ASL tetramer. These findings suggest that the clinical and biochemical course in variant forms of ASLD is associated with relevant residual levels of ASL activity as well as instability of mutant ASL proteins. Since about 30 % of known ASLD genotypes are affected by mutations studied here, ASLD should be considered as a candidate for chaperone treatment to improve mutant protein stability.


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Anionic lipids play a variety of key roles in biomembrane function, including providing the immediate environment for the integral membrane proteins that catalyze photosynthetic and respiratory energy transduction. Little is known about the molecular basis of these lipid–protein interactions. In this study, x-ray crystallography has been used to examine the structural details of an interaction between cardiolipin and the photoreaction center, a key light-driven electron transfer protein complex found in the cytoplasmic membrane of photosynthetic bacteria. X-ray diffraction data collected over the resolution range 30.0–2.1 Å show that binding of the lipid to the protein involves a combination of ionic interactions between the protein and the lipid headgroup and van der Waals interactions between the lipid tails and the electroneutral intramembrane surface of the protein. In the headgroup region, ionic interactions involve polar groups of a number of residues, the protein backbone, and bound water molecules. The lipid tails sit along largely hydrophobic grooves in the irregular surface of the protein. In addition to providing new information on the immediate lipid environment of a key integral membrane protein, this study provides the first, to our knowledge, high-resolution x-ray crystal structure for cardiolipin. The possible significance of this interaction between an integral membrane protein and cardiolipin is considered.


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Caspase-3 is synthesized as a dormant proenzyme and is maintained in an inactive conformation by an Asp-Asp-Asp “safety-catch” regulatory tripeptide contained within a flexible loop near the large-subunit/small-subunit junction. Removal of this “safety catch” results in substantially enhanced autocatalytic maturation as well as increased vulnerability to proteolytic activation by upstream proteases in the apoptotic pathway such as caspase-9 and granzyme B. The safety catch functions through multiple ionic interactions that are disrupted by acidification, which occurs in the cytosol of cells during the early stages of apoptosis. We propose that the caspase-3 safety catch is a key regulatory checkpoint in the apoptotic cascade that regulates terminal events in the caspase cascade by modulating the triggering of caspase-3 activation.


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Hydrogels may be described as cross-linked hydrophilic polymers that swell but do not dissolve in water. The production of high water content hydrogels was the subject of investigation. Based upon copolymer compositions that had already achieved commercial success as biomaterials, new monomers were added or substituted in and the effects observed. The addition of N-isopropyl acrylamide to an acrylamide-based composition that had previously been designed to become a contact lens, produced materials that showed smart effects in that the water content showed dependence on the temperature of the hydrating solution. Such thermo-responsive materials have potential uses in drug delivery, ultrafiltration and cell culture surfaces. Proteoglycans in nature have an important role to play in structural support where a highly hydrophilic structure maintains lubricious surfaces. Certain functional groups that impart this hydrophilicity are present in certain sulphonate monomers, Bis(3-sulphopropyl ester) itaconate, dipotassium salt (SPI), 3-Sulphopropyl ester acrylate, potassium salt (SPA) and Sodium 2-(acrylamido)-2-methyl propane sulphonate (NaAMPS). These monomers were incorporated into a HEMA-based copolymer that had been designed initially as a contact lens and the resulting effects examined. Highly hydrophilic materials resulted that showed reduced protein deposition over the neutral core material. It is postulated that a sulphonate group would have a larger number of hydration shells around it than for example methacrylic acid, leading to more dynamic exchange and so reducing the adsorption of biological solutes. A cationic monomer was added to bring back the net anionic nature of the sulphonate hydrogels and the effects studied. Ionic interactions were found to cause a reduction in the water content of the resulting materials as the mobility of the network decreased, leading to stiffer but less extensible materials. The presence of a net dominant charge, whether negative or positive, appeared to act to reduce protein deposition, but increasing equivalence in the amount of both charges served to present a more 'neutral' surface and deposition subsequently increased. The grafting of hydrophilic hydrogel layers onto silicone elastomer was attempted and the results evaluated using dynamic contact angle measurements. Following plasma oxidation to reduce the surface energy barrier to aqueous grafting chemistry, it was found that the wettability of the modified elastomers could be significantly enhanced by such treatment. The SPA-grafted material in particular hinted at an osmotic drive for rehydration that may be exploited in biomaterials.


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Ribozymes are short strands of RNA that possess a huge potential as biological tools for studying gene expression and as therapeutic agents to down-regulate undesirable gene expression. Successful application of ribozymes requires delivery to the target site in sufficient amounts for an adequate duration. However, due to their large size and polyanionic character ribozymes are not amenable to transport across biological membranes. In this study a chemically modified ribozyme with enhanced biological stability, targeted against the EGFR mRNA has been evaluated for cellular delivery to cultured glial and neuronal cells with a view to developing treatments for brain tumours. Cellular delivery of free ribozyme was characterised in cultured glial and neuronal cells from the human and rat. Delivery was very limited and time dependent with no consistent difference observed between glial and neuronal cells in both species. Cellular association was largely temperature and energy-dependent with a small component of non-energy dependent association. Further studies showed that ribozyme cellular association was inhibited with self and cross competition with nucleic and non-nucleic acid polyanions indicating the presence of cell surface ribozyme-binding molecules. Trypsin washing experiments further implied that the ribozyme binding surface molecules were protein by nature. Dependence of cellular association on pH indicated that interaction of ribozyme with cell surface molecules was based on ionic interactions. Fluoresence studies indicated that, post cell association, ribozymes were sequestered in sub-cellular vesicles. South-Western blots identified several cell surface proteins which bind to ribozymes and could facilitate cellular association. The limited cellular association observed with free ribozyme required the development and evaluation of polylactide-co-glycolide microspheres incorporating ribozyme for enhanced cellular delivery. Characterisation of microsphere mediated delivery of ribozyme in cultured glial and neuronal cells showed that association increased by 18 to 27-fold in all cell types with no differences observed between cell lines and species. Microsphere mediated delivery was temperature and energy dependent and independent of pH. In order to assess the potential of PLGA micro spheres for the CNS delivery of ribozyme the distribution of ribozyme entrapping microspheres was investigated in rat CNS after intracerebroventricular injection. Distribution studies demonstrated that after 24 hours there was no free ribozyme present in the brain parenchyma, however microsphere entrapped ribozyme was found in the CNS. Microspheres remained in the ventricular system after deposition and passed from the lateral ventricles to the third and fourth ventricle and in the subarachnoid space. Investigation of the influence of microsphere size on the distribution in CNS demonstrated that particles up to 2.5 and O.5f.lm remained in the ventricles around the choroid plexus and ependymal lining.


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Poly(lactide-co-glycolide), or PLGA, microspheres offer a widely-studied biodegradable option for controlled release of therapeutics. An array of fabrication methodologies have been developed to produce these microspheres with the capacity to encapsulate therapeutics of various types; and produce microspheres of a wide range of sizes for different methods of delivery. The encapsulation, stability, and release profiles of therapeutic release based on physical and thermodynamic properties has also been studied and modeled to an extent. Much research has been devoted to tailoring formulations for improved therapeutic encapsulation and stability as well as selective release profiles. Despite the breadth of available research on PLGA microspheres, further analysis of fundamental principles regarding the microsphere degradation, formation, and therapeutic encapsulation is necessary. This work aims to examine additional fundamental principles related to PLGA microsphere formation and degradation from solvent-evaporation of preformed polymer. In particular, mapping the development of the acidic microenvironment inside the microsphere during degradation and erosion is discussed. Also, the effect of macromolecule size and conformation is examined with respect to microsphere diameter and PLGA molecular weight. Lastly, the effects of mechanical shearing and protein exposure to aqueous media during microsphere formation are examined. In an effort to better understand the acidic microenvironment development across the microsphere diameter, pH sensitive dye conjugated to protein that undergoes conformational change at different acidic pH values was encapsulated in PLGA microspheres of diameters ranging from 40 µm to 80 µm, and used in conjunction with fluorescence resonance energy transfer to measure the radial pH change in the microspheres. Qualitative analysis of confocal micrographs was used to correlate fluorescence intensity with pH value, and obtain the radial pH across the center of the microsphere. Therapeutic encapsulation and release from polymeric microspheres is governed by an interconnected variety of factors, including the therapeutic itself. The globular protein bovine serum albumin, and the elongated and significantly smaller enzyme, lysozyme, were encapsulated in PLGA microspheres ranging from 40 µm to 80 µm in diameter. The initial surface morphology upon microsphere formation, release profiles, and microsphere erosion characteristics were explored in an effort to better understand the effect of protein size, conformation, and known PLGA interaction on the formation and degradation of PLGA microspheres and macromolecule release, with respect to PLGA molecular weight and microsphere diameter. In addition to PLGA behavior and macromolecule behavior, the effect of mechanical stresses during fabrication was examined. Two similar solvent extraction techniques were compared for the fabrication of albumin loaded microspheres. In particular, the homogeneity of the microspheres as well as capacity to retain encapsulated albumin were compared. This preliminary study paves the way for a more rigorous treatment of the effect of mechanical forces present in popular microsphere fabrication. Several factors affecting protein release from PLGA microspheres are examined herein. The technique explored for spatial resolution of the pH inside the microsphere proved mildly effective in producing a reliable method of mapping microsphere pH changes. However, notable trends with respect to microsphere size, PLGA molecular weight, and microsphere porosity were observed. Proposed methods of improving spatial resolution of the acidic microenvironment are also provided. With respect to microsphere formation, studies showed that albumin and lysozyme had little effect on the internal homogeneity of the microsphere. Rather, ionic interactions with PLGA played a more significant role in the encapsulation and release of each macromolecule. Studies also showed that higher instances of mechanical stress led to less homogeneous microspheres with lower protein encapsulation. This suggests that perhaps instead of or in addition to modifying the microsphere formation formulation, the fabrication technique itself should be more closely considered in achieving homogeneous microspheres with desired loading.


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C-ficocianina (C-FC) é uma ficobiliproteína, de cor natural azul, com diversas aplicações na indústria alimentícia, farmacêutica e biomédica, dependendo do seu grau específico de pureza, que pode variar de 0,7 a 4,0, com respectivo aumento de seu valor comercial. Essa pureza é alcançada através de diversas técnicas de purificação, que podem ser aplicadas em diferentes sequências. Um destes processos de purificação de proteínas baseia-se na cromatografia de troca iônica, que utiliza trocadores que adsorvem as proteínas como resultado de interações iônicas entre a superfície da proteína e o trocador. Resinas e colunas de leito expandido podem ser utilizadas para aumentar a produtividade dessa técnica. É fundamental conhecer o perfil do processo de adsorção, para melhor aplicá-lo como ferramenta para o design e otimização de parâmetros operacionais. Outra tecnologia para o tratamento de biomoléculas é a ultrafiltração. Esta técnica é aplicável em larga escala, apresenta baixa complexidade de aplicação e pode ser realizada em condições brandas, minimizando o dano para o produto. Para aumentar a estabilidade da C-FC, e facilitar a sua aplicação, podem ser avaliadas técnicas recentes, não exploradas para este fim, como as nanofibras obtidas através do processo de electrospinning. Estas fibras possuem uma área superficial específica extremamente elevada devido a seu pequeno diâmetro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros de adsorção e diferentes técnicas para purificação de C-ficocianina de Spirulina platensis e obter nanofibras poliméricas incorporadas de C-ficocianina. O trabalho foi dividido em quatro artigos. No primeiro artigo, foram avaliados os parâmetros e as isotermas de adsorção de C-ficocianina em resina de troca iônica para leito expandido Streamline® DEAE. Verificou-se que o maior coeficiente de partição foi obtido em pH 7,5, nas temperaturas de 15 e 25 °C. As isotermas de adsorção da Cficocianina foram bem representadas pelos modelos de Langmuir, de Freundlich e de Langmuir-Freundlich, sendo os valores estimados para Qm e Kd obtidos pela isoterma de Langmuir foram, respectivamente, 33,92 mg.mL-1 e 0,123 mg.mL-1, respectivamente. No segundo artigo foi avaliada a purificação de C-FC até grau alimentar, utilizando ultrafiltração (UF). Com a membrana de 50 kDa, identificou-se que somente a temperatura e a aplicação de diferentes ciclos de diafiltração (DF) causaram influência significativa sobre a purificação e recuperação da C-ficocianina. Foram então aplicados o aumento gradativo da quantidade de ciclos, e a diafiltração previamente à ultrafiltração (DF/UF), onde obteve-se um extrato de Cficocianina com pureza de 0,95. No terceiro artigo foram propostos processos de purificação, envolvendo a utilização das diferentes técnicas para obtenção de C-FC com diferentes purezas. Determinou-se que a partir de cromatografia de troca iônica em leito fixo seguido de DF/UF, obtém-se C-FC para uso em cosméticos e a partir de precipitação com sulfato de amônio, e DF/UF obtém-se C-FC para uso em biomarcadores. Com uma sequência de precipitação com sulfato de amônio, DF/UF e cromatografia de troca iônica em leito fixo chega-se a C-FC de grau analítico. No último artigo, C-FC foi incorporada a nanofibras de óxido de polietileno (PEO) através de processo de electrospinning. Foram determinadas a condutividade da solução de C-FC/PEO, a estrutura e comportamento termogravimétrico das nanofibras formadas. Soluções de polímeros com concentração de 6 e 8% proporcionaram a formação de nanofibras com diâmetro médio inferior a 800 nm, homogêneas, sem a presença de gotas. A análise termogravimétrica identificou aumento na resistência térmica da C-FC incorporada nas fibras.


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Résumé : Les transferts d’électrons photo-induits et d’énergie jouent un rôle primordial dans un grand nombre de processus photochimiques et photobiologiques, comme la respiration ou la photosynthèse. Une très grande quantité de systèmes à liaisons covalentes ont été conçus pour copier ces processus de transferts. Cependant, les progrès sont, en grande partie, limités par les difficultés rencontrées dans la synthèse de nouveaux couples de types donneurs-accepteurs. Récemment, des espèces utilisant des liaisons non-covalentes, comme les liaisons hydrogènes, les interactions [pi]-[pi], les liaisons de coordination métal-ligands ou encore les interactions électrostatiques sont le centre d’un nouvel intérêt du fait qu’ils soient plus faciles à synthétiser et à gérer pour obtenir des comportements de transferts d’électrons ou d’énergie plus flexibles et sélectifs. C’est dans cette optique que le travail de cette thèse a été mené, i.e. de concevoir des composés auto-assemblés avec des porphyrines et un cluster de palladium pour l’étude des transferts d’électrons photo-induits et d’énergie. Cette thèse se divise en quatre parties principales. Dans la première section, le chapitre 3, deux colorants porphyriniques, soit le 5-(4-carboxylphényl)-10, 15, 20-tristolyl(porphyrinato)zinc(II) (MCP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) et 5, 15-bis(4-carboxylphényl)-15, 20-bistolyl(porphyrinato)zinc(II) (DCP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) ont été utilisés comme donneurs d’électrons, et le [Pd3(dppm)3(CO)]2+ ([Pd32+], dppm = (Ph2P)2CH2, PF6‾ est le contre-ion) a été choisi comme accepteur d’électrons. La structure de l’assemblage [Pd32+]•••porphyrine a été élucidée par l’optimisation des géométries à l’aide de calculs DFT. La spectroscopie d’absorption transitoire (TAS) montre la vitesse de transferts d’électrons la plus rapide (< 85 fs, temps inférieurs à la limite de détection) jamais enregistrée pour ce type de système (porphyrine-accepteur auto-assemblés). Généralement, ces processus sont de l’ordre de l’échelle de la ps-ns. Cette vitesse est comparable aux plus rapides transferts d’électrons rapportés dans le cas de systèmes covalents de type porphyrine-accepteur rapide (< 85 fs, temps inférieurs à la limite de détection). Ce transfert d’électrons ultra-rapide (ket > 1.2 × 1013 s-1) se produit à l’état énergétique S1 des colorants dans une structure liée directement par des interactions ioniques, ce qui indique qu’il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir de forts liens ou une géométrie courbée entre le donneur et l’accepteur. Dans une deuxième section, au chapitre 4, nous avons étudié en profondeur l’effet de l’utilisation de porphyrines à systèmes π-étendus sur le comportement des transferts d’électrons. Le colorant 9, 18, 27, 36-tétrakis-meso-(4-carboxyphényl)tétrabenzoporphyrinatozinc(II) (TCPBP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) a été sélectionné comme candidat, et le 5, 10, 15, 20-tétrakis-meso-(4-carboxyphényl)porphyrineatozinc(II) (TCPP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) a aussi été utilisé à des fins de comparaisons. TCPBP et TCPP ont, tous deux, été utilisés comme donneurs d’électrons pour fabriquer des assemblages supramoléculaires avec le cluster [Pd32+] comme accepteur d’électrons. Les calculs DFT ont été réalisés pour expliquer les structures de ces assemblages. Dans les conditions expérimentales, ces assemblages sont composés principalement d’une porphyrine avec 4 équivalents de clusters. Ces systèmes ont aussi été investigués par des mesures de quenching (perte de luminescence), par électrochimie et par d’autres techniques. Les transferts d’électrons (< 85 fs; temps inférieurs à la limite de détection) étaient aussi observés, de façon similaire aux assemblages MCP•••[Pd32+] et [Pd32+]•••DCP•••[Pd32+]. Les résultats nous indiquent que la modification de la structure de la porphyrine vers la tétrabenzoporphyrine ne semble pas influencer le comportement des cinétiques de transferts d’électrons (aller ou retour). Dans la troisième section, le chapitre 5, nous avons synthétisé la porphyrine hautement [pi]-conjuguée: 9, 18, 27, 36-tétra-(4-carboxyphényléthynyl)tétrabenzoporphyrinatozinc(II) (TCPEBP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion) par des fonctionnalisations en positions meso- et β, β-, qui présente un déplacement vers le rouge de la bande de Soret et des bandes Q. TCPEBP était utilisé comme donneur d’électrons pour fabriquer des motifs supramoléculaires avec le [Pd32+] comme accepteur d’électrons. Des expériences en parallèle ont été menées en utilisant la 5, 10, 15, 20-tétra-(4-carboxyphényl)éthynylporphyrinatozinc(II) (TCPEP, avec Na+ comme contre-ion). Des calculs DFT et TDDFT ont été réalisés pour de nouveau déterminer de façon théorique les structures de ces systèmes. Les constantes d’association pour les assemblages TCPEBP•••[Pd32+]x sont les plus élevées parmi tous les assemblages entre des porphyrines et le cluster de palladium rencontrés dans la littérature. La TAS a montré, encore une fois, des processus de transferts d’électrons dans des échelles de l’ordre de 75-110 fs. Cependant, les transferts de retour d’électrons sont aussi très rapides (< 1 ps), ce qui est un obstacle potentiel pour des applications en cellules solaires à pigment photosensible (DSSCs). Dans la quatrième section, le chapitre 6, les transferts d’énergie triplets (TET) ont été étudiés pour les assemblages MCP•••[Pd32+] et [Pd32+]•••DCP•••[Pd32+]. Les analyses spectrales des états transitoires dans l’échelle de temps de la ns-[mu]s démontrent de façon évidente les TETs; ceux-ci présentent des transferts d’énergie lents et/ou des vitesses moyennes pour des transferts d’énergie T1-T1 (3dye*•••[Pd32+] → dye•••3[Pd32+]*) opérant à travers exclusivement le mécanisme de Förster avec des valeurs de kET autour de ~ 1 × 105 s-1 selon les mesures d’absorption transitoires à 298 K. Des forces motrices non-favorables rendent ces types de processus non-opérants ou très lents dans les états T1. L’état T1 de [Pd32+] (~8190 cm-1) a été qualitativement déterminé par DFT et par la mise en évidence de l’émission S0 ← Tn retardée à 680-700 nm provenant de l’annihilation T1-T1, ce qui fait que ce cluster peut potentiellement agir comme un donneur à partir de ses états Tn, et accepteur à partir de T1 à l’intérieur de ces assemblages. Des pertes d’intensités de types statiques pour la phosphorescence dans le proche-IR sont observées à 785 nm. Ce travail démontre une efficacité modérée des colorants à base de porphyrines pour être impliquée dans des TETs avec des fragments organométalliques, et ce, même attachées grâce à des interactions ioniques. En conclusion, les assemblages ioniques à base de porphyrines et de clusters de palladium présentent des propriétés de transferts d’électrons S1 ultra-rapides, et des transferts d’énergie T1 de vitesses modérées, ce qui est utile pour de possibles applications comme outils optoélectroniques. D’autres études, plus en profondeur, sont présentement en progrès.