984 resultados para INTEGRAL SOLUTIONS


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Finite element method (FEM) relies on an approximate function to fit into a governing equation and minimizes the residual error in the integral sense in order to generate solutions for the boundary value problems (nodal solutions). Because of this FEM does not show simultaneous capacities for accurate displacement and force solutions at node and along an element, especially when under the element loads, which is of much ubiquity. If the displacement and force solutions are strictly confined to an element’s or member’s ends (nodal response), the structural safety along an element (member) is inevitably ignored, which can definitely hinder the design of a structure for both serviceability and ultimate limit states. Although the continuous element deflection and force solutions can be transformed into the discrete nodal solutions by mesh refinement of an element (member), this setback can also hinder the effective and efficient structural assessment as well as the whole-domain accuracy for structural safety of a structure. To this end, this paper presents an effective, robust, applicable and innovative approach to generate accurate nodal and element solutions in both fields of displacement and force, in which the salient and unique features embodies its versatility in applications for the structures to account for the accurate linear and second-order elastic displacement and force solutions along an element continuously as well as at its nodes. The significance of this paper is on shifting the nodal responses (robust global system analysis) into both nodal and element responses (sophisticated element formulation).


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Similarity solutions are carried out for flow of power law non-Newtonian fluid film on unsteady stretching surface subjected to constant heat flux. Free convection heat transfer induces thermal boundary layer within a semi-infinite layer of Boussinesq fluid. The nonlinear coupled partial differential equations (PDE) governing the flow and the boundary conditions are converted to a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) using two-parameter groups. This technique reduces the number of independent variables by two, and finally the obtained ordinary differential equations are solved numerically for the temperature and velocity using the shooting method. The thermal and velocity boundary layers are studied by the means of Prandtl number and non-Newtonian power index plotted in curves.


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Compulsators are power sources of choice for use in electromagnetic launchers and railguns. These devices hold the promise of reducing unit costs of payload to orbit. In an earlier work, the author had calculated the current distribution in compulsator wires by considering the wire to be split into a finite number of separate wires. The present work develops an integral formulation of the problem of current distribution in compulsator wires which leads to an integrodifferential equation. Analytical solutions, including those for the integration constants, are obtained in closed form. The analytical solutions present a much clearer picture of the effect of various input parameters on the cross-sectional current distribution and point to ways in which the desired current density distribution can be achieved. Results are graphically presented and discussed, with particular reference to a 50-kJ compulsator in Bangalore. Finite-element analysis supports the results.


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We report the results of two studies of aspects of the consistency of truncated nonlinear integral equation based theories of freezing: (i) We show that the self-consistent solutions to these nonlinear equations are unfortunately sensitive to the level of truncation. For the hard sphere system, if the Wertheim–Thiele representation of the pair direct correlation function is used, the inclusion of part but not all of the triplet direct correlation function contribution, as has been common, worsens the predictions considerably. We also show that the convergence of the solutions found, with respect to number of reciprocal lattice vectors kept in the Fourier expansion of the crystal singlet density, is slow. These conclusions imply great sensitivity to the quality of the pair direct correlation function employed in the theory. (ii) We show the direct correlation function based and the pair correlation function based theories of freezing can be cast into a form which requires solution of isomorphous nonlinear integral equations. However, in the pair correlation function theory the usual neglect of the influence of inhomogeneity of the density distribution on the pair correlation function is shown to be inconsistent to the lowest order in the change of density on freezing, and to lead to erroneous predictions. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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We report the results of two studies of aspects of the consistency of truncated nonlinear integral equation based theories of freezing: (i) We show that the self-consistent solutions to these nonlinear equations are unfortunately sensitive to the level of truncation. For the hard sphere system, if the Wertheim–Thiele representation of the pair direct correlation function is used, the inclusion of part but not all of the triplet direct correlation function contribution, as has been common, worsens the predictions considerably. We also show that the convergence of the solutions found, with respect to number of reciprocal lattice vectors kept in the Fourier expansion of the crystal singlet density, is slow. These conclusions imply great sensitivity to the quality of the pair direct correlation function employed in the theory. (ii) We show the direct correlation function based and the pair correlation function based theories of freezing can be cast into a form which requires solution of isomorphous nonlinear integral equations. However, in the pair correlation function theory the usual neglect of the influence of inhomogeneity of the density distribution on the pair correlation function is shown to be inconsistent to the lowest order in the change of density on freezing, and to lead to erroneous predictions. The Journal of Chemical Physics is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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Exact multinomial solutions of the beach equation for shallow water waves on a uniformly sloping beach are found and related to solution of the same equation found earlier by other investigators, using integral transform techniques. The use of these solutions for a general initialvalue problem for the equation under investigation is briefly discussed.


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Tie-lines between the corundum and spinel solid solutions have been determined experimentally at 1823 K. Next, activities of FeCr2O4 and FeAl2O4 in the spinel solid solution were determined by combining the tie-line data with literature values for the activities of Cr2O3 and Al2O3 in the corundum phase. Activities and the Gibbs energy of mixing for the spinel solid solution were also obtained from a model based on cation distribution between nonequivalent crystallographic sites in the oxide lattice. The difference between the Gibbs energy of mixing obtained experimentally and from the model has been attributed to a strain enthalpy term which is relatively unchanged in magnitude from the reported at 1373 K. The integral enthalpy of mixing obtained from experimental data at 1373 and 1823 K using the second law is compared with the model result.


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Exact multinomial solutions of the beach equation for shallow water waves on a uniformly sloping beach are found and related to solution of the same equation found earlier by other investigators, using integral transform techniques. The use of these solutions for a general initialvalue problem for the equation under investigation is briefly discussed.


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The nonlinear singular integral equation of transonic flow is examined in the free-stream Mach number range where only solutions with shocks are known to exist. It is shown that, by the addition of an artificial viscosity term to the integral equation, even the direct iterative scheme, with the linear solution as the initial iterate, leads to convergence. Detailed tables indicating how the solution varies with changes in the parameters of the artificial viscosity term are also given. In the best cases (when the artificial viscosity is smallest), the solutions compare well with known results, their characteristic feature being the representation of the shock by steep gradients rather than by abrupt discontinuities. However, 'sharp-shock solutions' have also been obtained by the implementation of a quadratic iterative scheme with the 'artificial viscosity solution' as the initial iterate; the converged solution with a sharp shock is obtained with only a few more iterates. Finally, a review is given of various shock-capturing and shock-fitting schemes for the transonic flow equations in general, and for the transonic integral equation in particular, frequent comparisons being made with the approach of this paper.


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The monograph dissertation deals with kernel integral operators and their mapping properties on Euclidean domains. The associated kernels are weakly singular and examples of such are given by Green functions of certain elliptic partial differential equations. It is well known that mapping properties of the corresponding Green operators can be used to deduce a priori estimates for the solutions of these equations. In the dissertation, natural size- and cancellation conditions are quantified for kernels defined in domains. These kernels induce integral operators which are then composed with any partial differential operator of prescribed order, depending on the size of the kernel. The main object of study in this dissertation being the boundedness properties of such compositions, the main result is the characterization of their Lp-boundedness on suitably regular domains. In case the aforementioned kernels are defined in the whole Euclidean space, their partial derivatives of prescribed order turn out to be so called standard kernels that arise in connection with singular integral operators. The Lp-boundedness of singular integrals is characterized by the T1 theorem, which is originally due to David and Journé and was published in 1984 (Ann. of Math. 120). The main result in the dissertation can be interpreted as a T1 theorem for weakly singular integral operators. The dissertation deals also with special convolution type weakly singular integral operators that are defined on Euclidean spaces.


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The concept of domain integral used extensively for J integral has been applied in this work for the formulation of J(2) integral for linear elastic bimaterial body containing a crack at the interface and subjected to thermal loading. It is shown that, in the presence of thermal stresses, the J(k) domain integral over a closed path, which does not enclose singularities, is a function of temperature and body force. A method is proposed to compute the stress intensity factors for bimaterial interface crack subjected to thermal loading by combining this domain integral with the J(k) integral. The proposed method is validated by solving standard problems with known solutions.


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In this paper the classical problem of water wave scattering by two partially immersed plane vertical barriers submerged in deep water up to the same depth is investigated. This problem has an exact but complicated solution and an approximate solution in the literature of linearised theory of water waves. Using the Havelock expansion for the water wave potential, the problem is reduced here to solving Abel integral equations having exact solutions. Utilising these solutions,two sets of expressions for the reflection and transmission coefficients are obtained in closed forms in terms of computable integrals in contrast to the results given in the literature which,involved six complicated integrals in terms of elliptic functions. The two different expressions for each coefficient produce almost the same numerical results although it has not been possible to prove their equivalence analytically. The reflection coefficient is depicted against the wave number in a number of figures which almost coincide with the figures available in the literature wherein the problem was solved approximately by employing complementary approximations. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Darken's quadratic formalism is extended to multicomponent solutions. Equations are developed for the representation of the integral and partial excess free energies, entropies and enthalpies in dilute multicomponent solutions. Quadratic formalism applied to multicomponent solutions is thermodynamically consistent. The formalism is compared with the conventional second order Maclaurin series or interaction parameter representation and the relations between them are derived. Advantages of the quadratic formalism are discussed.


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Analytical and numerical solutions of a general problem related to the radially symmetric inward spherical solidification of a superheated melt have been studied in this paper. In the radiation-convection type boundary conditions, the heat transfer coefficient has been taken as time dependent which could be infinite, at time,t=0. This is necessary, for the initiation of instantaneous solidification of superheated melt, over its surface. The analytical solution consists of employing suitable fictitious initial temperatures and fictitious extensions of the original region occupied by the melt. The numerical solution consists of finite difference scheme in which the grid points move with the freezing front. The numerical scheme can handle with ease the density changes in the solid and liquid states and the shrinkage or expansions of volumes due to density changes. In the numerical results, obtained for the moving boundary and temperatures, the effects of several parameters such as latent heat, Boltzmann constant, density ratios, heat transfer coefficients, etc. have been shown. The correctness of numerical results has also been checked by satisfying the integral heat balance at every timestep.


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Recent experimental measurements of the distribution P(w) of transverse chain fluctuations w in concentrated solutions of F-actin filaments B. Wang, J Guan, S. M. Anthony, S. C. Bae, K. S. Schweizer, and S. Granick, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 118301 (2010); J. Glaser, D. Chakraborty, K. Kroy, I. Lauter, M. Degawa, N. Kirchgessner, B. Hoffmann, R. Merkel, and M. Giesen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 037801 (2010)] are shown to be well-fit to an expression derived from a model of the conformations of a single harmonically confined weakly bendable rod. The calculation of P(w) is carried out essentially exactly within a path integral approach that was originally applied to the study of one-dimensional randomly growing interfaces. Our results are generally as successful in reproducing experimental trends as earlier approximate results obtained from more elaborate many-chain treatments of the confining tube potential.