1000 resultados para IMPLANTED ZNO


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In situ FT-IR spectroscopy allows the methanol synthesis reaction to be investigated under actual industrial conditions of 503 K and 10 MPa. On Cu/SiO2 catalyst formate species were initially formed which were subsequently hydrogenated to methanol. During the reaction a steady state concentration of formate species persisted on the copper. Additionally, a small quantity of gaseous methane was produced. In contrast, the reaction of CO2 and H2 on ZnO/SiO2 catalyst only resulted in the formation of zinc formate species: no methanol was detected. The interaction of CO2 and H2 with Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave formate species on both copper and zinc oxide. Methanol was again formed by the hydrogenation of copper formate species. Steady-state concentrations of copper formate existed under actual industrial reaction conditions, and copper formate is the pivotal intermediate for methanol synthesis. Collation of these results with previous data on copper-based methanol synthesis catalysts allowed the formulation of a reaction mechanism


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FTIR spectra are reported of methanol adsorbed at 295 K on ZnO/SiO 2, on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 and on Cu/ZnO/SiO2 which had been preoxidised by exposure to nitrous oxide. Methanol on ZnO/SiO2 gave methoxy species on ZnO and SiO, in addition to both strongly and weakly physisorbed methanol on SiO2. The corresponding adsorption of methanol on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 also gave methoxy species on Cu and a small amount of bridging formate. Reaction of methanol with a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted in an enhanced quantity of methoxy species on Cu. Heating adsorbed species on Cu/ZnO/SiO2 at 393 K led to the loss of methoxy groups on Cu and the concomitant formation of formate species on both ZnO and Cu. The comparable reaction on a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave an increased amount of formate species on ZnO and this correlated with an increased quantity of methoxy groups lost from Cu. An explanation is given in terms of adsorption of formate and formaldehyde species at special sites located at the copper/zinc oxide interface.


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Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra are reported of formic acid and formaldehyde on ZnO/SiO2, reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 and reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst. Formic acid adsorption on ZnO/SiO2 produced mainly bidentate zinc formate species with a lesser quantity of unidentate zinc formate. Formic acid on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted not only in the formation of bridging copper formate structures but also in an enhanced amount of formate relative to that for ZnO/SiO2 catalyst. Formic acid on reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 gave unidentate formate species on copper in addition to zinc formate moieties. The interaction of formaldehyde with ZnO/SiO2 catalyst resulted in the formation of zinc formate species. The same reaction on reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst gave bridging formate on copper and a remarkable increase in the quantity of formate species associated with the zinc oxide. Adsorption of formaldehyde on a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst produced bridging copper formate and again an apparent increase in the concentration of zinc formate species. An explanation in terms of the adsorption of molecules at special sites located at the interface between copper and zinc oxide is given.


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The reaction of CO2 and H2 with ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 295 K gave predominantly hydrogencarbonate on zinc oxide and a small quantity of formate was evolved after heating at 393 K. Elevation of the reaction temperature to 503 K enhanced the rate of formation of zinc formate species. Significantly these formate species decomposed at 573 K almost entirely to CO2 and H2. Even after exposure of CO2-H2 or CO-CO2-H2 mixtures to highly defected ZnO/SiO2 catalyst, the formate species produced still decomposed to give CO2 and H2. It was concluded that carboxylate species which were formed at oxygen anion vacancies on polar Zn planes were not significantly hydrogenated to formate. Consequently it was proposed that the non-polar planes on zinc oxide contained sites which were specific for the synthesis of methanol. The interaction of CO2 and H2 with reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst at 393 K gave copper formate species in addition to substantial quantities of formate created at interfacial sites between copper and zinc oxide. It was deduced that interfacial formate species were produced from the hydrogenation of interfacial bidentate carbonate structures. The relevance of interfacial formate species in the methanol synthesis reaction is discussed. Experiments concerning the reaction of CO2-H2 with physical mixtures of Cu/SiO2 and ZnO/SiO2 gave results which were simply characteristic of the individual components. By careful consideration of previous data a detailed proposal regarding the role of spillover hydrogen is outlined. Admission of CO to a gaseous CO2-H2 feedstock resulted in a considerably diminished amount of formate species on copper. This was ascribed to a combination of over-reduction of the surface and site-blockage.


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FTIR spectra are reported of methyl formate adsorbed at 295 K on ZnO/SiO2, reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 and on Cu/ZnO/SiO2 which had been preoxidised by exposure to nitrous oxide. Methyl formate on ZnO/SiO2 gave adsorbed zinc formate species and strongly physisorbed molecular methanol on silica. The comparable reaction of methyl formate with reduced Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst produced bridging formate species on copper and a diminished quantity of zinc formate relative to that formed on ZnO/SiO2 catalyst. This effect is explained in terms of site blockage on the ZnO surface by small copper clusters. Addition of methyl formate to a reoxidised Cu/ZnO/SiO2 catalyst produced a considerably greater amount of formate species on zinc oxide and methoxy groups on copper were detected. The increase in concentration of zinc formate species was rationalised in terms of rearrangement of unidentate copper formate species to become bonded to copper and zinc oxide sites located at the interface between these two components.


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The composition of a series of hydroxycarbonate precursors to copper/zinc oxide methanol synthesis catalysts prepared under conditions reported as optimum for catalytic activity has been studied. Techniques employed included thermogravimetry (TG), temperature-programmed decomposition (TPD), X-ray diffraction (XRD), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), and Raman and FTIR spectroscopies. Evidence was obtained for various structural phases including hydrozincite, copper hydrozincite, aurichalcite, zincian malachite and malachite (the concentrations of which depended upon the exact Cu/Zn ratio used). Significantly, previously reported phases such as gerhardite and rosasite were not identified when catalysts were synthesized at optimum solution pH and temperature values, and after appropriate aging periods. Calcination of the hydroxycarbonate precursors resulted in the formation of catalysts containing an intimate mixture of copper and zinc oxides. Temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) revealed that a number of discrete copper oxide species were present in the catalyst, the precise concentrations of which were determined to be related to the structure of the catalyst precursor. Copper hydrozincite decomposed to give zinc oxide particles decorated by highly dispersed, small copper oxide species. Aurichalcite appeared to result ultimately in the most intimately mixed catalyst structure whereas zincian malachite decomposed to produce larger copper oxide and zinc oxide grains. The reason for the stabilization of small copper oxide and zinc oxide clusters by aurichalcite was investigated by using carefully selected calcination temperatures. It was concluded that the unique formation of an 'anion-modified' oxide resulting from the initial decomposition stage of aurichalcite was responsible for the 'binding' of copper species to zinc moieties.


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In this paper, we report the preparation and characterisation of nanometer-sized TiO2, CdO, and ZnO semiconductor particles trapped in zeolite NaY. Preparation of these particles was carried out via the traditional ion exchange method and subsequent calcination procedure. It was found that the smaller cations, i.e., Cd2+ and Zn2+ could be readily introduced into the SI′ and SII′ sites located in the sodalite cages, through ion exchange; while this is not the case for the larger Ti species, i.e., Ti monomer [TiO]2+ or dimer [Ti2O3]2+ which were predominantly dispersed on the external surface of zeolite NaY. The subsequent calcination procedure promoted these Ti species to migrate into the internal surface of the supercages. These semiconductor particles confined in NaY zeolite host exhibited a significant blue shift in the UV-VIS absorption spectra, in contrast to the respective bulk semiconductor materials, due to the quantum size effect (QSE). The particle sizes calculated from the UV-VIS optical absorption spectra using the effective mass approximation model are in good agreement with the atomic absorption data.


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Using ZnO seed layers, an efficient approach for enhancing the heterointerface quality of electrodeposited ZnO–Cu2O solar cells is devised. We introduce a sputtered ZnO seed layer followed by the sequential electrodeposition of ZnO and Cu2O films. The seed layer is employed to control the growth and crystallinity and to augment the surface area of the electrodeposited ZnO films, thereby tuning the quality of the ZnO–Cu2O heterointerface. Additionally, the seed layer also assists in forming high quality ZnO films, with no pin-holes, in a high pH electrolyte solution. X-ray electron diffraction patterns, scanning electron and atomic force microscopy images, as well as photovoltaic measurements, clearly demonstrate that the incorporation of certain seed layers results in the alteration of the heterointerface quality, a change in the heterojunction area and the crystallinity of the films near the junction, which influence the current density of photovoltaic devices.


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We report the influence of zinc oxide (ZnO) seed layers on the performance of ZnO-based memristive devices fabricated using an electrodeposition approach. The memristive element is based on a sandwich structure using Ag and Pt electrodes. The ZnO seed layer is employed to tune the morphology of the electrodeposited ZnO films in order to increase the grain boundary density as well as construct highly ordered arrangements of grain boundaries. Additionally, the seed layer also assists in optimizing the concentration of oxygen vacancies in the films. The fabricated devices exhibit memristive switching behaviour with symmetrical and asymmetrical hysteresis loops in the absence and presence of ZnO seed layers, respectively. A modest concentration of oxygen vacancy in electrodeposited ZnO films as well as an increase in the ordered arrangement of grain boundaries leads to higher switching ratios in Ag/ZnO/Pt devices.


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This paper reports on the study of the effect on adding total peripheries and sharp edges to the Schottky contact as a hydrogen sensor. Schottky contact was successfully designed and fabricated as hexagon-shape. The contact was integrated together with zinc oxide thin film and tested towards 1% hydrogen gas. Simulations of the design were conducted using COMSOL Multiphysics to observe the electric field characteristic at the contact layer. The simulation results show higher electric field induced at sharp edges with 4.18×104 V/m. Current-voltage characteristic shows 0.27 V voltage shift at 40 μA biased current.


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ZnO is a promising photoanode material for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) due to its high bulk electron mobility and because different geometrical structures can easily be tailored. Although various strategies have been taken to improve ZnO-based DSC efficiencies, their performances are still far lower than TiO2 counterparts, mainly because low conductivity Zn2+–dye complexes form on the ZnO surfaces. Here, cone-shaped ZnO nanocrystals with exposed reactive O-terminated {101̅1} facets were synthesized and applied in DSC devices. The devices were compared with DSCs made from more commonly used rod-shaped ZnO nanocrystals where {101̅0} facets are predominantly exposed. When cone-shaped ZnO nanocrystals were used, DSCs sensitized with C218, N719, and D205 dyes universally displayed better power conversion efficiency, with the highest photoconversion efficiency of 4.36% observed with the C218 dye. First-principles calculations indicated that the enhanced DSCs performance with ZnO nanocone photoanodes could be attributed to the strength of binding between the dye molecules and reactive O-terminated {101̅1} ZnO facets and that more effective use of dye molecules occurred due to a significantly less dye aggregation on these ZnO surfaces compared to other ZnO facets.


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We report a new approach that uses the single beam Z-scan technique, to discriminate between excited state absorption (ESA) and two and three photon nonlinear absorption. By measuring the apparent delay or advance of the pulse in reaching the detector, the nonlinear absorption can be unambiguously identified as either instantaneous or transient. The simple method does not require a large range of input fluences or sophisticated pulse-probe experimental apparatus. The technique is easily extended to any absorption process dependent on pulse width and to nonlinear refraction measurements. We demonstrate in particular, that the large nonlinear absorption in ZnO nanocones when exposed to nanosecond 532 nm pulses, is due mostly to ESA, not pure two-photon absorption.


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Different amounts of Ru were implanted into thermally evaporated WO3 thin films by ion implantation. The films were subsequently annealed at 600oC for 2 hours in air to remove defects generated during the ion implantation. The Ru concentrations of four samples have been quantified by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry as 0.8, 5.5, 9 and 11.5 at%. The un-implanted WO3 films were highly porous but the porosity decreased significantly after ion implantation as observed by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. The thickness of the films also decreased with increasing Ru-ion dose, which is mainly due to densification of the porous films during ion implantation. From Raman spectroscopy two peaks at 408 and 451 cm-1 (in addition to the typical vibrational peaks of the monoclinic WO3 phase) associated with Ru were observed. Their intensity increased with increasing Ru concentration. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy showed a metallic state of Ru with binding energy of Ru 3d5/2 at 280.1 eV. This peak position remained almost unchanged with increasing Ru concentration. The resistances of the Ru-implanted films were found to increase in the presence of NO2 and NO with higher sensor response to NO2. The effect of Ru concentration on the sensing performance of the films was not explicitly observed due to reduced film thickness and porosity with increasing Ru concentration. However, the results indicate that the implantation of Ru into WO3 films with sufficient film porosity and film thickness can be beneficial for NO2 sensing at temperatures in the range of 250°C to 350°C.


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One-dimensional single crystal incorporating functional nanoparticles of other materials could be an interesting platform for various applications. We studied the encapsulation of nanoparticles into single-crystal ZnO nanorods by exploiting the crystal growth of ZnO in aqueous solution. Two types of nanodiamonds with mean diameters of 10 nm and 40 nm, respectively, and polymer nanobeads with size of 200 nm have been used to study the encapsulation process. It was found that by regrowing these ZnO nanorods with nanoparticles attached to their surfaces, a full encapsulation of nanoparticles into nanorods can be achieved. We demonstrate that our low-temperature aqueous solution growth of ZnO nanorods do not affect or cause degradation of the nanoparticles of either inorganic or organic materials. This new growth method opens the way to a plethora of applications combining the properties of single crystal host and encapsulated nanoparticles. We perform micro-photoluminescence measurement on a single ZnO nanorod containing luminescent nanodiamonds and the spectrum has a different shape from that of naked nanodiamonds, revealing the cavity effect of ZnO nanorod.


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Diverse morphologies of multidimensional hierarchical single-crystalline ZnO nanoarchitectures including nanoflowers, nanobelts, and nanowires are obtained by use of a simple thermal evaporation and vapour-phase transport deposition technique by placing Au-coated silicon substrates in different positions inside a furnace at process temperatures as low as 550 °C. The nucleation and growth of ZnO nanostructures are governed by the vapour–solid mechanism, as opposed to the commonly reported vapour–liquid–solid mechanism, when gold is used in the process. The morphological, structural, compositional and optical properties of the synthesized ZnO nanostructures can be effectively tailored by means of the experimental parameters, and these properties are closely related to the local growth temperature and gas-phase supersaturation at the sample position. In particular, room-temperature photoluminescence measurements reveal an intense near-band-edge ultraviolet emission at about 386 nm for nanobelts and nanoflowers, which suggests that these nanostructures are of sufficient quality for applications in, for example, optoelectronic devices.