77 resultados para Hyperparathyroidism.
The skeleton is the first and most common site of distant relapse in breast and prostate carcinomas. Tumor bone disease is responsible for a considerable morbidity, which also makes major demands on resources for healthcare provision. Increased bone resorption in tumor bone disease appears to be essentially mediated by the ostoclasts, explaining why bisphosphonates have been successfully used for the treatment of malignant ostolysis. Hypercalcemia occurs in 10-20% of the patients with advanced cancer, and the uncoupling between bone resorption and bone formation is easily demonstrated by the measurement of bone markers. The differential diagnosis between tumor-induced hypercalcemia and primary hyperparathyroidism is most often easy when using intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) assays; moreover, parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) determination can be useful in selected cases. The diagnosis of bone metastases is often easy when the patient is symptomatic. The diagnostic usefulness of bone markers is limited, and the available data indicate that bone markers are so far unsuitable for an early diagnosis of neoplastic skeletal involvement on an individual basis. However, by combining bone-specific alkaline phosphatase (BALP) or modern bone resorption markers with specific tumor markers, such as PSA or CA15.3, the diagnostic sensitivity of bone markers can be improved. Their degree of elevation correlates with the tumor burden and has been shown to be an independent prognostic factor for several tumors. On the other hand, biochemical markers of bone turnover have the unique potential to simplify and improve the monitoring of metastatic bone disease, which remains a continuous challenge for the oncologist. Peptide-bound cross-links could be quite useful to discriminate between patients progressing early on treatment from those with longer disease control. Also, the diagnostic efficiency of a 50% increase in these markers could identify imminent progression. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Objective: We describe a 4-generation family with familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC) - a variant of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) without extra-thyroid features. RET mutation analysis confirmed an E768D mutation in exon 13 in 8 family members, 3 affected with medullary thyroid cancer alone while the other 5 were detected to be mutation carriers. This mutation has been described in very few families worldwide and the spectrum of disease and natural history is unclear. Results: Three affected members had medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) confirmed histologically at ages 25, 50 and 56 years, respectively. The E768D mutation appears to have a less aggressive clinical course compared to other high risk RET mutations with no evidence of clinical recurrence up to I I years after initial therapy. Of five gene carriers identified, two are asymptomatic at the age of 70 and 61, and three had raised calcitonin levels at 46, 39, and 45 years. Following total thyroidectomy, one gene carrier had a histologically normal thyroid at age 46, following a mildly elevated calcitonin, one had C-cell hyperplasia at the age of 39, and one had a frank focus of carcinoma in the left thyroid lobe at the age of 45. No members had evidence of phaeochromocytoma or parathyroid disease on screening. Conclusion: The RET E768D mutation is associated with MTC with a later age at presentation, incomplete penetrance and less aggressive course compared with other high risk RET mutations. To date in this family the E768D mutation has not been associated with either phaeochromocytoma or hyperparathyroidism. The appropriate screening strategy for and management of E768D carriers is difficult reflecting the phenotypic heterogeneity.
OBJECTIVE: The present work was planned to report the incidence of calcification and ossification of an isolated cranial dural fold. The form, degree of severity and range of extension of such changes will be described. Involvement of the neighboring brain tissue and blood vessels, whether meningeal or cerebral, will also be determined. The results of this study might highlight the occasional incidence of intracranial calcification and ossification in images of the head and their interpretation, by radiologists and neurologists, to be of dural or vascular origin.
METHODS: Two human formalin-fixed cadavers, one middle-aged female another older male, were investigated at the Anatomy Laboratory, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the period from 2000 to 2003. In each cadaver, the skullcap was removed and the convexity of the cranial dura mater, as well as the individual dural folds, were carefully examined for any calcification or ossification. The meningeal and cerebral blood vessels together with the underlying brain were grossly inspected for such structural changes. Calcified or ossified tissues, when identified, were subjected to histological examination to confirm their construction.
RESULTS: The female cadaver showed a calcified parietal emissary vein piercing the skullcap and projecting into the scalp. The latter looked paler and deficient in hair on its right side. The base of the stump was surrounded by a granular patch of calcification. The upper convex border of the falx cerebri was hardened and it presented granules, plaques and a cauliflower mass, which all proved to be osseous in structure. The meningeal and right cerebral vessels were mottled with calcium granules. The underlying temporal and parietal lobes of the right cerebral hemisphere were degenerated. The male cadaver also revealed a calcified upper border of the falx cerebri and superior sagittal sinus. Osseous granules and plaques, similar to those of the first specimen, were also identified but without gross changes in the underlying brain.
CONCLUSION: Calcification or ossification of an isolated site of the cranial dura mater and the intracranial blood vessels might occur. These changes should be kept in mind while interpreting images of the skull and brain. Clinical assessment and laboratory investigations are required to determine whether these changes are idiopathic, traumatic, or as a manifestation of a generalized disease such as hyperparathyroidism, vitamin D-intoxication, or chronic renal failure.
Parmi l’ensemble des désordres métaboliques retrouvés en insuffisance rénale chronique (IRC), la résistance à l’insuline demeure l’un des plus importantes à considérer en raison des risques de morbidité et de mortalité qu’elle engendre via les complications cardiovasculaires. Peu d’études ont considéré la modulation de transporteurs de glucose comme mécanisme sous-jacent à l’apparition et à la progression de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. Nous avons exploré cette hypothèse en étudiant l’expression de transporteurs de glucose issus d’organes impliqués dans son homéostasie (muscles, tissus adipeux, foie et reins) via l’utilisation d’un modèle animal d’IRC (néphrectomie 5/6e). La sensibilité à l’insuline a été déterminée par un test de tolérance au glucose (GTT), où les résultats reflètent une intolérance au glucose et une hyperinsulinémie, et par les études de transport au niveau musculaire qui témoignent d’une diminution du métabolisme du glucose en IRC (~31%; p<0,05). La diminution significative du GLUT4 dans les tissus périphériques (~40%; p<0,001) peut être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. De plus, l’augmentation de l’expression protéique de la majorité des transporteurs de glucose (SGLT1, SGLT2, GLUT1; p<0,05) au niveau rénal en IRC engendre une plus grande réabsorption de glucose dont l’hyperglycémie subséquente favorise une diminution du GLUT4 exacerbant ainsi la résistance à l’insuline. L’élévation des niveaux protéiques de GLUT1 et GLUT2 au niveau hépatique témoigne d’un défaut homéostatique du glucose en IRC. Les résultats jusqu’ici démontrent que la modulation de l’expression des transporteurs de glucose peut être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC. L’impact de la parathyroïdectomie (PTX) sur l’expression du GLUT4 a été étudié étant donné que la PTX pourrait corriger l’intolérance au glucose en IRC. Nos résultats démontrent une amélioration de l’intolérance au glucose pouvant être attribuable à la moins grande réduction de l’expression protéique du GLUT4 dans les tissus périphériques et ce malgré la présence d’IRC. L’excès de PTH, secondaire à l’hyperparathyroïdie, pourrait alors être à l’origine de la résistance à l’insuline en IRC en affectant l’expression du GLUT4. L’IRC partage de nombreuses similitudes avec le prédiabète quant aux défaillances du métabolisme du glucose tout comme l’hyperinsulinémie et l’intolérance au glucose. Aucune étude n’a tenté d’évaluer si l’IRC pouvait ultimement mener au diabète. Nos résultats ont par ailleurs démontré que l’induction d’une IRC sur un modèle animal prédisposé (rats Zucker) engendrait une accentuation de leur intolérance au glucose tel que constaté par les plus hautes glycémies atteintes lors du GTT. De plus, certains d’entre eux avaient des glycémies à jeun dont les valeurs surpassent les 25 mmol/L. Il est alors possible que l’IRC puisse mener au diabète via l’évolution de la résistance à l’insuline par l’aggravation de l’intolérance au glucose.
Debido a que el 12% de la población tendrá un cálculo en uréter hacia la mitad de su vida y a que las tasas de recurrencia en los que ya lo presentan son del 50% es necesario estudiar esta patología para aproximarse a un manejo adecuado en el servicio de urgencias. La literatura identifica un conjunto de factores que pueden contribuir a un cambio en el manejo médico. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los factores demográficos y clínicos asociados a manejo hospitalario en los pacientes con diagnóstico de cálculo ureteral menor de 10 mm. Métodos: Se diseñó un estudio de casos y controles no emparejados. Un caso fue definido como un paciente de 18 o más años con diagnóstico de urolitiasis con cálculo menor a 10 mm realizado por urotac que consultó (por primera vez para ese episodio) al servicio de urgencias de la Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá entre el 1 de marzo de 2007 y 30 de abril de 2012. Se indagaron factores como edad, sexo, tamaño y localización del cálculo, respuesta a los analgésicos, evidencia de obstrucción e infección urinaria, además de otros antecedentes medicamentosos y clínicos. Se utilizó regresión logística no condicional bivariada y multivariada para evaluar la asociación entre tipo de manejo (hospitalario o ambulatorio) y las variables recolectadas, calculando odds ratio (OR) e intervalos de confianza al 95% (IC95%). Resultados: El riesgo de hospitalización se incrementó con: 1. La localización del cálculo en tercio superior o medio (OR=1.49; IC95%: 0.751-2.966) al comparar con el inferior, 2. El aumento del tamaño del cálculo (OR=1.49; IC95%: 0.751-2.966, por cada milímetro de incremento), y 3: Por la evidencia de obstrucción o infección urinaria y elevación de azoados. Por el contrario, hubo menos riesgo de hospitalización en aquellos pacientes con una respuesta analgésica apropiada en urgencias.
Objetivo: Describir los niveles de vitamina D y calcular prevalencia de déficit de vitamina D en mujeres postmenopáusicas mayores de 50 años que asisten a consulta de medicina general en una muestra en de la ciudad de Bogotá durante el periodo 2013-2014. Pacientes y métodos: Realizamos un estudio descriptivo para estimar el déficit de VD en mujeres postmenopáusicas entre 50 y 80 años en la ciudad de Bogotá y la prevalencia de hipovitaminosis D. Durante el periodo octubre 2013 a octubre 2014 se analizaron 320 muestras, se identificaron las características socio-demográficas, patológicas y la exposición a radiación ultravioleta de cada participante. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables, se estableció su asociación con el déficit de vitamina D su aporte estadístico con al mismo. Resultados :El promedio de edad en la muestra fue de 61 años y el promedio de edad en la que reportaron la ultima menstruación fue a los 43 años. Con respecto a las características socio-demográficas 50% de las mujeres pertenecieron a los estratos 3 y 4, únicamente 11% de los pacientes realizaron una carrera universitaria y 73% de la mujeres fueron amas de casa. Con respecto a los niveles de vitamina D, 81% de los pacientes presentaron niveles anormales y el promedio de 25(OH)D en la población estudio fue de 19,81ng/ml. Conclusión: La prevalencia de déficit de vitamina D en mujeres bogotanas postmenopáusicas es significativo. Se requiere incrementar la exposición solar o dar suplencia con vitamina D para disminuir el riesgo de fracturas.
Objetivos: Realizar una revisión sistemática para evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del Cinacalcet en el control del calcio sérico y paratohormona en los pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario leve a moderado. Metodología: se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura, en las bases de datos de Pubmed, Cochrane, Embase, Clinical Trials tesis internacionales y publicaciones Iberolatinoamericana de artículos desde el 2002 hasta junio del 2014, en inglés y español, así como búsqueda secundaria en artículos de revisión. Resultados: Se incluyeron 7 estudios en la revisión (dos ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y cinco estudios abiertos), demostrando una disminución de -1,25 (-1,5, -1,01) (p<0,00001) del calcio sérico con el uso del Cinacalcet al compararlo con placebo. La disminución de la PTH fue inconsistente, al reportar una disminución significativa de la PTH sólo en un estudio; tampoco se observaron cambios en la densidad mineral ósea. Los efectos adversos reportados en los ECA reportaron RR= 0,86 (0,41-1,72). La hipocalcemia fue encontrada en 5 de los 6 estudios, respondiendo universalmente al ajuste del fármaco. Conclusiones: Se encontró una reducción del calcio sérico a niveles normales, sin cambios significativos en la PTH y en la densidad mineral ósea en pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario. Respecto a la seguridad no se encontraron efectos adversos serios, sin embargo las variables de mortalidad, reducción del riesgo de fracturas y el riesgo cardiovascular no ha sido adecuadamente evaluado en el hiperparatiroidismo primario.
Calcium and vitamin D are essential nutrients for bone metabolism Vitamin D can either be obtained from dietary sources or cutaneous synthesis. The study was conducted in subtropic weather; therefore, some might believe that the levels of solar radiation would be sufficient in this area. To evaluate calcium and vitamin D supplementation in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis living in a sunny country. A 3-month controlled clinical trial with 64 postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, mean age 62 +/- A 8 years. They were randomly assigned to either the supplement group, who received 1,200 mg of calcium carbonate and 400 IU (10 mu g) of vitamin D(3,) or the control group. Dietary intake assessment was performed, bone mineral density and body composition were measured, and biochemical markers of bone metabolism were analyzed. Considering all participants at baseline, serum vitamin D was under 75 nmol/l in 91.4% of the participants. The concentration of serum 25(OH)D increased significantly (p = 0.023) after 3 months of supplementation from 46.67 +/- A 13.97 to 59.47 +/- A 17.50 nmol/l. However, the dose given was limited in effect, and 86.2% of the supplement group did not reach optimal levels of 25(OH)D. Parathyroid hormone was elevated in 22.4% of the study group. After the intervention period, mean parathyroid hormone tended to decrease in the supplement group (p = 0.063). The dose given (400 IU/day) was not enough to achieve 25(OH)D concentration, considered optimal for bone health.
The activity of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is regulated by a number of factors including parathyroid hormone (PTH). In the current study, we used a renal epithelial cell line, the opossum kidney (OKP) cell, to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the long-term effects of PTH on NHE3 transport activity and expression. We observed that NHE3 activity was reduced 6 h after addition of PTH, and this reduction persisted almost unaltered after 24 h. The decrease in activity was associated with diminished NHE3 cell surface expression at 6, 16, and 24 h after PTH addition, total cellular NHE3 protein at 16 and 24 h, and NHE3 mRNA abundance at 24 h. The lower levels of NHE3 mRNA were associated to a small, but significant, decrease in mRNA stability. Additionally, by analyzing the rat NHE3 gene promoter activity in OKP cells, we verified that the regulatory region spanning the segment -152 to +55 was mildly reduced under the influence of PTH. This effect was completely abolished by the presence of the PKA inhibitor KT 5720. In conclusion, long-term exposure to PTH results in reduction of NHE3 mRNA levels due to a PKA-dependent inhibitory effect on the NHE3 promoter and a small reduction of mRNA half-life, and decrease in the total amount of protein which is preceded by endocytosis of the apical surface NHE3. The decreased NHE3 expression is likely to be responsible for the reduction of sodium, bicarbonate, and fluid reabsorption in the proximal tubule consistently perceived in experimental models of PTH disorders.
INTRODUCTION: Metabolic investigation in patients with urinary lithiasis is very important for preventing recurrence of disease. The objective of this work was to diagnose and to determine the prevalence of metabolic disorders, to assess the quality of the water consumed and volume of diuresis as potential risk factors for this pathology. PATIENTS and METHODS: We studied 182 patients older than 12 years. We included patients with history and/or imaging tests confirming at least 2 stones, with creatinine clearance > 60 mL/min and negative urine culture. The protocol consisted in the collection of 2, 24-hour urine samples, for dosing Ca, P, uric acid, Na, K, Mg, Ox and Ci, glycemia and serum levels of Ca, P, Uric acid, Na, K, Cl, Mg, U and Cr, urinary pH and urinary acidification test. RESULTS: 158 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Among these, 151 (95.5%) presented metabolic changes, with 94 (62.2%) presenting isolated metabolic change and 57 (37.8%) had mixed changes. The main disorders detected were hypercalciuria (74%), hypocitraturia (37.3%), hyperoxaluria (24.1%), hypomagnesuria (21%), hyperuricosuria (20.2%), primary hyperparathyroidism (1.8%) secondary hyperparathyroidism (0.6%) and renal tubular acidosis (0.6). CONCLUSION: Metabolic change was diagnosed in 95.5% of patients. These results warrant the metabolic study and follow-up in patients with recurrent lithiasis in order to decrease the recurrence rate through specific treatments, modification in alimentary and behavioral habits.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O trabalho teve por objetivos verificar as alterações da densidade mineral óssea e as alterações bioquímicas, no hiperparatireoidismo secundário nutricional. Foram utilizados 10 gatos, sem raça definida, com idade inicial entre 2 e 3 meses e peso médio de 820 gramas. Após um período de adaptação de 10 dias, eles foram submetidos a uma dieta composta por coração bovino moído e cru durante 60 dias, sendo os exames efetuados no final do período de adaptação e a cada 15 dias. Empregou-se o método de densitometria óptica em imagens radiográficas, do rádio e ulna direitos. Não foi observada diferença estatística na densidade mineral óssea entre o final do período de adaptação e com 15 dias de alimentação com carne de coração. Aos 30 dias, houve uma diminuição significante estatisticamente, que se manteve no mesmo patamar aos 45 e 60 dias. em nenhum momento de observação ocorreu diferença estatística nos níveis séricos de cálcio e fósforo. Os níveis séricos de fosfatase alcalina variaram e estavam acima dos valores normais no 45º e 60º dia da dieta. Foi possível concluir que a densitometria óptica em imagens radiográficas é um método eficiente de avaliação da desmineralização óssea, ao passo que as análises bioquímicas séricas de cálcio, fósforo e fosfatase alcalina são de valor limitado.
Complexo de Carney (CNC) e neoplasia endócrina múltipla tipo 1 (MEN1) são formas de neoplasias endócrinas múltiplas de herança autossômica dominante. O diagnóstico do CNC ocorre quando dois critérios maiores (lentiginose, doença nodular pigmentosa primária das adrenais, mixomas cardíacos e cutâneos, acromegalia, neoplasia testicular, carcinoma de tireóide) são observados e/ou um critério maior associado a um critério suplementar (familiar afetado, mutação do gene PRKAR1A) ocorre. Por outro lado, o diagnóstico de MEN1 dá-se pela detecção de dois ou mais tumores localizados na glândula hipofisária, paratireóide e/ou células pancreáticas. O presente caso descreve um homem de 55 anos, com diagnóstico de acromegalia, hiperparatireoidismo primário e carcinoma papilífero de tireóide, exibindo critérios diagnósticos para as duas condições descritas. Embora possa ter ocorrido apenas uma associação esporádica, ou a acromegalia per se tenha predisposto ao carcinoma papilífero, novos mecanismos moleculares podem estar envolvidos.
O trabalho teve por objetivos estudar a condução nervosa motora e a transmissão neuromuscular e eletromiografia de repouso em gatos normais (grupo I), submetidos a hiperparatireoidismo secundário nutricional (grupo II). Para estudo normativo (grupo I), foram utilizados 10 gatos, aparentemente saudáveis, sem raça definida, sendo seis machos e quatro fêmeas, com idades entre 4 e 5 meses e peso médio de 1,67kg. No grupo II, empregaram-se 10 gatos, sem raça definida, sendo cinco machos e cinco fêmeas, com idade aproximada inicial entre 2 e 3 meses e peso inicial médio de 820 gramas. Após um período de adaptação de 10 dias, foram alimentados por 60 dias com coração bovino moído e cru, visando a indução de hiperparatireoidismo secundário nutricional. Foi possível concluir que latência, amplitude e velocidade de condução nervosa motora e os achados eletromiográficos das atividades insercional e espontânea de gatos com hiperparatireoisdismo secundário nutricional, apresentaram um padrão similar aos de gatos normais da mesma idade. Para estimulações repetitivas a 3Hz, observou-se tendência global a decremento dos potenciais de ação musculares compostos e a 10 Hz houve tendência de incremento ou decremento; entretanto, tais variações apresentaram-se dentro dos limites de normalidade.
The aim of this study is to report the case of a quick growing brown tumour in the jaw after a parathyroidectomy due to the presence of a rare fifth parathyroid gland. The patient had chronic renal disease and the diagnosis was tertiary hyperparathyroidism. Thirty days after the parathyroidectomy, the patient returned with a significant increase in the tumour size. The suspicion of a supernumerary gland was confirmed by parathyroid scintigraphy. The treatment of brown tumour is dependent on the treatment of the hyperparathyroidism. However, curettage should be considered if a large lesion is disturbing mastication. In conclusion, this case should attract the attention of general practitioner dentists, since they may be the first professionals who have contact with the patient with a brown tumour in the jaws. Likewise, this case emphasises the importance of knowing the type of hyperparathyroidism involved to allow for effective treatment planning. © 2011 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery.