933 resultados para Hydroxyl radical (OH.)


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rnNitric oxide (NO) is important for several chemical processes in the atmosphere. Together with nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) it is better known as nitrogen oxide (NOx ). NOx is crucial for the production and destruction of ozone. In several reactions it catalyzes the oxidation of methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and in this context it is involved in the cycling of the hydroxyl radical (OH). OH is a reactive radical, capable of oxidizing most organic species. Therefore, OH is also called the “detergent” of the atmosphere. Nitric oxide originates from several sources: fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning, lightning and soils. Fossil fuel combustion is the largest source. The others are, depending on the reviewed literature, generally comparable to each other. The individual sources show a different temporal and spatial pattern in their magnitude of emission. Fossil fuel combustion is important in densely populated places, where NO from other sources is less important. In contrast NO emissions from soils (hereafter SNOx) or biomass burning are the dominant source of NOx in remote regions.rnBy applying an atmospheric chemistry global climate model (AC-GCM) I demonstrate that SNOx is responsible for a significant part of NOx in the atmosphere. Furthermore, it increases the O3 and OH mixing ratio substantially, leading to a ∼10% increase in the oxidizing efficiency of the atmosphere. Interestingly, through reduced O3 and OH mixing ratios in simulations without SNOx, the lifetime of NOx increases in regions with other dominating sources of NOx


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Die salpetrige Säure (HONO) ist eine der reaktiven Stickstoffkomponenten der Atmosphäre und Pedosphäre. Die genauen Bildungswege von HONO, sowie der gegenseitige Austausch von HONO zwischen Atmosphäre und Pedosphäre sind noch nicht vollständig aufgedeckt. Bei der HONO-Photolyse entsteht das Hydroxylradikal (OH) und Stickstoffmonooxid (NO), was die Bedeutsamkeit von HONO für die atmosphärische Photochemie widerspiegelt.rnUm die genannte Bildung von HONO im Boden und dessen anschließenden Austausch mit der Atmosphäre zu untersuchen, wurden Messungen von Bodenproben mit dynamischen Kammern durchgeführt. Im Labor gemessene Emissionsflüsse von Wasser, NO und HONO zeigen, dass die Emission von HONO in vergleichbarem Umfang und im gleichen Bodenfeuchtebereich wie die für NO (von 6.5 bis 56.0 % WHC) stattfindet. Die Höhe der HONO-Emissionsflüsse bei neutralen bis basischen pH-Werten und die Aktivierungsenergie der HONO-Emissionsflüsse führen zu der Annahme, dass die mikrobielle Nitrifikation die Hauptquelle für die HONO-Emission darstellt. Inhibierungsexperimente mit einer Bodenprobe und die Messung einer Reinkultur von Nitrosomonas europaea bestärkten diese Theorie. Als Schlussfolgerung wurde das konzeptionelle Model der Bodenemission verschiedener Stickstoffkomponenten in Abhängigkeit von dem Wasserhaushalt des Bodens für HONO erweitert.rnIn einem weiteren Versuch wurde zum Spülen der dynamischen Kammer Luft mit erhöhtem Mischungsverhältnis von HONO verwendet. Die Messung einer hervorragend charakterisierten Bodenprobe zeigte bidirektionale Flüsse von HONO. Somit können Böden nicht nur als HONO-Quelle, sondern auch je nach Bedingungen als effektive Senke dienen. rnAußerdem konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Verhältnis von HONO- zu NO-Emissionen mit dem pH-Wert des Bodens korreliert. Grund könnte die erhöhte Reaktivität von HONO bei niedrigem pH-Wert und die längere Aufenthaltsdauer von HONO verursacht durch reduzierte Gasdiffusion im Bodenporenraum sein, da ein niedriger pH-Wert mit erhöhter Bodenfeuchte am Maximum der Emission einhergeht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die effektive Diffusion von Gasen im Bodenporenraum und die effektive Diffusion von Ionen in der Bodenlösung die HONO-Produktion und den Austausch von HONO mit der Atmosphäre begrenzen. rnErgänzend zu den Messungen im Labor wurde HONO während der Messkampagne HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 im borealen Nadelwald simultan in der Höhe von 1 m über dem Boden und 2 bis 3 m über dem Blätterdach gemessen. Die Budgetberechnungen für HONO zeigen, dass für HONO sämtliche bekannte Quellen und Senken in Bezug auf die übermächtige HONO-Photolyserate tagsüber vernachlässigbar sind (< 20%). Weder Bodenemissionen von HONO, noch die Photolyse von an Oberflächen adsorbierter Salpetersäure können die fehlende Quelle erklären. Die lichtinduzierte Reduktion von Stickstoffdioxid (NO2) an Oberflächen konnte nicht ausgeschlossen werden. Es zeigte sich jedoch, dass die fehlende Quelle stärker mit der HONO-Photolyserate korreliert als mit der entsprechenden Photolysefrequenz, die proportional zur Photolysefrequenz von NO2 ist. Somit lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass entweder die Photolyserate von HONO überschätzt wird oder dass immer noch eine unbekannte, HONO-Quelle existiert, die mit der Photolyserate sehr stark korreliert. rn rn


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Stable isotope composition of atmospheric carbon monoxide: A modelling study.rnrnThis study aims at an improved understanding of the stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition of the carbon monoxide (CO) in the global atmosphere by means of numerical simulations. At first, a new kinetic chemistry tagging technique for the most complete parameterisation of isotope effects has been introduced into the Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) framework. Incorporated into the ECHAM/MESSy Atmospheric Chemistry (EMAC) general circulation model, an explicit treatment of the isotope effects on the global scale is now possible. The expanded model system has been applied to simulate the chemical system containing up to five isotopologues of all carbon- and oxygen-bearing species, which ultimately determine the δ13C, δ18O and Δ17O isotopic signatures of atmospheric CO. As model input, a new stable isotope-inclusive emission inventory for the relevant trace gases has been compiled. The uncertainties of the emission estimates and of the resulting simulated mixing and isotope ratios have been analysed. The simulated CO mixing and stable isotope ratios have been compared to in-situ measurements from ground-based observatories and from the civil-aircraft-mounted CARIBIC−1 measurement platform.rnrnThe systematically underestimated 13CO/12CO ratios of earlier, simplified modelling studies can now be partly explained. The EMAC simulations do not support the inferences of those studies, which suggest for CO a reduced input of the highly depleted in 13C methane oxidation source. In particular, a high average yield of 0.94 CO per reacted methane (CH4) molecule is simulated in the troposphere, to a large extent due to the competition between the deposition and convective transport processes affecting the CH4 to CO reaction chain intermediates. None of the other factors, assumed or disregarded in previous studies, however hypothesised to have the potential in enriching tropospheric CO in 13C, were found significant when explicitly simulated. The inaccurate surface emissions, likely underestimated over East Asia, are responsible for roughly half of the discrepancies between the simulated and observed 13CO in the northern hemisphere (NH), whereas the remote southern hemisphere (SH) compositions suggest an underestimated fractionation during the oxidation of CO by the hydroxyl radical (OH). A reanalysis of the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) in this reaction contrasts the conventional assumption of a mere pressure dependence, and instead suggests an additional temperature dependence of the 13C KIE, which is driven by changes in the partitioning of the reaction exit channels. This result is yet to be confirmed in the laboratory.rnrnApart from 13CO, for the first time the atmospheric distribution of the oxygen mass-independent fractionation (MIF) in CO, Δ17O, has been consistently simulated on the global scale with EMAC. The applicability of Δ17O(CO) observations to unravelling changes in the tropospheric CH4-CO-OH system has been scrutinised, as well as the implications of the ozone (O3) input to the CO isotope oxygen budget. The Δ17O(CO) is confirmed to be the principal signal for the CO photochemical age, thus providing a measure for the OH chiefly involved in the sink of CO. The highly mass-independently fractionated O3 oxygen is estimated to comprise around 2% of the overall tropospheric CO source, which has implications for the δ18O, but less likely for the Δ17O CO budgets. Finally, additional sensitivity simulations with EMAC corroborate the nearly equal net effects of the present-day CH4 and CO burdens in removing tropospheric OH, as well as the large turnover and stability of the abundance of the latter. The simulated CO isotopologues nonetheless hint at a likely insufficient OH regeneration in the NH high latitudes and the upper troposphere / lower stratosphere (UTLS).rn


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Immunoglobulin G from rheumatoid patients is denatured around the hinge region. This has been proposed as an explanation for the presence of circulating autoantibodies to IgG in these patients. It has previously been suggested that oxygen radicals (OR) derived from activated polymorphs may play a role in denaturation in vivo. Using sera from rheumatoid patients and age-matched controls in a modified ELISA technique, we have investigated the potential for polyclonal rheumatoid factors (RF) to bind to OR denatured IgG. Three model systems were used to generate OR in vitro: (a) purified PMN s activated by the cell surface stimulant PMA, (b) radiolysis of IgG in solution to generate specifically the superoxide radical and, in a separate system, the hydroxyl radical, (OH.), (c) purified myeloperoxide in the presence of H2O2 and halide ions. Results: 1. The binding of both IgA and IgM RF s to PMN denatured IgG increased dose dependently for seropositive sera only. 2. The OH. radical but not the superoxide radical significantly increased the binding of IgA and M RF, again only for seropositive sera. 3. The myeloperoxidase enzyme system did not increase RF binding. 4. IgG incubated with elastase was not found to be a better antigen than native IgG. These results indicate that IgG is denatured by OR released from activated PMN, thereby producing an antigen for polyclonal RF s.


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The susceptibility of tetrahydropterins to oxidation was investigated in vitro and related to in vivo metabolism. At physiological pH, tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) was oxidized, with considerable loss of the biopterin skeleton, by molecular oxygen. The hydroxyl radical (.OH) was found to increase this oxidation and degradation, whilst physiological concentrations of glutathione (GSH) retarded both the dioxygen and .OH mediated oxidation. Nitrite, at acid pH, oxidized BH4 to biopterin and tetrahydrofolates to products devoid of folate structure. Loss of dietary folates, from the stomach, due to nitrite mediated catabolism is suggested. The in vivo response of BH4 metabolism to oxidising conditions was examined in the rat brain and liver. Acute starvation depressed brain biopterins and transiently BH4 biosynthetic and salvage (dihydropteridine reductase, DHPR) pathways. Loss of biopterins, in starvation, is suggested to arise primarily from catabolism, due to oxygen radical formation and GSH depletion. L-cysteine administration to starving rats was found to elevate tissue biopterins, whilst depletion of GSH in feeding rats, by L-buthionine sulfoximine, decreased biopterins. An in vivo role for GSH to protect tetrahydropterins from oxidation is suggested. The in vivo effect of phenelzine dosing was investigated. Administration lowered brain biopterins, in the presence of dietary tyrosine. This loss is considered to arise from p-tyramine generation and subsequent DHPR inhibition. Observed elevations in plasma biopterins were in line with this mechanism. In conditions other than gross inhibition of DHPR or BH4 biosynthesis, plasma total biopterins were seen to be poor indicators of tissue BH4 metabolism. Evidence is presented indicating that the pterin formed in tissue samples by acid iodine oxidation originates from the tetrahydrofolate pool and 7,8-dihydropterin derived from BH4 oxidation. The observed reduction in this pterin by prior in vivo nitrous oxide exposure and elevation by starvation and phenelzine administration is discussed in this light. The biochemical importance of the changes in tetrahydropterin metabolism observed in this thesis are discussed with extrapolation to the situation in man, where appropriate. An additional role for BH4 as a tissue antioxidant and reductant is also considered.


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Pele, ossos, espinhas, entre outros, separados durante o processamento de produtos cárneos podem ser uma boa fonte de proteína, especialmente de colágeno. Para obtenção de colágeno nativo a partir de ossos é necessário um tratamento prévio de desproteinização e desmineralização. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar os melhores parâmetros para a desmineralização de ossos de pescado e frango utilizando soluções de HCl e EDTA um complexante de íons metálicos. O melhor efeito da desmineralização foi obtido com solução de HCl 1,0 mol/L. Após 48 h de extração, 99,4 e 95,4% das substâncias minerais foram solubilizadas para os ossos de pescado e para ossos de frango, respectivamente. Paralelamente, a menor perda de colágeno também foi observada nessas condições. O processo realizado empregando soluções de EDTA foi menos eficaz do que com solução de HCl. Após 48 h de extração com EDTA 0,1 mol/L, 37,5 e 32,4% dos compostos minerais foram removidos dos ossos de pescado e dos ossos de frango, respectivamente. Uma maior eficiência foi alcançada com solução de EDTA 0,5 mol/L. O rendimento do processo foi de cerca de 66,6% a partir dos ossos de pescado e 70,6% a partir os ossos de frango. A desmineralização com EDTA não provocou perda de colágeno.


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The hydroxyl radical (OH) removes most atmospheric pollutants from air. The loss frequency of OH radicals due to the combined effect of all gas-phase OH reactive species is a measureable quantity termed total OH reactivity. Here we present total OH reactivity observations in pristine Amazon rainforest air, as a function of season, time-of-day and height (0?80 m). Total OH reactivity is low during wet (10 s1) and high during dry season (62 s1). Comparison to individually measured trace gases reveals strong variation in unaccounted for OH reactivity, from 5 to 15% missing in wet-season afternoons to mostly unknown (average 79%) during dry season. During dry-season afternoons isoprene, considered the dominant reagent with OH in rainforests, only accounts for B20% of the total OH reactivity. Vertical profiles of OH reactivity are shaped by biogenic emissions, photochemistry and turbulent mixing. The rainforest floor was identified as a significant but poorly characterized source of OH reactivity.


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Bayesian inference has been used to determine rigorous estimates of hydroxyl radical concentrations () and air mass dilution rates (K) averaged following air masses between linked observations of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) spanning the North Atlantic during the Intercontinental Transport and Chemical Transformation (ITCT)-Lagrangian-2K4 experiment. The Bayesian technique obtains a refined (posterior) distribution of a parameter given data related to the parameter through a model and prior beliefs about the parameter distribution. Here, the model describes hydrocarbon loss through OH reaction and mixing with a background concentration at rate K. The Lagrangian experiment provides direct observations of hydrocarbons at two time points, removing assumptions regarding composition or sources upstream of a single observation. The estimates are sharpened by using many hydrocarbons with different reactivities and accounting for their variability and measurement uncertainty. A novel technique is used to construct prior background distributions of many species, described by variation of a single parameter . This exploits the high correlation of species, related by the first principal component of many NMHC samples. The Bayesian method obtains posterior estimates of , K and following each air mass. Median values are typically between 0.5 and 2.0 × 106 molecules cm−3, but are elevated to between 2.5 and 3.5 × 106 molecules cm−3, in low-level pollution. A comparison of estimates from absolute NMHC concentrations and NMHC ratios assuming zero background (the “photochemical clock” method) shows similar distributions but reveals systematic high bias in the estimates from ratios. Estimates of K are ∼0.1 day−1 but show more sensitivity to the prior distribution assumed.


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Questa tesi descrive lo sviluppo di un elettrodo modificato con un polimero isolante per la determinazione indiretta del radicale OH. I polimeri testati sono stati polifenolo, polipirrolo e polipirrolo sovraoossidato ed il primo è risultato quello con le migliori prestazioni. Il film di modificante è stato depositato per elettropolimerizzazione del fenolo in ambiente acido, su un elettrodo di carbone vetroso (GC) ed è risultato isolante e perfettamente adeso al GC, impedendo il trasferimento di carica alle più comuni sonde redox. L’attacco dei radicali OH, generati dalla reazione di Fenton o dalla fotolisi di H2O2, rimuove parzialmente il polimero dal GC, ripristinando parzialmente il comportamento conduttore dell’elettrodo. L’entità della degradazione del film polifenolico è stata valutata sfruttando la corrente relativa alla sonda redox Ru(NH3)63+, che rappresenta il segnale analitico per la determinazione del radicale OH. L’elettrodo è stato impiegato per stimare le prestazioni di foto catalizzatori a base di nanoparticelle di TiO2, ottenendo risultati correlati a quelli ricavati da un metodo HPLC. Inoltre esso è stato usato per sviluppare una nuova procedura per la determinazione della capacità di scavenging verso i radicali OH, che è stata applicata all’analisi di composti puri e campioni reali. I risultati erano confrontabili con quelli determinati con metodiche standardizzate, comunemente impiegate per la determinazione della capacità antiossidante. Inoltre è stato condotto uno studio riguardante la modifica di un elettrodo di platino con un idrossido misto a strati a base di cobalto e alluminio (LDH). In particolare si sono valutati gli effetti di diversi pretrattamenti del Pt sulle caratteristiche e prestazioni elettrocatalitiche del film di LDH nei confronti dell’ossidazione di anilina, fenolo e acido salicilico. Questi composti possono essere impiegati come molecole sonda per la determinazione del radicale OH e rivestono interesse da un punto di vista elettroanalitico perché portano facilmente alla passivazione della superficie di Pt.


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The biochemical responses of the enzymatic antioxidant system of a drought-tolerant cultivar (IACSP 94-2094) and a commercial cultivar in Brazil (IACSP 95-5000) grown under two levels of soil water restriction (70% and 30% Soil Available Water Content) were investigated. IACSP 94-2094 exhibited one additional active superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD VI) isoenzyme in comparison to IACSP 95-5000, possibly contributing to the heightened response of IACSP 94-2094 to the induced stress. The total glutathione reductase (GR) activity increased substantially in IACSP 94-2094 under conditions of severe water stress; however, the appearance of a new GR isoenzyme and the disappearance of another isoenzyme were found not to be related to the stress response because the cultivars from both treatment groups (control and water restrictions) exhibited identical changes. Catalase (CAT) activity seems to have a more direct role in H2O2 detoxification under water stress condition and the shift in isoenzymes in the tolerant cultivar might have contributed to this response, which may be dependent upon the location where the excessive H2O2 is being produced under stress. The improved performance of IACSP 94-2094 under drought stress was associated with a more efficient antioxidant system response, particularly under conditions of mild stress.


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The survey is aimed at critically reviewing information on the UVA-mediated oxidative reactions to cellular components with emphasis on DNA as the result of mostly photosensitized pathways. It appears clearly that UVA radiation is relatively much more efficient than UVB photons in inducing oxidative processes. The main UVA-induced oxidative degradation pathways of DNA are reported and discussed mechanistically. They are mostly rationalized in terms of a major contribution of singlet molecular oxygen ((1)O(2)) and to a lesser extent of hydroxyl radical ((center dot)OH), that in the latter case originates from Fenton-type reactions. This leads to the predominant formation of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine together with smaller amounts of oxidized pyrimidine bases and DNA strand breaks in UVA-irradiated cells.


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The aim of this work was to study the influence of effluent organic matter (EfOM) on micropollutants removal by ozone and UV/H2O2. To perform the experiments, deionized water and municipal secondary effluents (SE) were artificially contaminated with atrazine (ATZ) and treated by the two proposed methods. ATZ concentration, COD and TOC were recorded along the reaction time and used to evaluate EfOM effect on the system efficiency. Results demonstrate that the presence of EfOM can significantly reduce the micropollutant removal rate due to competition of EfOM components to react with radicals and/or molecular ozone. The hydroxyl radical scavenging caused by EfOM was quantified as well as the contribution of molecular ozone and �OH radicals during the ozonation of SE. EfOM components promoted higher inhibition of ATZ oxidation by hydroxyl radicals than by molecular ozone.


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Melanin extracted from Auricularia auricula fruiting bodies (AAFB) was examined by element analyzer, amino acid analyzer, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Elemental composition analysis revealed that main component of AAFB melanin was pheomelanin. Amino acid analysis showed that 16 amino acids were found in AAFB melanin and total amino acid content was 321. 63 mg/g. There were 13 detectable metal elements in AAFB melanin, which was rich in Ca, Fe, Cu and Zn. In addition, AAFB melanin exhibited stronger scavenging activities on 2,2-diphenyl-l-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, superoxide radical and hydroxyl radical with IC50 values of 0.18, 0.59 and 0.34 mg/mL, respectively. These results indicated that AAFB melanin might be potentially used as a natural antioxidant.


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Urban air pollution and climate are closely connected due to shared generating processes (e.g., combustion) for emissions of the driving gases and aerosols. They are also connected because the atmospheric lifecycles of common air pollutants such as CO, NOx and VOCs, and of the climatically important methane gas (CH4) and sulfate aerosols, both involve the fast photochemistry of the hydroxyl free radical (OH). Thus policies designed to address air pollution may impact climate and vice versa. We present calculations using a model coupling economics, atmospheric chemistry, climate and ecosystems to illustrate some effects of air pollution policy alone on global warming. We consider caps on emissions of NOx, CO, volatile organic carbon, and SOx both individually and combined in two ways. These caps can lower ozone causing less warming, lower sulfate aerosols yielding more warming, lower OH and thus increase CH4 giving more warming, and finally, allow more carbon uptake by ecosystems leading to less warming. Overall, these effects significantly offset each other suggesting that air pollution policy has a relatively small net effect on the global mean surface temperature and sea level rise. However, our study does not account for the effects of air pollution policies on overall demand for fossil fuels and on the choice of fuels (coal, oil, gas), nor have we considered the effects of caps on black carbon or organic carbon aerosols on climate. These effects, if included, could lead to more substantial impacts of capping pollutant emissions on global temperature and sea level than concluded here. Caps on aerosols in general could also yield impacts on other important aspects of climate beyond those addressed here, such as the regional patterns of cloudiness and precipitation.


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The release and diffusion of hydroxyl ions (OH-) of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2)-based intracanal medications may be affected by the association with other substances. The aim of this study was to evaluate the diffusion of OH- ions through root dentin by the medications: G1, Ca(OH)2/saline; G2, Calen; G3, Calen/camphorated p-monochlorophenol (CMCP); and G4, Calen/0.4% chlorhexidine (CHX). Root canals from bovine teeth were prepared in a standardized manner. A cavity until dentin was prepared in the middle third of the root surface of each specimen. The external surface of the root was made impermeable using a layer of adhesive, except the prepared cavity. The root canals were filled with different medications, and teeth were individually stored in flasks containing 10 ml distilled water at 37 degrees C. The water pH was measured at 1, 3, 7, 14, 21, 30, and 60 days. Data obtained were subjected to anova and Tukeys tests. Increase in pH was observed at 3 days for Calen/CHX and from 7 to 14 days for the other mixtures. Calen paste promoted pH increase up to 21 days. Calen/CMCP had the highest pH up to 21 days, and all groups had similar results at 30 days. At 60 days, the greatest pH values were observed for Calen/CMCP and Calen alone. All different formulations of Ca(OH)2-based medications tested release hydroxyl ion that can diffuse through the dentin.