993 resultados para Hydrology, Limnology and Potamology.


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Palaeoflood hydrology is an expanding field as the damage potential of flood and flood-related processes are increasing with the population density and the value of the infrastructure. Assessing the risk of these hazards in mountainous terrain requires knowledge about the frequency and severness of such events in the past. A wide range of methods is employed using diverse biologic, geomorphic or geologic evidences to track past flood events. Impact of floods are studied and dated on alluvial fans and cones using for example the growth disturbance of trees (Stoffel and Bollschweiler 2008; Schneuwly-Bollschweiler and Stoffel 2012: this volume) or stratigraphic layers deposited by debris flows, allowing to reconstruct past flood frequencies (Bardou et~al. 2003). Further downstream, the classical approach of palaeoflood hydrology (Kochel and Baker 1982) utilizes geomorphic indicators such as overbank sediments, silt lines and erosion features of floods along a river (e.g. Benito and Thorndycraft 2005). Fine-grained sediment settles out of the river suspension in eddies or backwater areas, where the flow velocity of the river is reduced. Records of these deposits at different elevations across a river’s profile can be used to assess the discharge of the past floods. This approach of palaeoflood hydrology studies was successfully applied in several river catchments (e.g. Ely et al. 1993; Macklin and Lewin 2003; O’Connor et al. 1994; Sheffer et al. 2003; Thorndycraft et al. 2005; Thorndycraft and Benito 2006). All these different reconstruction methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, but often these studies have a limited time coverage and the records are potentially incomplete due to lateral limits of depositional areas and due to the erosional power of fluvial processes that remove previously deposited flood witnesses. Here, we present a method that follows the sediment particle transported by a flood event to its final sink: the lacustrine basin.


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We studied the response in development times of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicus to changes in temperature and food conditions. The ingestion response to temperature was determined in the laboratory, where the copepods C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus were fed the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii (cultivated at 18°C-20°; 12 : 12 light :dark cycle; exponential growth). C. finmarchicus was obtained for experiments from the Gullmar fjord. C. finmarchicus was incubated at in situ temperature (5°C) until the experiments were performed. First-generation cultures were grown in the laboratory at 15°C from the eggs from the Sta. L4 females. During growth both C. finmarchicus and C. helgolandicus cultures were fed a mixture of the cryptophyte Rhodomonas salina, the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii, and the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Five 600-mL glass bottles containing 1400 cells mL**-1 or 5 mg chlorophyll a (Chl a) L**-1 of T. weissflogii (200 mg C) and 1-2 C. finmarchicus or C. helgolandicus copepodite stage 5 (CV) or females were incubated in darkness at series of temperatures between 1°C and 21 ± 0.5°C. Three bottles without copepods served as control. In the C. helgolandicus experiment, T. weissflogii cells were counted at the beginning and end of the experiment in the grazing bottles and controls using a Coulter CounterH (MultisizerTM 3, Beckman Coulter). In the C. finmarchicus experiment, phytoplankton reduction was determined by Chl a measurements. The reduction in phytoplankton during any of the experiments was generally below 20% and never more than 32%. Clearance rates were calculated following Harris et al. (2000).


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Vertical fluxes of 239+240Pu and 241Am and temporal changes in their inventories in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea have been examined through high-resolution water column sampling coupled with direct measurements of the vertical flux of particle-bound transuranics using time-series sediment traps. Water column profiles of both radionuclides showed well-defined sub-surface maxima (2391240Pu between 100-400 m; 241Am at 100-200 m and 800 m), the depths of which are a result of the different biogeochemical scavenging behavior of the two radionuclides. Comparison of deep water column (0-2,000 m) transuranic inventories with those derived from earlier measurements demonstrate that the total 2391240Pu inventory had not substantially changed between 1976-1990 whereas 241Am had decreased by approximately 24%. Enhanced scavenging of 241Am and a resultant, more rapid removal from the water column relative to 239+240Pu was also supported by the observation of elevated Am/Pu activity ratios in sinking particles collected in sediment traps at depth. Direct measurements of the downward flux of particulate 239+240Pu and 241Am compared with transuranic removal rates derived from observed total water column inventory differences over time, show that particles sinking out of deep waters (1,000-2,000 m) could account for 26-72% of the computed total annual 239+240Pu loss and virtually all of the 241Am removal from the water column. Upper water column (0-200 m) residence times based on direct flux measurements ranged from 20-30 yr for 239+240Pu and 5-10 yr for 241Am. The observation that 241Am/239+240Pu activity ratios in unfiltered Mediterranean seawater are six times lower than those in the north Pacific suggests the existence of a specific mechanism for enhanced scavenging and removal of 241Am from the generally oligotrophic waters of the open Mediterranean. It is proposed that atmospheric inputs of aluminosilicate particles transported by Saharan dust events which frequently occur in the Mediterranean region could enhance the geochemical scavenging and resultant removal of 241Am to the sediments.


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Hydrology, source region, and timing of precipitation are important controls on the climate of the Great Plains of North America and the composition of terrestrial ecosystems. Moisture delivered to the Great Plains varies seasonally and predominately derives from the Gulf of Mexico/Atlantic Ocean with minor contributions from the Pacific Ocean and Arctic region. For this work, we evaluate long-term relationships for the past ~ 35 million years between North American hydrology, climate, and floral change, using isotopic records and average carbon chain lengths of higher plant n-alkanes from Gulf of Mexico sediments (DSDP Site 94). We find that carbon isotope values (d13C) of n-alkanes, corrected for variations in the d13C value of atmospheric CO2, provide minor evidence for contributions of C4 plants prior to the Middle Miocene. A sharp spike in C4 input is identified during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum, and the influence of C4 plants steadily increased during the Late Miocene into the Pleistocene - consistent with other North American records. Chain-length distributions of n-alkanes, indicative of the composition of higher plant communities, remained remarkably constant from 33 to 4 Ma. However, a trend toward longer chain lengths occurred during the past 4 million years, concurrent with an increase in d13C values, indicating increased C4 plant influence and potentially aridity. The hydrogen isotope values (dD) of n-alkanes are relatively invariant between 33 and 9 Ma, and then become substantially more negative (75 per mil) from 9 to 2 Ma. Changes in the plant community and temperature of precipitation can solely account for the observed variations in dD from 33 to 5 Ma, but cannot account for Plio-Pleistocene dD variations and imply substantial changes in the source region of precipitation and seasonality of moisture delivery. We posit that hydrological changes were linked to tectonic and oceanographic processes including the shoaling and closure of the Panamanian Seaway, amplification of North Atlantic Deep Water Production and an associated increase of meridional winds. The southerly movement of the Intertropical Convergence Zone near 4 Ma allowed for the development of a near-modern pressure/storm track system, driving increased aridity and changes in seasonality within the North American interior.