59 resultados para Hunther-gatherers
Dental markers have been used to unravel particularities of paleodiet, subsistence, social structure, and health. This article aims to compare oral pathology among four pre-Columbian groups with different degrees of agricultural and socio-cultural development but comparable ecological conditions who lived on the coastal desert of Peru. Three of these groups are assigned to distinct phases of the Formative Period (2500-1 BC), a time critical for our understanding of the development of agriculture and social complexity. The fourth group corresponds to the Late Intermediate Period (1000-1470 AD), when agriculture had its apogee and society was highly stratified. In this study we test whether there is an increase (1) in the frequency of carious lesions and (2) in caries depth, and (3) if there is a shift from occlusal to extra-occlusal caries locations with the development of agriculture. Therefore, we analyze the frequencies of carious lesions and antemortem tooth loss (AMTL), the caries distributions by age, sex, and type of tooth, as well as the tissues affected by, and the location of the carious lesions. Since there are no significant differences in the frequencies of carious lesions and AMTL between the groups, we reject hypothesis 1. In contrast, caries depth does increase, and caries location changes from occlusal to extra-occlusal sites with agricultural development. However, we can only corroborate hypothesis 2 and 3 when taking into consideration dental wear. Thus, we recommend that caries depth and locations should be used with evaluations of dental wear to reconstruct subsistence in ancient populations. Am J Phys Anthropol 143:75-91, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The coastal plains of the States of Parana and Santa Catarina, in Southern Brazil, were first settled around 6000 B.P. by shellmound builders, a successful fisher-hunter-gatherer population that inhabited the coastal lowlands practically unchanged for almost five thousand years. Shellmounds were typically occupied as residential sites as well as cemeteries, and are usually associated with rich alimentary zones. Around 1200 B.P., the first evidence of ceramics brought from the interior is found in coastal areas, and together with ceramics there is a progressive abandonment of shellmound construction in favor of flat cold shallow sites. Here we consider if these changes were reflected in the postmarital residence practice of coastal groups, i.e., if the arrival or intensification of contact with groups from the interior resulted in changes in this aspect of social structure among the coastal groups. To test the postmarital residence practice we analyzed within-group variability ratios between males and females, following previous studies on the topic. and between-group, correlations between Mahalanobis distances and geographic distances. The results suggest that in the pre-ceramic series a matrilocal, postmarital residential system predominated, while in the ceramic period there was a shift toward patrilocality. This favors the hypothesis that the changes experienced by coastal groups after 1200 B.P. affected not only their economy and material culture, but important aspects of their sociopolitical organization as well.
The use of the concept of guild can be useful for the functional trophic categorization of communities, because there is no requirement identification of organisms in the level of species and not to treat each species as a separate entity. The aim of this study was to analyze the functional feeding groups (collectors-gatherers, collectors-filterers, shredders, predators and grazer-scrapers) of the macroinvertebrate communities of two reservoirs in the Midwestern region of São Paulo State. Sampling was carried out in rainy (March/April - 2001) and dry (July/August - 2001) seasons and the data obtained indicate that 'collectors-gatherers' is the most frequent guild. This fact suggests a great importance of organic matter as a food source in the diet of the macroinvertebrates analyzed.
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Achados acidentais de instrumentos líticos em região de terra firme junto ao rio Curuá, no médio curso da Bacia do Xingu, sugere uma ocupação disseminada por caçador-coletores pré-cerâmicos na região, contrariamente a expectativas de que a floresta tropical teria recursos alimentares insuficientes para a ocupação humana longe da várzea. Os artefatos líticos incluem pontas de projétil de lascamento cuidadoso, possivelmente relacionados a alguns artefatos do Pleistoceno final encontrados na Caverna da Pedra Pintada, em Monte Alegre. Os resíduos alimentares encontrados com os artefatos de Monte Alegre eram de uma economia de coleta de ambientes rupestres e ribeirinhos. As pontas do Xingu foram recolhidas por garimpeiros nas reias e cascalhos no leito do rio Curuá. Os garimpeiros encontraram os artefatos enquanto escavavam e peneiravam sedimentos auríferos. Tais depósitos algumas vezes também contêm remanescentes de plantas e artefatos de madeira pré-históricos, fontes de informação potencial sobre antigos habitats, subsistência e tecnologia. O grupo de pesquisa do Projeto Baixo Amazonas viajou a diversos dos sítios submersos com os garimpeiros para preparar escavações para o futuro. Em um sítio, Curupité, onde os garimpeiros encontraram uma grande ponta com pedúnculo e um arpão de madeira inteiro em 1986, a equipe utilizou equipamento de mergulho para prospectar o leito do rio e os barrancos, e mapearam a topografa com um teodolito a laser.
São raros os estudos envolvendo o uso múltiplo de recursos naturais por populações amazônicas. Este trabalho apresenta um panorama de como os índios Deni, habitantes da região de interflúvio entre dois dos maiores afluentes de água branca da bacia amazônica, os rios Juruá e Purus, utilizam dos recursos disponíveis em seu território. Os Deni são, atualmente, índios que vivem da exploração de recursos da terra firme e de regiões alagadas. São um misto de horticultores e caçadores/coletores, que utilizam toda a sua área para a obtenção de recursos para subsistência. Como regra, deslocam periodicamente seus assentamentos, evitando o esgotamento local de recursos, e provocando a modificação local do ambiente. Esta alteração aumenta temporariamente a disponibilidade de alimento. Áreas com aldeias, pomares e roçados abandonados, por sua vez, tornam-se locais onde se concentram inúmeros recursos da flora e da fauna, posteriormente explorados. O impacto provocado por este sistema é aparentemente mínimo. Os Deni estão contextualizados na periferia de um sistema capitalista, onde a única fonte de renda para adquirir bens que são hoje considerados pelos índios como indispensáveis para sua sobrevivência são os recursos naturais. Estes são e continuarão sendo explorados de maneira a produzir um excedente a ser comercializado para a obtenção de uma série de produtos industrializados, independentemente das opiniões externas. É sobre este patamar que devemos avaliar a sustentabilidade do atual manejo da área.
A partir de um ensaio de Leack sobre o tempo, procura-se precisar certos conceitos conhecimentos que se tem hoje sobre caçadores-coletores e suas representações de espaço e tempo. Tentase também estabelecer a importância que têm para o surgimento de uma representação linear do tempo, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e o aparecimento de religiões salvacionistas e mostrar como, mesmo certa estrutura de representação cíclica se mantém.
Lapa clas Boleiras rockshelter, a Paleoamerican archaeological site in Central Brazil, was intensely occupied by humans from 10,000 C-14 BP (11.8 cal kyr BP), until approximately 7500 C-14 BP (8.4 cal kyr BP). In this paper we present some interpretations about the formation processes operating on the site. One of our main conclusions is that the bulk of accumulated sediments at the site is of anthropogenic origin: they are constituted by volumetrically significant quantities of plant ash remains, what is somewhat unexpectedly in view of prevailing models about the lifestyle of Paleoamerican hunter-gatherers in South America. The evidence we discuss below is also consistent with paleoenvironmental data that suggest a dry period during the mid-Holocene in the region, probably leading to a decrease in human occupation [Araujo, A.G.M., Neves, W., Pilo, L.B., Atui, J.P., 2005. Holocene dryness and human Occupation in Brazil during the `Archaic Gap`. Quaternary Research 64, 298-307]. We surmise that both factors underpin a surprising reduction in sediment accumulation at the site during the mid-Holocene. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Com a Rio+20 retoma-se a discussão de estratégias para conciliar desenvolvimento com proteção dos ecossistemas. Um tema apenas tangenciado nessas discussões é o gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. Diante da institucionalização da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, busca-se contribuir para esse debate, bem como apontar caminhos para o enfrentamento dessa questão, privilegiando a inclusão social. Para isso, foram utilizados documentos e informações sobre a gestão de resíduos sólidos, e a literatura científica especializada. Observa-se que o inadequado gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos gera impactos imediatos no ambiente e na saúde, assim como contribui para mudanças climáticas. Considerando as limitações das opções de destinação final para os resíduos, é imprescindível minimizar as quantidades produzidas por meio da redução, reutilização e reciclagem. Nesse contexto, destaca-se o papel dos catadores, que vêm realizando um trabalho de grande importância ambiental. Dadas as fragilidades desse segmento populacional, é preciso delinear políticas públicas que tornem a atividade de catação mais digna e com menos riscos e que, ao mesmo tempo, garantam renda, para assim caminhar rumo a um desenvolvimento mais saudável, justo e sustentável.
[ES]La neolitización ha sido entendida como un proceso de adopción de innovaciones tecnológicas y económicas por parte de grupos cazadores recolectores que, o bien traídas desde fuera a través de una difusión démica, o bien a través de redes de intercambio, acabaron por asimilarse. Sin embargo, no se ha considerado la neolitización desde la óptica de la entrada en contacto de dos tipos de formaciones socioeconómicas con diferente grado de organización y desarrollo. En este trabajo analizaremos y confrontaremos las variables que configuran los rasgos esenciales de ambas realidades sociales para, a través de un ejemplo concreto, analizar las posibles situaciones de contacto. [EN] The neolithisation has been understood as a process of adoption of technological and economic innovations by groups of hunter-gatherers that, brought from outside through a demic diffusion or through exchange networks, were finally assimilated. However, neolithisation has not been considered from the perspective of the of two types of socioeconomic formations with diverse level of organisation and development. In this paper, we analyse and compare the variables that shape the essential features of both social realities, in order to analyse posible contact situations through a concrete example.
Co-evolving with the human host, gut microbiota establishes configurations, which vary under the pressure of inflammation, disease, ageing, diet and lifestyle. In order to describe the multi-stability of the microbiome-host relationship, we studied specific tracts of the bacterial trajectory during the human lifespan and we characterized peculiar deviations from the hypothetical development, caused by disease, using molecular techniques, such as phylogenetic microarray and next-generation sequencing. Firstly, we characterized the enterocyte-associated microbiota in breast-fed infants and adults, describing remarkable differences between the two groups of subjects. Successively, we investigated the impact of atopy on the development of the microbiome in Italian childrens, highlithing conspicuous deviations from the child-type microbiota of the Italian controls. To explore variation in the gut microbiota depending on geographical origins, which reflect different lifestyles, we compared the phylogenetic diversity of the intestinal microbiota of the Hadza hunter-gatherers of Tanzania and Italian adults. Additionally, we characterized the aged-type microbiome, describing the changes occurred in the metabolic potential of the gut microbiota of centenarians with respect to younger individuals, as a part of the pathophysiolology of the ageing process. Finally, we evaluated the impact of a probiotics intervention on the intestinal microbiota of elderly people, showing the repair of some age-related dysbioses. These studies contribute to elucidate several aspects of the intestinal microbiome development during the human lifespan, depicting the microbiota as an extremely plastic entity, capable of being reconfigured in response to different environmental factors and/or stressors of endogenous origin.
Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden erstmals prähistorische Bevölkerungsstrukturen in der osteuropäischen Steppe von der Oberthrakischen Tiefebene bis zur Wolga populationsgenetisch untersucht. Mit Multiplex-PCR und 454-Sequencing wurden von 65 kupfer- und bronzezeitlichen Individuen die Hypervariable Region I und 30 Abschnitte der coding region der mitochondrialen DNA analysiert. Außerdem wurden bis zu 20 putativ selektierte autosomale SNPs und ein geschlechtsspezifischer Locus genotypsiert. Zu Vergleichszwecken wurden veröffentlichte prähistorische DNA-Daten aus Westeurasien und moderne DNA-Sequenzen herangezogen. Die Ergebnisse stützen die Annahme, dass frühneolithische Bauern aus Südosteuropa durch demische Diffusion an der Etablierung der Viehwirtschaft in der Steppe beteiligt waren. Die durchweg niedrigen FST-Werte zwischen der frühbronzezeitlichen Jamnaja-Kultur in der Steppe und den aufeinanderfolgenden neolithischen Kulturen Mitteleuropas sprechen für regelmäßige Kontakte. Die der Jamnaja-Kultur nachfolgende Katakombengrabkultur ist von einem hohen Anteil der in nord- und osteuropäischen Jäger/Sammler-Populationen verbreiteten Haplogruppe U4 geprägt. Niedrige FST-Werte zwischen den prähistorischen Steppenpopulationen und der heutigen Bevölkerung Mittel- und Osteuropas weisen auf genetische Kontinuität hin. Die nukleären Genotypenfrequenzen bestätigt dies. Der moderne europäische Genpool lässt sich nach aktuellem Kenntnisstand auf drei Wurzeln zurückführen: indigene Mesolithiker, frühe Bauern aus dem Nahen Osten und eine nordeurasische Komponente jungpalaeolithischen Ursprungs. Letztere könnte vielleicht über die nordpontische Population in das Erbgut spätneolithischer Europäer gelangt sein.
Der Fokus dieser Dissertation ist die populationsgenetische Analyse der neolithischen Bevölkerungswechsel in den 6.-5. Jahrtausende vor Christus, die im westlichen Karpatenbecken stattfanden. Die Zielsetzung der Studie war, mittels der Analyse von mitochondrialer und Y-chromosomaler aDNA, den Genpool der sechs neolithischen und kupferzeitlichen Populationen zu untersuchen und die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse mit anderen prähistorischen und modernen genetischen Daten zu vergleichen.rnInsgesamt wurden 323 Individuen aus 32 ungarischen, kroatischen und slowakischen Fundplätzen beprobt und bearbeitet in den archäogenetischen Laboren der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz. Die DNA Ergebnisse wurden mit verschiedenen populationsgenetischen Methoden ausgewertet. Vergleichsdaten von prähistorischen und modernen eurasiatischen Populationen wurden dazu gesammelt.rnDie HVS-I Region der mitochondrialen DNA konnten bei 256 Individuen reproduziert und authentifiziert werden (mit einer Erfolgsrate von 85.9%). Die Typisierung der HVS-II Region war in 80 Fällen erfolgreich. Testend alle gut erhaltene Proben, die Y-chromosomale Haplogruppe konnte in 33 männlichen Individuen typisiert werden.rnDie neolithischen, mitochondrialen Haplogruppen deuten auf eine hohe Variabilität des maternalen Genpools hin. Sowohl die mitochondrialen als auch die Y-chromosomalen Daten lassen Rückschlüsse auf eine nah-östliche bzw. südwestasiatische Herkunft der frühen Bauern zu. Die Starčevo- und linearbandkermaischen-Populationen in westlichem Karpatenbecken (letztere abgekürzt als LBKT) und die linearbandkermaischen-Population in Mitteleuropa (LBK) haben so starke genetische Ähnlichkeit, dass die Verbreitung der LBK nach Mitteleuropa mit vorangegangenen Wanderungsereignissen zu erklären ist. Die Transdanubische aDNA Daten zeigen hohe Affinität zu den publizierten prähistorischen aDNA Datensätzen von Mitteleuropa aus den 6.-4. Jahrtausende vor Chr. Die maternal-genetische Variabilität der Starčevo-Population konnte auch innerhalb der nachfolgenden Populationen Transdanubiens festgestellt werden. Nur kleinere Infiltrationen und Immigrationsereignissen konnten während der Vinča-, LBKT-, Sopot- und Balaton-Lasinja-Kultur in Transdanubien identifiziert werden. Zwischen den transdanubischen Regionen konnten mögliche genetische Unterschiede nur in der LBKT und in der Lengyel-Periode beobachtet werden, als sich die nördlichen Gruppen von den südlichen Populationen trennten. rnDie festgestellte Heterogenität der mtDNA in Zusammenhang mit der Y-chromosomalen Homogenität in den Starčevo- und LBK-Populationen, weisen auf patrilokale Residenzregeln und patrilineare Abstammungsregeln in den ersten Bauergemeinschaften hin. rnObwohl die hier präsentierten Daten einen großen Fortschritt in der Forschung von aDNA und Neolithikum des Karpatenbeckens und Mitteleuropas bedeuten, werfen sie auch mehrere Fragen auf, deren Beantwortung durch zukünftige Genomforschungen erbracht werden könnte.
A river runs through it - ancient DNA data on the neolithic populations of the Great Hungarian Plain
This thesis was part of a multidisciplinary research project funded by the German Research Foundation (“Bevölkerungsgeschichte des Karpatenbeckens in der Jungsteinzeit und ihr Einfluss auf die Besiedlung Mitteleuropas”, grant no. Al 287/10-1) aimed at elucidating the population history of the Carpathian Basin during the Neolithic. The Carpathian Basin was an important waypoint on the spread of the Neolithic from southeastern to central Europe. On the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld), the first farming communities appeared around 6000 cal BC. They belonged to the Körös culture, which derived from the Starčevo-Körös-Criş complex in the northern Balkans. Around 5600 cal BC the Alföld-Linearbandkeramik (ALBK), so called due to its stylistic similarities with the Transdanubian and central European LBK, emerged in the northwestern Alföld. Following a short “classical phase”, the ALBK split into several regional subgroups during its later stages, but did not expand beyond the Great Hungarian Plain. Marking the beginning of the late Neolithic period, the Tisza culture first appeared in the southern Alföld around 5000 cal BC and subsequently spread into the central and northern Alföld. Together with the Herpály and Csőszhalom groups it was an integral part of the late Neolithic cultural landscape of the Alföld. Up until now, the Neolithic cultural succession on the Alföld has been almost exclusively studied from an archaeological point of view, while very little is known about the population genetic processes during this time period. The aim of this thesis was to perform ancient DNA (aDNA) analyses on human samples from the Alföld Neolithic and analyse the resulting mitochondrial population data to address the following questions: is there population continuity between the Central European Mesolithic hunter-gatherer metapopulation and the first farming communities on the Alföld? Is there genetic continuity from the early to the late Neolithic? Are there genetic as well as cultural differences between the regional groups of the ALBK? Additionally, the relationships between the Alföld and the neighbouring Transdanubian Neolithic as well as other European early farming communities were evaluated to gain insights into the genetic affinities of the Alföld Neolithic in a larger geographic context. 320 individuals were analysed for this study; reproducible mitochondrial haplogroup information (HVS-I and/or SNP data) could be obtained from 242 Neolithic individuals. According to the analyses, population continuity between hunter-gatherers and the Neolithic cultures of the Alföld can be excluded at any stage of the Neolithic. In contrast, there is strong evidence for population continuity from the early to the late Neolithic. All cultural groups on the Alföld were heavily shaped by the genetic substrate introduced into the Carpathian Basin during the early Neolithic by the Körös and Starčevo cultures. Accordingly, genetic differentiation between regional groups of the ALBK is not very pronounced. The Alföld cultures are furthermore genetically highly similar to the Transdanubian Neolithic cultures, probably due to common ancestry. In the wider European context, the Alföld Neolithic cultures also highly similar to the central European LBK, while they differ markedly from contemporaneous populations of the Iberian Peninsula and the Ukraine. Thus, the Körös culture, the ALBK and the Tisza culture can be regarded as part of a “genetic continuum” that links the Neolithic Carpathian Basin to central Europe and likely has its roots in the Starčevo -Körös-Criş complex of the northern Balkans.
The diet of early human ancestors has received renewed theoretical interest since the discovery of elevated d13C values in the enamel of Australopithecus africanus and Paranthropus robustus. As a result, the hominin diet is hypothesized to have included C4 grass or the tissues of animals which themselves consumed C4 grass. On mechanical grounds, such a diet is incompatible with the dental morphology and dental microwear of early hominins. Most inferences, particularly for Paranthropus, favor a diet of hard or mechanically resistant foods. This discrepancy has invigorated the longstanding hypothesis that hominins consumed plant underground storage organs (USOs). Plant USOs are attractive candidate foods because many bulbous grasses and cormous sedges use C4 photosynthesis. Yet mechanical data for USOs—or any putative hominin food—are scarcely known. To fill this empirical void we measured the mechanical properties of USOs from 98 plant species from across sub-Saharan Africa. We found that rhizomes were the most resistant to deformation and fracture, followed by tubers, corms, and bulbs. An important result of this study is that corms exhibited low toughness values (mean = 265.0 J m-2) and relatively high Young’s modulus values (mean = 4.9 MPa). This combination of properties fits many descriptions of the hominin diet as consisting of hard-brittle objects. When compared to corms, bulbs are tougher (mean = 325.0 J m-2) and less stiff (mean = 2.5 MPa). Again, this combination of traits resembles dietary inferences, especially for Australopithecus, which is predicted to have consumed soft-tough foods. Lastly, we observed the roasting behavior of Hadza hunter-gatherers and measured the effects of roasting on the toughness on undomesticated tubers. Our results support assumptions that roasting lessens the work of mastication, and, by inference, the cost of digestion. Together these findings provide the first mechanical basis for discussing the adaptive advantages of roasting tubers and the plausibility of USOs in the diet of early hominins.