966 resultados para Hospitality, Leisure, Sport


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Sport has become a highly differentiated social phenomenon in recent years. Changes in society, such as individualization, the growing significance of the health and body culture, and changing values, are considered to be generative mechanisms for increasing social importance and the differentiation of modern sport. Although discussions in sport sociology attribute the changes observed in recent decades of sport participation to a socially determined differentiation of sport, this premise has hardly ever been empirically tested. The present study examines to what extent the postulated developments in sport can be observed on the micro level of those engaging in sport, by examining sport behaviour from a contemporary historical perspective. Based on a life-course approach to research, a total of 1739 over 50-year-olds in Germany were asked about their sport participation as part of a retrospective longitudinal study. Results show that the increasing differentiation of sport can be documented by more diversified forms of individual sport careers. During a 30-year observation period the popularity of competitive sport decreased and the variety of ways in which sport was organized increased. A differentiated analysis based on examining three birth cohorts showed that the reported change in sport participation can be attributed to age, cohort and period effects. In addition, the present study examines how specific events in contemporary history are reflected in individual sporting careers. Sport careers in Chemnitz (Eastern Germany) and Braunschweig (Western Germany) differed before German reunification, but these differences have evened out after the political changes and the process of transformation.


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BACKGROUND: Climate- or holiday-related seasonality in hospital admission rates is well known for many diseases. However, little research has addressed the impact of tourism on seasonality in admission rates. We therefore investigated the influence of tourism on emergency admission rates in Switzerland, where winter and summer leisure sport activities in large mountain regions can generate orthopedic injuries. METHODS: Using small area analysis, orthopedic hospital service areas (HSAo) were evaluated for seasonality in emergency admission rates. Winter sport areas were defined using guest bed accommodation rate patterns of guest houses and hotels located above 1000 meters altitude that show clear winter and summer peak seasons. Emergency admissions (years 2000-2002, n = 135'460) of local and nonlocal HSAo residents were evaluated. HSAo were grouped according to their area type (regular or winter sport area) and monthly analyses of admission rates were performed. RESULTS: Of HSAo within the defined winter sport areas 70.8% show a seasonal, summer-winter peak hospital admission rate pattern and only 1 HSAo outside the defined winter sport areas shows such a pattern. Seasonal hospital admission rates in HSAo in winter sport areas can be up to 4 times higher in winter than the intermediate seasons, and they are almost entirely due to admissions of nonlocal residents. These nonlocal residents are in general -and especially in winter- younger than local residents, and nonlocal residents have a shorter length of stay in winter sport than in regular areas. The overall geographic distribution of nonlocal residents admitted for emergencies shows highest rates during the winter as well as the summer in the winter sport areas. CONCLUSION: Small area analysis using orthopedic hospital service areas is a reliable method for the evaluation of seasonality in hospital admission rates. In Switzerland, HSAo defined as winter sport areas show a clear seasonal fluctuation in admission rates of only nonlocal residents, whereas HSAo defined as regular, non-winter sport areas do not show such seasonality. We conclude that leisure sport, and especially ski/snowboard tourism demands great flexibility in hospital beds, staff and resource planning in these areas.


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Tanulmnyunk a gazdasgi versenykpessggel, kiemelten annak nemzetgazdasgi szint vetletvel s a sport esetben trtn rtelmezsvel foglakozik. A gazdasgi versenykpessg esetn kiemelten kezeljk az IMD s a WEF versenykpessgi rangsorait, a sport esetn pedig sztvlasztjuk a hivatsos s a szabadidsportot. A hivatsos sport esetn bemutatjuk a sportszakmai versenykpessget indikl s a sportszakmai versenykpessgre hatssal lv gazdasgi s trsadalmi mutatkat egyarnt. sszehasonltsi csoportot kpeztnk, amelyben Magyarorszg s a krnyez orszgok szerepelnek s a komparatv elemzs kiterjed a gazdasgi s a sportszakmai versenykpessgre, valamint a sportszakmai versenykpessgre hat gazdasgi s trsadalmi tnyezkre egyarnt. A sportszakmai versenykpessget az olimpiai rmek szmval s azok pontrtkvel mrjk, amit az olimpik teljes trtnelmre s az elmlt 20 v klnbz szakaszaira egyarnt vizsglunk, mg a gazdasgi s trsadalmi tnyezket csak a mondanivalnk szempontjbl legrelevnsabb vekre, az j vezredre vizsglunk. A hivatsos sporttal kapcsolatos versenykpessgi krdsekbl azt a kvetkeztetst vontuk le, hogy Magyarorszg trtnelmi sportszakmai eredmnyessgnek fenntartst a jelen gazdasgi s trsadalmi tnyezk nem igazoljk, st az elmlt idszak visszaesst tmasztjk al s a Londoni olimpin val szereplsnkkel kapcsolatban inkbb az sszehasonltsi csoporton belli tovbbi visszacsszst, mintsem az eredmny javulst tmogatjk. A tanulmnyban azt lltjuk, hogy egyni, vllalati s makrogazdasgi versenykpessget is javthat a szabadidsport. Mikro szinten, majd makrogazdasgi szinten elemeztk a szabadidsport hatsait, valamint prbltunk vlaszt keresni arra a krdsre, hogy hogyan vlhat az egyn, a vllalat s vgs clknt a gazdasg versenykpesebb a fizikai aktivits ltal. A kevesebb betegsg s egszsggyi kiads, vagy ppen a kedvezbb vrhat lettartami mutatk mellett termelkenysg-nvekeds, a versenykpessgi rangsorokban pedig elkelbb helyezsek rhetk el. ______ Our paper tackles the concept of competitiveness in the national level and interprets it also in the field of sport as well. In the economics field we focus on the competitiveness rankings of IMD and WEF and in the sport field we differentiate between professional and leisure sport. In the case of professional sport we introduce the measures of sport competitiveness and its influencing economic and social factors as well. We have made a peer group which contains Hungary and its neighboring countries and the comparative study tackles the sport competitiveness and the influencing economic and social factors as well. We measure sport competitiveness with the Olympic medal count and the medals point value, which is counted in the whole Olympic history, and different phases of the last 20 years. The economic and social factors are compared only in the new millennia as this is the most relevant time frame of this study. From the competitiveness analysis of professional sport we concluded that the maintenance of Hungarys historical sport successes is not proved by nowadays economic and social factors, however they support the past years decline. These factors also indicate that in London (2012)we would rather slip one more position back in the peer group, than rise again from our ashes. In our opinion leisure sport could enhance the competitiveness of individuals, companies, and economy also. We analysed the effects of leisure sport on the microeconomic and macroeconomic level, and tried to find answer to that question how could be individuals, companies, and economy more competitive through leisure sport. Besides less illness and health care expenditures, longer life expectancy, productivity growth, countries could be well placed in competitiveness rankings.


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Given the increasing investments being made in brand development by destination marketing organisations (DMO) since the 1990s, including rebranding and repositioning, more research is needed to enhance understanding of how to effectively monitor destination brand performance over time. This paper reports the results of a study of brand performance of a competitive set of destinations, in their most important market, between 2003 and 2012. Brand performance was measured from the perspective of consumer perceptions, based on the concept of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE). A structured questionnaire was administered to different samples in 2003, 2007 and 2012. The results indicated minimal changes in perceptions of the five destinations over the 10 year period. Due to the commonality of challenges faced by DMOs worldwide, it is suggested the CBBE hierarchy provides destination marketers with a practical tool for evaluating brand performance over time; in terms of measures of effectiveness of past marketing communications, as well as indicators of future performance. In addition, and importantly, CBBE also provides transparent accountability measures for stakeholders. While the topic of destination image has been one of the most popular in the tourism literature, there has been a paucity of research published in relation to the temporal aspect of consumer perceptions. This is a rare investigation into the measurement of perceptions of destinations over a 10 year period.


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La prsente thse porte sur linterface entre les pratiques de loisir sportif des lites professionnelles au Qubec et lvolution rcente du capitalisme cognitif. En se concentrant sur les activits rcratives de llite de prestige (Coenen-Huther 2004) compose de diplms universitaires en dbut de carrire, population nomme ici jeunes professionnels hypermodernes (JPH), ltude vise dcrire larticulation entre lespace social du loisir srieux (Stebbins 1982) et les transformations des modes de vie hypermodernes. Lenqute qualitative mene est compose dentretiens biographiques conduits auprs de jeunes adultes professionnels amateurs de sport et dune observation participante ralise Montral au sein de deux quipes dUltimate. Elle pose un regard critique vis--vis des thories qui prnent lmergence dun individu rflexif et autonome qui serait pargn de toute forme de contrainte normative extrieure. Contrairement ce genre dinterprtation, lapproche configurationnelle dveloppe par Norbert Elias (1991) est mobilise pour montrer comment les maillages dinterrelations entre JPH nous permettent de comprendre de manire relationnelle lvolution des processus de socialisation propres la classe crative du capitalisme post-industriel.


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The study is about youthful subjectivities in quarters, of the West Zone of Natal-RN, marked for lacks and contingencies that constitute the everyday life of the social existence of its young inhabitants. For this purpose the researchers selected two youth groups: the Association of Youths Constructing Dreams (in the quarter of Felipe Camaro) and Lelo Melodia Crew (Quarter of Guarapes). Both are articulated through the strategy of coalition in regional and national nets. The hypothesis is that inside the groups and nets new youthful citizens arises. That would be a change in the representation of poor youth: from 1980 s street children - young whose social stigma associated poverty and crime to late 1990 s kids of project (pointing their trajectory in social projects) or, in present days, called as young peripherals - for the enrollment in cultural movements, as the hip hop movement - These new young citizens are contributing to new social imagery significations on poor youths. The methodology encloses: a) focal group; b) participant research analyzing the making arts (ways to think, social daily practices, actions engaged in a diversity plans) of youth groups; c) life stories of some of the youngs produced in workshops; d) not structuralized interviews. d) several documents of the groups; e) local and national surveys. Results emphasize a feeling of opening to a project of autonomy in relation to a social system that leaves them in a situation of social precariousness. Conclusion remarks that such practices of the youthful groups through the art, leisure, sport and culture unfold politics effect so that can point innovative forms of politics participation on the part of this specific segment of poor youths of Brasilian country, although conflicts and paradoxes crosses individual citizens, youth groups and youth nets.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar elementos da esportivizao da prtica cultural skate (1960-1990), como conhecimento para o entendimento da relao entre o micro e o macro processo scio-histrico do skate. Como fonte de pesquisa histrica para a esportivizao do skate no Brasil, dimenso macro, utilizamos a Revista Tribo Skate e para a de Piracicaba/SP, dimenso micro, entrevistamos dois colaboradores a partir do mtodo da histria oral. Os resultados evidenciaram que o skate surgiu para gerar fortes tenses agradveis, suas formas de lazer precedem as formas esportivas e, guardadas as particularidades, os seus processos macro e micro-histricos so interdependentes.


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Next to leisure, sport, and household activities, the most common activity resulting in medically consulted injuries and poisonings in the United States is work, with an estimated 4 million workplace related episodes reported in 2008 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009). To address the risks inherent to various occupations, risk management programs are typically put in place that include worker training, engineering controls, and personal protective equipment. Recent studies have shown that such interventions alone are insufficient to adequately manage workplace risks, and that the climate in which the workers and safety program exist (known as the "safety climate") is an equally important consideration. The organizational safety climate is so important that many studies have focused on developing means of measuring it in various work settings. While safety climate studies have been reported for several industrial settings, published studies on assessing safety climate in the university work setting are largely absent. Universities are particularly unique workplaces because of the potential exposure to a diversity of agents representing both acute and chronic risks. Universities are also unique because readily detectable health and safety outcomes are relatively rare. The ability to measure safety climate in a work setting with rarely observed systemic outcome measures could serve as a powerful means of measure for the evaluation of safety risk management programs. ^ The goal of this research study was the development of a survey tool to measure safety climate specifically in the university work setting. The use of a standardized tool also allows for comparisons among universities throughout the United States. A specific study objective was accomplished to quantitatively assess safety climate at five universities across the United States. At five universities, 971 participants completed an online questionnaire to measure the safety climate. The average safety climate score across the five universities was 3.92 on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 indicating very high perceptions of safety at these universities. The two lowest overall dimensions of university safety climate were "acknowledgement of safety performance" and "department and supervisor's safety commitment". The results underscore how the perception of safety climate is significantly influenced at the local level. A second study objective regarding evaluating the reliability and validity of the safety climate questionnaire was accomplished. A third objective fulfilled was to provide executive summaries resulting from the questionnaire to the participating universities' health & safety professionals and collect feedback on usefulness, relevance and perceived accuracy. Overall, the professionals found the survey and results to be very useful, relevant and accurate. Finally, the safety climate questionnaire will be offered to other universities for benchmarking purposes at the annual meeting of a nationally recognized university health and safety organization. The ultimate goal of the project was accomplished and was the creation of a standardized tool that can be used for measuring safety climate in the university work setting and can facilitate meaningful comparisons amongst institutions.^


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En este trabajo sostengo que existe una relacin entre ocio y estratificacin social, o ms especficamente, entre las formas de sociabilidad del tiempo libre y los estratos superiores, donde las prcticas de sociabilidad, esparcimiento y deporte operan como instancias de produccin y reproduccin, as como tambin de reconversin y recomposicin social y simblica de las categoras sociales de los estratos superiores. En el primer captulo abordo buena parte de la bibliografa sobre estratificacin social, clases sociales y elites para fundamentar el valor analtico de esta dimensin para las ciencias sociales en trminos generales, y para el estudio de los fenmenos ligados a la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en particular. En el segundo captulo intento fundamentar el valor sociolgico de la dimensin del ocio y el tiempo libre, as como sus formas de sociabilidad, especialmente en funcin de su articulacin en torno a los estratos superiores. En el tercer captulo procuro abordar la relacin entre estratos superiores y sociabilidad del tiempo libre para (y desde) el contexto argentino contemporneo. Intentar trabajar en torno al modo en que ha sido pensada y es posible pensar esa relacin para la escena local, y al mismo tiempo, sobre el modo en que la reflexin enfocada en el contexto local nos permite elaborar marcos de anlisis para el estudio del fenmeno de la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en general. Finalmente, la perspectiva que desarrollo aboga por un desplazamiento analtico que vaya desde las interpretaciones unidimensionales de los fenmenos ligados a la sociabilidad, el deporte y el ocio entre los estratos superiores hacia las lecturas multidimensionales. Un desplazamiento que nos permita interpretar la relacin entre los procesos estructurales, las instancias de sociabilidad y las prcticas de los agentes en trminos de afinidades, reponiendo la positividad de cada dimensin sin la necesidad de recurrir a las sobredeterminaciones o los reduccionismos de las ms variadas especies


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En este trabajo sostengo que existe una relacin entre ocio y estratificacin social, o ms especficamente, entre las formas de sociabilidad del tiempo libre y los estratos superiores, donde las prcticas de sociabilidad, esparcimiento y deporte operan como instancias de produccin y reproduccin, as como tambin de reconversin y recomposicin social y simblica de las categoras sociales de los estratos superiores. En el primer captulo abordo buena parte de la bibliografa sobre estratificacin social, clases sociales y elites para fundamentar el valor analtico de esta dimensin para las ciencias sociales en trminos generales, y para el estudio de los fenmenos ligados a la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en particular. En el segundo captulo intento fundamentar el valor sociolgico de la dimensin del ocio y el tiempo libre, as como sus formas de sociabilidad, especialmente en funcin de su articulacin en torno a los estratos superiores. En el tercer captulo procuro abordar la relacin entre estratos superiores y sociabilidad del tiempo libre para (y desde) el contexto argentino contemporneo. Intentar trabajar en torno al modo en que ha sido pensada y es posible pensar esa relacin para la escena local, y al mismo tiempo, sobre el modo en que la reflexin enfocada en el contexto local nos permite elaborar marcos de anlisis para el estudio del fenmeno de la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en general. Finalmente, la perspectiva que desarrollo aboga por un desplazamiento analtico que vaya desde las interpretaciones unidimensionales de los fenmenos ligados a la sociabilidad, el deporte y el ocio entre los estratos superiores hacia las lecturas multidimensionales. Un desplazamiento que nos permita interpretar la relacin entre los procesos estructurales, las instancias de sociabilidad y las prcticas de los agentes en trminos de afinidades, reponiendo la positividad de cada dimensin sin la necesidad de recurrir a las sobredeterminaciones o los reduccionismos de las ms variadas especies


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En este trabajo sostengo que existe una relacin entre ocio y estratificacin social, o ms especficamente, entre las formas de sociabilidad del tiempo libre y los estratos superiores, donde las prcticas de sociabilidad, esparcimiento y deporte operan como instancias de produccin y reproduccin, as como tambin de reconversin y recomposicin social y simblica de las categoras sociales de los estratos superiores. En el primer captulo abordo buena parte de la bibliografa sobre estratificacin social, clases sociales y elites para fundamentar el valor analtico de esta dimensin para las ciencias sociales en trminos generales, y para el estudio de los fenmenos ligados a la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en particular. En el segundo captulo intento fundamentar el valor sociolgico de la dimensin del ocio y el tiempo libre, as como sus formas de sociabilidad, especialmente en funcin de su articulacin en torno a los estratos superiores. En el tercer captulo procuro abordar la relacin entre estratos superiores y sociabilidad del tiempo libre para (y desde) el contexto argentino contemporneo. Intentar trabajar en torno al modo en que ha sido pensada y es posible pensar esa relacin para la escena local, y al mismo tiempo, sobre el modo en que la reflexin enfocada en el contexto local nos permite elaborar marcos de anlisis para el estudio del fenmeno de la sociabilidad del tiempo libre entre los estratos superiores, en general. Finalmente, la perspectiva que desarrollo aboga por un desplazamiento analtico que vaya desde las interpretaciones unidimensionales de los fenmenos ligados a la sociabilidad, el deporte y el ocio entre los estratos superiores hacia las lecturas multidimensionales. Un desplazamiento que nos permita interpretar la relacin entre los procesos estructurales, las instancias de sociabilidad y las prcticas de los agentes en trminos de afinidades, reponiendo la positividad de cada dimensin sin la necesidad de recurrir a las sobredeterminaciones o los reduccionismos de las ms variadas especies


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Este estudo avalia inicialmente a memria de curto prazo de estudantes universitrios; verifica a seguir as modalidades de jogos por esses universitrios e a frequncia com que os mesmos so praticados e, finalmente, relaciona o nvel de memria de curto prazo verificado com a prtica de jogos. Parte da hiptese de que a prtica de jogos influencia na memria de curto prazo. Utiliza-se do Teste Pictrico de Memria TEPIC-M de Rueda, F. J. M. e Sisto, F. F., devidamente validado para nossa realidade e de escala auto-avaliativa de prtica de jogos de lazer/esporte, a qual visa verificar o tipo de jogo praticado, de movimentao fsica, raciocnio lgico ou conhecimento e os jogos digitais. Desenvolve-se junto a 100 universitrios, de ambos os sexos. Os resultados so analisados por meio do Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows, SPSS, verso 12.0. Os nveis de memria de curto prazo encontrados foram muito baixos: Inferior (66%), Mdio Inferior (25%); Mdio (2%); Mdio Superior (6%) e Superior (1%). A prtica de jogos em suas diversas modalidades tambm foi reduzida em Jogos de Movimento, JM, e em Jogos Digitais, JD (25%) e maior em Jogos de Raciocnio, JR (61%). A comparao entre os resultados do TEPIC-M e a frequncia de participao em JM, revelou-se positiva, uma vez que os que no praticam nunca JM, 74%, no atingiram sequer o nvel mdio de memria; o mesmo sendo observado em relao JD, com 70% dos participantes que no praticam esses jogos, sem atingir o nvel mdio de memria; e, em relao a JR, uma porcentagem menor (44%) dos que no praticam esses jogos, sem atingir o nvel mdio de memria, dados que indiretamente, comprovam a hiptese deste estudo.