996 resultados para Homologous genes


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Addback of donor T cells following T cell-depleted stem cell transplantation (SCT) can accelerate immune reconstitution and be effective against relapsed malignancy. After haploidentical SCT, a high risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) essentially precludes this option, unless the T cells are first depleted of alloreactive precursor cells. Even then, the risks of severe GVHD remain significant. To increase the safety of the approach and thereby permit administration of larger T cell doses, we used a suicide gene, inducible caspase 9 (iCasp9), to transduce allodepleted T cells, permitting their destruction should administration have adverse effects. We made a retroviral vector encoding iCasp9 and a selectable marker (truncated CD19). Even after allodepletion (using anti-CD25 immunotoxin), donor T cells could be efficiently transduced, expanded, and subsequently enriched by CD19 immunomagnetic selection to >90% purity. These engineered cells retained antiviral specificity and functionality, and contained a subset with regulatory phenotype and function. Activating iCasp9 with a small-molecule dimerizer rapidly produced >90% apoptosis. Although transgene expression was downregulated in quiescent T cells, iCasp9 remained an efficient suicide gene, as expression was rapidly upregulated in activated (alloreactive) T cells. We have demonstrated the clinical feasibility of this approach after haploidentical transplantation by scaling up production using clinical grade materials.


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Alignments of homologous genes typically reveal a great diversity of intron locations, far more than could fit comfortably in a single gene. Thus, a minority of these intron positions could be inherited from a single ancestral gene, but the larger share must be attributed to subsequent events of intron gain or intron “sliding” (movement from one position to another within a gene). Intron sliding has been argued from cases of discordant introns and from putative spatial clustering of intron positions. A list of 32 cases of discordant introns is presented here. Most of these cases are found to be artefactual. The spatial and phylogenetic distributions of intron positions from five published compilations of gene data, comprising 205 intron positions, have been examined systematically for evidence of intron sliding. The results suggest that sliding, if it occurs at all, has contributed little to the diversity of intron positions.


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In the Drosophila nervous system, the glial cells missing gene (gcm) is transiently expressed in glial precursors to switch their fate from the neuronal default to glia. It encodes a novel 504-amino acid protein with a nuclear localization signal. We report here that the GCM protein is a novel DNA-binding protein and that its DNA-binding activity is localized in the N-terminal 181 amino acids. It binds with high specificity to the nucleotide sequence, (A/G)CCCGCAT, which is a novel sequence among known targets of DNA-binding proteins. Eleven such GCM-binding sequences are found in the 5′ upstream region of the repo gene, whose expression in early glial cells is dependent on gcm. This suggests that the GCM protein is a transcriptional regulator directly controlling repo. We have also identified homologous genes from human and mouse whose products share a highly conserved N-terminal region with Drosophila GCM. At least one of these was shown to have DNA-binding activity similar to that of GCM. By comparing the deduced amino acid sequences of these gene products, we were able to define the “gcm motif,” an evolutionarily conserved motif with DNA-binding activity. By PCR amplification, we obtained evidence for the existence of additional gcm-motif genes in mouse as well as in Drosophila. The gcm-motif, therefore, forms a family of novel DNA-binding proteins, and may function in various aspects of cell fate determination.


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Choline is an important metabolite in all cells due to the major contribution of phosphatidylcholine to the production of membranes, but it takes on an added role in cholinergic neurons where it participates in the synthesis of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. We have cloned a suppressor for a yeast choline transport mutation from a Torpedo electric lobe yeast expression library by functional complementation. The full-length clone encodes a protein with 10 putative transmembrane domains, two of which contain transporter-like motifs, and whose expression increased high-affinity choline uptake in mutant yeast. The gene was called CTL1 for its choline transporter-like properties. The homologous rat gene, rCTL1, was isolated and found to be highly expressed as a 3.5-kb transcript in the spinal cord and brain and as a 5-kb transcript in the colon. In situ hybridization showed strong expression of rCTL1 in motor neurons and oligodendrocytes and to a lesser extent in various neuronal populations throughout the rat brain. High levels of rCTL1 were also identified in the mucosal cell layer of the colon. Although the sequence of the CTL1 gene shows clear homology with a single gene in Caenorhabditis elegans, several homologous genes are found in mammals (CTL2–4). These results establish a new family of genes for transporter-like proteins in eukaryotes and suggest that one of its members, CTL1, is involved in supplying choline to certain cell types, including a specific subset of cholinergic neurons.


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Expressed sequence tags (ESTs) are randomly sequenced cDNA clones. Currently, nearly 3 million human and 2 million mouse ESTs provide valuable resources that enable researchers to investigate the products of gene expression. The EST databases have proven to be useful tools for detecting homologous genes, for exon mapping, revealing differential splicing, etc. With the increasing availability of large amounts of poorly characterised eukaryotic (notably human) genomic sequence, ESTs have now become a vital tool for gene identification, sometimes yielding the only unambiguous evidence for the existence of a gene expression product. However, BLAST-based Web servers available to the general user have not kept pace with these developments and do not provide appropriate tools for querying EST databases with large highly spliced genes, often spanning 50 000–100 000 bases or more. Here we describe Gene2EST (http://woody.embl-heidelberg.de/gene2est/), a server that brings together a set of tools enabling efficient retrieval of ESTs matching large DNA queries and their subsequent analysis. RepeatMasker is used to mask dispersed repetitive sequences (such as Alu elements) in the query, BLAST2 for searching EST databases and Artemis for graphical display of the findings. Gene2EST combines these components into a Web resource targeted at the researcher who wishes to study one or a few genes to a high level of detail.


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The regulatory regions of homologous genes encoding esterase 6 (Est-6) of Drosophila melanogaster and esterase 5B (Est-5B) of Drosophila pseudoobscura show very little similarity. We have undertaken a comparative study of the pattern of expression directed by the Est-5B and Est-6 5′-flanking DNA to attempt to reveal conserved elements regulating tissue-specific expression in adults. Esterase regulatory sequences were linked to a lacZ reporter gene and transformed into D. melanogaster embryos. Est-5B, 5′ upstream elements, give rise to a β-galactosidase expression pattern that coincides with the wild-type expression of Est-5B in D. pseudoobscura. The expression patterns of the Est-5B/lacZ construct are different from those of a fusion gene containing the upstream region of Est-6. Common sites of expression for both kinds of constructs are the third segment of antenna, the maxillary palps, and salivary glands. In vitro deletion mutagenesis has shown that the two genes have a different organization of regulatory elements controlling expression in both the third segment of antenna and maxillary palps. The results suggest that the conservation of the expression pattern in genes that evolved from a common ancestor may not be accompanied by preservation of the corresponding cis-regulatory elements.


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The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) genomic unique short (US) region encodes a family of homologous genes essential for the inhibition of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-mediated antigen presentation during viral infection. Here we show that US3, the only immediate early (IE) gene within the US region, encodes an endoplasmic reticulum-resident glycoprotein that prevents intracellular transport of MHC class I molecules. In contrast to the rapid degradation of newly synthesized MHC class I heavy chains mediated by the early gene product US11, we found that US3 retains stable MHC class I heterodimers in the endoplasmic reticulum that are loaded with peptides while retained in the ER. Consistent with the expression pattern of US3 and US11, MHC class I molecules are retained but not degraded during the IE period of infection. Our data identify the first nonregulatory role of an IE protein of HCMV and suggest that HCMV uses different T-cell escape strategies at different times during the infectious cycle.


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Chédiak-Higashi syndrome in man and the beige mutation of mice are phenotypically similar disorders that have profound effects upon lysosome and melanosome morphology and function. We isolated two murine yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that, when introduced into beige mouse fibroblasts, complement the beige mutation. The complementing YACs exist as extrachromosomal elements that are amplified in high concentrations of G418. When YAC-complemented beige cells were fused to human Chédiak-Higashi syndrome or Aleutian mink fibroblasts, complementation of the mutant phenotype also occurred. These results localize the beige gene to a 500-kb interval and demonstrate that the same or homologous genes are defective in mice, minks, and humans.


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Competing hypotheses seek to explain the evolution of oxygenic and anoxygenic processes of photosynthesis. Since chlorophyll is less reduced and precedes bacteriochlorophyll on the modern biosynthetic pathway, it has been proposed that chlorophyll preceded bacteriochlorophyll in its evolution. However, recent analyses of nucleotide sequences that encode chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll biosynthetic enzymes appear to provide support for an alternative hypothesis. This is that the evolution of bacteriochlorophyll occurred earlier than the evolution of chlorophyll. Here we demonstrate that the presence of invariant sites in sequence datasets leads to inconsistency in tree building (including maximum-likelihood methods). Homologous sequences with different biological functions often share invariant sites at the same nucleotide positions. However, different constraints can also result in additional invariant sites unique to the genes, which have specific and different biological functions. Consequently, the distribution of these sites can be uneven between the different types of homologous genes. The presence of invariant sites, shared by related biosynthetic genes as well as those unique to only some of these genes, has misled the recent evolutionary analysis of oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthetic pigments. We evaluate an alternative scheme for the evolution of chlorophyll and bacteriochlorophyll.


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B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) is a Polycomb group protein that is able to induce telomerase activity, enabling the immortalization of epithelial cells. Immortalized cells are more susceptible to double-strand breaks (DSB), which are subsequently repaired by homologous recombination (HR). BRCA1 is among the HR regulatory genes involved in the response to DNA damage associated with the RAD51 protein, which accumulates in DNA damage foci after signaling H2AX, another important marker of DNA damage. Topoisomerase III beta (topoIII beta) removes HR intermediates before chromosomal segregation, preventing damage to cellular DNA structure. In breast carcinomas positive for BMI-1 the role of proteins involved in HR remains to be investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between BMI-1 and homologous recombination proteins. Using tissue microarrays containing 239 cases of primary breast tumors, the expression of Bmi-1, BRCA-1, H2AX, Rad51, p53, Ki-67, topoIII beta, estrogen receptors (ER), progesterone receptors (PR), and HER-2 was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. We observed high Bmi-1 expression in 66 cases (27.6%). Immunohistochemical overexpression of BMI-1 was related to ER (p=0.004), PR (p<0.001), Ki-67 (p<0.001), p53 (p=0.003), BRCA1 (p=0.003), H2AX (p=0.024) and topoIII beta (p<0,001). Our results show a relationship between the expression of BMI-1 and HR regulatory genes, suggesting that Bmi-1 overexpression might be an important event in HR regulation. However, further studies are necessary to understand the mechanisms in which Bmi-1 could regulate HR pathways in invasive ductal breast carcinomas.


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In view of the well-established role of neurohypophysial hormones in osmoregulation of terrestrial vertebrates, lungfishes are a key group for study of the molecular and functional evolution of the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system. Here we report on the primary structure of the precursors encoding vasotocin (VT) and [Phe2]mesotocin ([Phe2]MT) of the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri. Genomic sequence analysis and Northern blot analysis confirmed that [Phe2]MT is a native oxytocin family peptide in the Australian lungfish, although it has been reported that the lungfish neurohypophysis contains MT. The VT precursor consists of a signal peptide, VT, that is connected to a neurophysin by a Gly-Lys-Arg sequence, and a copeptin moiety that includes a Leu-rich core segment and a glycosylation site. In contrast, the [Phe2]MT precursor does not contain a copeptin moiety. These structural features of the lungfish precursors are consistent with those in tetrapods, but different from those in teleosts where both VT and isotocin precursors contain a copeptin-like moiety without a glycosylation site at the carboxyl terminals of their neurophysins. Comparison of the exon/intron organization also supports homology of the lungfish [Phe2]MT gene with tetrapod oxytocin/MT genes, rather than with teleost isotocin genes. Moreover, molecular phylogenetic analysis shows that neurohypophysial hormone genes of the lungfish are closely related to those of the toad. The present results along with previous morphological findings indicate that the hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system of the lungfish has evolved along the tetrapod lineage, whereas the teleosts form a separate lineage, both within the class Osteichthyes.


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The τ and γ subunits of DNA polymerase III are both encoded by a single gene in Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus. γ is two-thirds the size of τ and shares virtually all its amino acid sequence with τ. E. coli and T. thermophilus have evolved very different mechanisms for setting the approximate 1:1 ratio between τ and γ. Both mechanisms put ribosomes into alternate reading frames so that stop codons in the new frame serve to make the smaller γ protein. In E. coli, ≈50% of initiating ribosomes translate the dnaX mRNA conventionally to give τ, but the other 50% shift into the −1 reading frame at a specific site (A AAA AAG) in the mRNA to produce γ. In T. thermophilus ribosomal frameshifting is not required: the dnaX mRNA is a heterogeneous population of molecules with different numbers of A residues arising from transcriptional slippage on a run of nine T residues in the DNA template. Translation of the subpopulation containing nine As (or +/− multiples of three As) yields τ. The rest of the population of mRNAs (containing nine +/− nonmultiples of three As) puts ribosomes into the alternate reading frames to produce the γ protein(s). It is surprising that two rather similar dnaX sequences in E. coli and T. thermophilus lead to very different mechanisms of expression.


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To investigate the migraine locus around the C19p13 region through analysis of the NOTCH3 gene (C19p13.2-p13.1), previously shown to be a gene involved in CADASIL and the TNFSF7 gene (C19p13), homologous to the ligands of TNF-alpha and TNF-beta, genes that have previously been associated with migraine. The NOTCH3 gene was analysed by sequencing all exons with known CADASIL mutations in a typical (non-familial hemiplegic) migraine family (MF1) that has previously been shown to be linked to C19p13. The TNFSF7 gene was investigated through SNP association analysis using a matched case-control migraine population. NOTCH3 gene sequencing results for affected members of MF1 proved to be negative for all known sequence variants giving rise to mutations for CADASIL. TNFSF7 gene chi-square results showed non-significant P values across all populations tested against controls, except for the MO subgroup which displayed a possible association with the TNFSF7 SNP (genotype, allele analysis P = 0.036, P = 0.017 respectively). Our results suggest that common migraine is not caused by any known CADASIL mutations in the NOTCH3 gene of interest. However, the TNFSF7 gene displayed signs of involvement in a MO affected population and indicates that further independent studies of this marker are warranted.


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Replacement of endogenous genes by homologous recombination is rare in plants; the majority of genetic modifications are the result of transforming DNA molecules undergoing random genomic insertion by way of non-homologous recombination. Factors that affect chromatin remodeling and DNA repair are thought to have the potential to enhance the frequency of homologous recombination in plants. Conventional tools to study the frequencies of genetic recombination often rely on stable transformation-based approaches, with these systems being rarely capable of high-throughput or combinatorial analysis. We developed a series of vectors that use chemiluminescent (LUC and REN) reporter genes to assay the relative frequency of homologous and non-homologous recombination in plants. These transient assay vectors were used to screen 14 candidategenes for their effects on recombination frequencies in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. Over-expression of Arabidopsis genes with sequence similarity to SNM1 from yeast and XRCC3 from humans enhanced the frequency of non-homologous recombination when assayed using two different donor vectors. Transient N. benthamiana leaf systems were also used in an alternative assay for preliminary measurements of homologous recombination frequencies, which were found to be enhanced by over-expression of RAD52, MIM and RAD51 from yeast, as well as CHR24 from Arabidopsis. The findings for the assays described here are in line with previous studies that analyzed recombination frequencies using stable transformation. The assays we report have revealed functions in non-homologous recombination for the Arabidopsis SNM1 and XRCC3 genes, so the suppression of these genes' expression offers a potential means to enhance the gene targeting frequency in plants. Furthermore, our findings also indicate that plant gene targeting frequencies could be enhanced by over-expression of RAD52, MIM, CHR24, and RAD51 genes.


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The red genes of phage lambda specify two proteins, exonuclease and beta protein, which are essential for its general genetic recombination in recA- cells. These proteins seem to occur in vivo as an equimolar complex. In addition, beta protein forms a complex with another polypeptide, probably of phage origin, of Mr 70,000. The 70-kDa protein appears to be neither a precursor nor an aggregated form of either exonuclease or beta protein, since antibodies directed against the latter two proteins failed to react with 70-kDa protein on Ouchterlony double diffusion analysis. beta protein promotes Mg2+-dependent renaturation of complementary strands (Kmiec, E., and Holloman, W. K. (1981) J. Biol. Chem. 256, 12636-12639). To look for other pairing activities of beta protein, we developed methods of purification to free it of associated exonuclease. Exonuclease-free beta protein appeared unable to cause the pairing of a single strand with duplex DNA; however, like Escherichia coli single strand binding protein (SSB), beta protein stimulated formation of joint molecules by recA protein from linear duplex DNA and homologous circular single strands. Like recA protein, but unlike SSB, beta protein promoted the joining of the complementary single-stranded ends of phage lambda DNA. beta protein specifically protected single-stranded DNA from digestion by pancreatic DNase. The half-time for renaturation catalyzed by beta protein was independent of DNA concentration, unlike renaturation promoted by SSB and spontaneous renaturation, which are second order reactions. Thus, beta protein resembles recA protein in its ability to bring single-stranded DNA molecules together and resembles SSB in its ability to reduce secondary structure in single-stranded DNA.