960 resultados para Holdings and subsidiaries


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Contains Deed of Trust, By-Laws, Annual Reports, Corporation Minutes (1909, 1913-1919, 1923-1924, 1926-1933), Minutes of the Board of Trustees (1893, 1899, 1907, 1910, 1915-1916, 1918, 1923, 1926-1927, 1930-1933), and the minutes, correspondence, and reports of the various national and local committees. Financial materials include income and expenditure records (1891-1933), audits (1919-1923, 1926-1928), the records of agricultural loans and mortgages, bond and real estate holdings, and bequests. Includes also correspondence and other materials regarding the establishment of the Fund, correspondence of and other papers concerning the Baron and Baroness de Hirsch, and several histories of the Fund. Included in the wide range of activities are material on the work of the Agriculture Bureau and the Jewish Agriculture Society, Housing, English Classes, Immigration (including monthly reports for several ports of entry 1885-1916) and Immigrant Aid, German Refugee Aid in the early years of the Holocaust, Kings Park, N.Y. Test Farm, the Laundry Project, Peekskill Farm, Public Baths, Student Loans, the Baron de Hirsch Trade School, and the Woodbine Colony and Baron De Hirsch Agricultural & Industrial School. Contains also materials on the Colonization attempts made in Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Galveston, Texas, The Southwest, Washington, Canada, and Mexico.


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Perhaps the most characteristic feature of our timesis that economic development has become the goal and ambition of people. The needs which this desire creates are immense they are of course urgent everywhere and they cannot be postponded. Consequently there was a frantic search for formulae of rapid economic development. It was claimed that agrarian reform is the indispensable condition for the development of productive forces and industrialization of the state.A key element in the land reform policy is the provision for ownership of land .Measures taken include redistribution of large estates ,assistance to tenants or labourers to acquire holdings and settlement schemes to establish new farming units on reclaimed or developed lands.In this thesis an attempt is made to evaluate the impact of these reforms on the agrarian structure in general and the scheduled caste in particular.


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TRIPCOLOMBIA es una organización que nace a partir del interés por realizar aportes significativos a los procesos tradicionales de difusión y conservación del patrimonio y la cultura de la nación. De esta manera, se decide realizar un modelo de negocio para implementar una aplicación móvil y un mapa impreso interactivo, que tengan como eje principal estrategias de gamificación , y a mediano plazo el desarrollo y la implementación de Realidad Aumentada (RA) y códigos QR directamente en las zonas de interés cultural. Dicha aplicación, buscará interconectar las TIC con los BIC, espacios competentes o complementarios a los BIC y entidades culturales circundantes, mediante la organización de redes interactivas y retroalimentadas.


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This paper, examines whether the asset holdings and weights of an international real estate portfolio using exchange rate adjusted returns are essentially the same or radically different from those based on unadjusted returns. The results indicate that the portfolio compositions produced by exchange rate adjusted returns are markedly different from those based on unadjusted returns. However following the introduction of the single currency the differences in portfolio composition are much less pronounced. The findings have a practical consequence for the investor because they suggest that following the introduction of the single currency international investors can concentrate on the real estate fundamentals when making their portfolio choices, rather than worry about the implications of exchange rate risk.


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This case study exposes students to complex investment transactions. You must document the following: (1) apply the appropriate accounting literature along with its provisions and justify the order of its application; (2) identify and interpret key facts to classify the given investments and relations; (3) discuss the choice of key assumptions that are central to the analysis; (4) interpret the nature of all investment relations with Holdings; discuss all Owner level and below relations; (5) discuss how accounting for varied levels of influence impact the items reported on/off the face of investors’ financial statements; (6) from DT’s perspective, discuss the potential positives and negatives of its arrangement with Owner with respect to Holdings; and (7) after analyzing additional facts, discuss the nature of the relations of Simon and Herb III with Owner.


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This paper studies the relationship between institutional investor holdings and stock misvaluation in the U.S. between 1980 and 2010. I find that institutional investors overweigh overvalued and underweigh undervalued stocks in their portfolio, taking the market portfolio as a benchmark. Cross-sectionally, institutional investors hold more overvalued stocks than undervalued stocks. The time-series studies also show that institutional ownership of overvalued portfolios increases as the portfolios' degree of overvaluation. As an investment strategy, institutional investors' ride of stock misvaluation is neither driven by the fund flows from individual investors into institutions, nor industry-specific. Consistent with the agency problem explanation, investment companies and independent investment advisors have a higher tendency to ride stock misvaluation than other institutions. There is weak evidence that institutional investors make positive profit by riding stock misvaluation. My findings challenge the models that view individual investors as noise traders and disregard the role of institutional investors in stock market misvaluation.


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This paper presents the findings of an investigation designed to reveal the destination of the refereed journal research output of accounting and finance faculty members across their entire academic careers. A geographic approach was adopted with the intention of providing a historical data-set to inform the development of a region-centric model of academic research productivity. The study focuses on publication careers of accounting and finance academics from one particular geographic region, New Zealand. The data were collected through a detailed examination of electronic databases of journal holdings and research reports of tertiary institutions. The results of this study provide evidence that, across their careers, New Zealand's academics have published a significant number of papers in journals located in two regions, Australia-New Zealand and the United Kingdom, and that this academic community has attained publication success in international journals generally regarded as high quality.


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O Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (IMPA) foi o primeiro órgão de pesquisa criado pelo Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas (CNPq), em 1952. Desde seu início o IMPA dedicou-se à pesquisa científica em matemática do mais alto nível e promoveu a formação de novos pesquisadores, promovendo também a difusão e aprimoramento da cultura matemática no país. Mais recentemente, passou a dedicar-se também às aplicações da matemática em outras áreas do conhecimento e em setores tecnológicos. Ao longo de mais de cinqüenta anos de trabalho, consolidou-se como o centro de referência em pesquisa matemática e formação de novos pesquisadores no Brasil e na América Latina. Tendo em vista a relevância da instituição para os rumos da pesquisa na área no país, este trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo estabelecer as diretrizes para a criação do Centro de Memória do Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (CEMIMPA), que seria um espaço para produção e re-elaboração de identidade e memória institucional – seguindo uma tendência que se afirma, no Brasil, desde a década de 1970. Discute-se aqui a trajetória do IMPA, os conceitos sobre memória, acervo e identidade para conseguir demarcar as linhas gerais do CEMIMPA e precisar sua importância para a instituição. A criação de um centro de memória como o que propomos, ajudaria a dar visibilidade à história do IMPA, de seus pesquisadores, suas áreas de atuação para além dos limites do cenário da pesquisa matemática, alcançando um público cada vez mais amplo e diverso. Isto poderia influenciar de forma ainda mais vigorosa a formação de jovens em geral, e em particular, de futuros matemáticos. Também poderá incrementar as pesquisas sobre a história da matemática no Brasil e a trajetória dos pesquisadores que a fizerem e dela fazem parte.


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Este Guia de Preservação & Segurança da Biblioteca Nacional para salvaguarda do seu acervo e do seu edifício tem por objetivo apresentar orientações, caminhos e rotas para procedimentos e atitudes relativas as questões desta natureza, importantes e vitais nesta era de tantas incertezas. Como base toma-se o saber adquirido no campo da preservação de bens culturais e no campo da política de segurança adotada para acervos bibliográficos e documentais, para usuários e para os edifícios que os abriga. O caráter interdisciplinar que concerne a estes campos do conhecimento sinaliza para o aprimoramento educacional da população como um todo e para nossa memória cultural. Visa a mudança do papel do homem como crítico da natureza, como agente transformador da realidade e de si próprio.


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The major purpose of this thesis is to verify, from a Brazilian perspective, how global and contextual issues influence the management learning in Multinationals. The management learning derived from the interaction of holding and sidiaries/colligates of Multinational corporation is supposed to be subject to convergent and divergent forces, the former related to global and standardized organizational practices, and the latter, is seen as a social practice subject to cultural and organizational singularities. A model was constructed to relate the dichotomy between the universality of the management practices and technologies and the particularity of the contexts where they operate, to the dichotomy between the singularities in organization and national level. This model is composed of the international, global, managerial and inter-organizational dimensions related, respectively, to the cultural and political diversity; to the universal forces of practices and values; to the managerial capabilities and resources in the organization, consolidated as best practices and to the interaction between holding and subsidiaries and the resulted learning. The combined result of these dimensions influences the knowledge flow and the learning derived from it. The field research was constituted of five cases of internationalized Brazilian firms, with a solid experience in their management systems. The main subjects of this study were executives and ofessionals/managers who respond to the management development. The data were first collected in the headquarters and complemented with visits to subsidiaries/joint ventures in other countries, in loco or with expatriated people who return to Brazil. The central supposition was validated. So, the management learning ¿ is driven by the global capitalism practices and by the global culture where they are immersed, reproducing a hegemonic vision and a common language (global dimension); ¿ incorporates the more propagated and dominant managerial values, although there are some variations when they are applied in the subsidiaries/joint ventures; is the product of the assimilation of international recognized and planned managerial practices, with the acculturation power, although not completely; is the result mainly of the managerial practice in work; is impacted not only by cross-cultural and managerial factors, but also by the business environment of the firm; is given according to the capabilities and resources in the organization, guiding the form of assimilation of practices and technologies, with global application or not (managerial dimension); ¿ is affected by the cross-cultural diversity involving the countries of the holding and the subsidiaries/joint ventures where the firm is and is given as a reproduction of the political context of the holding and subsidiaries countries (international dimension); ¿ faces aligned concurrent institutional pressures between corporate or global systems, practices of other subsidiaries/joint ventures and local practices; is more difficult to reach when there is not permeability between organizational cultures and identities of a Multinational firm; is affected by how much the relationship process across these unities is self-referenced; is facilitated by the construction and improvement of the knowledge network (interorganizational dimension). Finally some contributions of this study are exposed, including extensions of the proposed model and suggestions, recommendations for future research.


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A capacidade das empresas multinacionais (EMN) de se adaptar às oportunidades e ameaças de seus mercados é um dos fatores estratégicos de maior importância na dinâmica dos negócios atuais. Essa necessidade de adaptação não se restringe apenas aos países desenvolvidos, mas também aos países emergentes. Nesse contexto faz-se necessário a compreensão da estratégia de empresas multinacionais dos países emergentes através do estudo das capacidades dinâmicas e de seus modelos de gestão. Assim este trabalho teve como objetivo geral analisar o desenvolvimento e a transferência das capacidades dinâmicas entre matriz e subsidiárias. Serviu como fundamento teórico deste estudo, a visão baseada em recursos, a ambidestralidade das organizações (exploration x explotation), as capacidades dinâmicas e os modelos estratégicos de gestão de EMNs. A definição escolhida para as capacidades dinâmicas, “habilidades sistemáticas da organização de integrar, construir e reconfigurar suas competências organizacionais de acordo com as ameaças e oportunidades do mercado”, serviu como base para toda a pesquisa. Em termos metodológicos foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa, através de estudo de caso único como método de pesquisa. Após definição de alguns critérios (EMNs brasileiras, setor de tecnologia, mais de uma subsidiária e atuação em diversos segmentos) para definição da organização a ser estudada, optou-se pela escolha da empresa Alpha. A coleta de dados sobre a Alpha foi baseada em múltiplas fontes, através de informações secundárias e entrevistas em profundidade realizadas com pessoas chaves da organização para investigar de forma direta os processos, competências e recursos existentes na organização. Foram encontradas duas capacidades dinâmicas na Alpha: “processo de desenvolvimento de software” e “desenvolvimento de novos serviços”. A primeira CD está presente na matriz e nas subsidiarias. Sua transferência se deu de maneira integral a todas as subsidiárias e teve como fatores antecedentes à integração e o contexto competitivo. A segunda CD está presente somente na matriz e teve como principais fatores antecedentes a orientação empreendedora e as iniciativas. Sua transferência não ocorreu para qualquer subsidiária. Após a análise dos resultados pôde-se concluir que as duas capacidades dinâmicas, em especial a CD processo de desenvolvimento de software, é geradora de vantagem competitiva para a Alpha.


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O presente estudo investiga se há competição entre os bancos públicos e privados varejistas na presença de intervenções governamentais impostas ao mercado de crédito bancário brasileiro, tais como o aumento da oferta de crédito via bancos públicos e a campanha de redução dos spreads bancários capitaneada pelos bancos governamentais. Os resultados encontrados no modelo Diff-in-Diff indicam que os bancos públicos apresentam ritmo de crescimento do estoque de crédito, nível de aprovisionamento, rentabilidade da carteira de crédito, retorno operacional, bem como custo do funding superiores aos bancos privados após o tratamento. Ademais, há evidências de mudanças na estratégia de alocação de recursos dos bancos privados em relação aos pares públicos, tendo as instituições bancárias privadas preferido aumentar a participação de ativos líquidos no balanço em detrimento de operações de crédito após o tratamento. Esses resultados sugerem que os bancos privados não competem com os bancos públicos no segmento de varejo quando estes adotam estratégias de alocação de recursos difusas à maximização do lucro esperado para um dado risco.


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A thorough search for large-scale anisotropies in the distribution of arrival directions of cosmic rays detected above 10(18) eV at the Pierre Auger Observatory is presented. This search is performed as a function of both declination and right ascension in several energy ranges above 10(18) eV, and reported in terms of dipolar and quadrupolar coefficients. Within the systematic uncertainties, no significant deviation from isotropy is revealed. Assuming that any cosmic-ray anisotropy is dominated by dipole and quadrupole moments in this energy range, upper limits on their amplitudes are derived. These upper limits allow us to test the origin of cosmic rays above 10(18) eV from stationary Galactic sources densely distributed in the Galactic disk and predominantly emitting light particles in all directions.


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The Eastern Academic Scholars’ Trust (EAST) is a shared print initiative involving 48 libraries across the Northeast. Initiated in 2012 with a planning grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, EAST addresses directly the growing need for academic libraries to ensure that monographs and journals of scholarly value are not inadvertently discarded as they undertake weeding and deselection programs to free up space for other library services. EAST is currently completing a large-scale analysis of collections across 40 of the participating libraries. This analysis will provide insight into both uniqueness and overlap across the libraries’ holdings and will result in agreements by the libraries to retain circulating monographs in their local collections for an agreed upon time period and to make those materials available to researchers and scholars from other EAST libraries. In parallel to this collection analysis, EAST is implementing validation sampling across the libraries to better understand volume availability and condition and the role they may plan in retention decisions. The project team has developed an innovative sampling methodology and tools to support the study. As the largest shared print initiative to date, this project will secure a substantial portion of the scholarly record that is held in the Northeast and positions EAST as an important component of the growing network of shared print initiatives nationally.