959 resultados para Higher cutting conditions
Alpine flora and climate change: monitoring of three summits in Valais (Switzerland) during the 20th century Climate change might trigger an upward shift of the flora in the Swiss Alps, especially since these experienced higher change in average than observed on a global scale. Previous investigations in the canton des Grisons (Switzerland) and Austria have revealed an increase of floristic diversity on alpine summits since the beginning of the 20th century. Three summits in Valais were revisited in this study: the Gornergrat (first inventory in 1919), the Torrenthorn (about in 1885) and the Beaufort (about in 1920). Every summit was newly inventoried in 2003 in the framework of the PERMANENT.PLOT.CH project. All showed a strong increase in species richness. On the Gornergrat (3135 m), 16 species were not found anymore, but 35 new ones were observed. The number of species on this exceptionally rich summit rose from 102 to 121. In comparison, the floristic richness increased from 24 to 63 species on the Torrenthorn (2924 m) and from 16 to 48 species on the Beaufort (3048 m). As in previous studies, this increase seems likely to be associated with climate change: the new species prefer, in average, higher temperature conditions than those previously prevailing on the summits. On the Gornergrat and Beaufort, our observations reveal a development of alpine meadows, whereas species typical of rocks and raw soils are predominantly colonising the Torrenthorn. This difference might be related to the important damage caused by wanderers on the vegetation of the Torrenthorn.
Environmental and depositional changes across the Late Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) in the Sinai, Egypt, are examined based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, delta(13)C values and phosphorus analyses. Comparison with the Pueblo, Colorado, stratotype section reveals the Whadi El Ghaib section as stratigraphically complete across the late Cenomanian-early Turonian. Foraminifera are dominated by high-stress planktic and benthic assemblages characterized by low diversity, low-oxygen and low-salinity tolerant species, which mark shallow-water oceanic dysoxic conditions during OAE2. Oyster biostromes suggest deposition occurred in less than 50 m depths in low-oxygen, brackish, and nutrient-rich waters. Their demise prior to the peak delta(13)C excursion is likely due to a rising sea-level. Characteristic OAE2 anoxic conditions reached this coastal region only at the end of the delta(13)C plateau in deeper waters near the end of the Cenomanian. Increased phosphorus accumulations before and after the delta(13)C excursion suggest higher oxic conditions and increased detrital input. Bulk-rock and clay mineralogy indicate humid climate conditions, increased continental runoff and a rising sea up to the first delta(13)C peak. Above this interval, a dryer and seasonally well-contrasted climate with intermittently dry conditions prevailed. These results reveal the globally synchronous delta(13)C shift, but delayed effects of OAE2 dependent on water depth.
Keraamisten teräpalojen käyttö niukkaseosteisten terästen lastuamiseen normaaleissa toimitustiloissa
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tutkia keraamisten kääntöterien soveltuvuus niukkaseosteräksille ja M-käsittelyn vaikutus teränkestoaikoihin. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia keraamiseosten erityisominaisuudet ja muodostaa käsitys keraamisilla kääntöterillä sorvaamisen erityisvaatimuksista. Kirjallisuusosassa selvitettiin tutkimushetkellä saatavissa olleet keraamiset teräaineseokset ja niiden ominaisuudet sekä selvitettiin keraamisten kääntöterien viimeaikaiset kehitystrendit. Lastuamistutkimus toteutettiin standardin ISO 3685:1993 mukaisesti, minkä lisäksi mitattiin lastuamisvoimat ja tehtiin kokeessa käytetyille terille lastunmurtokoe. Koemateriaalit olivat Imatra Steelin GreenCut, Hydax 25, M-käsittelemätön 42CrMo4 ja M-käsitelty MoC410M. Kokeissa käytetyt kääntöterät olivat eri valmistajien alumiinioksiditeriä, titaanikarbidiseostettuja alumiinioksiditeriä, kuituvahvisteisia ja yksi puhdas titaanikarbidiseosteinen terä. Koetulosten perusteella hyvän teränkestoajan saavuttamiseksi on tärkeää valita oikea keraamiseos ja sille soveltuvat parametrit. Oikein valituilla parametreilla M-terästä sorvattaessa tulokset ylittävät kovametalleilla saavutettavissa olevat arvot. Tulosten perusteella niukkaseostettujen terästen sorvaus onnistuu hyvin keraamisilla kääntöterillä, mutta kovametallisorvaukseen verrattuna syöttöä on laskettava ja lastuamisnopeutta lisättävä. Tämän työn tuloksia voidaan soveltaa sopivissa olosuhteissa toteutettavassa kappaletavaratuotannossa. Sovelluksen onnistuminen vaatii tukevat työstöolosuhteet ja riittävien lastuamisnopeuksien saavuttamisen.
Process planning is a very important industrial activity, since it determines how a part or a product is manufactured. Process planning decisions include machine selection, tool selection, and cutting conditions determination, and thus it is a complex activity. In the presence of unstable demand, flexibility has become a very important characteristic of today's successful industries, for which Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMSs) have been proposed as a solution. However, we believe that FMS control software is not flexible enough to adapt to different manufacturing system conditions aiming at increasing the system's efficiency. One means to overcome this limitation is to include pre-planned alternatives in the process plan; then planning decisions are made by the control system in real time to select the most appropriate alternative according to the conditions of the shop floor. Some of the advantages of this approach reported in the literature are the reduction of the number of tool setups, and the selection of a replacement machine for executing an operation. To verify whether the presence of alternatives in process plans actually increases the efficiency of the manufacturing system, an investigation was carried out using simulation and design of experiments techniques for alternative plans on a single machine. The proposed methodology and the results are discussed within this paper.
Machine tool chatter is an unfavorable phenomenon during metal cutting, which results in heavy vibration of cutting tool. With increase in depth of cut, the cutting regime changes from chatter-free cutting to one with chatter. In this paper, we propose the use of permutation entropy (PE), a conceptually simple and computationally fast measurement to detect the onset of chatter from the time series using sound signal recorded with a unidirectional microphone. PE can efficiently distinguish the regular and complex nature of any signal and extract information about the dynamics of the process by indicating sudden change in its value. Under situations where the data sets are huge and there is no time for preprocessing and fine-tuning, PE can effectively detect dynamical changes of the system. This makes PE an ideal choice for online detection of chatter, which is not possible with other conventional nonlinear methods. In the present study, the variation of PE under two cutting conditions is analyzed. Abrupt variation in the value of PE with increase in depth of cut indicates the onset of chatter vibrations. The results are verified using frequency spectra of the signals and the nonlinear measure, normalized coarse-grained information rate (NCIR).
To ensure quality of machined products at minimum machining costs and maximum machining effectiveness, it is very important to select optimum parameters when metal cutting machine tools are employed. Traditionally, the experience of the operator plays a major role in the selection of optimum metal cutting conditions. However, attaining optimum values each time by even a skilled operator is difficult. The non-linear nature of the machining process has compelled engineers to search for more effective methods to attain optimization. The design objective preceding most engineering design activities is simply to minimize the cost of production or to maximize the production efficiency. The main aim of research work reported here is to build robust optimization algorithms by exploiting ideas that nature has to offer from its backyard and using it to solve real world optimization problems in manufacturing processes.In this thesis, after conducting an exhaustive literature review, several optimization techniques used in various manufacturing processes have been identified. The selection of optimal cutting parameters, like depth of cut, feed and speed is a very important issue for every machining process. Experiments have been designed using Taguchi technique and dry turning of SS420 has been performed on Kirlosker turn master 35 lathe. Analysis using S/N and ANOVA were performed to find the optimum level and percentage of contribution of each parameter. By using S/N analysis the optimum machining parameters from the experimentation is obtained.Optimization algorithms begin with one or more design solutions supplied by the user and then iteratively check new design solutions, relative search spaces in order to achieve the true optimum solution. A mathematical model has been developed using response surface analysis for surface roughness and the model was validated using published results from literature.Methodologies in optimization such as Simulated annealing (SA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Conventional Genetic Algorithm (CGA) and Improved Genetic Algorithm (IGA) are applied to optimize machining parameters while dry turning of SS420 material. All the above algorithms were tested for their efficiency, robustness and accuracy and observe how they often outperform conventional optimization method applied to difficult real world problems. The SA, PSO, CGA and IGA codes were developed using MATLAB. For each evolutionary algorithmic method, optimum cutting conditions are provided to achieve better surface finish.The computational results using SA clearly demonstrated that the proposed solution procedure is quite capable in solving such complicated problems effectively and efficiently. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a relatively recent heuristic search method whose mechanics are inspired by the swarming or collaborative behavior of biological populations. From the results it has been observed that PSO provides better results and also more computationally efficient.Based on the results obtained using CGA and IGA for the optimization of machining process, the proposed IGA provides better results than the conventional GA. The improved genetic algorithm incorporating a stochastic crossover technique and an artificial initial population scheme is developed to provide a faster search mechanism. Finally, a comparison among these algorithms were made for the specific example of dry turning of SS 420 material and arriving at optimum machining parameters of feed, cutting speed, depth of cut and tool nose radius for minimum surface roughness as the criterion. To summarize, the research work fills in conspicuous gaps between research prototypes and industry requirements, by simulating evolutionary procedures seen in nature that optimize its own systems.
La exposición a ruido se considera uno de los principales factores de riesgo involucrados en la génesis de hipoacusia neurosensorial, produciendo deterioro en la calidad de vida de la población trabajadora y pérdidas económicas en las empresas. Se considera que los sectores económicos más expuestos a este factor de riesgo son la industria manufacturera, la construcción, las refinerías de petróleo y las centrales hidroeléctricas. El presente estudio de corte transversal pretende establecer el perfil de exposición ocupacional a ruido en procesos de producción de cemento en Colombia, mediante el análisis de 458 mediciones higiénicas personales de ruido realizadas entre los años 2010 y 2015. En la definición de los grupos de exposición similar se identificaron y describieron las actividades funcionales de la población expuesta, cuyos resultados se evaluaron teniendo como valor de referencia 85 dBA, propuesto por la guía TLV-TWA de la ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists) del 2014. Los resultados del estudio permitieron conocer el perfil de exposición a ruido en los procesos de producción de cemento, en donde se identificaron mayores condiciones de riesgo en los GES Producción, Mina y Mecánicos de Planta, con valores de exposición que exceden el límite permisible establecido por la ACGIH; datos que resultan indispensables para la formulación de medidas de seguimiento, vigilancia y control.
Octopus skin samples were tested under quasi-static and scissor cutting conditions to measure the in-plane material properties and fracture toughness. Samples from all eight arms of one octopus were tested statically to investigate how properties vary from arm to arm. Another nine octopus skins were measured to study the influence of body mass on skin properties. Influence of specimen location on skin mechanical properties was also studied. Material properties of skin, i.e. the Young's modulus, ultimate stress, failure strain and fracture toughness have been plotted against the position of skin along the length of arm or body. Statistical studies were carried out to help analyzing experimental data obtained. Results of this work will be used as guidelines for the design and development of artificial skins for an octopus-inspired robot.
The demand for plant material of Rhodiola rosea L. (Crassulaceae) for medicinal use has increased recently, amid concerns about its quality and sustainability. We have analysed the content of phenylpropanoids (total rosavins) and salidroside in liquid extracts from 3-year old cultivated plants of European origin, and mapped the influence of plant part (rhizome versus root), genotype, drying, cutting, and extraction solvent to chemical composition. Rhizomes contained 1.5-4 times more salidroside (0.3-0.4% dry wt) and total rosavins (1.2-3.0%) than roots. The qualitative decisive phenylpropanoid content in the extracts was most influenced by plant part, solvent, and genotype, while drying temperature and cutting conditions were of less importance. We have shown that R. rosea from different boreal European provenances can be grown under temperate conditions and identified factors to obtain consistent high quality extracts provided that authentic germplasm is used and distinguished between rhizome, roots and their mixtures.
Estudou-se a resposta de feijão-vagem de crescimento indeterminado à fertilidade do solo em Anápolis (GO). Utilizaram-se sete linhagens (Hav 13, Hav 38, Hav 40, Hav 49, Hav 56, Hav 64 e Hav 68), e as cultivares Favorito Ag 480, Macarrão Bragança e Teresópolis Ag 484, em sete doses da formulação 4-30-16 aplicadas ao solo (D0= 0; D1=200; D(2)400; D3=600; D4=800; D5=1000 e D6=1200 kg/ha). Houve diferenças significativas entre genótipos para todas características avaliadas, dentro de cada dose do formulado, exceto para produtividade, no quinto nível, e para altura média das plantas no nível mais elevado de fertilidade. As linhagens Hav 49 e Hav 64 igualaram-se aos genótipos de maiores rendimentos em todos os ambientes. O nível médio de fertilidade foi o mais conveniente, do ponto de vista econômico, para todas as características consideradas. Com exceção de Hav 13 e Teresópolis Ag 484, que se mostraram imprevisíveis quanto à produtividade, Hav 13 e Hav 64, quanto ao número de vagens por planta e Favorito Ag 480 quanto à altura média das plantas, os demais genótipos foram estáveis. Todos os genótipos responderam proporcionalmente à melhoria do ambiente para produtividade, número de vagens por planta e altura das plantas. Quanto ao peso médio das vagens a linhagem Hav 40 respondeu menos que proporcionalmente ao aumento da fertilidade do solo, mostrando-se adaptável a solos menos férteis, enquanto a cultivar Teresópolis Ag 484 respondeu mais que proporcionalmente à melhoria da fertilidade mostrando-se adaptável a solos mais férteis.
The dielectric strength of films made from poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) coated with a thin layer of polyaniline (PANI) was studied. The PANI layer was deposited on the PET films by the 'in situ' chemical polymerization method. The PANI layer of the PANI/PET films was undoped in NH4OH 0.1 M solution and re-doped with aqueous HCl solution under different pH values varying from 1 to 10. Electric breakdown measurements were performed by applying a voltage ramp and the results showed a dependence of the dielectric strength on the pH of the doping solution due to the changes in the electrical conductivity of the PANI layer. The dielectric strength of PET/PANI films treated under higher pH conditions showed an electric strength about 30% larger than the PET films, since it leads to a non-conductive PANI layer.
Silicon crystal exhibits a ductile regime during machining prior to the onset of fracture when appropriate cutting conditions are applied. The present study shows that the ductile regime is a result of a phase transformation which is indirectly evidenced by the amorphous phase detected in the machined surface. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) planar view studies were successfully performed on monocrystalline silicon (1 0 0) single point diamond turned. TEM electron diffraction patterns show that the machined surface presents diffuse rings along with traces of crystalline material. This is attributed to crystalline silicon immersed in an amorphous matrix. Furthermore, only diffuse rings in the diffraction patterns of the ductile chip are detected, indicating that it is totally amorphous. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Grinding is a precision machining process which is widely used in the manufacture of components requiring fine tolerances and smooth surfaces. There are several imput parameters (cutting conditions, cutting fluid and grinding wheel type used, dressing conditions etc.) which can affect the process variables (tangential and normal cutting forces, roughness, grinding temperatures, G ratio, etc.) leading to differences in the roughness, in the surface integrity and in the mechanical strength of the ground component. Consequently, the imput parameters must be controlled in order to insure the workpiece final quality. This paper presents a comparative evaluation of the performance of two types of grinding wheels [a conventional (Al2O3) and a superabrasive (CBN)] when grinding a VC131 steel, by the analysis of specific process variables when varying the cutting conditions. Highest values of G ratio and lowest workpiece roughness was observed when using CBN grinding wheels. This confirms the global trend of replacement of alumina grinding wheels by CBN, when grinding DTG (difficult to grind) materials.
This paper shows a research about the study of the chip's geometry generated in the diving cut-off operation, under several cutting conditions. As a result it was possible to verify tint the cutting conditions and the type of the material being cut can directly affect the chip's geometry.
We report herein on a comparison of the performance of two different grinding wheels (conventional and CBN) in the transverse cylindrical grinding of a eutectic alloy. Three cutting conditions were tested: rough, semi-finishing and finishing. The parameters of evaluation were the cutting force, roughness and wheel wear. The optimal cutting force and roughness values were obtained when grinding with the conventional wheel, due to the superior dressing operation performed under every cutting condition tested. Although the CBN wheel presented the best G ratio values, they were lower than expected owing to the inappropriate dressing operation applied. Excessive wheel corner wear was detected in both wheels, caused by the grinding kinematics (transverse grinding) employed. In terms of cutting force and roughness, the conventional wheel proved to be the better choice under the conditions tested. However, in terms of the G ratio, a cost analysis is crucial to determine whether the differences between the wheels justify the use of the CBN wheel, in which case the dressing operation requires improvement.