967 resultados para Heavy-quark
We extract directly (for the first time) the charmed (C = 1) and bottom (B = -1) heavy-baryons (spin 1/2 and 3/2) mass-splittings due to SU(3) breaking using double ratios of QCD spectral sum rules (QSSR) in full QCD, which are less sensitive to the exact value and definition of the heavy quark mass, to the perturbative radiative corrections and to the QCD continuum contributions than the simple ratios commonly used for determining the heavy baryon masses. Noticing that most of the mass-splittings are mainly controlled by the ratio kappa <(S) over bars >/<(d) over bard > of the condensate, we extract this ratio, by allowing 1 sigma deviation from the observed masses of the Xi(c.b) and of the Omega(c). We obtain: kappa = 0.74(3), which improves the existing estimates: kappa = 0.70(10) from light hadrons. Using this value, we deduce M(Omega b) = 6078.5(27.4) MeV which agrees with the recent CDF data but disagrees by 2.4 sigma with the one from D0. Predictions of the Xi(Q)` and of the spectra of spin 3/2 baryons containing one or two strange quark are given in Table 2. Predictions of the hyperfine splittings Omega(Q)* - Omega(Q) and Xi(Q)* - Xi(Q) are also given in Table 3. Starting for a general choice of the interpolating currents for the spin 1/2 baryons, our analysis favours the optimal value of the mixing angle b similar or equal to (-1/5-0) found from light and non-strange heavy baryons. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We investigate the capability of an egamma collider to unravel the hadronic content of the photon. The experimental problem for probing the gluonic structure of the photon is that small-x triggers overwhelmingly select soft photons rather than soft gluons in hard photons. We show that the problem can be finessed in experiments where laser back-scattering is used to prepare a source of very hard photons. We illustrate their power for studying the parton distributions of the photon and, specifically, for separating the quark and gluon components in events where dijets, jet-gamma pairs, and heavy quark pairs are produced.
We investigate the capability of an ey collider to unravel the hadronic content of the photon. The experimental problem for probing the gluonic structure of the photon is that small-x triggers overwhelmingly select soft photons rather than soft gluons in hard photons. We show that the problem can be finessed in experiments where laser back-scattering is used to prepare a source of very hard photons. We illustrate their power for studying the parton distributions of the photon and, specifically, for separating the quark and gluon components in events where dijets, jet-y pairs, and heavy quark pairs are produced.
In this paper, Lippmann-Schwinger equation is solved by using Martin and Cornel potentials to calculate bc̄ energy levels. The results for some energy levels which are not observable, such as those of tt̄ in its short half-life are also predicted. Our calculated energy levels are in good agreement with results of other groups. The stability interval for Yukawa-Linear potential is also studied by investigating the spectrum of eigenvalues. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
We set up sum rules for heavy lambda decays in a full QCD calculation which in the heavy quark mass limit incorporates the symmetries of heavy quark effective theory. For the semileptonic Λc decay we obtain a reasonable agreement with experiment. For the Λb semileptonic decay we find at the zero recoil point a violation of the heavy quark symmetry of about 20%. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In this thesis we investigate several phenomenologically important properties of top-quark pair production at hadron colliders. We calculate double differential cross sections in two different kinematical setups, pair invariant-mass (PIM) and single-particle inclusive (1PI) kinematics. In pair invariant-mass kinematics we are able to present results for the double differential cross section with respect to the invariant mass of the top-quark pair and the top-quark scattering angle. Working in the threshold region, where the pair invariant mass M is close to the partonic center-of-mass energy sqrt{hat{s}}, we are able to factorize the partonic cross section into different energy regions. We use renormalization-group (RG) methods to resum large threshold logarithms to next-to-next-to-leading-logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy. On a technical level this is done using effective field theories, such as heavy-quark effective theory (HQET) and soft-collinear effective theory (SCET). The same techniques are applied when working in 1PI kinematics, leading to a calculation of the double differential cross section with respect to transverse-momentum pT and the rapidity of the top quark. We restrict the phase-space such that only soft emission of gluons is possible, and perform a NNLL resummation of threshold logarithms. The obtained analytical expressions enable us to precisely predict several observables, and a substantial part of this thesis is devoted to their detailed phenomenological analysis. Matching our results in the threshold regions to the exact ones at next-to-leading order (NLO) in fixed-order perturbation theory, allows us to make predictions at NLO+NNLL order in RG-improved, and at approximate next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in fixed order perturbation theory. We give numerical results for the invariant mass distribution of the top-quark pair, and for the top-quark transverse-momentum and rapidity spectrum. We predict the total cross section, separately for both kinematics. Using these results, we analyze subleading contributions to the total cross section in 1PI and PIM originating from power corrections to the leading terms in the threshold expansions, and compare them to previous approaches. We later combine our PIM and 1PI results for the total cross section, this way eliminating uncertainties due to these corrections. The combined predictions for the total cross section are presented as a function of the top-quark mass in the pole, the minimal-subtraction (MS), and the 1S mass scheme. In addition, we calculate the forward-backward (FB) asymmetry at the Tevatron in the laboratory, and in the ttbar rest frames as a function of the rapidity and the invariant mass of the top-quark pair at NLO+NNLL. We also give binned results for the asymmetry as a function of the invariant mass and the rapidity difference of the ttbar pair, and compare those to recent measurements. As a last application we calculate the charge asymmetry at the LHC as a function of a lower rapidity cut-off for the top and anti-top quarks.
A measurement of the top quark electric charge is carried out in the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider using 2.05 fb-1 of data at a centre-of-mass energy of 7 TeV. In units of the elementary electric charge, the top quark charge is determined to be 0.64 +- 0.02 (stat.) +- 0.08 (syst.) from the charges of the top quark decay products in single lepton ttbar candidate events. This excludes models that propose a heavy quark of electric charge --4/3, instead of the Standard Model top quark, with a significance of more than 8 sigma.
The extraction of the finite temperature heavy quark potential from lattice QCD relies on a spectral analysis of the real-time Wilson loop. Through its position and shape, the lowest lying spectral peak encodes the real and imaginary part of this complex potential. We benchmark this extraction strategy using leading order hard-thermal loop (HTL) calculations. I.e. we analytically calculate the Wilson loop and determine the corresponding spectrum. By fitting its lowest lying peak we obtain the real- and imaginary part and confirm that the knowledge of the lowest peak alone is sufficient for obtaining the potential. We deploy a novel Bayesian approach to the reconstruction of spectral functions to HTL correlators in Euclidean time and observe how well the known spectral function and values for the real and imaginary part are reproduced. Finally we apply the method to quenched lattice QCD data and perform an improved estimate of both real and imaginary part of the non-perturbative heavy ǪǬ potential.
We evaluate the mass of the B(s0) scalar meson and the coupling constant in the B(s0)BK vertex in the framework of QCD sum rules. We consider the B(s0) as a tetraquark state to evaluate its mass. We get m(Bs0) = (5.85 +/- 0.13) GeV, which is in agreement, considering the uncertainties, with predictions supposing it as a b (s) over bar state or a B (K) over bar bound state with J(P) = 0(+). To evaluate the g(Bs0BK) coupling, we use the three-point correlation functions of the vertex, considering B(s0) as a normal b (s) over bar state. The obtained coupling constant is: g(Bs0BK) = (16.3 +/- 3.2) GeV. This number is in agreement with light-cone QCD sum rules calculation. We have also compared the decay width of the B(s0) -> BK process considering the B(s0) to be a b (s) over bar state and a BK molecular state. The width obtained for the BK molecular state is twice as big as the width obtained for the b (s) over bar state. Therefore, we conclude that with the knowledge of the mass and the decay width of the B(s0) meson, one can discriminate between the different theoretical proposals for its structure.
We study extensions of the standard model with a strongly coupled fourth generation. This occurs in models where electroweak symmetry breaking is triggered by the condensation of at least some of the fourth-generation fermions. With focus on the phenomenology at the LHC, we study the pair production of fourth-generation down quarks, D(4). We consider the typical masses that could be associated with a strongly coupled fermion sector, in the range (300-600) GeV. We show that the production and successive decay of these heavy quarks into final states with same-sign dileptons, trileptons, and four leptons can be easily seen above background with relatively low luminosity. On the other hand, in order to confirm the presence of a new strong interaction responsible for fourth-generation condensation, we study its contribution to D(4) pair production, and the potential to separate it from standard QCD-induced heavy quark production. We show that this separation might require large amounts of data. This is true even if it is assumed that the new interaction is mediated by a massive colored vector boson, since its strong coupling to the fourth generation renders its width of the order of its mass. We conclude that, although this class of models can be falsified at early stages of the LHC running, its confirmation would require high integrated luminosities.
We report the measurement of charged D* mesons in inclusive jets produced in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy root s = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. For D* mesons with fractional momenta 0.2< z< 0.5 in inclusive jets with 11.5 GeV mean transverse energy, the production rate is found to be N(D*(+) + D*(-))/N(jet) = 0.015 +/- 0.008(stat) +/- 0.007(sys). This rate is consistent with perturbative QCD evaluation of gluon splitting into a pair of charm quarks and subsequent hadronization.
We propose a model for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) decays following experimental results which indicate that the two-pion interaction in the S wave is dominated by the scalar resonances f(0)(600)/sigma and f(0)(980). The weak decay amplitude for D(+)-> R pi(+), where R is a resonance that subsequently decays into pi(+)pi(-), is constructed in a factorization approach. In the S wave, we implement the strong decay R ->pi(+)pi(-) by means of a scalar form factor. This provides a unitary description of the pion-pion interaction in the entire kinematically allowed mass range m(pi pi)(2) from threshold to about 3 GeV(2). In order to reproduce the experimental Dalitz plot for D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+), we include contributions beyond the S wave. For the P wave, dominated by the rho(770)(0), we use a Breit-Wigner description. Higher waves are accounted for by using the usual isobar prescription for the f(2)(1270) and rho(1450)(0). The major achievement is a good reproduction of the experimental m(pi pi)(2) distribution, and of the partial as well as the total D(+)->pi(+)pi(-)pi(+) branching ratios. Our values are generally smaller than the experimental ones. We discuss this shortcoming and, as a by-product, we predict a value for the poorly known D ->sigma transition form factor at q(2)=m pi(2).
The production of a Z boson in association with a J/ψ meson in proton--proton collisions probes the production mechanisms of quarkonium and heavy flavour in association with vector bosons, and allows studies of multiple parton scattering. Using 20.3fb−1 of data collected with the ATLAS experiment at the LHC, in pp collisions at s√=8 TeV, the first measurement of associated Z+J/ψ production is presented for both prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production, with both signatures having a significance in excess of 5σ. The inclusive production cross-sections for Z boson production (in μ+μ− or e+e− decay modes) in association with prompt and non-prompt J/ψ(→μ+μ−) are measured relative to the inclusive production rate of Z bosons in the same fiducial volume to be (88±16±6)×10−8 and (157±22±10)×10−8 respectively. Normalised differential production cross-sections are also determined as a function of the J/ψ transverse momentum. The fraction of signal events arising from single and double parton scattering is estimated, and a lower limit of 5.3 (3.7)mb at 68 (95) confidence level is placed on the effective cross-section regulating double parton interactions.
Following a model based on the SU(8) symmetry that treats heavy pseudoscalars and heavy vector mesons on an equal footing, as required by heavy quark symmetry, we study the interaction of baryons and mesons in coupled channels within an unitary approach that generates dynamically poles in the scattering T-matrix. We concentrate in the exotic channels with negative charm quantum number for which there is the experimental claim of one state.
We calculate the form factors and the coupling constant in the D*D rho vertex in the framework of QCD sum rules. We evaluate the three-point correlation functions of the vertex considering D, rho and D* mesons off-shell. The form factors obtained are very different but give the same coupling constant: g(D*D rho) = 4.3 +/- 0.9 GeV(-1). (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.