603 resultados para Health knowledge attitudes practice
TITLE: 'Every pregnant woman needs a midwife'-the experiences of HIV affected women in Northern Ireland.
OBJECTIVE: to explore HIV positive women's experiences of pregnancy and maternity care, with a focus on their interactions with midwives.
DESIGN: a prospective qualitative study.
SETTING: regional HIV unit in Northern Ireland.
PARTICIPANTS: 22 interviews were conducted with 10 women at different stages of their reproductive trajectories.
FINDINGS: the pervasive presence of HIV related stigma threatened the women's experience of pregnancy and care. The key staff attributes that facilitated a positive experience were knowledge and experience, empathy and understanding of their unique needs and continuity of care.
KEY CONCLUSIONS: pregnancy in the context of HIV, whilst offering a much needed sense of normality, also increases woman's sense of anxiety and vulnerability and therefore the need for supportive interventions that affirm normality is intensified. A maternity team approach, with a focus on providing 'balanced care' could meet all of the woman and child's medical needs, whilst also emphasising the normalcy of pregnancy.
BACKGROUND: High-fidelity simulation is becoming increasingly important in the delivery of teaching and learning to health care professionals within a safe environment. Its use in an interprofessional context and at undergraduate level has the potential to facilitate the learning of good communication and teamworking, in addition to clinical knowledge and skills.
METHODS: Interprofessional teaching and learning workshops using high-fidelity paediatric simulation were developed and delivered to undergraduate medical and nursing students at Queen's University Belfast. Learning outcomes common to both professions, and essential in the clinical management of sick children, included basic competencies, communication and teamworking skills. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation was undertaken using published questionnaires.
RESULTS: Quantitative results - the 32-item questionnaire was analysed for reliability using spss. Responses were positive for both groups of students across four domains - acquisition of knowledge and skills, communication and teamworking, professional identity and role awareness, and attitudes to shared learning. Qualitative results - thematic content analysis was used to analyse open-ended responses. Students from both groups commented that an interprofessional education (IPE) approach to paediatric simulation improved clinical and practice-based skills, and provided a safe learning environment. Students commented that there should be more interprofessional and simulation learning opportunities.
DISCUSSION: High-fidelity paediatric simulation, used in an interprofessional context, has the potential to meet the requirements of undergraduate medical and nursing curricula. Further research is needed into the long-term benefits for patient care, and its generalisability to other areas within health care teaching and learning.
The ill effects of second-hand smoke are now well documented. To protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke, comprehensive smoking bans are necessary as expressed in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its guidelines. Switzerland has only a partial smoking ban full of exceptions which has been in effect since 2010, which reproduces the so-called Spanish model. In September 2012, the Swiss citizens refused a proposal for a more comprehensive ban. This case study examines the reasons behind this rejection and draws some lessons that can be learnt from it.
HIV-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease and its treatment. In this qualitative study, twenty-nine HIV-positive adolescents aged 13 to 20 years (22 girls), who live in Switzerland, were asked, in a semi-structured interview (duration of 40-110 minutes), to describe their perceptions and experiences with the disease itself and with therapeutic adherence. While younger adolescents most often thought of their disease as fate, older adolescents usually knew that they had received it through vertical transmission, although the topic appeared to be particularly difficult to discuss for those living with their HIV-positive mothers. Based on their attending physician's assessment, 18 subjects were judged highly adherent, 4 fairly and 7 poorly adherent. High adherence appeared linked with adequate psychological adjustment and effective coping mechanisms, as well as with the discussion and adoption of explicit medication-taking strategies. The setting and organisation of health care teams should allow for ongoing discussions with HIV-positive adolescents that focus on their perceptions of their disease, how they cope with it and with the treatment, and how they could improve their adherence.
PROBLEM: Truth-telling is an important component of respect for patients' self-determination, but in the context of breaking bad news, it is also a distressing and difficult task. INTERVENTION: We investigated the long-term influence of a simulated patient-based teaching intervention, integrating learning objectives in communication skills and ethics into students' attitudes and concerns regarding truth-telling. We followed two cohorts of medical students from the preclinical third year to their clinical rotations (fifth year). Open-ended responses were analysed to explore medical students' reported difficulties in breaking bad news. CONTEXT: This intervention was implemented during the last preclinical year of a problem-based medical curriculum, in collaboration between the doctor-patient communication and ethics programs. OUTCOME: Over time, concerns such as empathy and truthfulness shifted from a personal to a relational focus. Whereas 'truthfulness' was a concern for the content of the message, 'truth-telling' included concerns on how information was communicated and how realistically it was received. Truth-telling required empathy, adaptation to the patient, and appropriate management of emotions, both for the patient's welfare and for a realistic understanding of the situation. LESSONS LEARNED: Our study confirms that an intervention confronting students with a realistic situation succeeds in making them more aware of the real issues of truth-telling. Medical students deepened their reflection over time, acquiring a deeper understanding of the relational dimension of values such as truth-telling, and honing their view of empathy.
Contexte : Un accès adéquat aux aliments sains dans les environnements résidentiels peut contribuer aux saines habitudes alimentaires. Un tel accès est d’autant plus important pour les personnes âgées, où les changements associés au vieillissement peuvent accentuer leur dépendance aux ressources disponibles dans le voisinage. Cependant, cette relation n’a pas encore été établie chez les aînés. Objectifs : La présente thèse vise à quantifier les associations entre l’environnement alimentaire local et les habitudes alimentaires de personnes âgées vivant à domicile en milieu urbain. La thèse s’est insérée dans un projet plus large qui a apparié les données provenant d’une cohorte d’aînés québécois vivant dans la région métropolitaine montréalaise avec des données provenant d’un système d’information géographique. Trois études répondent aux objectifs spécifiques suivants : (1) développer des indices relatifs de mixité alimentaire pour qualifier l’offre d’aliments sains dans les magasins d’alimentation et l’offre de restaurants situés dans les quartiers faisant partie du territoire à l’étude et en examiner la validité; (2) quantifier les associations entre la disponibilité relative de magasins d’alimentation et de restaurants près du domicile et les habitudes alimentaires des aînés; (3) examiner l’influence des connaissances subjectives en nutrition dans la relation entre l’environnement alimentaire près du domicile et les habitudes alimentaires chez les hommes et les femmes âgés. Méthodes : Le devis consiste en une analyse secondaire de données transversales provenant de trois sources : les données du cycle 1 pour 848 participants de l’Étude longitudinale québécoise « La nutrition comme déterminant d’un vieillissement réussi » (2003-2008), le Recensement de 2001 de Statistique Canada et un registre privé de commerces et services (2005), ces derniers regroupés dans un système d’information géographique nommé Mégaphone. Des analyses bivariées non paramétriques ont été appliquées pour répondre à l’objectif 1. Les associations entre l’exposition aux commerces alimentaires dans le voisinage et les habitudes alimentaires (objectif 2), ainsi que l’influence des connaissances subjectives en nutrition dans cette relation (objectif 3), ont été vérifiées au moyen d’analyses de régression linéaires. Résultats : Les analyses ont révélé trois résultats importants. Premièrement, l’utilisation d’indices relatifs pour caractériser l’offre alimentaire s’avère pertinente pour l’étude des habitudes alimentaires, plus particulièrement pour l’offre de restaurants-minute. Deuxièmement, l’omniprésence d’aspects défavorables dans l’environnement, caractérisé par une offre relativement plus élevée de restaurants-minute, semble nuire davantage aux saines habitudes alimentaires que la présence d’opportunités d’achats d’aliments sains dans les magasins d’alimentation. Troisièmement, un environnement alimentaire plus favorable aux saines habitudes pourrait réduire les écarts quant à la qualité de l’alimentation chez les femmes ayant de plus faibles connaissances subjectives en nutrition par rapport aux femmes mieux informées. Conclusion : Ces résultats mettent en relief la complexité des liens entre l’environnement local et l’alimentation. Dans l’éventualité où ces résultats seraient reproduits dans des recherches futures, des stratégies populationnelles visant à résoudre un déséquilibre entre l’accès aux sources d’aliments sains par rapport aux aliments peu nutritifs semblent prometteuses.
Introducción: la fotoprotección constituye las actividades preventivas que minimizan los efectos deletéreos de la exposición solar; estos comportamientos de salud pueden estar relacionados con actitudes y conocimientos adquiridos. Objetivo: Identificar estas asociaciones en Estudiantes de Medicina de la Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud de la Universidad del Rosario, quienes se encargarán de transmitir educación y ejemplo de comportamiento en su contexto personal y profesional. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal. Se implementó una encuesta voluntaria por correo institucional y físicamente entre estudiantes de 1-8 semestre matriculados en el segundo semestre de 2009; n= 122 estudiantes, la mayoría menores de 20 años y de género femenino; factores de estudio analizados: biológico demográficos, informador, actitudes, conocimientos, personas modelo y comportamiento, expresados en frecuencias, analizados con pruebas y fuerzas de asociación con intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: factores asociados a fotoprotección: ser de 1-4 semestre (p=0,008), ser =19 años (p=0,028), reconocer como consecuencias las alteraciones en los ojos y la visión (p=0,043) y las alteraciones producidas en el sistema inmune (p=0,021), uso de la pareja de ropa protectora (p=0,019), permanencia de un amigo a la sombra (p=0,055), conocimiento de la posibilidad de quemadura independiente al clima (p=0,001) y conocimiento de la posibilidad de quemadura sin sentir los rayos calientes del sol (p=0,049). Conclusiones: es posible reforzar comportamientos preventivos, favorecer el seguimiento de modelos positivos afines a los jóvenes, incrementar el conocimiento en salud y afirmar la educación primaria en salud desde la Medicina General y mejorar así la fotoprotección.
OBJETIVO: Analisar as relações entre agentes comunitários de saúde e os cuidados prestados a idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal descritivo, com 213 agentes comunitários das 12 unidades básicas de saúde e das 29 unidades de saúde da família de Marília em 2010. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico, um instrumento de escala de atitudes em relação à velhice (Escala de Neri) e um questionário para avaliar conhecimentos gerontológicos (Questionário Palmore-Neri-Cachioni). Para a análise dos dados, foi utilizado o programa Statistical Package for the Social Sciences versão 16.0 para Windows. RESULTADOS: Predominaram no quadro dos agentes comunitários os adultos jovens, do sexo feminino, casados, escolaridade > 12 anos e inseridos na atividade há mais de seis anos. A maioria dos agentes relatou experiência com grupo de idosos e convivência intradomiciliar com pessoas dessa faixa etária, porém menos da metade referiu capacitação no tema envelhecimento. As avaliações positivas dos agentes quanto às atitudes perante a velhice ocorreram principalmente em aspectos como a sabedoria e generosidade dos idosos, porém foram marcantes as atitudes negativas para lentidão e rigidez. O número de acertos sobre gerontologia foi baixo e esteve diretamente associado às capacitações recebidas pelos agentes. Foram observados estereótipos em relação ao idoso, na medida em que muitos agentes os consideravam insatisfeitos e dependentes. CONCLUSIONES: Mudar as atitudes e melhorar o conhecimento que se tem acerca do envelhecimento é essencial no enfrentamento das demandas advindas dessa fase da vida. Qualificar a formação do agente comunitário de saúde é fundamental no cuidado ao idoso na atenção primária.
O objetivo do estudo foi descrever as figuras humanas retratadas nas propagandas de medicamentos psicoativos quanto ao gênero, a idade, a etnia e o contexto social. Foi realizada análise de conteúdo de 86 impressos publicitários inéditos divulgados em Araraquara (SP) no ano de 2005. A associação entre as categorias foi analisada usando o teste exato de Fisher. Houve predomínio de mulheres (62,8%), sendo quatro vezes mais freqüentes que os homens em propagandas de antidepressivos e ansiolíticos. A maioria era constituída de jovens adultos (72%), de etnia branca (98,8%). As pessoas estavam em lazer (46,5%), em suas casas (29%) ou em contato com a natureza (16,2%). A mensagem transmitida foi que os medicamentos tratam sintomatologias subjetivas de desconforto do dia-a-dia, induzindo a um apelo irracional que pode refletir na prescrição medicamentosa.
Através deste estudo, avaliou-se o nível de conhecimento e conduta dos farmacêuticos, responsáveis técnicos (RT) em drogarias, quanto a alguns aspectos da legislação farmacêutica e sanitária. Foram entrevistados 45 RT em 2007, sendo que 19 desconheciam a definição dos medicamentos de referência, 21 do genérico e 25 do similar. Todos sabiam da permissão de aplicação de medicamentos injetáveis. Porém, apenas dois sabiam da permissão da aplicação de penicilínicos, metade desconhecia que é permitido fracionar medicamentos fracionáveis em drogaria, 18 não sabiam dispensar corretamente uma prescrição pelo princípio ativo e 37 acreditavam que o farmacêutico pode intercambiar qualquer medicamento de marca pelo genérico. A maioria dos RT apresentou nível regular e insatisfatório de conduta e de conhecimento sobre a legislação profissional e sanitária, o que sinaliza um problema na formação acadêmica e de atualização permanente, podendo comprometer as diretrizes da política nacional de medicamentos. Palavras-chave: Legislação de Medicamentos. Legislação Farmacêutica. Legislação Sanitária, Conhecimentos. Condutas e Prática em Saúde. Atitude do Pessoal de Saúde. ABSTRACT Assessment of knowledge and behavior of pharmacists with technical responsibility for drugstores This paper is a study of the level of knowledge and conduct of the legally responsible pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) at drugstores, regarding certain aspects of pharmaceutical and health legislation. In 2007, 45 PICs were interviewed, of whom 19 did not know the definition of original (innovative) branded drugs, 21 of generic drugs and 25 of similar branded drugs. All PICs knew that it is permitted to administer injectable drugs in the drugstore. However, only two knew that penicillins can be injected, half of them did not know that certain medicines can be fractionated in drugstores, 18 did not know how to dispense correctly a prescription for an active ingredient and 37 believed that the pharmacist can swap any brand name drug with its generic counterpart. Most PICs showed an unsatisfactory level of conduct and knowledge of the professional and health legislation, which points to problems in the undergraduate and in-service training of pharmacists, that could jeopardize the national drug policy guidelines. Keywords: Legislation, Drug. Legislation, Pharmacy. Legislation, Health. Health Knowledge. Attitudes, Practice. Attitude of Health Personnel.
Objetivo: Examinar o padrão de consumo do tabaco e conhecimentos sobre as doenças relacionadas ao tabaco, assim como identificar os tipos mais populares de mídias entre gestantes para aprimorar estratégias para a prevenção e a cessação do tabagismo entre essas mulheres. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 61 gestantes atendidas em um hospital universitário e em unidades básicas de saúde em Botucatu, SP. A Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão foi aplicada a todas as participantes. Para aquelas com história de tabagismo, também foi aplicado o Teste de Fagerström para Dependência de Nicotina, e foi avaliado o grau de motivação para cessação tabágica nas fumantes. Resultados: Das 61 gestantes avaliadas, 25 (40,9%) eram fumantes (média de idade, 26,4 ± 7,4 anos), 24 (39,3%) eram ex-fumantes (média de idade, 26,4 ± 8,3 anos), e 12 (19,8%) nunca fumaram (média de idade, 25,1 ± 7,2 anos). A exposição passiva foi relatada por 39 gestantes (63,9%). Das 49 fumantes/ex-fumantes, 13 (29,6%) conheciam as consequências pulmonares do tabagismo; somente 2 (4,9%) conheciam os riscos cardiovasculares; 23 (46,9%) acreditavam que fumar não causa nenhum problema para o feto ou o recém-nascido; 21 (42,9%) consumiram álcool durante a gestação; 18 (36,7%) relataram aumento no consumo de cigarros quando bebiam; 25 (51,0%) experimentaram cigarros com sabores; e 12 (24,5%) fumaram narguilé. Entre as 61 gestantes avaliadas, a televisão foi o tipo de mídia mais disponível e favorita (85,2%), assim como a mais preferida (49,2%). Conclusões: Entre gestantes, o fumo ativo, o fumo passivo e o uso de formas alternativas de consumo de tabaco parecem ser altamente prevalentes, e tais mulheres parecem possuir poucos conhecimentos sobre as consequências do uso de tabaco. Programas educacionais que incluam informações sobre as consequências de todas as formas de uso de tabaco, utilizando formatos novos e efetivos para esta população específica, devem ser desenvolvidos para promover a prevenção/cessação do tabagismo entre gestantes. Amostras adicionais para explorar diferenças culturais e regionais são necessárias.
Spontaneous adverse drug events (ADE) reporting is the main source of data for assessing the risk/benefit of drugs available in the pharmaceutical market. However, its major limitation is underreporting, which hinders and delays the signal detection by Pharmacovigilance (PhV). To identify the techniques of educational intervention (EI) for promotion of PhV by health professionals and to assess their impact. A systematic review was performed in the PUBMED, PAHO, LILACS and EMBASE databases, from November/2011 to January/2012, updated in March/2013. The strategy search included the use of health descriptors and a manual search in the references cited by selected papers. 101 articles were identified, of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. Most of these studies (10) were conducted in European hospitals and physicians were the health professionals subjected to most EI (12), these studies lasted from one month to two years. EI with multifaceted techniques raised the absolute number, the rate of reporting related to adverse drug reactions (ADR), technical defects of health technologies, and also promoted an improvement in the quality of reports, since there was increased reporting of ADR classified as serious, unexpected, related to new drugs and with high degree of causality. Multifaceted educational interventions for multidisciplinary health teams working at all healthcare levels, with sufficient duration to reach all professionals who act in the institution, including issues related to medication errors and therapeutic ineffectiveness, must be validated, with the aim of standardizing the Good Practice of PhV and improve drug safety indicators.
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Epidemiology may help educators to face the challenge of establishing content guidelines for the curricula in medical schools. The aim was to develop learning objectives for a medical curriculum from an epidemiology database. DESIGN AND SETTING: Descriptive study assessing morbidity and mortality data, conducted in a private university in São Paulo. METHODS: An epidemiology database was used, with mortality and morbidity recorded as summaries of deaths and the World Health Organization's Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY). The scoring took into consideration probabilities for mortality and morbidity. RESULTS: The scoring presented a classification of health conditions to be used by a curriculum design committee, taking into consideration its highest and lowest quartiles, which corresponded respectively to the highest and lowest impact on morbidity and mortality. Data from three countries were used for international comparison and showed distinct results. The resulting scores indicated topics to be developed through educational taxonomy. CONCLUSION: The frequencies of the health conditions and their statistical treatment made it possible to identify topics that should be fully developed within medical education. The classification also suggested limits between topics that should be developed in depth, including knowledge and development of skills and attitudes, regarding topics that can be concisely presented at the level of knowledge.
OBJETIVO: Analizar la opinión que los usuarios tienen sobre alimentos genéticamente modificados y su información en el etiquetado. MÉTODOS: Realizada revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre los alimentos transgénicos y el etiquetado a partir de la consulta de las bases de datos bibliográficas: Medline (vía PubMed), EMBASE, ISIWeb of Knowledge, Cochrane Library Plus, FSTA, LILACS, CINAHL y AGRICOLA. Los descriptores seleccionados fueron: «organisms, genetically modified» y «food labeling». La búsqueda se realizó desde la primera fecha disponible hasta junio de 2012, seleccionando los artículos pertinentes escritos en inglés, portugués y castellano. RESULTADOS: Se seleccionaron 40 artículos. En todos ellos, se debía haber realizado una intervención poblacional enfocada al conocimiento de los consumidores sobre los alimentos genéticamente modificados y su necesidad, o no, de incluir información en el etiquetado. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado, y apunta que está dispuesto a pagar algo más por él, pero, en definitiva compra el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías. En 18 artículos la población se mostraba favorable a su etiquetado obligatorio y seis al etiquetado voluntario; siete trabajos demostraban el poco conocimiento de la población sobre los transgénicos y, en tres, la población subestimó la cantidad que consumía. En todo caso, se observó la influencia del precio del producto genéticamente modificado. CONCLUSIONES: La etiqueta debe ser homogénea y aclarar el grado de tolerancia en humanos de alimentos genéticamente modificados en comparación con los no modificados. Asimismo, debe dejar claro su composición, o no, de alimento genéticamente modificado y la forma de producción de estos artículos de consumo. La etiqueta también debe ir acompañada de un sello de certificación de una agencia del estado y datos para contacto. El consumidor expresa su preferencia por el producto no-genéticamente modificado pero señaló que acaba comprando el artículo que está a mejor precio en un mercado que acoge las nuevas tecnologías.