43 resultados para Hautaniemi, Sampsa
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tunnistaa erikoisjoukkojen suorituskykyjen tarjoamia käyttömahdollisuuksia kansallisten päämäärien saavuttamiseksi kokonaisvaltaisessa kriisinhallinnassa. Laajempi ymmärrys erikoisjoukkojen käyttömahdollisuuksista lisää mahdollisuuksia kriisinhallintaoperaatioiden valmistelussa ja auttaa kansallisen suorituskyvyn kehittämisessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin aineisto- ja asiakirjapohjaisena sisällönanalyysina vertaamalla tunnistettuja kokonaisvaltaisen kriisinhallinnan toimijoiden tukitarpeita erikoisoperaatio-osaston suorituskykyihin. Vertailun perusteella tunnistettuja käyttömahdollisuuksia tarkasteltiin kansallisten päämäärien kannalta. Sisällönanalyysiä täydennettiin asiantuntijakyselyllä. Tutkimuksen keskeisinä havaintoina voidaan esittää, että tärkeimmät suorituskyvyt, jotka puoltavat erikoisjoukkojen käyttöä kokonaisvaltaisen kriisinhallinnan tukena ovat kyky toimia haastavissa olosuhteissa vihamielisessä ympäristössä ilman ulkopuolista tukea, kyky peitettyyn tai salattuun toimintaan ja kyky tiedustelutiedon tuottamiseen. Lähes yhtä tärkeinä suorituskykyinä kokonaisvaltaisen kriisinhallinnan kannalta voidaan pitää yhteistoimintakykyä, kykyä hyödyntää tiedusteluresursseja ja kykyä käyttää eri siirtymismenetelmiä. Tunnistettuja erikoisjoukkojen käyttömahdollisuuksia kansallisten päämäärien tukena kokonaisvaltaisessa kriisinhallinnassa olivat edustustojen toiminnan tukeminen, kriisinhallintaoperaation aloituksen tukeminen, nopeasti käynnistetyn humanitaarisen operaation tukeminen, rauhanvälityksen tukeminen ja Suomen pitkäkestoisten kehitysyhteistyökohteiden tukeminen. Lisäksi erikoisjoukkoja voidaan käyttää kansalliseen riskienhallintaan ongelmatilanteisiin varautumalla, esimerkiksi evakuointi- tai pelastustehtävissä. Toimintaympäristön muuttuessa täytyy myös kriisinhallinnan toimijoiden tarkastella omia lähtökohtiaan ja toimintojaan mahdollisten kehitystarpeiden ja vaikutusmahdollisuuksien tunnistamiseksi. Erikoisjoukkojen suorituskykyjen, kansallisten painopisteiden sekä käyttöperiaatteiden tarkastelu ennakkoluulottomasti ja avoimesti voi olla tarpeellista, jotta kriisinhallinnassa päästään haluttuun vaikutukseen.
The purpose of this thesis is to study the scalability of small break LOCA experiments. The study is performed on the experimental data, as well as on the results of thermal hydraulic computation performed on TRACE code. The SBLOCA experiments were performed on PACTEL facility situated at LUT. The temporal scaling of the results was done by relating the total coolant mass in the system with the initial break mass flow and using the quotient to scale the experiment time. The results showed many similarities in the behaviour of pressure and break mass flow between the experiments.
Global digitalization has affected also industrial sector. A trend called Industrial Internet has been present for some years and established relatively steady position in businesses. Industrial Internet is also referred with the terminology Industry 4.0 and in consumer businesses IoT (Internet of Things). Eventually, trend consists of many traditionally proven technologies and concepts, such as condition monitoring, remote services, predictive maintenance and Internet customer portals. All these technologies and information related to them are estimated to change the rules of business in industrial sector. This may result even a new industrial revolution. This research has its focus on Industrial Internet products, services and applications. The study analyses four case companies and their digital service offerings. According to this analysis the comparison of these services is done to find out if there is still space for companies to gain competitive advantage through differentiation with these state of the art solutions. One of the case companies, Case Company Ltd., is working as a primary case company and a subscriber of this particular research. The research and results are analyzed primarily from this company’s perspective and need. In empirical part, the research clarifies how Case Company Ltd. has allocated its development resources through last five years. These allocations in certain categories are then compared to other case companies’ current customer offering and conclusions are made how the approach of different companies differ from each other. Existing theoretical knowledge of Industrial Internet is about to find its shape. In this research we take a look how the case company analysis and findings correlate with the existing knowledge and literature of the topic.
Identifiointia voidaan käyttää erilaisten järjestelmien parametrointiin, ja tässä työssä kyseisellä operaatiolla mallinnettiin järjestelmäkameran vakauttamiseksi rakennettua kolmiakselista järjestelmää. Työn tavoitteena oli saada järjestelmästä matemaattinen malli niin, että sen avulla voitaisiin simuloida järjestelmän toimintaa säätävän PID-säätimen arvoja, minkä pohjalta koko järjestelmä pystyttäisiin virittämään paremmin. Tutkielmassa saatu malli muodostettiin matlab-ohjelmalla järjestelmän mittausdatan perusteella. Mittauksissa mitattiin manuaalisesti viritetyn järjestelmän tuloja sekä lähtöä, ja niiden perusteella muodostettiin ARX-mallit jokaiselle järjestelmän kolmelle akselille. Kirjainyhdistelmä ARX, viittaa nyt MISO-järjestelmään, sekä regressioon mallin tulon ja lähdön välillä. MISO- järjestelmällä on yksi lähtö ja useita tuloja, joita työssä tehdyssä mallissa oli kolme kappaletta. Mallien tarkkuudeksi saatiin 60-75%. Identifioinnista saadulle mallille muodostettiin simulointimalli, jonka avulla järjestelmä simuloitiin nopeammaksi. Simuloidut PID-arvot viritettiin järjestelmälle myös käytännössä, jonka jälkeen identifiointi toistettiin kahden identifioidun siirtofunktion vertailua varten. Järjestelmille tehtyjen askelvastekokeiden vertailun mukaan, eri identifioidusta saadut järjestelmät, jotka sisälsivät kuitenkin saman säätimen, erosivat toisistaan huomattavasti, vaikka teoriassa niiden pitäisi olla samat. Erot selittyivät mallin identifioinnin riittämättömällä tarkkuudella. Lopuksi virityksen onnistumista testattiin järjestelmällä käytännössä, tekemällä sille askelvastekokeet vanhoilla sekä simuloinnista saaduilla uusilla säätimen arvoilla. Testien mukaan järjestelmän kahden akselin asettumisaikaa saatiin muutettua 5,0 ja 0,8 sekuntia nopeammaksi, mutta kolmannesta akselista tuli epästabiili. Epästabiilius ei ole toivottua, mutta sen havaitseminen osoittaa, että stabiiliksi simuloitu järjestelmä voi todellisuudessa saada epästabiilin lopputuloksen, mikäli simulointimalli sisältää virhettä.
Background: Endothelin-1 stimulates Gq protein-coupled receptors to promote proliferation in dividing cells or hypertrophy in terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes. In cardiomyocytes, endothelin-1 rapidly (within minutes) stimulates protein kinase signaling, including extracellular-signal regulated kinases 1/2 (ERK1/2; though not ERK5), with phenotypic/physiological changes developing from approximately 12 h. Hypertrophy is associated with changes in mRNA/protein expression, presumably consequent to protein kinase signaling, but the connections between early, transient signaling events and developed hypertrophy are unknown. Results: Using microarrays, we defined the early transcriptional responses of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes to endothelin-1 over 4 h, differentiating between immediate early gene (IEG) and second phase RNAs with cycloheximide. IEGs exhibited differential temporal and transient regulation, with expression of second phase RNAs within 1 h. Of transcripts upregulated at 30 minutes encoding established proteins, 28 were inhibited >50% by U0126 (which inhibits ERK1/2/5 signaling), with 9 inhibited 25-50%. Expression of only four transcripts was not inhibited. At 1 h, most RNAs (approximately 67%) were equally changed in total and polysomal RNA with approximately 17% of transcripts increased to a greater extent in polysomes. Thus, changes in expression of most protein-coding RNAs should be reflected in protein synthesis. However, approximately 16% of transcripts were essentially excluded from the polysomes, including some protein-coding mRNAs, presumably inefficiently translated. Conclusion: The phasic, temporal regulation of early transcriptional responses induced by endothelin-1 in cardiomyocytes indicates that, even in terminally differentiated cells, signals are propagated beyond the primary signaling pathways through transcriptional networks leading to phenotypic changes (that is, hypertrophy). Furthermore, ERK1/2 signaling plays a major role in this response.
The Mdm2 ubiquitin ligase is an important regulator of p53 abundance and p53-dependent apoptosis. Mdm2 expression is frequently regulated by a p53 Mdm2 autoregulatory loop whereby p53 stimulates Mdm2 expression and hence its own degradation. Although extensively studied in cell lines, relatively little is known about Mdm2 expression in heart where oxidative stress (exacerbated during ischemia-reperfusion) is an important pro-apoptotic stimulus. We demonstrate that Mdm2 transcript and protein expression are induced by oxidative stress (0.2 mm H(2)O(2)) in neonatal rat cardiac myocytes. In other cells, constitutive Mdm2 expression is regulated by the P1 promoter (5' to exon 1), with inducible expression regulated by the P2 promoter (in intron 1). In myocytes, H(2)O(2) increased Mdm2 expression from the P2 promoter, which contains two p53-response elements (REs), one AP-1 RE, and two Ets REs. H(2)O(2) did not detectably increase expression of p53 mRNA or protein but did increase expression of several AP-1 transcription factors. H(2)O(2) increased binding of AP-1 proteins (c-Jun, JunB, JunD, c-Fos, FosB, and Fra-1) to an Mdm2 AP-1 oligodeoxynucleotide probe, and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays showed it increased binding of c-Jun or JunB to the P2 AP-1 RE. Finally, antisense oligonucleotide-mediated reduction of H(2)O(2)-induced Mdm2 expression increased caspase 3 activation. Thus, increased Mdm2 expression is associated with transactivation at the P2 AP-1 RE (rather than the p53 or Ets REs), and Mdm2 induction potentially represents a cardioprotective response to oxidative stress.
The nuclear Dbf2-related protein kinases 1 and 2 (NDR1/2) are closely-related AGC family kinases that are strongly conserved through evolution. In mammals, they are activated inter alia by phosphorylation of an hydrophobic domain threonine-residue [NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442)] by an extrinsic protein kinase followed by autophosphorylation of a catalytic domain serine-residue [NDR1(Ser-281)/NDR2(Ser-282)]. We examined NDR1/2 expression and regulation in primary cultures of neonatal rat cardiac myocytes and in perfused adult rat hearts. In myocytes, transcripts for NDR2, but not NDR1, were induced by the hypertrophic agonist, endothelin-1. NDR1(Thr-444) and NDR2(Thr-442) were rapidly phosphorylated (maximal in 15-30 min) in myocytes exposed to some phosphoprotein Ser-/Thr-phosphatase 1/2 inhibitors (calyculin A, okadaic acid) and, to a lesser extent, by hyperosmotic shock, low concentrations of H(2)O(2), or chelerythrine. In myocytes adenovirally-transduced to express FLAG-NDR2 (which exhibited a mainly-cytoplasmic localisation), the same agents increased FLAG-NDR2 activity as assessed by in vitro protein kinase assays, indicative of FLAG-NDR2(Ser-282/Thr-442) phosphorylation. Calyculin A-induced phosphorylation of NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442) and activation of FLAG-NDR2 were inhibited by staurosporine, but not by other protein kinase inhibitors tested. In ex vivo rat hearts, NDR1(Thr-444)/NDR2(Thr-442) were phosphorylated in response to ischaemia-reperfusion or calyculin A. From a pathological viewpoint, we conclude that activities of NDR1 and NDR2 are responsive to cytotoxic stresses in heart preparations and this may represent a previously-unidentified response to myocardial ischaemia in vivo.
The canonical pathway of regulation of the germinal centre kinase (GCK) III subgroup member, mammalian Sterile20-related kinase 3 (MST3), involves a caspase-mediated cleavage between N-terminal catalytic and C-terminal regulatory domains with possible concurrent autophosphorylation of the activation loop MST3(Thr178-), induction of Ser-/Thr-protein kinase activity and nuclear localisation. We identified an alternative ‘non-canonical’ pathway of MST3 activation (regulated primarily through dephosphorylation) which may also be applicable to other GCKIII (and GCKVI) subgroup members. In the basal state, inactive MST3 co-immunoprecipitated with the Golgi protein, GOLGA2/gm130. Activation of MST3 by calyculin A (a protein Ser-/Thr- phosphatase 1/2A inhibitor) stimulated (auto)phosphorylation of MST3(Thr178-) in the catalytic domain with essentially simultaneous cis-autophosphorylation of MST3(Thr328-) in the regulatory domain, an event also requiring the MST3(341-376) sequence which acts as a putative docking domain. MST3(Thr178-) phosphorylation increased MST3 kinase activity but this activity was independent of MST3(Thr328-) phosphorylation. Interestingly, MST3(Thr328-) lies immediately C-terminal to a STRAD pseudokinase-like site recently identified as being involved in binding of GCKIII/GCKVI members to MO25 scaffolding proteins. MST3(Thr178- /Thr328-) phosphorylation was concurrent with dissociation of MST3 from GOLGA2/gm130 and association of MST3 with MO25, and MST3(Thr328-) phosphorylation was necessary for formation of the activated MST3-MO25 holocomplex.
The contractile cells in the heart (the cardiac myocytes) are terminally differentiated. In response to pathophysiological stresses, cardiac myocytes undergo hypertrophic growth or apoptosis, responses associated with the development of cardiac pathologies. There has been much effort expended in gaining an understanding of the stimuli which promote these responses, and in identifying the intracellular signaling pathways which are activated and potentially involved. These signaling pathways presumably modulate gene and protein expression to elicit the end-stage response. For the regulation of gene expression, the signal may traverse the cytoplasm to modulate nuclear-localized transcription factors as occurs with the mitogen-activated protein kinase or protein kinase B/Akt cascades. Alternatively, the signal may promote translocation of transcription factors from the cytoplasm to the nucleus as is seen with the calcineurin/NFAT and JAK/STAT systems. We present an overview of the principal signaling pathways implicated in the regulation of gene expression in cardiac myocyte pathophysiology, and summarize the current understanding of these pathways, the transcription factors they regulate and the changes in gene expression associated with the development of cardiac pathologies. Finally, we discuss how intracellular signaling and gene expression may be integrated to elicit the overall change in cellular phenotype.
In the next decades, aging farmers in the United States will make decisions that affect almost 1 billion acres of land. The future of this land will become more uncertain as farm transfer becomes more difficult, potentially changing the structure of agriculture through farm consolidation, changes in farm ownership and management, or taking land out of production. The Great Plains Population and Environment Project interviewed farmers and their spouses between 1997 and 1999. Farm Family Survey participants were ambiguous about their plans to leave farming, transfer land to others, and even long-term land use, largely due to concerns about the continued economic viability of farming. Participants living far from metropolitan areas expected to sell or rent to other farmers, while those near residential real-estate markets expected to sell to developers. Delays in planning for retirement and succession were common, further threatening the success of intergenerational transitions.
Tutkielman aiheena on kissa ja sen representaatiot visuaalisessa taiteessa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan 12 eri tekniikoilla valmistettua taideteosta, jotka ovat valmistuneet vuosien 1974 ja 2015 välisenä aikana. Tutkielmaan valitut taiteilijat, teokset ja valmistusvuodet ovat seuraavat: Jan Harrison, Chuff and Roll Over 1997; Jan Harrison, Cat with Raw Nose 2006; Sampsa Indrén, Hello Kitty 2012; Nanna Susi, Maliblue 2013; Olli Lyytikäinen, Kolme pyramidia ja sfinksi 1974, Kari Soinio, Sankarin koti nr 9 2009; elokuvasta Yön ritarin paluu Kissanainen/Selena Kyle (Anne Hathaway) 2012; Stiina Saaristo, Turengin Tuhkimo 2012; sarjakuvasta Simpsonit Matt Groening (piirt.), Crazy Cat Lady/Eleanor Abernathy 1998; sarjakuvahahmo, Jim Davis (hahmotelma ja käsikirj.), Karvinen 1989; Carolee Schneemann, Infinity Kisses (1988) ja Katinka Simonse, alias Tinkebell, My dearest cat Pinkeltje. (2009). Tutkielman tarkoituksena on ollut selvittää, mikä tarkoitus kissan olemassaololla on valituissa teoksissa ja mitä sen avulla on haluttu kertoa. Tutkielman käsittelyaineisto on jaettu kolmeen pääryhmään, 1) kissa ihmisen sisäisen ja tiedostamattoman tulkkina, 2) kissa sukupuoliroolien ja stereotypioiden symbolina, 3) kissa lemmikkinä. Tarkastelussa on käytetty muun muassa psykoanalyyttistä, filosofista, sukupuolentutkinnallista ja fenomenologista lähestymistapaa. Tutkielman psykoanalyyttinen tarkastelutapa perustuu pääasiassa freudilaisiin ja filosofinen näkökulma deleuzelais-guattarilaisiin näkemyksiin. Tutkimuksella on pyritty tulkitsemaan ja kartoittamaan tapoja, joilla taiteilija on kissaa apunaan käyttäen lähestynyt ihmisen henkistä muutosta piilotajunnasta nousevien halujen ja yhteiskunnallisten stereotypioiden puristuksessa. Tuleminen joksikin, muodonmuutos sekä ihmisen ja eläimen yhteys ovat tutkielman tärkeimpiä tulkinnan kohteita.
Neonatal seizures are common in the neonatal intensive care unit. Clinicians treat these seizures with several anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) to reduce seizures in a neonate. Current AEDs exhibit sub-optimal efficacy and several randomized control trials (RCT) of novel AEDs are planned. The aim of this study was to measure the influence of trial design on the required sample size of a RCT. We used seizure time courses from 41 term neonates with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy to build seizure treatment trial simulations. We used five outcome measures, three AED protocols, eight treatment delays from seizure onset (Td) and four levels of trial AED efficacy to simulate different RCTs. We performed power calculations for each RCT design and analysed the resultant sample size. We also assessed the rate of false positives, or placebo effect, in typical uncontrolled studies. We found that the false positive rate ranged from 5 to 85% of patients depending on RCT design. For controlled trials, the choice of outcome measure had the largest effect on sample size with median differences of 30.7 fold (IQR: 13.7–40.0) across a range of AED protocols, Td and trial AED efficacy (p<0.001). RCTs that compared the trial AED with positive controls required sample sizes with a median fold increase of 3.2 (IQR: 1.9–11.9; p<0.001). Delays in AED administration from seizure onset also increased the required sample size 2.1 fold (IQR: 1.7–2.9; p<0.001). Subgroup analysis showed that RCTs in neonates treated with hypothermia required a median fold increase in sample size of 2.6 (IQR: 2.4–3.0) compared to trials in normothermic neonates (p<0.001). These results show that RCT design has a profound influence on the required sample size. Trials that use a control group, appropriate outcome measure, and control for differences in Td between groups in analysis will be valid and minimise sample size.