995 resultados para HF5438.N6


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In the present study, we have performed a comparative analysis of the effect of selective inhibitors of phosphodiesterase (PDE) type III, IV and V on eosinophil chemotaxis triggered by platelet activating factor (PAF) and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) in vitro. The effect of the analogues N6-2'-O-dibutyryladenosine 3':5' cyclic monophosphate (Bt2 cyclic AMP) and N2-2'-O- dibutyrylguanosine 3':5' cyclic monophosphate (Bt2 cyclic GMP) has also been determined. The eosinophils were obtained from the peritoneal cavity of naive Wistar rats and purified in discontinuous Percoll gradients to 85-95% purity. We observed that pre-incubation of eosinophils with the PDE type IV inhibitor rolipram suppressed the chemotactic response triggered by PAF and LTB4, in association with an increase in the intracellular levels of cyclic AMP. In contrast, neither zaprinast (type V inhibitor) nor type III inhibitors milrinone and SK&F 94836 affected the eosinophil migration. Only at the highest concentration tested did the analogue Bt2 cyclic AMP suppress the eosinophil chemotaxis, under conditions where Bt2 cyclic GMP was ineffective. We have concluded that inhibition of PDE IV, but not PDE III or V, was able to block the eosinophil chemotaxis in vitro, suggesting that the suppressive activity of selective PDE IV inhibitors on tissue eosinophil accumulation may, at least, be partially dependent on their ability to directly inhibit the eosinophil migration.


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Background Despite use in clinical practice and trials of thrombolysis, a non-contrast CT is not sensitive for identifying penumbral tissue in acute stroke. This study evaluated how it compares with physiological imaging using CT perfusion.Methods 40 imaging datasets with non-contrast CT (NCCT) and perfusion CT (CTP) were retrospectively identified. 2 sets of observers (n¼6) and a neuroradiologist made a blind evaluation of the images. Inter-observer agreement was calculated for identifying ischaemic change on NCCT, and abnormalities on cerebral blood flow, time to peak and cerebral blood volume maps. A prospective cohort of 73 patients with anterior circulation cortical strokes were thrombolysed based on qualitative assessment of penumbral tissue on CTP within 3 h of stroke onset. Functional outcome was assessed at 3 months.Results Inter-rater agreement was moderate (k¼0.54) for early ischaemic change on NCCT. Perfusion maps improved this to substantial for deficit in cerebral blood volume (k¼0.67) and almost perfect for time to peak and cerebral blood flow (both k¼0.87). In the prospective arm, 58.9% of patients with cortical strokes were thrombolysed. There was no significant difference in attainment of complete recovery (p¼0.184) between the thrombolysed and nonthrombolysed group.Conclusions We demonstrate how perfusion CT aids clinical decision- making in acute stroke. Good functional outcomes from thrombolysis can be safely achieved using this physiologically informed approach.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud


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A mudança do normativo contabilístico ocorrido em 2009, alterou o paradigma de reconhecimento e mensuração de activos. Embora a natureza das operações contínua presente no processo contabilístico, muitas coisas foram alteradas tendo em conta a substância da informação e a sua realidade económica. O caso dos contratos de concessão é disto um bom exemplo. Há casos em que no normativo anterior eram reconhecidos como activos fixos tangíveis e actualmente são reconhecidos como intangíveis. O estudo em causa tem como objetivo principal analisar o conceito dos contratos de concessão, bem como os procedimentos para o reconhecimento, mensuração e divulgação nas demonstrações financeiras. Considerados activos intangíveis (de facto a entidade acaba por ter um “Direito” de explorar um determinado activo), o processo contabilístico é feito a luz do disposto na Norma de Relato Financeiro nº6 – Activos Intangíveis. Os contractos de concessão apresentam especificidades próprias e por esta razão o IASB emitiu uma IFRIC (nº 12) com o objectivo de clarificar o tratamento contabilístico desta problemática. Não existindo no normativo nacional tal norma interpretativa as empresas nacionais que convivem com esta realidade vêem-se na contingência de, supletivamente, recorrer às normas internacionais de contabilidade para resolver o assunto. É o caso da ELECTRA para os activos afectos a distribuição. Neste sentido, o estudo debruça sobre esta problemática, apresenta um enquadramento teórico, analisar os principais aspectos de reconhecimento a luz dos dois normativos contabilísticos nacionais (o antigo Plano Nacional de Contabilidade e o actual Sistema de Normalização Contabilística e de Relato Financeiro) e termina utilizando as informações da ELECTRA, SARL para ilustrar este processo de reconhecimento contabilístico. The change of a the accounting regulatory occurred in 2009, changed the paradigm for recognizing and measuring assets. Although the continuous nature of the operations in this accounting process, many things have changed in view of the substance of information and its economic reality. The case of concession contracts, it is a good example. There are cases where the former were recognized as legal and tangible fixed assets are currently recognized as intangible assets. The study is aimed to analyzing the concept of concession contracts, as well as procedures for the recognition, measurement and disclosure in the financial statements. Considered intangible assets (in fact the entity turns out to have a “right” to exploit a particular asset) the accounting process is done in light of the provisions of Financial Reporting Standard No. 6 – Intangible Assets. The concession contracts have specific characteristics and for this reason the IASB issued IFRIC one (Ner. 12 ) in order to clarify the accounting treatment of this problem. In the absence of such a standard national regulatory interpretative national companies that live with this reality find themselves in contingency, additionally, make use of international accounting standards to resolve the matter. ELECTRA is the case of the assets connected to the distribution. In this sense, the study focuses on this issue, presents a theoretical framework to analyze the main aspects of recognition light of both national accounting standards (formerly the National Accounting Standards and the current system of accounting and financial reporting) and ends up using the information the Electra SARL to illustrate this process of accounting recognition.


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El trabajo describe el uso de bolsas de papel - plástico como envase para alcanzar este fin. Los 6 ensayos preliminares se refieren al almacenamiento en el depósito del productor, y demuestra claramente que con el uso de bolsas de papel – plástico la calidad de la harina de pescado peruano se mejora notablemente.


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Describe la vida de la anchoveta que comprende reproducción, tasa de crecimiento, longevidad, nutrición y distribución de la especie en el tiempo. Fluctuaciones del stock, en base a las medidas de esfuerzo y captura.


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Contiene los resultados del monitoreo biológico - pesquero de concha de abanico efectuado en el área de Pisco entre enero y abril de 1995 y de la población en Bahía Independencia entre el 18 de marzo y el 06 de abril del mismo año. Para el estudio, se realizó un muestreo biológico y biométrico de los centros de desembarque a fin de conocer el desarrollo y comportamiento del recurso, así como prospecciones de evaluación para determinar la distribución, concentración y magnitud poblacional en estas áreas.


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El informe consta de tres partes, algunas consideraciones generales sobre los problemas de dinámica de poblaciones que conciernen directamente a los estudios de la anchoveta peruana; acerca de la evaluación del estado presente de los stocks de anchoveta y consideraciones sobre la necesidad de reglamentación y administración de la pesquería de anchoveta.


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El Cuadro de expertos realiza una investigación del Nivel del rendimiento máximo sostenido de la pesquería de anchoveta, los efectos de un aumento del esfuerzo de pesca así como las temporadas de veda. Finalmente recalcan la necesidad de continuar investigación del tema.


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1819/01/31 (N6,A23).


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1822/01/31 (N6,A26).


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1821/01/31 (N6,A25).


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1820/01/31 (N6,A24).


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