976 resultados para Growth-stages


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We have performed a high-resolution synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy study of the initial growth stages of the ZnPd near-surface alloy on Pd(111), complemented by scanning tunnelling microscopy data. We show that the chemical environment for surfaces containing less than half of one monolayer of Zn is chemically distinct from subsequent layers. Surfaces where the deposition is performed at room temperature contain ZnPd islands surrounded by a substrate with dilute Zn substitutions. Annealing these surfaces drives the Zn towards the substrate top-layer, and favours the completion of the first 1 : 1 monolayer before the onset of growth in the next layer.


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Data on seasonal population abundance of Bemisia tabaci biotype B (silverleaf whitefly (SLW)) in Australian cotton fields collected over four consecutive growing seasons (2002/2003-2005/2006) were used to develop and validate a multiple-threshold-based management and sampling plan. Non-linear growth trajectories estimated from the field sampling data were used as benchmarks to classify adult SLW field populations into six density-based management zones with associated control recommendations in the context of peak flowering and open boll crop growth stages. Control options based on application of insect growth regulators (IGRs) are recommended for high-density populations (>2 adults/leaf) whereas conventional (non-IGR) products are recommended for the control of low to moderate population densities. A computerised re-sampling program was used to develop and test a binomial sampling plan. Binomial models with thresholds of T=1, 2 and 3 adults/leaf were tested using the field abundance data. A binomial plan based on a tally threshold of T=2 adults/leaf and a minimum sample of 20 leaves at nodes 3, 4 or 5 below the terminal is recommended as the most parsimonious and practical sampling protocol for Australian cotton fields. A decision support guide with management zone boundaries expressed as binomial counts and control options appropriate for various SLW density situations is presented. Appropriate use of chemical insecticides and tactics for successful field control of whiteflies are discussed.


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In semi-arid areas such as western Nebraska, interest in subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) for corn is increasing due to restricted irrigation allocations. However, crop response quantification to nitrogen (N) applications with SDI and the environmental benefits of multiple in-season (IS) SDI N applications instead of a single early-season (ES) surface application are lacking. The study was conducted in 2004, 2005, and 2006 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln West Central Research and Extension Center in North Platte, Nebraska, comparing two N application methods (IS and ES) and three N rates (128, 186, and 278 kg N ha(-1)) using a randomized complete block design with four replications. No grain yield or biomass response was observed in 2004. In 2005 and 2006, corn grain yield and biomass production increased with increasing N rates, and the IS treatment increased grain yield, total N uptake, and gross return after N application costs (GRN) compared to the ES treatment. Chlorophyll meter readings taken at the R3 corn growth stage in 2006 showed that less N was supplied to the plant with ES compared to the IS treatment. At the end of the study, soil NO3-N masses in the 0.9 to 1.8 m depth were greater under the IS treatment compared to the ES treatment. Results suggested that greater losses of NO3-N below the root zone under the ES treatment may have had a negative effect on corn production. Under SDI systems, fertigating a recommended N rate at various corn growth stages can increase yields, GRN, and reduce NO3-N leaching in soils compared to concentrated early-season applications.


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This paper is the first of a series that investigates whether new cropping systems with permanent raised beds (PRBs) or Flat land could be successfully used to increase farmers' incomes from rainfed crops in Lombok in Eastern Indonesia. This paper discusses the rice phase of the cropping system. Low grain yields of dry-seeded rice (Oryza sativa) grown on Flat land on Vertisols in the rainfed region of southern Lombok, Eastern Indonesia, are probably mainly due to (a) erratic rainfall (870-1220 mm/yr), with water often limiting at sensitive growth stages, (b) consistently high temperatures (average maximum - 31 C), and (c) low solar radiation. Farmers are therefore poor, and labour is hard and costly, as all operations are manual. Two replicated field experiments were run at Wakan (annual rainfall = 868 mm) and Kawo (1215 mm) for 3 years (2001/2002 to 2003/2004) on Vertisols in southern Lombok. Dry-seeded rice was grown in 4 treatments with or without manual tillage on (a) PRBs, 1.2 m wide, 200 mm high, separated by furrows 300 mm wide, 200 mill deep, with no rice sown in the well-graded furrows, and (b) well-graded Flat land. Excess surface water was harvested from each treatment and used for irrigation after the vegetative stage of the rice. All operations were manual. There were no differences between treatments in grain yield of rice (mean grain yield = 681 g/m(2)) which could be partly explained by total number of tillers/hill and mean panicle length, but not number of productive tillers/hill, plant height or weight of 1000 grains. When the data from both treatments on PRBs and from both treatments on Flat land, each year at each site were analysed, there were also no differences in grain yield of rice (g/m(2)). When rainfall in the wet season up to harvest was over 1000 mm (Year 2; Wakan, Kawo), or plants were water-stressed during crop establishment (Year 1; Wakan) or during grain-fill (Year 3: Kawo), there were significant differences in grain yield (g/1.5 m(2)) between treatments; generally the grain yield (g/1.5 m(2)) on PRBs with or without tillage was less than that on Flat land with or without tillage. However, when the data from both treatments on PRBs and from both treatments on Flat land, each year at each site, were analysed, the greater grain yield of dry-seeded rice on Flat land (mean yield 1 092 g/1.5 m(2)) than that on PRBs (mean 815 g/1.5 m(2)) was mainly because there were 25% more plants on Flat land. Overall when the data in the 2 outer rows and the 2 inner rows on PRBs were each combined, there was a higher number of productive tillers in the combined outer rows (mean 20.7 tillers/hill) compared with that in the combined inner rows on each PRB (mean 18.2 tillers/hill). However, there were no differences in grain yield between combined rows (mean 142 g/m row). Hence with a gap of 500 mm (the distance between the outer rows of plants on adjacent raised beds), plants did not compensate in grain yield for missing plants in furrows. This suggests that rice (a) also sown in furrows, or (b) sown in 7 rows with narrower row-spacing, or (c) sown in 6 rows with slightly wider row-spacing, and narrower gap between outer rows on adjacent beds, may further increase grain yield (g/1.5 m(2)) in this system of PRBs. The growth and the grain yield (y in g/m(2)) of rainfed rice (with rainfall on-site the only source of water for irrigation) depended mainly on the rainfall (x in mm) in the wet season up to harvest (due either to site or year) with y = 1. 1x -308; r(2) = 0.54; p < 0.005. However, 280 mm (i.e. 32%) of the rainfall was not directly used to produce grain (i.e. when y = 0 g/m(2)). Manual tillage did not affect growth and grain yield of rice (g/m(2); g/1.5 m(2)), either on PRB or on Flat land.


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The project assembled basic information to allow effective management and manipulation of native pastures in the southern Maranoa region of Queensland. This involved a range of plant studies, including a grazing trial, to quantify the costs of poor pasture composition. While the results focus on perennial grasses, we recognise the important dietary role played by broad-leaved herbs. The plant manipulation studies focussed on ways to change the proportions of plants in a grazed pasture, eg. by recruitment or accelerated morbidity of existing plants. As most perennial grasses have a wide range of potential flowering times outside of mid-winter, rainfall exerts the major influence on flowering and seedset; exceptions are black speargrass, rough speargrass and golden beardgrass that flower only for a restricted period each year. This simplifies potential control options through reducing seedset. Data from field growth studies of four pasture grasses have been used to refine the State's pasture production model GRASP. We also provide detailed data on the forage value of many native species at different growth stages. Wiregrass dominance in pastures on a sandy red earth reduced wool value by only 5-10% at Roma in 1994/95 when winters were very dry and grass seed problems were minimal.


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Water regulations have decreased irrigation water supplies in Nebraska and some other areas of the USA Great Plains. When available water is not enough to meet crop water requirements during the entire growing cycle, it becomes critical to know the proper irrigation timing that would maximize yields and profits. This study evaluated the effect of timing of a deficit-irrigation allocation (150 mm) on crop evapotranspiration (ETc), yield, water use efficiency (WUE = yield/ETc), irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE = yield/irrigation), and dry mass (DM) of corn (Zea mays L.) irrigated with subsurface drip irrigation in the semiarid climate of North Platte, NE. During 2005 and 2006, a total of sixteen irrigation treatments (eight each year) were evaluated, which received different percentages of the water allocation during July, August, and September. During both years, all treatments resulted in no crop stress during the vegetative period and stress during the reproductive stages, which affected ETc, DM, yield, WUE and IWUE. Among treatments, ETc varied by 7.2 and 18.8%; yield by 17 and 33%; WUE by 12 and 22%, and IWUE by 18 and 33% in 2005 and 2006, respectively. Yield and WUE both increased linearly with ETc and with ETc/ETp (ETp = seasonal ETc with no water stress), and WUE increased linearly with yield. The yield response factor (ky) averaged 1.50 over the two seasons. Irrigation timing affected the DM of the plant, grain, and cob, but not that of the stover. It also affected the percent of DM partitioned to the grain (harvest index), which increased linearly with ETc and averaged 56.2% over the two seasons, but did not affect the percent allocated to the cob or stover. Irrigation applied in July had the highest positive coefficient of determination (R2) with yield. This high positive correlation decreased considerably for irrigation applied in August, and became negative for irrigation applied in September. The best positive correlation between the soil water deficit factor (Ks) and yield occurred during weeks 12-14 from crop emergence, during the "milk" and "dough" growth stages. Yield was poorly correlated to stress during weeks 15 and 16, and the correlation became negative after week 17. Dividing the 150 mm allocation about evenly among July, August and September was a good strategy resulting in the highest yields in 2005, but not in 2006. Applying a larger proportion of the allocation in July was a good strategy during both years, and the opposite resulted when applying a large proportion of the allocation in September. The different results obtained between years indicate that flexible irrigation scheduling techniques should be adopted, rather than relying on fixed timing strategies.


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In recent years mirids and stinkbugs have emerged as important sucking pests in cotton. While stinkbugs are causing damage to bolls, mirids are causing damage to seedlings, squares and bolls. With the increasing adoption of Bollgard II and IPM approaches the use of broad-spectrum chemicals to kill Helicoverpa has been reduced and as a result mirids and stinkbugs are building to levels causing damage to bolls later in crop growth stages. Studies on stinkbugs by Dr Moazzem Khan revealed that green vegetable bug (GVB) caused significant boll damage and yield loss. A preliminary study by Dr Khan on mirids revealed that high mirid numbers at later growth stages also caused significant boll damage and that damage caused by mirids and GVB were similar. Mirids and stinkbugs therefore demand greater attention in order to minimise losses caused by these pests and to develop IPM strategies against these pests to enhance gains in IPM that have been made with Bt-transgenic cotton. Progress in this area of research will maintain sustainability and profitability of the Australian cotton industry. Mirid damage at early growth stages of cotton (up to squaring stage) has been studied in detail by Dr Khan. He found that all ages of mirids cause damage to young plants and damage by mirid nymphs is cumulative. Maximum damage occurs when the insect reaches the 4th and 5th nymphal stages. He also found that mirid feeding causes shedding of small and medium squares, and damaged large squares develop as ‘parrot beak’ bolls. Detailed studies at the boll stage, such as which stage of mirids is most damaging or which age boll is most vulnerable to feeding, is lacking. This information is a prerequisite to developing an IPM strategy for the pest in later crop growth stages. Understanding population change of the pest over time in relation to crop development is an important aspect for developing management strategies for the pest which is lacking for mirids in BollgardII. Predators and parasitoids are integral components of any IPM system and play an important part in regulating pest populations. Some generalist predators such as ants, spiders, damsel bugs and assassin bugs are known to predate on mirids. Nothing is known about parasitoids of mirids. Since green mirid (GM), Creontiades dilutus, is indigenous to Australia it is likely that we have one or more parasitoids of this mirid in Australia, but that possibility has not been investigated yet. The impact of the GVB adult parasitoid, Trichopoda giacomelli, has been studied by Dr Khan who found that the fly is established in the released areas and continues to spread. However, to get wider and greater impact, the fly should be released in new locations across the valleys. The insecticides registered for mirids and stinkbugs are mostly non-selective and are extremely disruptive to a wide range of beneficial insects. Use of these insecticides at stage I and II will minimise the impact of existing IPM programs. Therefore less disruptive control tactics including soft chemicals for mirids and stinkbugs are necessary. As with soft chemicals, salt mixtures, biopesticides based on fungal pathogens and attractants based on plant volatiles may be useful tools in managing mirids and stinkbugs with less or no disruption. Dr Khan has investigated salt mixture against mirids and GVB. While salt mixtures are quite effective and less disruptive, they are quite chemical specific. Not all chemicals mixed with salt will give the desired benefit. Therefore further investigation is needed to identify those chemicals that are effective with salt mixture against mirids and 3 of 37 GVB. Dr Caroline Hauxwell of DPI&F is working on fungal pathogen-based biopesticides against mirids and GVB and Drs Peter Gregg and Alice Del Socorro of Australian Cotton CRC are working on plant volatile-based attractants against mirids. Depending on their findings, inclusion of fungal-based biopestcides and plant volatile-based attractants in developing a management system against mirids and stinkbugs in cotton could be an important component of an IPM approach.


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Volatilization of ammonia (NH3) from animal manure is a major pathway for nitrogen (N) losses that cause eutrophication, acidification, and other environmental hazards. In this study, the effect of alternative techniques of manure treatment (aeration, separation, addition of peat) and application (broadcast spreading, band spreading, injection, incorporation by harrowing) on ammonia emissions in the field and on nitrogen uptake by ley or cereals was studied. The effect of a mixture of slurry and peat on soil properties was also investigated. The aim of this study was to find ways to improve the utilization of manure nitrogen and reduce its release to the environment. Injection into the soil or incorporation by harrowing clearly reduced ammonia volatilization from slurry more than did the surface application onto a smaller area by band spreading or reduction of the dry matter of slurry by aeration or separation. Surface application showed low ammonia volatilization, when pig slurry was applied to tilled bare clay soil or to spring wheat stands in early growth stages. Apparently, the properties of both slurry and soil enabled the rapid infiltration and absorption of slurry and its ammoniacal nitrogen by the soil. On ley, however, surface-applied cattle slurry lost about half of its ammoniacal nitrogen. The volatilization of ammonia from surface-applied peat manure was slow, but proceeded over a long period of time. After rain or irrigation, the peat manure layer on the soil surface retarded evaporation. Incorporation was less important for the fertilizer effect of peat manure than for pig slurry, but both manures were more effective when incorporated. Peat manure applications increase soil organic matter content and aggregate stability. Stubble mulch tillage hastens the effect in surface soil compared with ploughing. The apparent recovery of ammoniacal manure nitrogen in crop yield was higher with injection and incorporation than with surface applications. This was the case for leys as well as for spring cereals, even though ammonia losses from manures applied to cereals were relatively low with surface applications as well. The ammoniacal nitrogen of surface-applied slurry was obviously adsorbed by the very surface soil and remained mostly unavailable to plant roots in the dry soil. Supplementing manures with inorganic fertilizer nitrogen, which adds plant-available nitrogen to the soil at the start of growth, increased the overall recovery of applied nitrogen in crop yields.


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Echinochloa colona is the most common grass weed of summer fallows in the grain-cropping systems of the subtropical region of Australia. Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide for summer grass control in fallows in this region. The world's first population of glyphosate-resistant E. colona was confirmed in Australia in 2007 and, since then, >70 populations have been confirmed to be resistant in the subtropical region. The efficacy of alternative herbicides on glyphosate-susceptible populations was evaluated in three field experiments and on both glyphosate-susceptible and glyphosate-resistant populations in two pot experiments. The treatments were knockdown and pre-emergence herbicides that were applied as a single application (alone or in a mixture) or as part of a sequential application to weeds at different growth stages. Glyphosate at 720 g ai ha−1 provided good control of small glyphosate-susceptible plants (pre- to early tillering), but was not always effective on larger susceptible plants. Paraquat was effective and the most reliable when applied at 500 g ai ha−1 on small plants, irrespective of the glyphosate resistance status. The sequential application of glyphosate followed by paraquat provided 96–100% control across all experiments, irrespective of the growth stage, and the addition of metolachlor and metolachlor + atrazine to glyphosate or paraquat significantly reduced subsequent emergence. Herbicide treatments have been identified that provide excellent control of small E. colona plants, irrespective of their glyphosate resistance status. These tactics of knockdown herbicides, sequential applications and pre-emergence herbicides should be incorporated into an integrated weed management strategy in order to greatly improve E. colona control, reduce seed production by the sprayed survivors and to minimize the risk of the further development of glyphosate resistance.


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In the sub-tropical grain region of Australia, cotton and grains systems are now dominated by flaxleaf fleabane (Conyza bonariensis (L.) Cronquist), feathertop Rhodes grass (Chloris virgata Sw.) and awnless barnyard grass (Echinochloa colona (L.) Link). While control of these weed species is best achieved when they are young, previous studies have shown a potential for reducing seed viability and minimising seed bank replenishment by applying herbicides when plants are reproductive. Pot trials were established over two growing seasons to examine the effects of 2,4-D, 2,4-D + picloram, glyphosate and glufosinate which had been successful on other species, along with paraquat and haloxyfop (grasses only). Herbicides were applied at ¾ field rates in an attempt not to kill the plants. Flaxleaf fleabane plants were sprayed at two growth stages (budding and flowering) and the grasses were sprayed at two stages (late tillering/booting and flowering). Spraying flaxleaf fleabane at flowering reduced seed viability to 0% (of untreated) in all treatments except glyphosate (51%) and 2,4-D + picloram (8%). Seed viability was not reduced with the first and second regrowths with the exception of 2,4-D + picloram where viability was reduced to 20%. When sprayed at budding only 2,4-D + picloram reduced seed viability in both trials. Spraying the grasses at late tillering/booting did not reduce viability except for glufosinate on awnless barnyard grass (50%). Applying herbicides at flowering resulted in 0% seed viability in awnless barnyard grass from glufosinate, paraquat and glyphosate and 0% viability in feathertop Rhodes grass for glufosinate. These herbicides were less effective on heads that emerged and flowered after spraying, only slightly reducing seed viability. These trials have shown that attempts to reduce seed viability have potential, however flaxleaf fleabane and feathertop Rhodes grass are able to regrow and will need on-going monitoring and control measures.


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Ginger is considered by many people to be the outstanding member among 1400 other species in the family Zingiberaceae. Not only it is a valuable spice used by cooks throughout the world to impart unique flavour to their dishes but it also has a long track record in some Chinese and Indian cultures for treating common human ailments such as colds and headaches. Ginger has recently attracted considerable attention for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. However, ginger as a crop is also susceptible to at least 24 different plant pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, fungi and nematodes. Of these, Pythium spp. (within the kingdom Stramenopila, phyllum Oomycota) are of most concern because various species can cause rotting and yield loss on ginger at any of the growth stages including during postharvest storage. Pythium gracile was the first species in the genus to be reported as a ginger pathogen, causing Pythium soft rot disease in India in 1907. Thereafter, numerous other Pythium spp. have been recorded from ginger growing regions throughout the world. Today, 15 Pythium species have been implicated as pathogens of the soft rot disease. Because accurate identification of a pathogen is the cornerstone of effective disease management programs, this review will focus on how to detect, identify and control Pythium spp. in general, with special emphasis on Pythium spp. associated with soft rot on ginger.


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Key message: Evaluation of resistance toPyrenophora teresf.maculatain barley breeding populations via association mapping revealed a complex genetic architecture comprising a mixture of major and minor effect genes. Abstract: In the search for stable resistance to spot form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f. maculata, SFNB), association mapping was conducted on four independent barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding populations comprising a total of 898 unique elite breeding lines from the Northern Region Barley Breeding Program in Australia for discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing resistance at seedling and adult plant growth stages. A total of 29 significant QTL were validated across multiple breeding populations, with 22 conferring resistance at both seedling and adult plant growth stages. The remaining 7 QTL conferred resistance at either seedling (2 QTL) or adult plant (5 QTL) growth stages only. These 29 QTL represented 24 unique genomic regions, of which five were found to co-locate with previously identified QTL for SFNB. The results indicated that SFNB resistance is controlled by a large number of QTL varying in effect size with large effects QTL on chromosome 7H. A large proportion of the QTL acted in the same direction for both seedling and adult responses, suggesting that phenotypic selection for SFNB resistance performed at either growth stage could achieve adequate levels of resistance. However, the accumulation of specific resistance alleles on several chromosomes must be considered in molecular breeding selection strategies.


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Radiant frost is a significant production constraint to wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), particularly in regions where spring-habit cereals are grown through winter, maturing in spring. However, damage to winter-habit cereals in reproductive stages is also reported. Crops are particularly susceptible to frost once awns or spikes emerge from the protection of the flag leaf sheath. Post-head-emergence frost (PHEF) is a problem distinct from other cold-mediated production constraints. To date, useful increased PHEF resistance in cereals has not been identified. Given the renewed interest in reproductive frost damage in cereals, it is timely to review the problem. Here we update the extent and impacts of PHEF and document current management options to combat this challenge. We clarify terminology useful for discussing PHEF in relation to chilling and other freezing stresses. We discuss problems characterizing radiant frost, the environmental conditions leading to PHEF damage, and the effects of frost at different growth stages. PHEF resistant cultivars would be highly desirable, to both reduce the incidence of direct frost damage and to allow the timing of crop maturity to be managed to maximize yield potential. A framework of potential adaptation mechanisms is outlined. Clarification of these critical issues will sharpen research focus, improving opportunities to identify genetic sources for improved PHEF resistance.


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Radiant frost is a significant production constraint to wheat (Triticum aestivum) and barley (Hordeum vulgare), particularly in regions where spring-habit cereals are grown through winter, maturing in spring. However, damage to winter-habit cereals in reproductive stages is also reported. Crops are particularly susceptible to frost once awns or spikes emerge from the protection of the flag leaf sheath. Post-head-emergence frost (PHEF) is a problem distinct from other cold-mediated production constraints. To date, useful increased PHEF resistance in cereals has not been identified. Given the renewed interest in reproductive frost damage in cereals, it is timely to review the problem. Here we update the extent and impacts of PHEF and document current management options to combat this challenge. We clarify terminology useful for discussing PHEF in relation to chilling and other freezing stresses. We discuss problems characterizing radiant frost, the environmental conditions leading to PHEF damage, and the effects of frost at different growth stages. PHEF resistant cultivars would be highly desirable, to both reduce the incidence of direct frost damage and to allow the timing of crop maturity to be managed to maximize yield potential. A framework of potential adaptation mechanisms is outlined. Clarification of these critical issues will sharpen research focus, improving opportunities to identify genetic sources for improved PHEF resistance.


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干旱化问题将在全球环境变化下进一步加剧,并可能严重影响玉米。玉米是我国主要粮食和最重要的饲料作物,其重要性日益突出。水分是制约玉米产量的关键因子。为此,本研究利用大型活动遮雨棚对玉米进行了出苗后全程水分控制试验,研究大田条件下玉米不同生育期对不同土壤水分(包括水分充足well-watered, WW;适度干旱moderately stressed,MS;和严重干旱severely stressed,SS)的响应及适应机制。研究结果表明: 在吐丝和籽粒形成期,Ms对叶片相对含水量和相对电导率的影响没有达到显著或极显著水平,而SS则极其显著地降低叶片相对含水量和增加质膜透性。并且干旱胁迫下,夏玉米生育进程中保护酶SOD、POD和CAT活性基本呈现一致下降的态势,膜脂过氧化作用增强。短期干旱胁迫对SOD)和POD(在第十三叶期)保护酶有一定的激发效应,但此效应维持不长,其后骤降。 干旱会引起叶绿素a,b含量及总叶绿素含量的减少。MS下营养阶段的叶绿素含量没有明显变化,但随着MS的延续,叶绿素含量在生殖阶段显著降低。而SS的叶绿素含量最初就呈现降低并逐渐扩大。另外,在干旱胁迫下叶净光合速率(PN)和蒸腾速率(E)的降低因干旱强度和时间以及发育阶段而异,而且Ss所引起的不利影响更为凸现。SS显著降低营养和生殖阶段的水分利用效率( WUE),然而MS基本导致前中期WUE增加,后期则减少。 土壤干旱胁迫下,绿色LAI明显降低,特别是生殖时期最高穗位叶面积显著降低:地上部生物量积累在各生育期均为减少。而且,干旱显著减少各生育期的根干重,但MS对第十八叶期(V18)的根干重有短期的促进作用。干旱胁迫下,根冠比在不同生育时期有增有减。MS对第十七叶期(V17)的叶面积、抽雄吐丝出现、叶片展开、最终叶片数以及收获指数影响不大,但其却显著减少各阶段株高、叶面积(第十七叶期除外)、茎粗和生物量积累。随着MS的延续,产量性状诸如穗粒数、百粒重均为降低,而SS对各生育阶段所有生长特性、产量性状及收获指数的影响都较MS更为不利。 生育前期遭遇干旱,可使叶片展开明显迟缓,并且最终叶片数减少。尤其SS减少最终叶片数1~2片,并且延迟抽雄4—5 d,吐丝4—5 d,从而可能导致成熟期推迟。 植物器官的营养吸收动态在短期干旱作用和长期作用之间有所不同。而且P和K元素的积累方式也有别。基本上,干旱胁迫显著降低植物器官在不同生育期的全P和K元素的吸收,尽管后期一些器官诸如叶、鞘和茎等的吸收有所增加,特别是干旱严重影响了根的吸收能力,而且SS较MS对全P.K吸收影响更甚。总之,干旱所导致的生物量减少与植物器官的全P、K吸收的减少是相伴而生的。 与WW相比较,MS和SS的产量两年内分别降低了20,4%—26,1%和59.2%~84.5%,穗粒数分别降低了12.1%~19.7%和39,8%~88.1%,以及百粒重分别降低了2.1%~2.7%和17.7%—46,9%。研究进一步表明,干旱胁迫对多数玉米籽粒的营养品质有利。与WW相较而言,N含量、可溶性总糖、可溶性还原糖、Zn. Ca. Cu. Mg和Mn元素在MS下分别提高了5.9%,39-0%,97.5%,12.1%,4.4%,7.5%,6.1%和2.9%,而在SS下则分别提高了8.6%,99.3%,300.0%,27.8%,24.0%,1 5.3%,9.8%和7.9%。但是,一些玉米籽粒的营养品质诸如淀粉、P和K含量却受到干旱胁迫的不利影响,与WW相比较,MS使籽粒淀粉、P和K含量分别降低了8.3%.12.6%和3.7%,而SS则分别降低了33.3%, 14.6%和18.6%。粗脂肪含量则表现有所不同,与WW比较而言,MS对之有利,2年平均增加9.2%,而SS对之不利,2年平均减少11.3%。 总之,玉米生理生态特征、地上部各部分干物质生产、根系生长、营养吸收、产量性状、营养品质对干旱胁迫的响应和适应不仅依赖于干旱的严重程度(包括强度和时间),而且也依赖于玉米发育阶段。本研究认为,在半湿润地区水分缺乏的条件下,有限灌溉(最低土壤相对含水量55%士5%)在营养阶段抽雄前实施可行。