969 resultados para Gram staining
We describe here a very simple modification of the auramine staining procedure based on preparation of a UV-fixed thick blotch which allowed us to reach an overall sensitivity of 0.82 (592 acid-fast bacillus [AFB]-positive specimens/722 initial respiratory specimens with positive mycobacterial culture) and sensitivities of 0.93 (526 AFB-positive specimens/564 culture-positive specimens) for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and 0.42 (66 AFB-positive specimens/158 culture-positive specimens) for nontuberculous mycobacteria.
Biopsy by fine needle aspiration together with microbiological examination and scanning electron microscopy were evaluated in diagnosis of clinical bovine mastitis in a Prototheca zopfii outbreak. Fine needle aspiration was performed in 21 mammary quarters from ten Holstein cows presenting clinical mastitis caused by P. zopfii. The algae were previously identified in the microbiological examination of milk collected from these cows. Material aspirated from these 21 mammary glands was submitted to cytological staining (Gram, Giemsa and/or Shor staining). Fine needle aspiration enabled cytological identification of the algae in these 21 mammary glands, from which P. zopfii was isolated in the milk. Simultaneously, five mammary fragments collected by fine needle aspiration from these 21 mammary glands presenting clinical mastitis were also submitted to microbiological examination. P. zopfii was also isolated from these five fragments. Scanning electron microscopy technique also identified three of these five P. zopfii strains isolated from mammary fragments collected by cytological aspiration. These results suggest that fine needle aspiration may be an alternative method for the diagnosis of clinical mastitis.
Fibroblast cells grown in electrospun polymer scaffolds were stained with platinum blue, a heavy metal stain, and imaged using scanning electron microscopy. Good contrast on the cells was achieved compared with samples that were gold sputter coated. The cell morphology could be clearly observed, and the cells could be distinguished from the scaffold fibers. Here we optimized the required concentration of platinum blue for imaging cells grown in scaffolds and show that a higher concentration causes platinum aggregation. Overall, platinum blue is a useful stain for imaging cells because of its enhanced contrast using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In the future it would be useful to investigate cell growth and morphology using three-dimensional imaging methods.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to assess the color change of three types of composite resins exposed to coffee and cola drink, and the effect of repolishing on the color stability of these composites after staining. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifteen specimens (15 mm diameter and 2 mm thick) were fabricated from microhybrid (Esthet-X; Dentsply and Filtek Z-250; 3M ESPE) and high-density hybrid (Surefil; Dentsply) composites, and were finished and polished with aluminum oxide discs (Sof-Lex; 3M ESPE). Color of the specimens was measured according to the CIE L*a*b* system in a refection spectrophotometer (PCB 6807; BYK Gardner). After baseline color measurements, 5 specimens of each resin were immersed in different staining solutions for 15 days: G1 - distilled water (control), G2 - coffee, G3 - cola soft drink. Afterwards, new color measurement was performed and the specimens were repolished and submitted to new color reading. Color stability was determined by the difference (ΔE) between the coordinates L*, a*, and b* obtained from the specimens before and after immersion into the solutions and after repolishing. RESULTS: There was no statistically signifcant difference (ANOVA, Tukey's test; p>0.05) among the ΔE values for the different types of composites after staining or repolishing. For all composite resins, coffee promoted more color change (ΔE>3.3) than distilled water and the cola soft drink. After repolishing, the ΔE values of the specimens immersed in coffee decreased to clinically acceptable values (ΔE<3.3), but remained signifcantly higher than those of the other groups. CONCLUSIONS: No signifcant difference was found among composite resins or between color values before and after repolishing of specimens immersed in distilled water and cola. Immersing specimens in coffee caused greater color change in all types of composite resins tested in this study and repolishing contributed to decrease staining to clinically acceptable ΔE values.
Composite resins might be susceptible to degradation and staining when in contact with some foods and drinks. This study evaluated color alteration and changes in microhardness of a microhybrid composite after immersion in different colored foods and determined whether there was a correlation between these two variables. Eighty composite disks were randomly divided into 8 experimental groups (n = 10): kept dry; deionized water; orange juice; passion fruit juice; grape juice; ketchup; mustard and soy sauce. The disks were individually immersed in their respective test substance at 37 ºC, for a period of 28 days. Superficial analysis of the disk specimens was performed by taking microhardness measurements (Vickers, 50 g load for 45 seconds) and color alterations were determined with a spectrophotometer (CINTRA 10- using a CIEL*a*b* system, 400-700 nm wavelength, illuminant d65 and standard observer of 2º) at the following times: baseline (before immersion), 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. Results were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Both variables were also submitted to Pearson's correlation test (p < 0.05). The passion fruit group underwent the greatest microhardness change, while the mustard group suffered the greatest color alteration. Significant positive correlation was found between the two variables for the groups deionized water, grape juice, soy sauce and ketchup. Not all color alteration could be associated with surface degradation.
A ocorrência de Giardia, Cryptosporidium e microsporídios foi investigada por meio da análise de 98 amostras fecais de animais silvestres capturados em uma área de desmatamento para a construção das barragens de Paraitinga e Biritiba, localizadas nos Municípios de Mogi das Cruzes, Salesópolis e Biritiba-Mirim, no Estado de São Paulo. As amostras foram obtidas de 46 roedores, 21 marsupiais, 16 sapos, nove morcegos, três primatas e três lagartos. As técnicas de centrífugo-flutuação com sulfato de zinco, de Kinyoun e a coloração de Gram-Chromotrope foram utilizadas, respectivamente, para a pesquisa de Giardia, de Cryptosporidium e de microsporídios. O total de animais parasitados por um dos protozoários investigados foi de 17,35% (17/98). Cistos de Giardia foram encontrados em amostras fecais de dois pequenos roedores da espécie Coendou villosus (ouriço-cacheiro). Os três animais positivos para Cryptosporidium foram roedores das espécies Akodon montensis, Thaptomys nigrita (ambos conhecidos como ratos do mato) e Sciurus aestuans (serelepe ou caxinguelê). Esporos de microsporídios foram encontrados nas fezes de 12 animais, sendo seis roedores das espécies Oligoryzomys sp.(um), Akodon montensis (três) e Coendou villosus (dois), três marsupiais pertencentes às espécies Didelphis aurita (dois) e Marmosops incanus (um) e três morcegos da espécie Diphylla ecaudata. Este é o primeiro relato de microsporidiose em animais silvestres no Brasil. A presente investigação enfatiza a importância de animais silvestres, particularmente pequenos mamíferos, como potenciais fontes de infecção desses protozoários para outras populações animais, incluindo o homem, em áreas de desmatamento.
This letter presents some notes on the use of the Gram matrix in observability analysis. This matrix is constructed considering the rows of the measurement Jacobian matrix as vectors, and it can be employed in observability analysis and restoration methods. The determination of nonredundant pseudo-measurements (normally injections pseudo-measurements) for merging observable islands into an observable (single) system is carried out analyzing the pivots of the Gram matrix. The Gram matrix can also be used to verify local redundancy, which is important in measurement system planning. Some numerical examples` are used to illustrate these features. Others features of the Gram matrix are under study.
Pyrrolnitrin (PRN) is a tryptophan-derived secondary metabolite produced by a narrow range of Gram-negative bacteria. The PRN biosynthesis by rhizobacteria presumably has a key role in their life strategies and in the biocontrol of plant diseases. The biosynthetic operon that encodes the pathway that converts tryptophan to PRN is composed of four genes, prnA through D, whose diversity, genomic context and spread over bacterial genomes are poorly understood. Therefore, we launched an endeavour aimed at retrieving, by in vitro and in silico means, diverse bacteria carrying the prnABCD biosynthetic loci in their genomes. Analysis of polymorphisms of the prnD gene sequences revealed a high level of conservation between Burkholderia, Pseudomonas and Serratia spp. derived sequences. Whole-operon- and prnD-based phylogeny resulted in tree topologies that are incongruent with the taxonomic status of the evaluated strains as predicted by 16S rRNA gene phylogeny. The genomic composition of c. 20 kb DNA fragments containg the PRN operon varied in different strains. Highly conserved and distinct transposase-encoding genes surrounding the PRN biosynthetic operons of Burkholderia pseudomallei strains were found. A prnABCD-deprived genomic region in B. pseudomallei strain K96243 contained the same gene composition as, and shared high homology with, the flanking regions of the PRN operon in B. pseudomallei strains 668, 1106a and 1710b. Our results strongly suggest that the PRN biosynthetic operon is mobile. The extent, frequency and promiscuity of this mobility remain to be understood.
The dichloromethane crude extract from the roots of Viguiera arenaria (VaDRE) has been employed in an antimicrobial screening against several bacteria responsible for human pathologies. The main diterpenes isolated from this extract, as well as two semi-synthetic pimarane derivatives, were also investigated for the pathogens that were significantly inhibited by the extract (MIC values lower than 100 mu g mL(-1)). The VaDRE extract was significantly active only against Gram-positive microorganisms. The compounds ent-pimara-8(14),15-dien-19-oic acid (PA): PA sodium salt; ent-8(14),15-pimaradien-3 beta-ol; ent-15-pimarene-8 beta,19-diol; and ent-8(14),15-pimaradien-3 beta-acetoxy displayed the highest antibacterial activities (MIC values lower than 10 mu g mL(-1) for most pathogens). In conclusion, our results suggest that pimaranes are an important class of natural products for further investigations in the search of new antibacterial agents. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Two Gram-positive, non-motile, non-spore-forming, strictly aerobic, pigmented cocci, strains Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T), growing in aggregates were isolated from activated sludge samples by micromanipulation. Both possessed the rare type A3 gamma' peptidoglycan. Major menaquinones of strain Ben 107(T) were MK-9(H-4) and MK-7(H-2), and the main cellular fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). In strain Ben 108(T), MK-9(H-4), MK-9(H-2) and MK-7(H-4) were the menaquinones and again the main fatty acid was 12-methyltetradecanoic acid (ai-C-15:0). Polar lipids in both strains consisted of phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl glycerol and diphosphatidyl glycerol with two other unidentified glycolipids and phospholipids also present in both. These data, together with the 16S rDNA sequence data, suggest that strain Ben 107(T) belongs to the genus Friedmanniella which presently includes a single recently described species, Friedmanniella antarctica. Although the taxonomic status of strain Ben 108(T) is far less certain, on the basis of its 16S rRNA sequence it is also adjudged to be best placed in the genus Friedmanniella, The chemotaxonomic characteristics and DNA-DNA hybridization data support the view that Ben 107(T) and Ben 108(T) are novel species of the genus Friedmanniella. Hence, it is proposed that strain Ben 107(T) (=ACM 5121(T)) is named as Friedmanniella spumicola sp. nov. and strain Ben 108(T) (=ACM 5120(T)) as Friedmanniella capsulata sp. nov.
Capillary C4d deposition has been recognized as a marker of antibody-mediated rejection (AMR). Although the detection of capillary C4d by means of immunofluorescence (IF) in cryostat sections is well established, frozen tissue is not always available, thus limiting the diagnosis of AMR. The aim of the present study was to analyze different techniques for C4d staining and the prevalence of C4d in renal allograft biopsies. Detection of C4d was carried out using IF or immunohistochemistry (IHC) on frozen and paraffin sections of renal allograft biopsies available from the same patients. Biopsies obtained from 20 patients were classified into 3 groups: no rejection, acute rejection, and chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN). The capillary C4d deposition prevalence in frozen-IF, considered the gold standard technique for C4d detection, was 45% (9/20 cases). Compared with frozen-IF, the frozen-IHC technique presented an 85% concordance rate (17/20 cases; r =.70; P <.001; sensitivity = 77.8%; specificity = 90.9%). The paraffin-IF technique showed similar results, with an 80% concordance rate (16/20 cases; r =.64; P <.005; sensitivity = 55.6%; specificity = 100%), whereas C4d detection occurred in only 65% of paraffin-IHC cases (13/20; r =.30; not significant; sensitivity = 66.7%; specificity = 63.6%). No capillary C4d deposition was detected in cases without evidence of rejection. However, 4/7 cases (57%) of acute rejection were C4d positive. In the CAN group, 5111 cases (45%) were C4d positive. In conclusion, these results demonstrated that frozen-IHC and paraffin-IF can be considered alternative techniques to frozen-IF for C4d detection. The paraffin-IHC technique displayed the lowest concordance rate for C4d detection.
Infections caused by multidrug-resistant gram-negative bacteria are an increasing problem worldwide. Treatment of these microorganisms is a challenge because resistance limits dramatically therapeutic options. In this review, we discuss data of in vitro susceptibility and clinical studies of possible agents for the management of these infections. Currently, published data are limited, and there are no randomized clinical trials involving the treatment of infections caused by multidrug-resistant gram-negative rods. For imipenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp., most studied options are polymyxins and sulbactam. No newer antimicrobials active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa are available or under investigation. Tigecycline presents a broad spectrum of activity in vitro but has been studied mainly as treatment of community-acquired infections, as has ertapenem. They are potential options against extended-spectrum P-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, and tigecycline may be useful in treating Acinetobacter infections.
Trypan blue staining for capsulorhexis: Ultrastructural effect on lens epithelial cells and capsules
PURPOSE: To evaluate the ultrastructural effect of trypan blue 0.1% staining for capsulorhexis on lens epithelial cells (LECs) and capsules SETTING: Division of Ophthalmology. University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil METHODS: Before capsulorhexis, patients were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 groups Trypan blue 0 1% staining was performed in the treatment group No trypan blue was used in the control group Samples of capsules with LECs were fixed and analyzed with routine optical microscopy techniques. immunohistochemistry for beclin-1 expression (a marker of autophagy), terminal deoxynucleotidyl transf erase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end labeling to detect apoptosis, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) Morphometric analyses were performed. and the 2 sets of data were compared. RESULTS: Each group comprised 15 patients Cell death by autophagy and apoptosis was observed in the treatment group but not in the control group The TEM images of subcapsular epithelium cells showed mitochondria` rupture, dilation of the cisterns of the endoplasmic reticulum, increased cytoplasmic and nuclear electron density, and abnormalities in the nuclear profile of trypan blue-stained cells. Morphometric analysis showed statistically significant differences between the 2 groups in the longest nuclear axes and the ratio between the total nuclear perimeter and the cell area (P = .03) The difference in capsule thickness between groups was not significant. CONCLUSION: Trypan blue caused LEC death, which supports the hypothesis that staining with trypan blue 0 1% can help reduce the incidence of posterior capsule pacification after cataract surgery
Context: The expression of sodium iodide symporter (NIS) is required for iodide uptake in thyroid cells. Benign and malignant thyroid tumors have low iodide uptake. However, previous studies by RT-PCR or immunohistochemistry have shown divergent results of NIS expression in these nodules. Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate NIS mRNA transcript levels, compare with NIS and TSH receptor proteins expression, and localize the NIS protein in thyroid nodules samples and their surrounding nonnodular tissues (controls). Design: NIS mRNA levels, quantified by real-time RT-PCR, and NIS and TSH receptor proteins, evaluated by immunohistochemistry, were examined in surgical specimens of 12 benign and 13 malignant nodules and control samples. Results: When compared with controls, 83.3% of the benign and 100% of the malignant nodules had significantly lower NIS gene expression. Conversely, 66.7% of the benign and 100% of malignant nodules had stronger intracellular NIS immunostaining than controls. Low gene expression associated with strong intracellular immunostaining was most frequently detected in malignant (100%) than benign nodules (50%; P = 0.005). NIS protein was located at the basolateral membrane in 24% of the control samples, 8.3% of the benign, and 15.4% of the malignant nodules. The percentage of benign nodules with strong TSH receptor positivity (41.6%) was higher than malignant (7.7%). Conclusion: We confirmed that reduced NIS mRNA expression in thyroid malignant nodules is associated with strong intracellular protein staining and may be related to the inability of the NIS protein to migrate to the cellular basolateral membrane. These results may explain the low iodide uptake of malignant nodules.
Background. Sensitized patients (pts) may develop acute antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) due to preformed donor-specific antibodies, undetected by pre-transplant complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) crossmatch (XM). We hypothesized that C4d staining in 1-h post-reperfusion biopsies (1-h Bx) could detect early complement activation in the renal allograft due to preformed donor-specific antibodies. Methods. To test this hypothesis, renal transplants (n = 229) performed between June 2005 and December 2007 were entered into a prospective study of 1-h Bx and stained for C4d by immunofluorescence. Transplants were performed against a negative T-cell CDC-XM with the exception of three cases with a positive B-cell XM. Results. All 229 1-h Bx stained negative for C4d. Fourteen pts (6%) developed AMR. None of the 14 protocol 1-h Bx stained positive for C4d in peritubular capillaries (PTC). However, all indication biopsies-that diagnosed AMR-performed at a median of 8 days after transplantation stained for C4d in PTC. Conclusions. These data show that C4d staining in 1-h Bx is, in general, not useful for the early detection of AMR when CDC-XM is negative.