961 resultados para Global citizenship, Scotland-Malawi Partnership, school links, benevolence, reciprocity


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This DVD describes a curriculum project embedded into the subject The Global Teacher (code: CLB049/LCB327, Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology). The Global Teacher is a subject within the undergraduate degree program for pre-service teachers and provides a global perspective on socio-political issues that shape education. The curriculum in The Global Teacher was designed around a collaborative partnership between Queensland University of Technology and State Library Queensland. Through this collaboration, State Library became not only a resource for information, but also helped to develop the pedagogical skills of the pre-service teaachers by guiding them in exhibiting and curating Global Teacher themes for a broader community-based audience. The collaboration became part of the assessment for The Global Teacher, requiring the pre-service teachers to visually translate their understandings of global educational issues into a public exhibition, which was held at State Library Queensland on 1st May, 2013. This DVD is a creative work explaining the stages of this collaborative project. It explores the learning outcomes achieved, using the voices of participants: the pre-service teachers, the QUT teacher educators and staff of State Library Queensland. A detailed description of this project is to be found at: http://libguides.library.qut.edu.au/content.php?pid=595206&sid=4908024&preview=1b455ed4f2c606d19702090f85d1f965


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Global citizenship has emerged as a pressing curricular priority which all educational systems are currently grappling with. The challenge is to negotiate how this orientation might sit alongside the more traditional mission of mass school curriculum in building collective ballast for a national identity through a common morality and shared narratives, or may conflict with efforts to protect and promote indigenous and minority identities. As a case study of how these agendas interact, this chapter will consider curricular responses to global imperatives in the variegated conditions across the Australasian region (defined as Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea). The chapter will outline recent developments in the social, economic and political contexts surrounding curricular reforms in these settings, and demonstrate how these developments have changed the conditions of possibility and strength of purpose behind efforts to internationalise school curricula. Three types of systemic responses are then described: firstly, an appetite for globally branded curricula such as the International Baccalaureate, Montessori, and Cambridge University Certificates to distinguish some in a stratified market; secondly, convergence in curriculum to improve national performance on international standardised tests; and thirdly, the infusion of cosmopolitan sensibilities, regional identities and intercultural competencies as a core curricular goal for all. The chapter considers the various pragmatic interpretations of ‘internationalisation’ in these responses, and argues that the third response seems both the most difficult to enact, and the most vulnerable to political interference.


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Participatory citizenship education has been highlighted as a strategy to promote social cohesion in divided societies whereby collaborations with Non-Governmental Organisations and inter-school links have been proposed as tools to improve social networks between schools and communities. This article explores the role and meaning of citizenship education and cross-community participation in promoting social capital and social cohesion. School survey findings, focus groups and interviews with young people and educators indicated that differences between school sectors and established allegiances with particular communities and NGOs may limit the potential for citizenship education to produce bridging social capital and serve to reproduce bonding social capital. It is argued that the introduction of citizenship curricula into segregated schools systems in divided societies may be useful to promote citizenship values and positive attitudes to the other but insufficient to promote the development of bridging social capital and, ultimately, social cohesion in the long term.


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Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia para o 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e do Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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This paper adds to a growing body of literature which views global citizenship education as part of a broader social and cultural process of subjectivity production. Rather than focus on global citizenship in relation to pedagogy or curriculum content, as much of the previous research literature has done, this paper examines it in relation to the practice of travel. Drawing on data generated in ethnographic fieldwork in two UK schools, the paper explores the way in which the young people in these settings used travel to position themselves as successful, mobile, global citizen subjects. The paper argues that these subjectivities were negotiated as part of a dynamic process: one which took place across multiple spaces, in a myriad of different relationships, and in the deployment of a number of different power relations. The paper concludes with some thoughts about the practice of school travel and how it might effectively be focused upon in future research.


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New media, as a free and universal communication tool, has had an impact on the power of the general public to comment on a variety of issues. As the public can comment favourably or unfavourably on advertisements, such as on Youtube, the advertising industry must start using weblogs to research reaction to their advertising campaigns. This exploratory study examines the responses of some advertising industry practitioners, both advertisers and agencies, on the impact of new media, specifically weblogs, and the use of new media as a source of research on advertising campaigns.


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In the early part of 2008, a major political upset was pulled off in the Southeast Asian nation of Malaysia when the ruling coalition, Barisan Nasional (National Front), lost its long-held parliamentary majority after the general elections. Given the astonishingly high profile of political bloggers and relatively well established alternative online new sites within the nation, it was not surprising that many new media proponents saw the result as a major triumph of the medium. Through a brief account of the Hindraf (Hindu Rights Action Force) saga and the socio-political dissent nursed, in part, through new media in contemporary Malaysia, this paper seeks to lend context to the events that precede and surround the election as an example of the relationship between media and citizenship in praxis. In so doing it argues that the political turnaround, if indeed it proves to be, cannot be considered the consequence of new media alone. Rather, that to comprehensively assess the implications of new media for citizenship is to take into account the specific histories, conditions and actions (or lack of) of the various social actors involved.


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The International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) is currently offered in 2,718 schools across 138 countries, and explicitly aims to produce ‘internationally-minded’ citizens with a sense of belonging to both the local and the global community. It thus offers an opportunity to enquire how a school curriculum might produce more intercultural or global dispositions, knowledge and skills, and the challenges inherent in such design. To frame this empirical enquiry, the chapter distinguishes between the fact of living together in difference as a life circumstance, and a range of ethical dispositions for such living together, including cosmopolitanism, internationalism, interculturality and global citizenship. These alternatives are understood as competing social imaginaries with different premises and logics. This chapter offers an empirical exploration of how the IBD’s curricular goal of ‘international-mindedness’ is interpreted firstly in current official documents, then reinterpreted by teachers and students in three case study schools in Australia. Traces of these overlapping but distinct discourses are found in the teachers’ recontextualisation of the IBD’s ‘internationalmindedness’ producing diffuse and contradictory versions of what ‘internationalmindedness’ means, and looks like in educational settings.


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One of the challenges confronting contemporary education internationally is to ensure that students are provided with opportunities to make informed choices about future careers and to acquire the capacity to transition into these careers. Schools need to manage their curricula, teacher capacity, timetables, and diversity of student populations by offering pathways that are seen as engaging and meaningful to life beyond schooling. Traditionally, education in the senior years has privileged those students who intend to progress to advanced studies at university or in other professional careers. In more recent times, in response the need for more sophisticated technical knowledge in the trades and a growing skills shortages in these fields, schools have paid more attention to vocational education. It has been argued that the vocational aspect of the school curriculum is less well understood and poorly implemented in comparison with the traditional academic curricula. One attempt to address this issue is through the establishment of school-industry partnerships. This paper explores the process of knowledge transfer between industry and schools in these partnerships. The paper theorises how knowledge that is valued and foundational in workplace employment can inform school curricula and pedagogical practices. The paper draws on theories of organisational knowledge, workplace learning and experiential learning to explore strategies that enhance school-to-employment transition outcomes.


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Industry-school partnerships (ISPs) are increasingly being recognised as a new way of providing vocational education opportunities. However, there is limited research investigating their impact on school to work transitions. This paper reports on a government-led ISP, the Gateway to Industry Schools Program, established in Queensland, Australia. Central to this initiative is the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA), a lead organisation for 28 schools and 17 multi-national sponsor companies. This research adopted a qualitative case study methodology and draws upon boundary crossing theory as means to understand a Minerals and Energy ISP. We distinguish four types of boundary crossing mechanisms, which align with principles for effectiveness in ISPs. The main findings were that boundary crossing mechanisms assist ISPs to develop industry-based contextualised curriculum and to prepare school students for employment.


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International contexts provide social work students with the opportunity to develop knowledge of international social work, global citizenship and cultural competency. While these contexts are powerful sites of learning, there is a need to ensure that this occurs within a critical framework. The paradigm of critical reflection is used to facilitate this and has been popular in international programs. In this article, we develop this further by describing critically-reflective techniques and providing examples used in a pilot exchange program between a social work school in the UK and in India. The potential implications of these strategies for social work education are discussed. © The Author(s) 2012


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Este estudo pretende analisar as relações entre a educação para a sustentabilidade e a sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural no currículo dos primeiros anos de escolaridade através do desenvolvimento de um projeto de intervenção pedagógico-didática. Para tal, refletiu-se sobre as noções de educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável e de sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural, explicitando o modo como se podem cruzar. Com este enquadramento, e numa lógica de investigação-ação, desenvolveuse o projeto de intervenção “Do meu mundo vejo o outro e o seu mundo”, em 21 sessões, numa turma do 4º ano do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, de forma colaborativa com a respetiva professora titular, numa escola do distrito de Aveiro, durante o ano letivo de 2008/2009. Recolheram-se dados através da observação direta do(a)s aluno(a)s durante as sessões e de inquéritos por questionário e por entrevista ao(à)s aluno(a)s e à professora participante. Os dados recolhidos durante as sessões foram analisados com recurso à Escala de nível de envolvimento de Leuven (Laevers, 1994) e os inquéritos por questionário e entrevista foram alvo de uma análise estatística descritiva e de uma análise de conteúdo. Identificaram-se os efeitos do projeto no(a)s aluno(a)s em termos do seu nível de envolvimento nas atividades e do desenvolvimento das suas atitudes, conhecimentos e capacidades. A partir das vozes dos participantes, analisouse ainda a apreciação que realizaram do projeto na sua globalidade. Os resultados da análise apontam no sentido de que o projeto de intervenção desenvolvido contribuiu para: ajudar a derrubar barreiras disciplinares entre as àreas do currículo; justificar a necessidade de contemplar a sensibilização à diversidade linguística e cultural em processos de educação para o desenvolvimento sustentável; desenvolver materiais didáticos diversificados construídos numa lógica interdisciplinar, reconhecidos pela professora como inovadores e importantes para aprendizagens significativas e contextualizadas; transformar atitudes do(a)s aluno(a)s face à diversidade e à sustentabilidade, na preparação para uma cidadania planetária; e desenvolver no(a)s aluno(a)s uma consciência sistémica evidenciada na capacidade de relacionamento do global e do local em temas de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Este estudo apresenta um conjunto de argumentos para a integração do tratamento da diversidade linguística e cultural no quadro de uma educação para um futuro mais sustentável nos primeiros anos de escolaridade, pela consideração de quatro grandes preocupações educativas: educar para compreender o mundo, educar para agir no mundo; educar para conviver com os outros e educar para o nunca-mais.


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Le contexte contemporain est marqué dans la sphère politique par la multiplication des paliers de régulation. Une nouvelle structure de gestion des affaires publiques a émergé, caractérisée par la superposition, ou plutôt l’enchevêtrement, des institutions nationales, des entités infra-étatiques et des organisations supranationales (à caractère régional et international). L’État, tout en conservant un rôle privilégié, ne détient plus le monopole de la production de politiques ; la sphère nationale n’est plus le seul locus de la vie politique. De telles dynamiques de changement n’ont pas laissé inchangés les contours de la citoyenneté, élément central de la régulation du politique. Les années 90 ont ainsi vu émerger une prolifération d’analyses concernant la dimension de plus en plus post/trans/supra-nationale, voire globale, de la citoyenneté ; selon ces travaux, le locus de la citoyenneté est de moins en moins national et de plus en plus supranational. La thèse cherche à dépasser cette problématique du locus à partir d’une conception multiple et dynamique de la citoyenneté ; celle-ci est considérée comme une construction dont les contours mouvants évoluent dans le temps et l’espace. Les individus ne sont pas citoyens « par nature » ; ils le deviennent à travers un processus de « citoyennisation », au fur et à mesure que des entités politiques se constituent et se consolident. Les structures institutionnelles et les politiques publiques progressivement mises en place au sein des entités politiques supranationales créent des liens de citoyenneté avec les individus, et la nature de ces liens se transforme au fur et à mesure que les structures institutionnelles et politiques changent. C’est une analyse contextualisée de ces processus de « citoyennisation » en cours au niveau supranational que propose la thèse. Dans cette perspective, elle s’interroge sur la signification des développements récents qui ont marqué l’Union européenne et l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour la construction d’une citoyenneté supranationale. Piliers importants de la structure de régulation multi-niveaux caractérisant la sphère politique contemporaine, ces deux entités se sont ces dernières années engagées dans un processus de réformes institutionnelles profondes. En s’appuyant notamment sur les concepts de « régime de citoyenneté » et de « gouvernance » et un cadre théorique institutionnaliste, la thèse propose une analyse de l’impact des changements institutionnels en cours au sein des Nations Unies et de l’Union européenne en termes de citoyennisation.


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De allí, que sea necesario analizar por qué las enfermedades infecciosas pueden constituir una amenaza a la seguridad desde un concepto más amplio como lo es el de la seguridad humana. Esta perspectiva permite ir más allá de la amenaza pura del bioterrorismo para dar cabida a los riesgos naturales