1000 resultados para Gestores escolares
Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper is a sampling of an extensive research which analyzed and assessed the Distance Learning Program for Qualification of School Managers (Progestão) carried out in three schools, which preserved the same management team during the program. Progestão provided continuing and inservice development for public school managers by means of distance and presential types of learning. This paper deals with the concept of democratic management understood by the proponents of Progestão, the training team (trainers and multipliers), and the managers assisting the course (principals, vice principals, and pedagogical supervisors). Three issues that check the understanding of the democratic management concept were analyzed, as well as how those participants implement it in schools. The research is based on the qualitative approach, which has an evaluating character. It discusses the profile assigned to school management since the amendment of the State and the passing of the Law of Policies and Principles of Education (LDB)/96, besides pointing out the difficulties to support democratic management dissociated from other school practices.
The paper presents the results of a doctoral dissertation that covered the analysis of knowledge involving the everyday teaching and administrative practices of school managers who worked with the proposed construction of a citywide system of inclusive e ducation, while an educational policy. The aim was to follow the school management towards the proposed inclusive educationin three elementary schools in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. The data were collected at the earlier school, a middle-aged one and another recently opened. The stages of the study were: 1) review of literature on: a) qualitative ethnographic research applied to education, b) principles of autonomy, planning, decentralization, c) the education of the school manager and d) relationship between school management and inclusive school; 2) data collection in schools, 3) description and categorization of data and 4) analysis and interpretation of results. To develop the methodology were used observations of the participants, semi-structured interviews, analysis of official documents of the school (internal and external). It was concluded that there is a lack of political-pedagogical project collectively built, a difficulty in developing coordinated actions aimed at the realitiy, problems in interpersonal relationships; a gap gulf between the proposed policy, the discourse about it and the daily practice. The school management is responsible for the construction of an inclusive school, but in the reality studied it was directed at administrative issues at the expense of the pedagogic ones.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This research aimed to recognize similarities and differences in the configuration of cases of teachers of Physical Education characterized by dereliction of teaching. This study tried to understand how members of the school community, especially managers, see (if they do) the teaching practices of two teachers with similar teaching propositions in the classroom, but with a different engagement with the institution.The text was constructed based on two case studies developed in 2010 in public schools in counties of northeastern states of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected based on semi-structured interviews and field diaries.The results indicate that the neglect of teaching is perceived by members of the school community only when the teacher rejects any proposition in class and does not respond to other needs of the school, and his action is not acknowledged. The teacher is not guided by the contents of the higher education of the school discipline, and still does not change the school routines and minimally contemplates the tradition. The knowledge addressed (or not) in Physical Education classes is invisible to the eyes of school administrators
This research aimed to recognize similarities and differences in the configuration of cases of teachers of Physical Education characterized by dereliction of teaching. This study tried to understand how members of the school community, especially managers, see (if they do) the teaching practices of two teachers with similar teaching propositions in the classroom, but with a different engagement with the institution.The text was constructed based on two case studies developed in 2010 in public schools in counties of northeastern states of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected based on semi-structured interviews and field diaries.The results indicate that the neglect of teaching is perceived by members of the school community only when the teacher rejects any proposition in class and does not respond to other needs of the school, and his action is not acknowledged. The teacher is not guided by the contents of the higher education of the school discipline, and still does not change the school routines and minimally contemplates the tradition. The knowledge addressed (or not) in Physical Education classes is invisible to the eyes of school administrators
This research aimed to recognize similarities and differences in the configuration of cases of teachers of Physical Education characterized by dereliction of teaching. This study tried to understand how members of the school community, especially managers, see (if they do) the teaching practices of two teachers with similar teaching propositions in the classroom, but with a different engagement with the institution.The text was constructed based on two case studies developed in 2010 in public schools in counties of northeastern states of Rio Grande do Sul. Data were collected based on semi-structured interviews and field diaries.The results indicate that the neglect of teaching is perceived by members of the school community only when the teacher rejects any proposition in class and does not respond to other needs of the school, and his action is not acknowledged. The teacher is not guided by the contents of the higher education of the school discipline, and still does not change the school routines and minimally contemplates the tradition. The knowledge addressed (or not) in Physical Education classes is invisible to the eyes of school administrators
Este trabalho tem por objetivo levantar e analisar algumas concepções sobre a avaliação escolar em Matemática e sobre a Avaliação em Matemática do Sistema de Avaliação de Rendimento Escolar do Estado de São Paulo (SARESP), procurando desvendar a realidade que é encontrada nas escolas paulistas referente à avaliação dessa disciplina. O intuito é verificar os pontos de vista dos alunos, professores, gestores escolares, família e especialistas para articular uma organização escolar que desenvolva um processo permanente de construção do conhecimento. Para verificar quais as concepções referentes às avaliações já citadas foram adotadas entrevistas, questionários e desenhos realizados pelos alunos, mostrando o que pensam sobre as avaliações previamente aplicadas. As entrevistas somente foram aplicadas aos discentes, pois seus depoimentos são fundamentais para a pesquisa. Para a concretização destas entrevistas foi solicitado aos alunos à produção de desenhos que representassem o que são as avaliações já mencionadas anteriormente. Levantamos uma grande quantidade de informações a partir desses depoimentos e desenhos sobre as avaliações pesquisadas, a opinião que possuem sobre a escola, seus professores de Matemática, de como são ministradas as aulas e também sobre a forma de avaliar dos professores. Os questionários foram dirigidos ao corpo docente de Matemática, diretor, vice-diretor, professor coordenador, supervisor de ensino, família e especialistas em Educação, Psicologia da Educação e Matemática para verificar também sua concepção sobre avaliação escolar em Matemática e sobre a prova de Matemática do SARESP, que fazem parte fundamental de todo o processo de avaliação, pois, direta ou indiretamente, estão ligados a ela e são responsáveis pelos seus resultados. Na análise dos dados obtidos foram destacados, nos depoimentos dos questionários e das entrevistas, as,unidades significativas referentes aos processos de avaliações pesquisadas, para com isso analisarmos e verificarmos quais são as opiniões e fatos que podem ajudar ou atrapalhar todo o processo de Avaliação em Matemática, tanto o escolar quanto o de grande escala como o SARESP. Também foram analisados o que os alunos representaram na produção dos desenhos. As imagens adquiridas demonstraram muitas informações sobre o que os discentes pensam sobre a Avaliação em Matemática ao desenhar monstros, corações, números e até mesmo pontos de exclamação e de interrogação. Este estudo foi desenvolvido em uma escola pública da rede Estadual de ensino do Estado de São Paulo. Essa pesquisa investiga o que realmente está acontecendo em todo o processo de Avaliação em Matemática, possibilitando identificar no que cada sujeito envolvido neste processo pode contribuir ou atrapalhar para sua concretização, evidenciando assim áreas críticas efavoráveis sobre a tão temida e polêmica Avaliação em Matemática.
É significativo o número de alunos brasileiros que apresentam, em maior ou menor grau, problemas relacionados com a escrita, independentemente do seu ano de escolaridade ou formação. Dentro das salas de aulas essa é uma realidade que todos nós conhecemos. E por conhecer essa realidade é que reconhecemos que isto influencia de uma forma negativa a formação de nossos estudantes. Na verdade, se estas dificuldades não forem detetadas atempadamente, os custos serão enormes, quer em termos pessoais quer em termos sociais, já que essas dificuldades tendem a se manter na vida adulta. O papel do professor assume-se, deste modo, fundamental na identificação precoce destes casos e na adequação do processo de ensino-aprendizagem na senda do sucesso escolar. No entanto, não raras vezes o seu trabalho é dificultado ou pelo desconhecimento da problemática em questão ou pela falta de uma política educativa que, a nível dos gestores escolares, permita potenciar a sua atividade de docente. É neste contexto que surge o presente trabalho que tem por objetivo analisar as conceções e as práticas pedagógicas na área da disortografia. Para tanto, abordaremos o conceito de disortografia e suas implicações na leitura e escrita, com ênfase no último aspecto, já que a dificuldade se dá justamente na grafia. No sentido de melhor compreender a realidade de algumas escolas do ensino fundamental e médio do Brasil, foi conduzido um estudo exploratório, com recurso à técnica do questionário, tendo sido inquiridos 31 professores e 11 gestores de escolas públicas e privadas. Os resultados evidenciaram, entre outros aspetos, algum desconhecimento sobre disortografia bem como algumas divergências entre estes dois agentes educativos quanto às características desta perturbação e quanto às melhores estratégias e medidas educativas para crianças com este diagnóstico. Com base nestes resultados é proposto um esboço de um programa de intervenção junto da comunidade educativa.
This work was originated through the results of the analysis of the services for the needs of people with disabilities that were permitted by the physical space of two schools of the municipality of Natal/RN. The general objective/goal was to subsidize the elaboration of alternatives for the planning of environments that could be used by any person. The study used the empirical research through the adoption of a multimethod approach including: (i) technical visits oriented by the NBR 9050, (ii) contact with users that have reduced mobility (visually impaired and wheelchair or crutch users) through escorted travels and interviews, and (iii) interview with school managers. The evidence from the research, even though with significant development of laws that guarantee people with disabilities their right to citizenship, the physical environment of our schools still present with many obstacles that prevent the mobility of people with disabilities which proves their lack of readiness to accommodate them. Therefore, the actions taken to address the accessibility has been the adoption of temporary solutions that makes the adaptation more difficult, adds obstacles and reinforces the undesirable segregation, however still very present in our society. Finally, there is the indication that in order to achieve the spatial configuration that promotes social contact and integration in between the persons with different physical status, it is necessary to completely comprehend the activities developed in each space, from the conception of the equipment to the individual learning needs, having in mind creating environments that stimulates the execution of the tasks in an independent manner without the assistance of others. The inclusion regarding attention to accessibility in the decision making process, directed to the arquitectural and urban project, would decrease the constant need to redevelop and adapt spaces, and should be definitely incorporated as an important component in the production of space
This work was originated through the results of the analysis of the services for the needs of people with disabilities that were permitted by the physical space of two schools of the municipality of Natal/RN. The general objective/goal was to subsidize the elaboration of alternatives for the planning of environments that could be used by any person. The study used the empirical research through the adoption of a multimethod approach including: (i) technical visits oriented by the NBR 9050, (ii) contact with users that have reduced mobility (visually impaired and wheelchair or crutch users) through escorted travels and interviews, and (iii) interview with school managers. The evidence from the research, even though with significant development of laws that guarantee people with disabilities their right to citizenship, the physical environment of our schools still present with many obstacles that prevent the mobility of people with disabilities which proves their lack of readiness to accommodate them. Therefore, the actions taken to address the accessibility has been the adoption of temporary solutions that makes the adaptation more difficult, adds obstacles and reinforces the undesirable segregation, however still very present in our society. Finally, there is the indication that in order to achieve the spatial configuration that promotes social contact and integration in between the persons with different physical status, it is necessary to completely comprehend the activities developed in each space, from the conception of the equipment to the individual learning needs, having in mind creating environments that stimulates the execution of the tasks in an independent manner without the assistance of others. The inclusion regarding attention to accessibility in the decision making process, directed to the arquitectural and urban project, would decrease the constant need to redevelop and adapt spaces, and should be definitely incorporated as an important component in the production of space
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Partiendo de que existe un crónico déficit de escuelas ¿Quién las construye en España? Puede afirmarse que la escuela pública o nacional nace en nuestro país con las Cortes de Cádiz, y vinculada al municipio como una institución local, por lo tanto. Es obligatoria una escuela de primeras letras en cuantos pueblos puedan sostenerla, debiendo, cuando no pudieran, agruparse y acudiendo en última instancia a la ayuda de la Diputación. Así, con su desvinculación inicial del estado y su correlativo prohijamiento municipal, el destino de la escuela va a ser, ante todo desigual, al quedar ligado al destino de cada municipio, no identificable con las posibilidades del mismo, ya que en muchos casos, los ayuntamientos gestores, representantes de en cada caso de la comunidad local, no sabrán o querrán hacer causa común con dichas posibilidades. 1920 marca el fin del monopolio municipal y de la paralela abstención estatal en la construcción de escuelas. El primer plan de construcción se debe al quinquenio republicano. La República propuso la construcción de 27.000 escuelas, pero realizó, dadas las dificultades, bastantes 15.000. Con el nuevo régimen (1939-1951) no se construyen no sólo por falta de medios sino también por razones doctrinales o ideológicas. La primera y única norma sobre construcciones con rango de ley es de 1953, vigente hasta hoy. El rasgo más acusado es su carácter descentralizador, pero no totalmente. En 1965 se habilitan 25 millones de pesetas para construcciones escolares. Este respaldo económico fue el que faltó a la ley del 53 que llegó con esta ley y la creación de la Junta Central de Construcciones Escolares. Tras la ley del 56, los planes se sucederán y empalman con el primer Plan de desarrollo (1964-67) y a partir de este, los planes se sucederán sin solución de continuidad, hasta hoy, enmarcados nominalmente en los planes de desarrollo y confiada su ejecución al mismo organismo autónomo: la Junta de Construcciones. La situación actual arranca de 1974, cuyos propósitos son: erradicar definitivamente el crónico déficit de construcciones escolares, amplia descentralización y por primera vez en el curso 1974-75 toda la demanda de puestos escolares ha podido ser atendida y si el problema de puestos suficientes está saldado, subsiste el de que muchos puestos no son idóneos y no aseguran una correcta impartición de la enseñanza primaria.