993 resultados para Genette, Gérard, 1930- -- Influence


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La tesis refiere ya en su título, "Modelos y prácticas de la ciudadanía en Uruguay. (1890-1930) La matriz 'uruguayo-batllista'", una firme prioridad temática y un principio de interpretación histórica. Como se advierte a lo largo de todas las Secciones de la tesis, el foco temático orientado al estudio del tema de la ciudadanía es proyectado, en forma totalmente conciente y deliberada, de una manera amplia y flexible. De ello da cuenta en forma extensa la Sección I, dedicada a la fundamentación de los aspectos más teórico-metodológicos y a la anticipación de algunas hipótesis generales y modalidades de abordaje. En lo que refiere al principio de interpretación que ya se asienta en el propio título de la tesis, la referencia a una "matriz uruguayo-batllista" se vincula al señalamiento del triunfo ideológico de todo un concepto de ciudadanía, que se asociaría muy fuertemente con la idea de nación prevaleciente entre los uruguayos de la época y que desde allí alcanzaría una influencia perdurable sobre el futuro de la historia del país. Sin pecar de "batllicentrismo", tentación recurrente en la historiografía uruguaya, en la tesis se advierte el rol principal que en esa construcción de ciudadanía le correspondió al primer batllismo, aunque dentro de un complejo contexto de contestaciones, conflictos, transferencias y negociaciones de muy diversa índole, sin lo cual ese protagonismo registrado no puede entenderse debidamente. Tres son los andariveles analíticos a través de los cuales se trabaja, con la interpelación de múltiples preguntas y el cotejo de una documentación plural de amplio espectro. Ellas son por su orden de presentación: i) la dimensión político-institucional de la ciudadanía; ii) las relaciones entre religión y política; iii) los pleitos por la moral. Como se ha señalado en el proyecto originario de la tesis, el marco cronológico de la investigación abarca el período 1890-1930, con especial énfasis en ese momento decisivo que va entre el 900, las celebraciones del Centenario y la quiebra institucional promovida por el Presidente de Terra en marzo de 1933. En la Sección V, luego de dos capítulos orientados a incorporar algunas visiones sugerentes y coloridas sobre aquel Uruguay de comienzos del siglo XX, a modo de telón de fondo argumentativo, se pasa finalmente a realizar una recapitulación general, que recoge las principales hipótesis, interpretaciones y reflexiones a las que se llega en la investigación, con unos tramos finales dedicados al análisis de ciertos rasgos específicos del primer batllismo que fundarían su influencia persistente en la historia uruguaya posterior. Finalmente, la Sección VI, recoge los anexos correspondientes a la Bibliografía general utilizada y a la reseña breve de las fuentes y documentación relevadas en el marco de la investigación. Como allí se advierte, por razones de espacio, en ambos anexos no se registra la totalidad de la bibliografía y de la documentación utilizadas, las que aparecen referidas con todo detalle en las citas correspondientes.


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"From the Smithsonian report for 1895."


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The exponential growth of studies on the biological response to ocean acidification over the last few decades has generated a large amount of data. To facilitate data comparison, a data compilation hosted at the data publisher PANGAEA was initiated in 2008 and is updated on a regular basis (doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.149999). By January 2015, a total of 581 data sets (over 4 000 000 data points) from 539 papers had been archived. Here we present the developments of this data compilation five years since its first description by Nisumaa et al. (2010). Most of study sites from which data archived are still in the Northern Hemisphere and the number of archived data from studies from the Southern Hemisphere and polar oceans are still relatively low. Data from 60 studies that investigated the response of a mix of organisms or natural communities were all added after 2010, indicating a welcomed shift from the study of individual organisms to communities and ecosystems. The initial imbalance of considerably more data archived on calcification and primary production than on other processes has improved. There is also a clear tendency towards more data archived from multifactorial studies after 2010. For easier and more effective access to ocean acidification data, the ocean acidification community is strongly encouraged to contribute to the data archiving effort, and help develop standard vocabularies describing the variables and define best practices for archiving ocean acidification data.


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In the first third of the 20th century, Spain entered into modernity thanks to the positive state of its economic, cultural and social domains after the First World War. The objective of this article is to understand the role of artistic advertisements in the transformation of Spanish society that occurred during the decade of the ‘20s. My study of the illustrated magazine La Esfera has revealed that illustrated advertisements spread fashion, fostered sports and outdoors life, created the habit of smoking among women and had an educational influence that was powerful enough to change hygienic practices among children.


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Depuis une décennie, on a remarqué que le zèle déployé par les enseignants diminuait et constaté plus de passivité chez ceux-ci. Les enseignants sont difficilement motivables et leur implication dans le système a ralenti. Une bonne majorité y semble totalement indifférente. Un ensemble de faits, de circonstances, de gestes posés, d'éléments, a amené une certaine dévalorisation des enseignants. Il faut souligner parmi ceux-ci : les nombreux changements pédagogiques, l'augmentation du nombre d'élèves par groupe ou du nombre de groupes d'élèves, le manque de ressources spécialisées, un minutage excessif, l'intégration des enfants en difficultés, sans oublier ce "burnout" qui s'est installé dans notre milieu. Depuis quelques années, on lui dicte continuellement des lignes de conduite, lui demandant tantôt de virer à gauche, tantôt de tourner à droite. On le pousse constamment à relever de nouveaux défis sans s'assurer s'il a déjà eu le temps d'assimiler les changements précédents. Il est devenu un meuble, un outil, un numéro qu'on déplace à sa guise sur l'échiquier de façon à réaliser les objectifs de l'organisation, de l'école. Et on se pose aujourd'hui la question à savoir le pourquoi de cette indifférence des enseignants envers l'organisation, l'école. Pourquoi les enseignants de cette dernière décennie sont-ils si réticents aux changements, aux nouvelles méthodes, aux nouvelles idées? Pourquoi la résistance dans plusieurs endroits empêchent-elles les forces motrices de faire en sorte que le changement désiré se réalise? [...]


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Fluxes of nutrients (NH sub(4) super(+), NO sub(3) super(-), PO sub(4) super(3-) and Si(OH) sub(4)) were studied on an intertidal mudflat in Marennes-Oleron Bay, France, at two different seasons and at different times of the emersion period. Fluxes through the sediment-water interface were both calculated from vertical profiles of nutrient concentration in pore-water (diffusive fluxes, JD) and measured in light and dark benthic mini-chambers (measured fluxes, J sub(0)). Results indicate that ammonia was mainly released in summer while nitrate was mainly taken up in late winter. This uptake from the overlying water was probably due to the coupling of nitrification-denitrification within the sediment. The J sub(0) /J sub(D) ratio further indicates that bioturbation likely enhanced ammonia release in summer. Concerning phosphate, the comparison of diffusive and measured fluxes suggests that PO sub(4) super(3-) could be assimilated by the biofilm in winter while it was released in summer at a high rate due to both bioturbation and desorption because of the relative summer anoxic conditions. Silica was always released by the sediment, but at a higher rate in summer. Statistically significant differences in measured fluxes were detected in dark chambers at different times of low tide, thus suggesting a short-term variability of fluxes. Microphytobenthos preferred ammonia to nitrate, but assimilated nitrate when ammonia was not available. It also turned out that benthic cells could be limited in nitrogen during low tide in late winter. In summer, ammonia was not limiting and microphytobenthic activity significantly decreased the measured flux of NH sub(4) super(+) in the middle of low tide when its photosynthetic capacity was highest.


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Gary, Indiana is a city with indelible ties to industrial paternalism. Founded in 1906 by United States Steel Corporation to house workers of the trust’s showpiece mill, the emergence of this model company town was both the culmination of lessons learned from its predecessors’ mistakes and innovative corporate planning. U.S. Steel’s Progressive Era adaptation of welfare capitalism characterized the young city through a combination of direct community involvement and laissez-faire social control. This thesis examines the reactionary implementation of paternalist policies in Gary between 1906 and 1930 through the purviews of three elements under corporate influence: housing, education, and social welfare. Each category demonstrates how both the corporation and citizenry affected and adapted Gary’s physical and cultural landscape, public perceptions, and community identity. Parallel to the popular narrative throughout is that of Gary’s African-American community, and the controversial circumstances of this population’s segregated development.


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Fleck and Johnson (Int. J. Mech. Sci. 29 (1987) 507) and Fleck et al. (Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. 206 (1992) 119) have developed foil rolling models which allow for large deformations in the roll profile, including the possibility that the rolls flatten completely. However, these models require computationally expensive iterative solution techniques. A new approach to the approximate solution of the Fleck et al. (1992) Influence Function Model has been developed using both analytic and approximation techniques. The numerical difficulties arising from solving an integral equation in the flattened region have been reduced by applying an Inverse Hilbert Transform to get an analytic expression for the pressure. The method described in this paper is applicable to cases where there is or there is not a flat region.


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Microclimate and host plant architecture significantly influence the abundance and behavior of insects. However, most research in this field has focused at the invertebrate assemblage level, with few studies at the single-species level. Using wild Solanum mauritianum plants, we evaluated the influence of plant structure (number of leaves and branches and height of plant) and microclimate (temperature, relative humidity, and light intensity) on the abundance and behavior of a single insect species, the monophagous tephritid fly Bactrocera cacuminata (Hering). Abundance and oviposition behavior were signficantly influenced by the host structure (density of foliage) and associated microclimate. Resting behavior of both sexes was influenced positively by foliage density, while temperature positively influenced the numbers of resting females. The number of ovipositing females was positively influenced by temperature and negatively by relative humidity. Feeding behavior was rare on the host plant, as was mating. The relatively low explanatory power of the measured variables suggests that, in addition to host plant architecture and associated microclimate, other cues (e.g., olfactory or visual) could affect visitation and use of the larval host plant by adult fruit flies. For 12 plants observed at dusk (the time of fly mating), mating pairs were observed on only one tree. Principal component analyses of the plant and microclimate factors associated with these plants revealed that the plant on which mating was observed had specific characteristics (intermediate light intensity, greater height, and greater quantity of fruit) that may have influenced its selection as a mating site.