993 resultados para GAMMA-RAYS


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The measurement of void fraction is of importance to the oil industry and chemical industry. In this article, the principle and mathematical method of determining the void fraction of horizontal gas-liquid flow by using a single-energy gamma-ray system is described. The gamma-ray source is the radioactive isotope of Am-241 with gamma-ray energy of 59.5 keV. The time-averaged value of the void fraction in a 50.0-mm i.d. transparent horizontal pipeline is measured under various combinations of the liquid flow and gas flow. It is found that increasing the gas flow rate at a fixed liquid flow rate would increase the void fraction. Test data are compared with the predictions of the correlations and a good agreement is found. The result shows that the designed gamma-ray system can be used for measuring the void fraction in a horizontal gas-liquid two-phase flow with high accuracy.


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Blazars are active galaxies with a jet closely oriented to our line of sight. They are powerful, variable emitters from radio to gamma-ray wavelengths. Although the general picture of synchrotron emission at low energies and inverse Compton at high energies is well established, important aspects of blazars are not well understood. In particular, the location of the gamma-ray emission region is not clearly established, with some theories favoring a location close to the central engine, while others place it at parsec scales in the radio jet.

We developed a program to locate the gamma-ray emission site in blazars, through the study of correlated variations between their gamma-ray and radio-wave emission. Correlated variations are expected when there is a relation between emission processes at both bands, while delays tell us about the relative location of their energy generation zones. Monitoring at 15 GHz using the Owens Valley Radio Observatory 40 meter telescope started in mid-2007. The program monitors 1593 blazars twice per week, including all blazars detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi) north of -20 degrees declination. This program complements the continuous monitoring of gamma-rays by Fermi.

Three year long gamma-ray light curves for bright Fermi blazars are cross-correlated with four years of radio monitoring. The significance of cross-correlation peaks is investigated using simulations that account for the uneven sampling and noise properties of the light curves, which are modeled as red-noise processes with a simple power-law power spectral density. We found that out of 86 sources with high quality data, only three show significant correlations (AO 0235+164, B2 2308+34 and PKS 1502+106). Additionally, we find a significant correlation for Mrk 421 when including the strong gamma-ray/radio flare of late 2012. In all four cases radio variations lag gamma-ray variations, suggesting that the gamma-ray emission originates upstream of the radio emission. For PKS 1502+106 we locate the gamma-ray emission site parsecs away from the central engine, thus disfavoring the model of Blandford and Levinson (1995), while other cases are inconclusive. These findings show that continuous monitoring over long time periods is required to understand the cross-correlation between gamma-ray and radio-wave variability in most blazars.


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Energies and relative intensities of gamma transitions in 152Sm, 152Gd, 154Gd, 166Er, and 232U following radioactive decay have been measured with a Ge(Li) spectrometer. A peak fitting program has been developed to determine gamma ray energies and relative intensities with precision sufficient to give a meaningful test of nuclear models. Several previously unobserved gamma rays were placed in the nuclear level schemes. Particular attention has been paid to transitions from the beta and gamma vibrational bands, since the gamma ray branching ratios are sensitive tests of configuration mixing in the nuclear levels. As the reduced branching ratios depend on the multipolarity of the gamma transitions, experiments were performed to measure multipole mixing ratios for transitions from the gamma vibrational band. In 154Gd, angular correlation experiments showed that transitions from the gamma band to the ground state band were predominantly electric quadrupole, in agreement with the rotational model. In 232U, the internal conversion spectrum has been studied with a Si(Li) spectrometer constructed for electron spectroscopy. The strength of electric monopole transitions and the multipolarity of some gamma transitions have been determined from the measured relative electron intensities.

The results of the experiments have been compared with the rotational model and several microscopic models. Relative B(E2) strengths for transitions from the gamma band in 232U and 166Er are in good agreement with a single parameter band mixing model, with values of z2= 0.025(10) and 0.046(2), respectively. Neither the beta nor the gamma band transition strengths in 152Sm and 154Gd can be accounted for by a single parameter theory, nor can agreement be found by considering the large mixing found between the beta and gamma bands. The relative B(E2) strength for transitions from the gamma band to the beta band in 232U is found to be five times greater than the strength to the ground state band, indicating collective transitions with strength approximately 15 single particle units.


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Gamma-rays radiation effects on Ce:YAG crystals grown by Czochralski (Cz) and temperature gradient techniques (TGT) have been studied by means of optical absorption and luminescence spectra. Valence of Ce3+ ion changes during the gamma-ray irradiation process and this result indicates Ce4+ ion may exist in both Cz-Ce:YAG and TGT-Ce:YAG crystals. Thermally stimulated luminescence measurements reveal intense thermoluminescence peaks in gamma-irradiated Ce:YAG crystals and trap parameters were calculated by general-order kinetics expression. (C) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the performance of a EXOGAM-Segmented-Clover with 16 segments as a Compton polarimeter to measure the linear polarization of gamma rays. The polarization sensitivity of the Clover detector has been measured at the energy of 1332keV through the coincidence measurements of cascade gamma-rays from Co-60. Experimental values were in good accord with our expectation.We have investigated the performance of a EXOGAM-Segmented-Clover with 16 segments as a Compton polarimeter to measure the linear polarization of gamma rays. The polarization sensitivity of the Clover detector has been measured at the energy of 1332keV through the coincidence measurements of cascade gamma-rays from Co-60. Experimental values were in good accord with our expectation.


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A high detection efficiency calorimeter which is used to detect gamma-rays with energies from 1 MeV up to 10 MeV as well as light charged particles has been proposed. Design of the geometry, results of the crystal tests and Monte Carlo simulations are presented in this paper. The simulation results confirm that the calorimeter can obtain high detection efficiency and good energy resolution with the current designed geometry. And the calorimeter is competent for the future External Target Facility (ETIF) experiments.


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of gamma-ray radiation on the physiological, morphological characters and chromosome aberrations of minitubers. Materials and methods: Minitubers of one potato cultivar, 'Shepody', were irradiated with 8 doses of gamma-rays (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 Gy [Gray]) to investigate the effects of radiation on emergence ability, plant height and root length, morphological variations, chromosome aberrations, M-1 (first generation mutants) tuber number and size of minituber plants. Results: Compared with the non-irradiated controls, the whole period of emergence was prolonged by 10-15 days for minitubers treated with gamma-ray radiation, but low doses of radiation (10, 20 and 30 Gy) promoted the emergence percentage of minitubers. With an increase in radiation dose, the emergence percentage, plant height and root length of minituber plants were significantly inhibited at 40 and 50 Gy. No emergence occurred at 60 Gy and higher doses. After radiation, a series of morphological variations and chromosome aberrations appeared in minituber plants. Radiation with 20 Gy promoted tuber formation, and the average number and diameter of M-1 tubers per plant were significantly increased over the control by 71% and 34%, respectively. Conclusion: Low doses of radiation (10-30 Gy) might be used as a valuable parameter to study the improvement of minitubers by gamma-ray radiation treatment.


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We report the observation with the North Alabama Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) related to a terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF) detected by RHESSI on 26 July 2008. The LMA data explicitly show the TGF was produced during the initial development of a compact intracloud (IC) lightning flash between a negative charge region centered at about 8.5 km above sea level (-22C temperature level) a higher positive region centered at 13 km, both confined to the convective core of an isolated storm in close proximity to the RHESSI footprint. After the occurrence of an LMA source with a high peak power (26 kW), the initial lightning evolution caused an unusually large IC current moment that became detectable 2 ms after the first LMA source and increased for another 2 ms, during which the burst of gamma-rays was produced. This slowly building current moment was most likely associated with the upward leader progression, which produced an uncommonly large IC charge moment change (+90 Ckm) in 3 ms while being punctuated by a sequence of fast discharge. These observations suggest that the leader development may be involved in the TGF production. Copyright © 2010 by the American Geophysical Union.


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The application of high intensity laser-produced gamma rays is discussed with regard to picosecond resolution deep-penetration radiography. The spectrum and angular distribution of these gamma rays is measured using an array of thermoluminescent detectors for both an underdense (gas) target and an overdense (solid) target. It is found that the use of an underdense target in a laser plasma accelerator configuration produces a much more intense and directional source. The peak dose is also increased significantly. Radiography is demonstrated in these experiments and the source size is also estimated. (C) 2002 American Institute of Physics.


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A controlled study was undertaken to assess the effect of gamma irradiation on post-traumatic intraocular cellular proliferation. A standard perforating injury in the posterior segment of the rabbit eye was used to induce intraocular cellular proliferation and vitreo-retinal membrane formation. The site of injury was irradiated with an ophthalmic Cobalt60 applicator which provided a continuous source of gamma rays. Non-irradiated eyes developed traction retinal detachments associated with post-traumatic vitreo-retinal membranes. Irradiated eyes developed attenuated membranes or atrophic retinal scars, with the retina remaining attached. The membranes in non-irradiated eyes were highly cellular with abundant collagen, while irradiated membranes had fewer cells within a sparse collagen matrix. The episcleral fibroblasts, on autoradiographic studies appeared to be the main source of the cells that formed the proliferating tissue in both non-irradiated and irradiated eyes. In irradiated eyes both the inflammatory response and division of fibroblasts were delayed and reduced.


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A novel design for a compact gamma-ray spectrometer is presented. The proposed system allows for spectroscopy of high-flux multi-MeV gamma-ray beams with MeV energy resolution in a compact design. In its basic configuration, the spectrometer exploits conversion of gamma-rays into electrons via Compton scattering in a low-Z material. The scattered electron population is then spectrally resolved using a magnetic spectrometer. The detector is shown to be effective for gamma-ray energies between 3 and 20 MeV. The main properties of the spectrometer are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations.


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Context. Although the question of progenitor systems and detailed explosion mechanisms still remains a matter of discussion, it is commonly believed that Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are production sites of large amounts of radioactive nuclei. Even though the gamma-ray emission due to radioactive decays is responsible for powering the light curves of SNe Ia, gamma rays themselves are of particular interest as a diagnostic tool because they directly lead to deeper insight into the nucleosynthesis and the kinematics of these explosion events. Aims: We study the evolution of gamma-ray line and continuum emission of SNe Ia with the objective of analyzing the relevance of observations in this energy range. We seek to investigate the chances for the success of future MeV missions regarding their capabilities for constraining the intrinsic properties and the physical processes of SNe Ia. Methods: Focusing on two of the most broadly discussed SN Ia progenitor scenarios - a delayed detonation in a Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarf (WD) and a violent merger of two WDs - we used three-dimensional explosion models and performed radiative transfer simulations to obtain synthetic gamma-ray spectra. Both chosen models produce the same mass of 56Ni and have similar optical properties that are in reasonable agreement with the recently observed supernova SN 2011fe. We examine the gamma-ray spectra with respect to their distinct features and draw connections to certain characteristics of the explosion models. Applying diagnostics, such as line and hardness ratios, the detection prospects for future gamma-ray missions with higher sensitivities in the MeV energy range are discussed. Results: In contrast to the optical regime, the gamma-ray emission of our two chosen models proves to be quite different. The almost direct connection of the emission of gamma rays to fundamental physical processes occurring in SNe Ia permits additional constraints concerning several explosion model properties that are not easily accessible within other wavelength ranges. Proposed future MeV missions such as GRIPS will resolve all spectral details only for nearby SNe Ia, but hardness ratio and light curve measurements still allow for a distinction of the two different models at 10 Mpc and 16 Mpc for an exposure time of 106 s. The possibility of detecting the strongest line features up to the Virgo distance will offer the opportunity to build up a first sample of SN Ia detections in the gamma-ray energy range and underlines the importance of future space observatories for MeV gamma rays.


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Young soybean plants (Glycine ~. L. cultivar Harosoy '63), grown under controlled conditions, were exposed to gamma radiation on a single occasion. One hour following exposure to 3,750 rads, the mature trifoliate leaf of the soybean plant was isolated in a closed system and permitted to photoassimilate approximately 1-5 pCi of 14C02 for 15 minutes. After an additional 45 minute-period, the plant was sacrificed and the magnitude of translocation and distribution pattern of 14C determined. In the non-irradiated plants 18~ of the total 14C recovered was outside the fed leaf blades and of this translocated 14c, 28~ was above the node of the fed leaf, 38~ in the stem below the node, 28~ in the roots and 7~ in the petiole. As well, in the irradiated plants, a smaller per cent (6~) of the total 14 C recovered was exported out of the source leaf blades. Of this translocated 14c , a smaller per cent (20~) was found in the apical region above the node of the source leaf and a higher per cent (45~) was recovered from the stem below the node and in the petiole (11~). The per cent of exported 14 C recovered from the root was unaffected by the radiation. Replacement of the shoot apex with 20 ppm IAA immediately following irradiation, only J partially increased the magnitude of translocation but did completely restore the pattern of distribution to that observed in the non-irradiated plants. From supplementary studies showing a radiationinduced reduction of photosynthetic rates in the source leaf and a reduction of the cumulative stem and leaf lengths in the apical sink region, the observed effects of radiation on the translocation process have been correlated to damage incurred by the source and sink regions. These data suggest that the reduction in the magnitude of translocation is the result of damage to both the source and sink regions rather than the phloem conducting tissue itself, whereas the change in the pattern of translocation is probably the result of a reduced rate of 14C-assimilate movement caused by a radiation-induced decrease of sink metabolism, especially the decrease in the metabolism of the apical sink.