929 resultados para Futures of publishing
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the reasons for the lack of research attention paid to the Middle East (ME) and Africa regions. In particular, this study seeks to identify the reasons for and implications of the paucity of ME- and Africa-based studies in high-quality international journals in the marketing field with a specific focus on the challenges in conducting and publishing research on these regions. Design/methodology/approach – The authors conducted a systematic review of the literature on the ME and Africa regions to identify papers published in 23 high-quality marketing, international business, and advertising journals. This search resulted in 301 articles, among which 125 articles were based on primary or secondary data collected from a local source in those regions. The authors of these 125 articles constitute the Delphi study sample. These academics provided input in an effort to reach a consensus regarding the two proposed models of academic research in both regions. Findings – This paper differs from previous studies, where academic freedom emerged as the most important inhibitor to conducting and publishing research. The most frequently mentioned challenges in conducting research in Africa were access to data, data collection issues, diversity of the region, and lack of research support infrastructure. For the ME, the most often described challenges included validity and reliability of data, language barriers, data collection issues, and availability of a network of researchers. Editors’ and reviewers’ low interest and limited knowledge were ranked high in both regions. South Africa, Israel, and Turkey emerged as outliers, in which research barriers were less challenging than in the rest of the two regions. The authors attribute this difference to the high incidence of US-trained or US-based scholars originating from these countries. Originality/value – To the best of the knowledge, no marketing studies have discussed the problems of publishing in high-quality international journals of marketing, international business, and advertising for either region. Thus, most of the issues the authors discuss in this paper offer new insightful results while supplementing previous research on the challenges of conducting and publishing research on specific world regions.
The American book publishing industry shapes the character of American intellectual life. While the newspaper and television industries have been accused of and investigated for bias and lowering America’s intellectual standards, book publishing has gone largely unexamined by scholars. The existing studies of the publishing industry have focused on finance, procedure and history. “There are few ‘theories’ of publishing – efforts to understand the ‘whys’ as well as the ‘hows.’ Few scholarly scientists have devoted significant scholarly attention to publishing” (Altbach and Hoshino, xiii). There are many possible reasons for this lacuna. First, there is a perception that books have always been around, that they are an “old” technology and therefore they don’t appear to have had as much of an impact on our society as television and other media (which were developed quickly and suddenly) seem to have had (Altbach and Hoshino, xiv). Also, despite books’ present and past popularity, television, radio, and now the internet reach more people more easily, and are therefore more topical points of study and observation. In studying the effects of mass media on everyday American life, television and the internet may be the most logical points of study. Regarding public intellectual life however, books play a much more important role. Public intellectual life has always been associated with independent thinkers publishing their work for the masses. For this reason, this I focus on trade publishing. Trade publishing produces fiction and non-fiction works for the general reading public, as opposed to technical manuals, textbooks, and other fiction and nonfiction books targeted to small and specific audiences. Although, quantitatively speaking, “the largest part of book publishing business is embodied in that great complex of companies and activities producing educational, business, scientific, technical, and reference books and materials,” (Tebbel 1987, 439) the trade industry publishes most of the books that most people read. It is the most public segment of the industry, and the most likely place to find public intellectualism. Trade publishing is not only the most public segment of the industry, but it is also the most susceptible to corruption and lowered intellectual standards. Unlike specialty publishing, which caters to a specific, known segment of society, trade publishers must compete with countless other publications, as well as with other forms of media, for the patronage of the general public. As John Tebbel (author of a widely referenced history of the publishing industry) puts it, “The textbook, scientific, or technical book is subjected to much more rigorous scrutiny by buyers and users, and in an intensively competitive market inferior products are quickly lost" (Tebbel 1987, xiv). Since the standards for trade publishing are not nearly as specific – trade books simply need to catch the attention of a significant number of readers, they don’t have to measure up to a given level of quality – the quality of trade books is much more variable. And yet, a successful trade publication can have a much greater impact on society than the most rigorously researched and edited textbook or scholarly study.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of publication bias (acceptance of articles indicating statistically significant results). METHODS: The journals possessing the highest impact factor (2008 data) in each dental specialty were included in the study. The content of the 6 most recent issues of each journal was hand searched and research articles were classified into 4 type categories: cross-sectional, case-control, cohort, and interventional (nonrandomized clinical trials and randomized controlled trials). In total, 396 articles were included in the analysis. Descriptive statistics and univariate and multivariate logistic regression was used to examine the association between article-reported statistical significance (dependent variable) and journal impact factor and article study type subject area (independent variables). RESULTS: A statistically significant acceptance rate of positive result was found, ranging from 75% to 90%, whereas the value of impact factor was not related to publication bias among leading dental journals. Compared with other research designs, clinical intervention studies (randomized or nonrandomized) presented the highest percentage of nonsignificant findings (20%); RCTs represented 6% of the examined investigations. CONCLUSIONS: Compared with the Journal of Clinical Periodontology, all other subspecialty journals, except the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, showed significantly decreased odds of publishing an RCT, which ranged from 60% to 93% (P < .05).
This research was a complex study of the economic and socio-cultural aspects of the development of Russian private publishing in the second half of the19th and early 20th centuries, during the periods of 'war communism' and the New Economic Policy of 1917 to 1930, and during the reform of book publishing in 1986-1999. Conclusions about private book publishing in Moscow and St. Petersburg were extrapolated to Russia-wide problems of the development of this field. Svichenskaya sees her main achievement as having identified the economic and legal concepts behind the development of private book publishing over the period in question in the context of state and corporate regulation of publishing. Here the state was the main influence on its development and there was a paradox in the relations between the state authorities and private publishers, in that the latter constantly suffered from repression by the former but at the same time were dependent on state support. The research identified the administrative process of the liquidation of private publishing at the end of the 1920s and showed that its present flourishing is closely linked with the establishment of a preferential mode for the development of this sector. Private publishing now represents around 80% of domestic publishing, in terms both of the number of publishing houses and of the number of volumes published, and so plays the major role in satisfying the demand for books in Russia. Svichenskaya predicts that in the coming years private publishing will see a further concentration of growth and a tendency to monopolies and also the increasing specialisation of the publishing repertoire. She outlines a suggested concept of state management in publishing and ways to optimise this. In the transitional period of adaptation to the market regulation of publishing, these include a continuing degree of state protectionism, the creation of a favourable investment climate, privatisation of the printing companies with the aim of modernising these, and the development of coordinated corporate policies.
Open source software projects are multi-collaborative works incorporating the contributions of numerous developers who, in spite of publishing their code under a public license such as GPL, Apache or BSD, retain the copyright in their contributions. Having multiple copyright-owners can make the steering of a project difficult, if not impossible, as there is no ultimate authority able to take decisions relating to the maintenance and use of the project. This predicament can be remedied by centring the dispersed copyrights in a single authority via contributor agreements. Whether to introduce contributor agreements, and if so in which form, is a pressing question for many emerging, but also for established projects. The current paper provides an insight into the ethos of different projects and their reason for adopting or rejecting particular contributor agreements. It further examines the exact set-up of the contributor agreements used and concludes that smart drafting can blur the difference between CAAs and CLAs to a considerable extent, manoeuvring them into a legal grey area. To avoid costly litigation to test the legal enforceability of individual clauses, this paper proposes the establishment of an international committee comprised of developers, product managers and lawyers interested in finding a common terminology that may serve as a foundation for every contributor agreement
In the paper we report on the results of our experiments on the construction of the opinion ontology. Our aim is to show the benefits of publishing in the open, on the Web, the results of the opinion mining process in a structured form. On the road to achieving this, we attempt to answer the research question to what extent opinion information can be formalized in a unified way. Furthermore, as part of the evaluation, we experiment with the usage of Semantic Web technologies and show particular use cases that support our claims.
At first (1888-1889) privately published by C.J. Clark and edited by W.P.W. Phillimore. In January 1890 the British Record Society was formed for the purpose of publishing the Index library, and on May 20, 1890, its union with the Index Society was consummated. For notice of proceedings see covers, pt. 23, November 1889, p. ii, ix; pt. 24, December 1889, p. ii; pt. 28/30, April/June, 1890, p. ii, ix. For list of publications see covers, pt. 28/30, April/June, 1890, p. x; pt. 82, December 1900, p. iii, iv.
Mode of access: Internet.
The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics and publication practices of English language occupational therapy journals. An adapted version of the Survey of Editors Regarding Publishing Practices was posted to the editors of English language occupational therapy journals (n = 14) in September 2001. The response rate was 92.9% (n = 13). Journals were published on average 4.77 times per year and comprised 89% text and 10% advertising. The preferred average length of manuscripts was 20 pages using American Psychological Association format. The average acceptance rate of unsolicited manuscripts was 46.6%. All the journals were peer-reviewed publications and 80% were research oriented. The most frequently cited reasons for rejection of manuscripts were methodology problems, poorly developed idea, poorly written and data interpretation problems. The professional focus of published manuscripts was on research and the clinical foci were on paediatrics, gerontology and physical medicine. The study concludes that there are a variety of publishing opportunities available to occupational therapists. It is essential that prospective authors consult the journal guidelines for authors, including the types of manuscript accepted.
At a simple level, universities want publishing to support and further their mission to carry out research and teaching. However at a detailed level there are major differences within and between universities which mean there will be different wants and expectations of publishing. Bearing in mind these complexities, this paper examines universities' various requirements as producers, purchasers and consumers of publications. Some of the key wants of universities include impact, affordability, quality and access. The merits of the established system of subscription-based journal publishing and the emerging system of open-access publishing and dissemination are discussed in relation to universities' wants.
Background Anaemia is an important complication of trypanosomiasis. The mechanisms through which trypanosomal infection leads to anaemia are poorly defined. A number of studies have implicated inflammatory cytokines, but these data are limited and inconsistent. In this article, we reviewed the published literature on cytokines associated with Trypanosoma brucei infections and their role in the immunopathology leading to anaemia. Methodology Articles were searched in PubMed through screening of titles and abstracts with no limitation on date of publishing and study design. Articles in English were searched using keywords “African trypanosomiasis”, “sleeping sickness”, “Trypanosoma brucei”, in all possible combinations with “anaemia” and/or “cytokines”. Results Twelve articles examining cytokines and their role in trypanosomeinduced anaemia were identified out of 1095 originally retrieved from PubMed. None of the articles identified were from human-based studies. A total of eight cytokines were implicated, with four cytokines (IFN-γ, IL-10, TNF-α, IL-12) showing an association with anaemia. These articles reported that mice lacking TNF-α were able to control anaemia, and that IFN-γ was linked to severe anaemia given its capacity to suppress erythropoiesis, while IL-10 was shown to regulate IFN-γ and TNF-α, providing a balance that was associated with severity of anaemia. IFN-γ and TNF-α have also been reported to work in concert with other factors such as nitric oxide and iron in order to induce anaemia. Conclusion IFN-γ, IL-10, and TNF-α were the three major cytokines identified to be heavily involved in anaemia caused by Trypanosoma brucei infection. The anti-inflammatory cytokine, IL-10, was shown to counter the effects of proinflammatory cytokines in order to balance the severity of anaemia. The mechanism of anaemia is multifactorial and therefore requires further, more elaborate research. Data from human subjects would also shed more light.
As reformas do setor p??blico ajudaram a torn??-lo mais eficiente e eficaz, mas tamb??m geraram v??rios problemas. Tanto as reformas ao estilo do New Public Management quanto da governan??a contribu??ram para os problemas contempor??neos no ato de governar. Tais problemas t??m sido em grande parte pol??ticos, refletindo a tend??ncia de se enfatizar valores administrativos em detrimento dos valores democr??ticos. Os governos come??aram a reagir aos problemas reais e percebidos no setor p??blico desenvolvendo diversos instrumentos de ???meta-governan??a??? que podem ajudar a governar organiza????es p??blicas, mas que envolvem menos comando e controle diretos. Este artigo aborda as fun????es de governan??a contempor??neas na restaura????o da dire????o e coer??ncia nas pol??ticas e, ao mesmo tempo, no apoio ?? autonomia das organiza????es pol??ticas e no envolvimento de redes de pol??ticas no ato de governar.
Tempo fértil em alterações que transformaram a face do universo editorial em Portugal e no Brasil, os anos que decorrem entre a última metade da década de 1930 e o fim da década de 1960 constituem o período em que se assiste a uma inversão nos processos de influência tipográfica entre os dois países, com Portugal a passar de exportador para importador de livros no seu comércio com o Brasil. Este artigo pretende analisar o ponto de vista da edição portuguesa nos modos variados como os seus agentes foram representando o Brasil enquanto centro produtor e disseminador do livro, e como as mudanças suscitadas foram ocorrendo num contexto de oscilação – e tensão – entre discursos amarrados a uma época de ouro (ou imaginada como tal) que ficava relutantemente para trás e práticas de colaboração efectiva entre os universos tipográficos português e brasileiro, essencialmente suportadas na actuação de editores individuais. ABSTRACT - There was a time of many alterations that changed the face of the publishing world in Portugal and Brazil during the years spanning from the second half of the 1930’s to the end of the 1960’s. This was a period in which one could observe an inversion of publishing influences between the two countries, with Portugal shifting its role and becoming a net book importer in its trade with Brazil. This article intends to analyze the Portuguese publishing world’s point of view as their agents in different ways changed their attitudes toward Brazil as a centre of book production and diffusion. The text also sets out to understand how these transformations occurred in a context of oscillation – and tension – among discourses tied to a golden age (or imagined as such) that was reluctantly left behind, and practices of effective collaboration between the Portuguese and Brazilian publishing worlds – resulting fundamentally from the actions of individual publishers.
Localizada, desde o início das diligências explicativas para a apreender, numa matriz temática e disciplinar em que se multiplicam os cruzamentos, a edição de livros foi sendo construída como objeto para cuja captura e definição convergiu e converge sinuosamente um feixe de tradições e perspectivas, tanto na sociologia como na história. Este artigo procura estabelecer um percurso sistematizado que se possa constituir para o leitor interessado como baliza de entendimento de um campo de pesquisa teórica e empírica em construção, que aqui se denomina “sociologia histórica da edição”. Projeto necessariamente parcelar, o propósito apresentado concretiza-se seletivamente, tentando proceder a uma exploração do tema a partir especificamente de duas tradições, a francesa e a anglo-saxônica, com enfoque particular na produção do último meio século. ABSTRACT - Since the first attempts to apprehend and explain the phenomenon, book publishing has been apprehended within a disciplinary and thematic context formed by a constellation of traditions and approaches in both sociology and history with multiple interconnections. This article looks to provide a systematic framework for the reader interested in gaining an understanding of one particular field of theoretical and empirical research, what I call here a historical sociology of publishing. A necessarily incomplete project, the approach is purposefully selective, examining the theme through the exploration of two specific traditions, French and Anglo-Saxon, with a particular focus on the last half century.
Editors of scientific journals need to be conversant with the mechanisms by which scientific misconduct is amplified by publication practices. This paper provides definitions, ways to document the extent of the problem, and examples of editorial attempts to counter fraud. Fabrication, falsification, duplication, ghost authorship, gift authorship, lack of ethics approval, non-disclosure, 'salami' publication, conflicts of interest, auto-citation, duplicate submission, duplicate publications, and plagiarism are common problems. Editorial misconduct includes failure to observe due process, undue delay in reaching decisions and communicating these to authors, inappropriate review procedures, and confounding a journal's content with its advertising or promotional potential. Editors also can be admonished by their peers for failure to investigate suspected misconduct, failure to retract when indicated, and failure to abide voluntarily by the six main sources of relevant international guidelines on research, its reporting and editorial practice. Editors are in a good position to promulgate reasonable standards of practice, and can start by using consensus guidelines on publication ethics to state explicitly how their journals function. Reviewers, editors, authors and readers all then have a better chance to understand, and abide by, the rules of publishing.