997 resultados para Fotografia -- Història
The hinterland of northern Paraná recorded in photographs held by Amedeo Boggio (1901-1967) is the motto to reflect on the technical ideologies for geographical mapping in the first decades of the twentieth century, the use of photography as documentary evidence and reading a group of photographs depicting the daily life of an exploratory and pioneering mission.
Pós-graduação em História - FCHS
Assuming that testimony in photojournalism must be understood as a historical and performative act, the aim of this article is to discuss how the testimonial function of journalistic photography was constantly re-signified in Brazilian news magazines during the twentieth century. This redefinition has a relation with the different ways in which testimonial function was hinged to news report (in its broadest elements) and how this imperative appeared on its discursive form in writing narrative. As trustee of a narrative intended to be realistic, photojournalism articulates, from techniques and codes of narration, a series of referential and informational strategies. These strategies, however, have changed over time, based on different modes of narration by image and its accreditation in reality.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Tese de doutoramento, Estudos Artísticos (Estudos de Teatro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
The first days of radioactivity, the discoveries of X-rays, radioactivity, of alpha- and beta- particles and gamma- radiation, of new radioactive elements, of artificial radioactivity, the neutron and positron and nuclear fission are reviewed as well as several adverse historical marks, such as the Manhattan project and some nuclear and radiological accidents. Nuclear energy generation in Brazil and the world, as an alternative to minimize environmental problems, is discussed, as are the medicinal, industrial and food applications of ionizing radiation. The text leads the reader to reflect on the subject and to consider its various aspects with scientific and technological maturity.
We present and discuss in this article some features of a research program whose central object of investigation is the way in which the recent fields of history, philosophy, and sociology of mathematical education could take part in a critical and qualified manner in the initial and continuing training of teachers in this area. For that, we endorse the viewpoint that the courses for mathematics teacher education should be based on a conception of specificity through which a new pedagogical project could be established. In such project those new fields of investigation would participate, in an organic and clarifying way, in the constitution of multidimensional problematizations of school practices, in which mathematics would be involved, and that would be guided by academic investigations about the issues that currently challenge teachers in the critical work of incorporation, resignification, production, and transmission of mathematical culture in the context of the school institution.
Machado de Assis (1839-1908) is considered the most important Brazilian writer and a great universal literary figure. Little is know about his medical, personal and family history. He hid his «disease» as much as possible. Machado referred to «strange things» having happened to him in his childhood. He described seizures as «nervous phenomena», «absenses», «my illness». Laet observed a seizure and described it as: «... when Machado approached us and spoke to me in disconnected words. I looked at him in surprise and found his features altered. Knowing that from time to time he had nervous problems,... and only permitted Machado take the Laranjeiras Street car, when I saw that he was completely well». A photographically documented seizure is shown. Alencar wrote, «The preoccupation with health was frequent: either he was having the consequences of a fit or was foreboding one». It is clear that Machado presented localized symptomatic epilepsy with complex partial seizures secondarily generalized of unknown etiology. The seizures which began in infancy or childhood had remission in adolescence and then recurred in his thirties and became more frequent in his later years. His depression got markedly worse with age. In our opinion, the greatest consequence of Machado's epilepsy, was his psychological suffering due to the prejudice of the times. Despite this Machado showed all his genius, which is still actual and universal.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Instalado em um edifício-Monumento, data de 1895 a inauguração do Museu Paulista. Seu primeiro diretor, o zoólogo Hermann Von Ihering (1895-1916), teve a tarefa de organizar suas vastas coleções, as quais possuíam objetos de diversos ramos do conhecimento, entre eles, a História. Este artigo tem a intenção de entender a dimensão, dinâmica e concepção desta coleção de História, que recebeu pouca atenção da Historiografia relativa ao tema.
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo caracterizar o investimento materno e a história reprodutiva de mães que vivem em diferentes contextos. Para tal, 150 mães que residiam em três contextos com diferentes graus de urbanização foram entrevistadas. Por meio da análise estatística dos dados constatou-se que houve diferenças significativas entre os contextos, além de correlações positivas entre os núcleos reprodutivos, como idade da primeira relação sexual e idade da mãe no nascimento do primeiro filho. Conclui-se que as estratégias reprodutivas são influenciadas pela história de vida das mães, das condições sociodemográficas atuais e do contexto onde vivem.
O artigo se propõe a discutir as complexas mediações entre política, memória e escrita da história, tomando como referência o recente livro de Izabel Andrade Marson, Política, história e método em Joaquim Nabuco: tessituras da revolução e da escravidão. Fundamentando-se, igualmente, em considerações de Maria Stella Bresciani e Carlos Alberto Vesentini, o texto procura problematizar procedimentos concernentes ao ofício de historiar.