981 resultados para Forest Fragment Age
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The palm Euterpe edulis is one of the most exploited due the intense illegal extraction, which is very harmful because this species dies right after the cutting process. This study aimed to assess the palms' development as an enrichment plant in a forest fragment belonging to a Preservation Area and the Biosphere Reserve of the Green Belt of Sao Paulo State, in Embu das Artes city. The seeds were obtained from the Instituto Florestal, which follows all the regulations for seeds, in order to get seedlings with a high genetic variation. The seedlings were planted in two successional stages: secondary forest with low trees (SFLT) and secondary forest with medium trees (SFMT). The seedlings survival and growth were periodically assessed and the results were compared by the variance analysis. Both areas presented high rates of survival, which were superior comparing to other similar studies with Euterpe edulis. Despite the successional difference between the areas, the development of the seedlings did not show significant difference on the analysis of variance regarding leaf number, height growth, stem diameter and survival, except for plant height at 60 days after planting, when seedlings planted in SFLT reached higher height (21.38 cm) than when planted in SFMT (19.31 cm).
Brazil has the largest cattle herd in the world with approximately 200 million head. An important feature of the Brazilian cattle industry is that most of its herd is raised on pasture, which constitutes one of the most economical and practical ways to produce and provide food for cattle. However, this production model is mishandled and can lead to soil degradation. Maintaining soil quality is essential for the conservation of natural ecosystems and the areas of production, thus soil quality improves the conditions for biogeochemical cycles. In this context, the objective of this study was to develop a device for testing the Inderbitzen way of assessing soil erodibility in two situations of usage and occupation. Therefore, one area was used as a sample collection occupied by grazing and the other as a forest fragment; both located in the city of Sorocaba in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Thus, we concluded that the proposed device – the Inderbitzen – proved capable of assessing soil erodibility of the pasture and remnant forest. Accordingly, there was a tendency for a smaller loss of forest soils in the remnant when compared to the degraded pasture. The greatest resistance of the soil erosion in the forest remnant may be associated with the amount of organic matter released by the forest litter in all its diversity, influencing the quality of the structure of aggregates. Keywords: erosion, forest remnant, degraded pasture, Inderbitzen test.
A 30-year quantitative comparison of the bird community of a semideciduous forest remnant in the state of Sao Paulo. Few studies have evaluated long-term changes in avian abundance in forest remnants. To compare both species richness and abundance of the bird community in a forest fragment located in the municipality of Galia, state of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil, we surveyed forest birds using transect counts. We compared our results with a survey conducted 30 years earlier at the same locality and further classified bird species according to their food habits to eventually predict fluctuations of specific abundance. Although species with population declines predominated in the community, all trophic categories had species which increased their abundances. Most species prone to move around remnants decreased in abundance. We suggest that, regarding specific abundances, trophic categories may be equally affected as a result of fragmentation processes and that the forest regeneration of this remnant may have led to the loss of edge species. Species that suffered from abundance loss during this time period may become locally extinct in the near future.
We investigated the Amblyomma fuscum load on a pullulating wild rodent population and the environmental and biological factors influencing the tick load on the hosts. One hundred and three individuals of Thrichomys laurentius were caught in an Atlantic forest fragment in northeastern Brazil, as part of a longitudinal survey on ticks infesting non-volant small mammals. Ticks (n = 342) were found on 45 individuals and the overall mean intensity of infestation was 7.6 ticks per infested rodent. Ticks were highly aggregated in the host population and the negative binomial distribution model provides a statistically satisfactory fit. The aggregated distribution was influenced by sex and age of the host. The microhabitat preference by T. laurentius probably increases contact opportunities between hosts and aggregated infesting stages of the ticks and represents important clues about the habitat suitability for A. fuscum.
Cost-effective mitigation of climate change is essential for both climate and environmental policy. Forest rotation age is one of the silvicultural measures by which the forest carbon stocks can be influenced with in accordance with the Kyoto Protocol, Article 3.4. The purpose of this study is to evaluate how forest rotation age affects carbon sequestration and the profitability of forestry. The relation between the forest rotation period optimizing forest owners’ discounted net returns over time and rotations which are 10, 20 and 30 years longer than the optimal rotation is examined. In addition, the cost of lengthening the rotation period is studied as well as whether carbon sequestration revenues can improve the profitability of forestry. The data used in the study consist of 16 stands located in Southern Finland. The main tree species in these stands were Norway spruce and Scots pine. Forest simulation tool MOTTI was used in the analysis. The results indicate that by lengthening the rotation period forest carbon stocks increase. However, as the rotation period is lengthened by more than 10 years, as a result of the diminishing growth curve, the rate of carbon sequestration slows down. The average discounted cost of carbon sequestration varied between 2.4 – 14.1 €/tCO2. Carbon sequestration rates in spruce stands were higher and the costs lower than those obtained from pine stands. The absence of carbon trading schemes is an obstacle for the commercialization of forest carbon sinks. In the future, research should concentrate on analysing what kind of operational models of carbon trading could be feasible in Finland.
A avaliação da qualidade dos solos e a redução da Mata Atlântica tem sido alvo de diversas pesquisas no Brasil e no mundo, principalmente quando estes estão atrelados ao recorte espacial de Unidades de Conservação. No entanto, tem sido difícil para os gestores dessas unidades a avaliação dos impactos ambientais gerados ao longo dos anos nas bacias hidrográficas, principalmente pela falta de investimentos. Esta dissertação teve por objetivo geral avaliar o atual estágio de degradação da bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Caçada pertencente à Área de Proteção Ambiental Federal de Cairuçu, no município de Paraty RJ, analisando quantitativamente e qualitativamente a redução dos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica e estabelecendo relações com a degradação física e química dos solos dentro e fora dos fragmentos florestais. A metodologia utilizada para a redução ou avanço dos fragmentos de Mata Atlântica baseou-se no uso de fotografias aéreas do ano de 1956 e imagens de satélite de 2012, onde possibilitou a avaliação espaço-temporal do uso e cobertura das terras, através da produção de um mapa temático final. Além disso, foram elaborados mapas temáticos de reconhecimento da área de estudo, como o de hipsometria, de declividade, de orientação e forma das encostas, além da geração de perfis topográficos. Para a avaliação da qualidade física, química e biológica dos solos foram determinadas as curvas de distribuição granulométrica, a densidade relativa dos grãos sólidos e a densidade aparente, porosidade total, os limites de liquidez e plasticidade, a estabilidade dos agregados em água, análises morfológicas, a saturação de bases, a capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC), a saturação por alumínio, fósforo, pH e o carbono orgânico. Para tal, foi realizada a abertura de três perfis, sendo um em área de fragmento florestal e dois em áreas de pasto. O resultado das análises permitiu, segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do solo, a classificação de dois tipos de solos na bacia, sendo: Cambissolo Háplico Tb Distrófico Típico em área fragmento florestal e em área de pasto, e um Latossolo Amarelo Tb Distrófico Típico em área de pasto. Os resultados de laboratório mostraram que os solos avaliados têm baixa fertilidade e valores variados nos resultados de física do solo. No entanto, além do histórico de uso do solo caracterizado pelas práticas rudimentares do manejo empregado pelos Caiçaras, o clima predominante na região possibilita um regime pluviométrico anual que passa dos 2.000mm de chuva/ano, caracterizando solos muito lixiviados e pobres quimicamente. Portanto, conclui-se que a relação das propriedades físicas e químicas avaliadas junto ao manejo inadequado ao longo dos anos tem apresentado um cenário de grandes dificuldades para a recuperação florestal na bacia hidrográfica do Córrego da Caçada, o que mostra a importância da avaliação dos impactos ambientais não só pelo recorte de bacias hidrográficas, como contextualizar seu posicionamento dentro de Unidades de Conservação, com legislações e objetivos específicos.
Paternity analysis based on eight microsatellite loci was used to investigate pollen and seed dispersal patterns of the dioecious wind- pollinated tree, Araucaria angustifolia. The study sites were a 5.4 ha isolated forest fragment and a small tree group situated 1.7 km away, located in Paran alpha State, Brazil. In the forest fragment, 121 males, 99 females, 66 seedlings and 92 juveniles were mapped and genotyped, together with 210 seeds. In the tree group, nine male and two female adults were mapped and genotyped, together with 20 seeds. Paternity analysis within the forest fragment indicated that at least 4% of the seeds, 3% of the seedlings and 7% of the juveniles were fertilized by pollen from trees in the adjacent group, and 6% of the seeds were fertilized by pollen from trees outside these stands. The average pollination distance within the forest fragment was 83 m; when the tree group was included the pollination distance was 2006m. The average number of effective pollen donors was estimated as 12.6. Mother- trees within the fragment could be assigned to all seedlings and juveniles, suggesting an absence of seed immigration. The distance of seedlings and juveniles from their assigned mother- trees ranged from 0.35 to 291m ( with an average of 83m). Significant spatial genetic structure among adult trees, seedlings, and juveniles was detected up to 50m, indicating seed dispersal over a short distance. The effective pollination neighborhood ranged from 0.4 to 3.3 ha. The results suggest that seed dispersal is restricted but that there is longdistance pollen dispersal between the forest fragment and the tree group; thus, the two stands of trees are not isolated.
Leishmaniasis is kept in nature by the participation of several animal species. This study evaluated the presence of Leishmania spp. in skin samples of free-ranging marsupials Micoureus paraguayanus (n = 95) and Didelphis albiventris (n = 191), captured in Morro do Diabo State Park and in sections of its surrounding forest, in the region of Pontal do Paranapanema, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The samples were tested for the presence of kDNA of Leishmania spp. by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and by real time PCR (qPCR). All samples from D. albiventris tested by PCR were negative for the presence of kDNA of Leishmania spp. However, when tested by qPCR, the positivity was 1.6%. A positivity of 7.4% by PCR and 11.6% by qPCR was observed for M. paraguayanus. Sixty-four per cent (9/14) of positive animals were limited to the same forest fragment. Presence of Leishmania (Leishmania) amazonensis and Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis was detected in M. paraguayanus samples. While D. albiventris is the most studied marsupial species due to its urban habits, other marsupial species such as M. paraguayanus can be potential reservoirs of Leishmania spp. and should also be studied. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In many mammals social organization promotes genetic structuring, which can be influenced by the dispersal pattern of the species. We analyzed the population genetic structure and dispersal of white-lipped peccaries (Tayassu pecan) from the Pantanal, Brazil. We genotyped 100 individuals at 7 microsatellite loci from 2 adjacent locations with no obvious geographic barrier between them. We found a significant but low F(ST) value, and the Bayesian analysis indicated a unique cluster. No significant differences were observed between mean assignment indices of resident males and females from both locations, and the probability of being born at the location sampled of > 30% of the individuals analyzed was lower than average. Mean relatedness between resident female, male, and opposite-sex pairs was not statistically different in both locations. These results suggest a low degree of genetic differentiation between the locations analyzed, and dispersal by both sexes (contrary to the predicted male-biased dispersal of most mammalian species).
As matas ribeirinhas no rio Camaquã constituem os maiores remanescentes da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Ribeirinha no Estado, sendo muito pouco conhecidas florística e fitossociologicamente. Em um fragmento de mata ribeirinha na margem esquerda do baixo rio Camaquã, município de Cristal (31°01’01.7’’S e 51°56’42.0’’W, em torno de 14 m.n.m.) realizou-se um estudo do componente arbóreo, com o intuito de se determinar sua estrutura e relacionar os resultados obtidos com outras florestas no Estado. O clima da região é do tipo Cfa de Köppen, com médias anuais de temperatura de 18,9 °C, e de precipitação de 1.234 mm. Os solos são do tipo Planossolo Hidromórfico Eutrófico (Sge), de textura média/siltosa. O levantamento fitossociológico foi realizado em uma área de 1 ha, dividida em 100 parcelas de 10 x 10 m, onde foram amostradas todas as árvores com DAP maior ou igual a 5 cm. Foram calculados os parâmetros fitossociológicos empregados usualmente, além das estimativas de diversidade de Shannon (H’) e equabilidade de Pielou (J’). Relações florísticas com outras áreas foram feitas através da análise de coordenadas principais e de agrupamento, utilizando os índices de similaridade de Jaccard e Dice. No levantamento florístico foram encontradas 68 espécies arbóreas, a maioria características de ambientes ribeirinhos. Na fitossociologia foram amostrados 2.179 indivíduos, pertencentes a 29 espécies, 25 gêneros e 14 famílias. As famílias Myrtaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Sapindaceae e Salicaceae apresentaram as maiores riquezas. Os valores de importância mais elevados foram registrados para espécies típicas de sub-bosque, que apresentam grande densidade (Sebastiania commersoniana, Allophylus edulis e Eugenia schuechiana). As espécies ocupantes do dossel, com densidades baixas ou intermediárias (Luehea divaricata e Nectandra megapotamica) destacam-se pela dominância. O índice de diversidade foi estimado em 2,342 nats.ind.-1 (J’= 0,695), sendo intermediário entre os menores valores estimados para as matas de restingas e os maiores para Florestas Estacionais Semideciduais na região. O predomínio de espécies zoocóricas demonstra ser uma floresta madura, embora se tenha encontrado uma grande participação de indivíduos com síndrome de dispersão abióticas. Por sua localização na Planície Costeira Interna, a área apresentou, floristicamente, uma grande influência de espécies provenientes das matas de encosta da Serra do Sudeste, havendo uma maior similaridade com as matas do rio Piratini e outras Florestas Estacionais Semideciduais.
The extent of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest, a global biodiversity hotspot, has been reduced to less than 7% of its original range. Yet, it contains one of the richest butterfly fauna in the world. Butterflies are commonly used as environmental indicators, mostly because of their strict association with host plants, microclimate and resource availability. This research describes diversity, composition and species richness of frugivorous butterflies in a forest fragment in the Brazilian Northeast. It compares communities in different physiognomies and seasons. The climate in the study area is classified as tropical rainy, with two well defined seasons. Butterfly captures were made with 60 Van Someren-Rydon traps, randomly located within six different habitat units (10 traps per unit) that varied from very open (e.g. coconut plantation) to forest interior. Sampling was made between January and December 2008, for five days each month. I captured 12090 individuals from 32 species. The most abundant species were Taygetis laches, Opsiphanes invirae and Hamadryas februa, which accounted for 70% of all captures. Similarity analysis identified two main groups, one of species associated with open or disturbed areas and a second by species associated with shaded areas. There was a strong seasonal component in species composition, with less species and lower abundance in the dry season and more species and higher abundance in the rainy season. K-means analysis indicates that choice of habitat units overestimated faunal perceptions, suggesting less distinct units. The species Taygetis virgilia, Hamadryas chloe, Callicore pygas e Morpho achilles were associated with less disturbed habitats, while Yphthimoides sp, Historis odius, H. acheronta, Hamadryas feronia e Siderone marthesia likey indicate open or disturbed habitats. This research brings important information for conservation of frugivorous butterflies, and will serve as baseline for future projects in environmental monitoring
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
An organisms movement within and between habitats is an essential trait of life history, one that shapes population dynamics, communities and ecosystems in space and time. Since the ability to perceive and react to specific conditions varies greatly between organisms, different movement patterns are generated. These, in turn, will reflect the way species persist in the original habitat and surrounding patches. This study evaluated patterns of movement of frugivorous butterflies in order to estimate the connectivity of a landscape mosaic in an area of Atlantic Forest. For this purpose, we used the capture-mark-recapture method on butterflies trapped with fermented fruit bait in three distinct habitats. The first represents a typical Atlantic forest fragment, while the other two represent man-made matrix habitats. One contains a coconut plantation and the other a plantation of the exotic Acacia mangium species. Five traps were randomly placed in each landscape unit in areas of 40 x 40m. Using recapture data and relating it to distance between captures and habitat structure, I found that movement frequencies, both within and between landscape units were different for the analyzed species, suggesting that they do not interpret and react to the landscape in the same way. Thus this study was able to measure landscape functional connectivity. For most species, the exchange between forest and coconut plantations occurred with low frequency compared to exchanges between the forest and acacia plantations, which share more structural similarities. This seems to indicate that a matrix that is more similar to patches of native vegetation can shelter species, permit their movement and, consequently, contribute to the landscape connectivity
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)