979 resultados para Fonthill Grammar School Lyceum


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This replica was made by Peter J. Morley from an original, by Web Gilbert, held by Melbourne Grammar School. Similar busts are held in the Library of the Parliament of Victoria, Parliament House (Canberra) and the Avenue of Prime Ministers in Ballarat. The busts were originally commissioned in 1922 by Alfred Deakins daughter, Mrs. Ivy Brookes.


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Purpose – Sir George Simpson, the Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) from 1821 to his death in 1860, was the subject of numerous biographical works that described various facets of the man including his managerial abilities, literary prowess, physical stamina, abundant energy, extensive art collection and ethnological specimens. Two related aspects of his outstanding management style have been overlooked: the genesis of his management style and where it can be placed in the evolution of management practices during the 19th century.

Design/methodology/approach – Primary data from the Hudson's Bay Company archives plus secondary sources.

Findings – Simpson's management abilities came from his grammar school education and his apprenticeship to a counting house. More importantly, it can be attributed to his association with his mentor Andrew Wedderburn, his dedication to the HBC, and his high level of physical and intellectual energy. His information intensive management style was also a significant precursor to systematic management, which occurred later in the 19th century.

Research limitations/implications – Future research should examine other examples of the evolution of management during the 19th century, particularly the transition from sub-unit accountability to systematic management.

Originality/value – The paper emphasizes the importance of managers in making management systems work.


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Futures education (FE) in a rapidly changing world is critical if young people are to be empowered to be proactive rather than reactive about the future. Research into young people's images and ideas of the future lead to the disturbing conclusion that, for many, the future is a depressing and fearful place where they feel hopeless and disempowered. On the other hand, as Richard Slaughter writes, 'young people are passionately interested in their own futures, and that of the society in which they live. They universally 'jump at the chance to study something with such intrinsic interest that also intersects with their own life interests in so many ways'. FE explicitly attempts to build on this interest and counter these fears by offering a profound and empowering set of learning strategies and ideas that can help people think and act critically and creatively about the future, without necessarily trying to predict it. Futures educators have, over the past decades, developed useful tools, ideas and a language for use with students of all ages to enable them to develop foresight literacy. Most of us tend to view the future as somehow beyond the present and rarely consider how decisions and choices made today profoundly affect not just one fixed future but any number of futures. The underlying goal of FE is to move from the idea of a single, pre-determined future to that of many possible futures, so that students begin to see that they can determine the future, that they need not be reactive and that they are not powerless. How does one do that? Ideas include, but are not limited to: timelines and Y-diagrams, futures wheels and mind maps, and 'Preferable, possible and probable' futures - a.k.a. the 3Ps. Current Australian curricula present education about the future in various implicit or explicit guises. A plethora of statements and curriculum outcomes mention the future, but essentially take 'it' for granted, and are uninformed by FE literature, language, ideas or tools. Science, the humanities and technology tend to be the main areas where such an implicit futures focus can be found. It also appears in documents about vocational education, civics and lifelong learning. Explicit FE is, as Beare and Slaughter put it, still the missing dimension in education. Explicit FE attempts to develop futures literacy, and draws widely upon futures studies literature for processes and content. FE provides such a wide range of ideas and tools that it can be incorporated into education in any number of ways. Programs in two very different schools, one primary and one secondary, are described in this article to provide examples of some of these ways. The first school, Kimberley Park State Primary School in Brisbane, operates with multi-age classrooms based on a 'thinking curriculum' developed around four organisers: change, perspectives, interconnectedness and sustainability. The second school, St John's Grammar School in Adelaide, is an independent school where FE operates as an integrated approach in Year Seven, as a separate one-semester subject in Year Nine and in separate subjects at other levels. Teachers both at Kimberley Park and St John's are very positive about FE. They say it promotes valuable and authentic learning, assists students to realise they have choices that matter and helps them see that the future need not be all doom and gloom. Because students are interested in the Big Questions, as one teacher put it, FE provides a perfect opportunity to address them, and to consider values that are fundamental for them and the future of the planet. Like any innovation, the long-term success of FE in schools depends on an embedding process so that the innovation does not depend on the enthusiasm and energy of a few individuals, only to disappear when they move on. It requires strong leadership, teacher knowledge, support and enthusiasm, and the support and understanding of the wider school community.


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This paper attempts to answer how the descriptive analysis of the substantive subordination clauses made within the realm of academic research can contribute to the effective teaching of those structures in the Elementary School. After showing how the subordination has been treated in grammar school and textbooks and pointing at some recurring problems in the presentation of the subject, we present the treatment of subordinate clauses with the function of subject in two descriptive grammars of Portuguese, in order to ascertain to what extent the relevant aspects of the description of those clauses are related to the traditional way of teaching. From those descriptive works, we selected some functional features considered to be essential for the treatment of the subject in the Elementary School.


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Ein durchgängiger Befund internationaler Schulleistungsvergleichsstudien bezieht sich auf die niedrigere Lesekompetenz von Jungen im Vergleich zu Mädchen (OECD, 2010). Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war, zu prüfen, welchen Einfluss negative Stereotype – im Sinne der Stereotype Threat-Theorie (Steele & Aronson, 1995) – auf die Leseleistung von Jungen haben. Basierend auf Befunden aus der Lese- und Stereotype Threat-Forschung wurde ein Mediator-Moderator-Modell des Stereotype Threat-Effekts (vgl. Schmader, Johns & Forbes, 2008) auf die Leseleistung von Jungen abgeleitet und überprüft. Um diese Fragestellungen zu beantworten, wurden zwei quasiexperimentelle Untersuchungen mit Schülern achter und neunter Klassen durchgeführt. An der ersten Untersuchung nahmen insgesamt 167 Schüler (n = 69 Jungen, n = 98 Mädchen) zweier Gymnasien in privater Trägerschaft teil. Um die Fragestellungen an einer weniger selektiven Stichprobe untersuchen zu können, erfolgte eine zweite Untersuchung mit Schülern (N = 441) öffentlicher Schulen und verschiedener Schulformen, wobei der Fokus ausschließlich auf den männlichen Schülern (n = 188 Jungen; n = 122 Gymnasiasten, n = 66 Realschüler plus) lag. Für beide Experimente kann zusammenfassend festgehalten werden, dass sich, entgegen der Erwartungen, kein leistungsmindernder Stereotype Threat-Effekt auf die Leseleistung von Jungen zeigte. Ferner konnten keine signifikante Mediatoren und Moderatoren eines leistungsmindernden Stereotype Threat-Effekts auf die Leseleistung von Jungen identifiziert werden. Ziel zukünftiger Forschung muss sein, den Einfluss negativer Stereotype auf die Leistungen männlicher Probanden im Sinne von Mitgliedern dominanter Gruppen zu untersuchen. Besonderes Augenmerk sollte auf die stereotypisierte Fähigkeitsdomäne gelegt werden. Weiterhin ist wichtig, der Frage nach zugrunde liegenden Prozessen und Voraussetzungen für das Erleben von Stereotype Threat nachzugehen. Studien weisen darauf hin, dass unterschiedlich stigmatisierte Gruppen unterschiedlich auf Stereotype Threat reagieren. Daher sollte der Fokus zukünftiger Forschung darauf liegen, die Prozesse und Voraussetzungen näher zu untersuchen, die für Mitglieder sonst positiv stereotypisierter Gruppen in solchen Situationen zum Tragen kommen.


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One-page handwritten copy of the vote of the Boston Selectmen responding to Croswell's complaint, as usher of the South Grammar School of Boston, against a parent.


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Two handwritten copies of a document certifying Croswell's employment as an usher in the Boston South Public Grammar School.


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A brief one-page note from Croswell resigning from the South Grammar School.


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These two letters, both written on the same document, appear to be White's response to accusations from the father of one of his students at the Medford grammar school. Andrew Hall appears to have accused White of punishing his son too severely. In the letters, White denies Hall's accusations while defending his apparently strict approach to discipline. It is not certain whether both these letters were intended for Hall, or if one was written to another (unnamed) upset parent.


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Handwritten certification from [Moses] Everett that Philip Draper lived in Dorchester and kept the town grammar school.


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Handwritten certification from Samuel Topliff that Philip Draper boarded with his family and kept the town grammar school.


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Handwritten certification from Ezekiel Leeds that Philip Draper kept the Dorchester grammar school.


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Stephen Longfellow wrote this letter in Portland, Maine on May 29, 1799; it was sent to his friend, Daniel Appleton White, in Medford, Massachusetts. In the letter, Longfellow describes the Election Day festivities among the "plebeans" in Portland, which he apparently found both amusing and upsetting. He compares the horses pulling their sleds to Don Quixote's horse, Rocinante. He also writes about mutual friends, including John Henry Tudor and Jabez Kimball, and bemoans the behavior of the current members of Phi Beta Kappa among the Harvard College undergraduates, whom he insists have sunk the society below its former "exalted station."