957 resultados para Field programmable gate arrays


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This paper presents single-chip FPGA Rijndael algorithm implementations of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm, Rijndael. In particular, the designs utilise look-up tables to implement the entire Rijndael Round function. A comparison is provided between these designs and similar existing implementations. Hardware implementations of encryption algorithms prove much faster than equivalent software implementations and since there is a need to perform encryption on data in real time, speed is very important. In particular, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are well suited to encryption implementations due to their flexibility and an architecture, which can be exploited to accommodate typical encryption transformations. In this paper, a Look-Up Table (LUT) methodology is introduced where complex and slow operations are replaced by simple LUTs. A LUT-based fully pipelined Rijndael implementation is described which has a pre-placement performance of 12 Gbits/sec, which is a factor 1.2 times faster than an alternative design in which look-up tables are utilised to implement only one of the Round function transformations, and 6 times faster than other previous single-chip implementations. Iterative Rijndael implementations based on the Look-Up-Table design approach are also discussed and prove faster than typical iterative implementations.


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Cloud computing technology has rapidly evolved over the last decade, offering an alternative way to store and work with large amounts of data. However data security remains an important issue particularly when using a public cloud service provider. The recent area of homomorphic cryptography allows computation on encrypted data, which would allow users to ensure data privacy on the cloud and increase the potential market for cloud computing. A significant amount of research on homomorphic cryptography appeared in the literature over the last few years; yet the performance of existing implementations of encryption schemes remains unsuitable for real time applications. One way this limitation is being addressed is through the use of graphics processing units (GPUs) and field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) for implementations of homomorphic encryption schemes. This review presents the current state of the art in this promising new area of research and highlights the interesting remaining open problems.


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With security and surveillance, there is an increasing need to be able to process image data efficiently and effectively either at source or in a large data networks. Whilst Field Programmable Gate Arrays have been seen as a key technology for enabling this, they typically use high level and/or hardware description language synthesis approaches; this provides a major disadvantage in terms of the time needed to design or program them and to verify correct operation; it considerably reduces the programmability capability of any technique based on this technology. The work here proposes a different approach of using optimised soft-core processors which can be programmed in software. In particular, the paper proposes a design tool chain for programming such processors that uses the CAL Actor Language as a starting point for describing an image processing algorithm and targets its implementation to these custom designed, soft-core processors on FPGA. The main purpose is to exploit the task and data parallelism in order to achieve the same parallelism as a previous HDL implementation but avoiding the design time, verification and debugging steps associated with such approaches.


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The design cycle for complex special-purpose computing systems is extremely costly and time-consuming. It involves a multiparametric design space exploration for optimization, followed by design verification. Designers of special purpose VLSI implementations often need to explore parameters, such as optimal bitwidth and data representation, through time-consuming Monte Carlo simulations. A prominent example of this simulation-based exploration process is the design of decoders for error correcting systems, such as the Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) codes adopted by modern communication standards, which involves thousands of Monte Carlo runs for each design point. Currently, high-performance computing offers a wide set of acceleration options that range from multicore CPUs to Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The exploitation of diverse target architectures is typically associated with developing multiple code versions, often using distinct programming paradigms. In this context, we evaluate the concept of retargeting a single OpenCL program to multiple platforms, thereby significantly reducing design time. A single OpenCL-based parallel kernel is used without modifications or code tuning on multicore CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. We use SOpenCL (Silicon to OpenCL), a tool that automatically converts OpenCL kernels to RTL in order to introduce FPGAs as a potential platform to efficiently execute simulations coded in OpenCL. We use LDPC decoding simulations as a case study. Experimental results were obtained by testing a variety of regular and irregular LDPC codes that range from short/medium (e.g., 8,000 bit) to long length (e.g., 64,800 bit) DVB-S2 codes. We observe that, depending on the design parameters to be simulated, on the dimension and phase of the design, the GPU or FPGA may suit different purposes more conveniently, thus providing different acceleration factors over conventional multicore CPUs.


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Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs), exploit inherent manufacturing variations and present a promising solution for hardware security. They can be used for key storage, authentication and ID generations. Low power cryptographic design is also very important for security applications. However, research to date on digital PUF designs, such as Arbiter PUFs and RO PUFs, is not very efficient. These PUF designs are difficult to implement on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or consume many FPGA hardware resources. In previous work, a new and efficient PUF identification generator was presented for FPGA. The PUF identification generator is designed to fit in a single slice per response bit by using a 1-bit PUF identification generator cell formed as a hard-macro. In this work, we propose an ultra-compact PUF identification generator design. It is implemented on ten low-cost Xilinx Spartan-6 FPGA LX9 microboards. The resource utilization is only 2.23%, which, to the best of the authors' knowledge, is the most compact and robust FPGA-based PUF identification generator design reported to date. This PUF identification generator delivers a stable range of uniqueness of around 50% and good reliability between 85% and 100%.


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O desenvolvimento de sistemas computacionais é um processo complexo, com múltiplas etapas, que requer uma análise profunda do problema, levando em consideração as limitações e os requisitos aplicáveis. Tal tarefa envolve a exploração de técnicas alternativas e de algoritmos computacionais para optimizar o sistema e satisfazer os requisitos estabelecidos. Neste contexto, uma das mais importantes etapas é a análise e implementação de algoritmos computacionais. Enormes avanços tecnológicos no âmbito das FPGAs (Field-Programmable Gate Arrays) tornaram possível o desenvolvimento de sistemas de engenharia extremamente complexos. Contudo, o número de transístores disponíveis por chip está a crescer mais rapidamente do que a capacidade que temos para desenvolver sistemas que tirem proveito desse crescimento. Esta limitação já bem conhecida, antes de se revelar com FPGAs, já se verificava com ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits) e tem vindo a aumentar continuamente. O desenvolvimento de sistemas com base em FPGAs de alta capacidade envolve uma grande variedade de ferramentas, incluindo métodos para a implementação eficiente de algoritmos computacionais. Esta tese pretende proporcionar uma contribuição nesta área, tirando partido da reutilização, do aumento do nível de abstracção e de especificações algorítmicas mais automatizadas e claras. Mais especificamente, é apresentado um estudo que foi levado a cabo no sentido de obter critérios relativos à implementação em hardware de algoritmos recursivos versus iterativos. Depois de serem apresentadas algumas das estratégias para implementar recursividade em hardware mais significativas, descreve-se, em pormenor, um conjunto de algoritmos para resolver problemas de pesquisa combinatória (considerados enquanto exemplos de aplicação). Versões recursivas e iterativas destes algoritmos foram implementados e testados em FPGA. Com base nos resultados obtidos, é feita uma cuidada análise comparativa. Novas ferramentas e técnicas de investigação que foram desenvolvidas no âmbito desta tese são também discutidas e demonstradas.


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Esta tese apresenta um estudo exploratório sobre sistemas de comunicação por luz visível e as suas aplicações em sistemas de transporte inteligentes como forma a melhorar a segurança nas estradas. Foram desenvolvidos neste trabalho, modelos conceptuais e analíticos adequados à caracterização deste tipo de sistemas. Foi desenvolvido um protótipo de baixo custo, capaz de suportar a disseminação de informação utilizando semáforos. A sua realização carece de um estudo detalhado, nomeadamente: i) foi necessário obter modelos capazes de descrever os padrões de radiação numa área de serviço pré-definida; ii) foi necessário caracterizar o meio de comunicações; iii) foi necessário estudar o comportamento de vários esquemas de modulação de forma a optar pelo mais robusto; finalmente, iv) obter a implementação do sistema baseado em FPGA e componentes discretos. O protótipo implementado foi testado em condições reais. Os resultados alcançados mostram os méritos desta solução, chegando mesmo a encorajar a utilização desta tecnologia em outros cenários de aplicação.


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Reconfigurable computing is becoming an important new alternative for implementing computations. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are the ideal integrated circuit technology to experiment with the potential benefits of using different strategies of circuit specialization by reconfiguration. The final form of the reconfiguration strategy is often non-trivial to determine. Consequently, in this paper, we examine strategies for reconfiguration and, based on our experience, propose general guidelines for the tradeoffs using an area-time metric called functional density. Three experiments are set up to explore different reconfiguration strategies for FPGAs applied to a systolic implementation of a scalar quantizer used as a case study. Quantitative results for each experiment are given. The regular nature of the example means that the results can be generalized to a wide class of industry-relevant problems based on arrays.


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Relatório do Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações


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This paper proposes an online mechanism that can evaluate the sensitivity of single event upsets (SEUs) of field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The online detection mechanism cyclically reads and compares the values form the external and internal configuration memories, taking into account the mask information. This remote detection method also signals any mismatch as a result of a SEU that affects both used and not-used FPGA parts, which maximizes the monitored area. By utilizing an external, Web-accessible controller that is connected to the test infrastructure, the possibility of running the same operation in a remote manner is enabled. Moreover, the need for a local memory to store the mask values is also eliminated.


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Dynamically reconfigurable SRAM-based field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) enable the implementation of reconfigurable computing systems where several applications may be run simultaneously, sharing the available resources according to their own immediate functional requirements. To exclude malfunctioning due to faulty elements, the reliability of all FPGA resources must be guaranteed. Since resource allocation takes place asynchronously, an online structural test scheme is the only way of ensuring reliable system operation. On the other hand, this test scheme should not disturb the operation of the circuit, otherwise availability would be compromised. System performance is also influenced by the efficiency of the management strategies that must be able to dynamically allocate enough resources when requested by each application. As those resources are allocated and later released, many small free resource blocks are created, which are left unused due to performance and routing restrictions. To avoid wasting logic resources, the FPGA logic space must be defragmented regularly. This paper presents a non-intrusive active replication procedure that supports the proposed test methodology and the implementation of defragmentation strategies, assuring both the availability of resources and their perfect working condition, without disturbing system operation.


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Single processor architectures are unable to provide the required performance of high performance embedded systems. Parallel processing based on general-purpose processors can achieve these performances with a considerable increase of required resources. However, in many cases, simplified optimized parallel cores can be used instead of general-purpose processors achieving better performance at lower resource utilization. In this paper, we propose a configurable many-core architecture to serve as a co-processor for high-performance embedded computing on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays. The architecture consists of an array of configurable simple cores with support for floating-point operations interconnected with a configurable interconnection network. For each core it is possible to configure the size of the internal memory, the supported operations and number of interfacing ports. The architecture was tested in a ZYNQ-7020 FPGA in the execution of several parallel algorithms. The results show that the proposed many-core architecture achieves better performance than that achieved with a parallel generalpurpose processor and that up to 32 floating-point cores can be implemented in a ZYNQ-7020 SoC FPGA.


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This paper proposes an FPGA-based architecture for onboard hyperspectral unmixing. This method based on the Vertex Component Analysis (VCA) has several advantages, namely it is unsupervised, fully automatic, and it works without dimensionality reduction (DR) pre-processing step. The architecture has been designed for a low cost Xilinx Zynq board with a Zynq-7020 SoC FPGA based on the Artix-7 FPGA programmable logic and tested using real hyperspectral datasets. Experimental results indicate that the proposed implementation can achieve real-time processing, while maintaining the methods accuracy, which indicate the potential of the proposed platform to implement high-performance, low cost embedded systems.


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An approach to the automatic generation of efficient Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) circuits for the Regular Expression-based (RegEx) Pattern Matching problems is presented. Using a novel design strategy, as proposed, circuits that are highly area-and-time-efficient can be automatically generated for arbitrary sets of regular expressions. This makes the technique suitable for applications that must handle very large sets of patterns at high speed, such as in the network security and intrusion detection application domains. We have combined several existing techniques to optimise our solution for such domains and proposed the way the whole process of dynamic generation of FPGAs for RegEX pattern matching could be automated efficiently.


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Reconfigurable computing is becoming an important new alternative for implementing computations. Field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are the ideal integrated circuit technology to experiment with the potential benefits of using different strategies of circuit specialization by reconfiguration. The final form of the reconfiguration strategy is often non-trivial to determine. Consequently, in this paper, we examine strategies for reconfiguration and, based on our experience, propose general guidelines for the tradeoffs using an area-time metric called functional density. Three experiments are set up to explore different reconfiguration strategies for FPGAs applied to a systolic implementation of a scalar quantizer used as a case study. Quantitative results for each experiment are given. The regular nature of the example means that the results can be generalized to a wide class of industry-relevant problems based on arrays.