466 resultados para Fechamento de colostomias
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Several aspects beyond the restorative phase itself such as orthodontic movement and periodontal treatment must be considered in cases of closure of diastemas. In such cases, a multidisciplinary approach is essential. As patients during orthodontic treatment may show high risk of developing dental caries and periodontal disease, inflammation of the gingival tissue is a common finding. For this reason, a preliminary basic periodontal treatment is critical to the success of restorative procedure. In addition, postoperative care and instruction in phonetics, oral hygiene and periodic control must be considered by professionals and patients. Thus, this paper demonstrates through a case report, pre and postoperative issues that should be considered during the closure of diastemas using a layering technique with resin composites
Contemporary orthodontics has sought, beyond the esthetic, occlusal and functional goals, treatments even faster and with less visits to the orthodontist — especially in patients that require dental extractions in which the generated space becomes a nuisance. The segmented arch technic (SAT), by the use of a "T" loop spring, has provided such results within these requirements. Therefore, this study aimed to appraise and demonstrate the confection, activation and biomechanical control of "T" loop spring, in the group with high anchorage necessity (group A), for retraction of anterior teeth; as well as to present a case report, with high anterior retraction necessity, treated with "T" loop spring.
Com o avanço das técnicas e materiais restauradores, o cirurgião-dentista tornou-se capaz de solucionar problemas estéticos de forma conservadora. Esse relato de caso descreve a associação das técnicas de microabrasão e fechamento de diastemas com resinas compostas diretas. A paciente do sexo feminino, 16 anos de idade, foi encaminhada pelo ortodontista à clínica de Dentística Restauradora para o fechamento de diastema. Após anamnese e exame clínico detalhado, constatou-se, também, a presença de manchas brancas de fluorose na face vestibular dos dentes anterossuperiores, sendo também proposto o procedimento de microabrasão. Por meio de modelos de estudo da paciente, foi realizado o enceramento diagnóstico, de forma a simular o fechamento dos diastemas. O modelo encerado foi moldado com silicona de condensação para servir como guia de orientação durante os procedimentos restauradores. O tratamento resultou na elevação da autoestima da paciente, pela obtenção de um sorriso mais harmonioso por meio da associação de técnicas estéticas conservadoras.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEB
The Oro-antral Fistula is a common pathologic event, which occurs an opening or communication of the maxillary sinus with the oral cavity through dental extractions of upper posterior elements whose roots have close relationship with the maxillary sinus. This study aims to clarify the Surgeon Dentist about the possible etiological factors responsible for Oro-antral Communication, to identify its clinical and radiographic signs, to explain the Buccal Fat Pad’s anatomy and functioning and to describe the surgical technique adopted front of these cases. For this, the authors present a case of a patient who had a fistula in the region where there was a dental extraction of the upper posterior element. The treatment of Oro-antral Fistula using the buccal fat pad provides to be a safe and effective surgical method, because this element presents a rich blood supply and easy access. Many authors have found that this method have a broad application, large index of success, lower risk of infection, provides a comfortable post-operative for the patient. However, it needs to be done properly so that you have minimum incidence of failures, and this requires some caution on the part of professional.
Os diastemas contribuem para a quebra de harmonia dos dentes, comprometendo a beleza do sorriso; os incisivos superiores são os dentes que mais se destacam no sorriso, sendo muito importante a simetria e harmonia entre eles. Para o fechamento dos diastemas, durante muito tempo, as alternativas clínicas foram o emprego da Ortodontia e das próteses fixas. Atualmente, com a evolução dos sistemas adesivos e das resinas compostas, é possível reproduzir as características dos dentes com uma técnica simples, previsível, sem desgaste da estrutura dentária, reversível, com menor custo, proporcionando um resultado satisfatório e imediato. O propósito do presente artigo é apresentar três casos clínicos de fechamento de diastemas generalizados associados ou não a outras alterações que comprometem o sorriso do paciente.
The following is a clinical case report of a patient whose main complaint was the presence of a generalized spacing in the anterior maxillary segment. After meticulous clinical analysis and discussions of the clinical procedures to be adopted, a labial frenectomy was our first choice, so that we could reduce the diastemas directly using composite resin. It was observed that the association of clinical and restorative procedures was capable of giving back shape, function and dental aesthetics, allowing to the young patient the satisfaction of smiling without any fear.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)