884 resultados para Farm animals


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Background: In mammals, early-life environmental variations appear to affect microbial colonization and therefore competent immune development, and exposure to farm environments in infants has been inversely correlated with allergy development. Modelling these effects using manipulation of neonatal rodents is difficult due to their dependency on the mother, but the relatively independent piglet is increasingly identified as a valuable translational model for humans. This study was designed to correlate immune regulation in piglets with early-life environment. Methods: Piglets were nursed by their mother on a commercial farm, while isolatorreared siblings were formula fed. Fluorescence immunohistology was used to quantify T-reg and effector T-cell populations in the intestinal lamina propria and the systemic response to food proteins was quantified by capture ELISA. Results: There was more CD4+ and CD4+CD25+ effector T-cell staining in the intestinal mucosa of the isolator-reared piglets compared with their farm-reared counterparts. In contrast, these isolator-reared piglets had a significantly reduced CD4+CD25+Foxp3+ regulatory T-cell population compared to farm-reared littermates, resulting in a significantly higher T-reg-to-effector ratio in the farm animals. Consistent with these findings, isolator-reared piglets had an increased serum IgG anti-soya response to novel dietary soya protein relative to farm-reared piglets. Conclusion: Here, we provide the first direct evidence, derived from intervention, that components of the early-life environment present on farms profoundly affects both local development of regulatory components of the mucosal immune system and immune responses to food proteins at weaning. We propose that neonatal piglets provide a tractable model which allows maternal and treatment effects to be statistically separated.


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Forty-nine typical and atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) strains belonging to different serotypes and isolated from humans, pets (cats and dogs), farm animals (bovines, sheep, and rabbits), and wild animals (monkeys) were investigated for virulence markers and clonal similarity by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and multilocus sequence typing (MLST). The virulence markers analyzed revealed that atypical EPEC strains isolated from animals have the potential to cause diarrhea in humans. A close clonal relationship between human and animal isolates was found by MLST and PFGE. These results indicate that these animals act as atypical EPEC reservoirs and may represent sources of infection for humans. Since humans also act as a reservoir of atypical EPEC strains, the cycle of mutual infection of atypical EPEC between animals and humans, mainly pets and their owners, cannot be ruled out since the transmission dynamics between the reservoirs are not yet clearly understood.


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Giardia isolates from eight horses from New York State (NY), USA and two horses from Western Australia (WA) were genetically characterized at the SSU-rDNA and triose-phosphate isomerase (TPI) genes. Phylogenetic analysis of the TPI gene provided strong support for the placement of both isolates of Giardia from horses in WA and a single isolate from a horse in NY within the assemblage AI genotype of G. duodenalis. Another two isolates from horses in NY placed within the assemblage All genotype of G. duodenalis. Phylogenetic analysis of the TPI gene also provided strong bootstrap support for the placement of four G. duodenalis isolates from horses in NY into a potentially host-specific sub-assemblage of assemblage BIV. The results of this study are consistent with previous studies showing that assemblages AI and AII of G. duodenalis provide the greatest potential zoonotic risk to humans. Horses may therefore constitute a potential source for human infection of Giardia either directly or via watersheds. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Little is known of the prevalence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia parasites in sheep and the genotypes that they harbor, although potentially sheep may contribute significantly to contamination of watersheds. In the present study, conducted in Western Australia, a total of 1,647 sheep fecal samples were screened for the presence of Cryptosporidium and Giardia spp. using microscopy, and a subset (n = 500) were screened by PCR and genotyped. Analysis revealed that although both parasites were detected in a high proportion of samples by PCR (44% and 26% for Giardia and Cryptosporidium spp., respectively), with the exception of one Cryptosporidium hominis isolate, the majority of isolates genotyped are not commonly found in humans. These results suggest that the public health risk of sheep-derived Cryptosporidium and Giardia spp. in catchment areas and effluent may be overestimated and warrant further investigation.


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Animal cloning by nuclear transfer (NT) has made the production of transgenic animals using genetically modified donor cells possible and ensures the presence of the gene construct in the offspring. The identification of transgene insertion sites in donor cells before cloning may avoid the production of animals that carry undesirable characteristics due to positional effects. This article compares blastocyst development and competence to establish pregnancies of bovine cloned embryos reconstructed with lentivirus-mediated transgenic fibroblasts containing either random integration of a transgene (random integration group) or nuclear transfer derived transgenic fibroblasts with known transgene insertion sites submitted to recloning (recloned group). In the random integration group, eGFP-expressing bovine fetal fibroblasts were selected by fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) and used as nuclei donor cells for NT. In the recloned group, a fibroblast cell line derived from a transgenic cloned fetus was characterized regarding transgene insertion and submitted to recloning. The recloned group had higher blastocyst production (25.38 vs. 14.42%) and higher percentage of 30-day pregnancies (14.29 vs. 2.56%) when compared to the random integration group. Relative eGFP expression analysis in fibroblasts derived from each cloned embryo revealed more homogeneous expression in the recloned group. In conclusion, the use of cell lines recovered from transgenic fetuses after identification of the transgene integration site allowed for the production of cells and fetuses with stable transgene expression, and recloning may improve transgenic animal yields.


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Objective To map out the career paths of veterinarians during their first 10 years after graduation, and to determine if this could have been predicted at entry to the veterinary course. Design Longitudinal study of students who started their course at The University of Queensland in 1985 and 1986, and who completed questionnaires in their first and fifth year as students, and in their second, sixth and eleventh year as veterinarians. Methods Data from 129 (96%) questionnaires completed during the eleventh year after graduation were coded numerically then analysed, together with data from previous questionnaires, with SAS System 7 for Windows 95. Results Ten years after they graduated, 80% were doing veterinary work, 60% were in private practice, 40% in small animal practice and 18% in mixed practice. The equivalent of 25% of the working time of all females was taken up by family duties. When part-time work was taken into account, veterinary work constituted the equivalent of 66% of the group working full-time. That 66% consisted of 52% on small animals, 7% on horses, 6% on cattle/sheep and 1% on pigs/poultry. Those who had grown up on farms with animals were twice as likely to be working with farm animals as were those from other backgrounds. Forecasts made on entry to the veterinary course were of no value in predicting who would remain in mixed practice. Conclusions Fewer than one-fifth of graduates were in mixed practice after 10 years, but the number was higher for those who grew up on farms with animals. Forecasts that may be made at interview before entry to the course were of little value in predicting the likelihood of remaining in mixed veterinary practice.


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Zootécnica


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Las Clamidias son bacterias patógenas de los animales de producción, de vida silvestre y de compañía. Además de las pérdidas económicas que producen las infecciones en los planteles de producción bovina, ovina, caprina, porcina y aves de corral, la mayoría de las especies tienen importancia zoonótica, pudiendo dar origen a infecciones graves, potencialmente letales en el ser humano. El orden Chlamydiales está integrado por bacterias que actúan como parásitos intracelulares obligados que desarrollan su ciclo de vida únicamente dentro de inclusiones citoplasmáticas. En este orden se encuentra la familia Chlamydiaceae que comprende dos géneros, Chlamydia y Chlamydophila; y las especies, Chlamydia trachomatis, C. suis, C. muridarum, Chlamydophila psittaci, C. abortus, C. felis, C. caviae, C. pecorum, y C. pneumoniae. C. psittaci causa psitacosis o clamidiosis aviar. En Argentina, los primeros casos clínicos de psitacosis fueron reportados en 1929. Los criadores de aves y quienes las poseen como mascotas, representan el grupo de mayor riesgo; pero también las personas que trabajan en pajarerías y aquellas que por su empleo se ven expuestas a contraer la enfermedad (empleados en peladeros donde se carnean y procesan pollos y otras aves para consumo, veterinarios, empleados de zoológicos, etc.). La infección en humanos se presenta como una neumonía severa; con fiebre alta, escalofríos, dolor de cabeza, mialgia y dificultad respiratoria. Ocasionalmente puede presentarse vómitos, dolor abdominal, diarrea y complicaciones como miocarditis, endocarditis, encefalitis, ictericia y fallas multiorgánicas, que pueden ser fatales sino se le administra el tratamiento adecuado. La infección en las mujeres embarazadas puede producir neumonía, hepatitis, insuficiencia renal, sepsis, parto prematuro y muerte fetal. Existen más de 465 especies de aves en las que se registró C. psittaci, incluyendo ornamentales, de corral, silvestres, acuáticas y palomas. Las patologías que pueden producir en estos animales son neumonitis, conjuntivitis, encefalomielitis, placentopatías, fetopatías, anorexia, diarrea e infecciones persistentes asintomáticas u oligosintomáticas. En bovinos, C. pecorum, C. abortus y C. psittaci producen infecciones respiratorias y genitales; que se presentan como cuadros de enteritis, artritis, encefalomielitis, endometritis e hipofertilidad. En Argentina, la infección clamidial en el ganado caprino fue asociada a daños en el tejido uterino, abortos, partos prematuros y crías débiles. En equinos, C. psittaci y C. pneumoniae producen abortos y desórdenes respiratorios, con un gran impacto en ganadería que redunda en pérdidas económicas. Considerando que existen escasos estudios eco-epidemiológicos y clínicos que reporten el estado de situación de estas infecciones en nuestro medio, es que el presente trabajo propone actualizar y profundizar el conocimiento de las especies de Clamidias de importancia médico-veterinaria presentes en la provincia de Córdoba, Argentina. El desarrollo de este proyecto aportará la implementación de técnicas que mejorarán el diagnóstico microbiológico, confirmarán los cuadros clínicos; y por lo tanto contribuirá al conocimiento de estos agentes infecciosos en nuestra región. Esta información es indispensable para los organismos responsables de la Salud Pública (Ministerios de Salud y Educación, Municipios, etc.) para que puedan obrar en consecuencia y generar sistemas de alerta temprana, tomar medidas de prevención y medidas de control frente a la presencia de un brote epidémico por alguna cepa clamidial. "Eco epidemiology of Chlamydophila psittaci, C. pecorum and C. pneumoniae: Impact on public health "The Chlamydiae are bacterial pathogens of farm animals, wildlife and pets. Besides the economic losses that occur on campuses infections of cattle, sheep, goats, swine and poultry, most species are zoonotic, infections potentially fatal can cause in humans. The order Chlamydiales is composed of the family Chlamydiaceae comprising two genera, Chlamydia and Chlamydophila, and nine species, Chlamydia trachomatis, C. suis, C. muridarum, Chlamydophila psittaci, C. abortus, C. felis, C. caviae, C. pecorum, and C. pneumoniae. The clinical manifestations in humans are associated with severe pneumonia. Also, nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms, and complications such as myocarditis, endocarditis, encephalitis, jaundice and multiple organ failure. There are over 465 species of birds where recorded C. psittaci, including ornamental plants, poultry, wild waterfowl and pigeons. Sick birds eliminate chlamydia in all secretions, asymptomatic birds can develop the disease through contact with other infected birds. The human infection occurs by inhalation of aerosolized secretions of infected birds. The prevalence of C. psittaci records in humans, birds, horses, goats and cattle are scarce in Latin America. In Argentina it has been detected chlamydial antibody prevalence in cattle in Buenos Aires and La Pampa (5) and Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome) in the town of Santa Cruz (11). Detect this pathogen in these birds and learn about potential sources of infection would be of great public health significance. To develop an efficient system of medical and veterinary surveillance is essential to have reliable diagnostic techniques for detection and identification of Chlamydia in birds, animals and humans.


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Kikuio grass (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst) is beyond any doubt, a pasture very important for farm animals; since its chemical composition is very similar to that of alfalfa, the present field trial was carried out; a randomized block design with 8 treatments was selected as follows: 1 N - P - K - Ca - Mg (complete manuring) 2 N - P - K - Ca----- (without Mg) 3 N - P - K-------Mg (without Ca) 4 ----P - K - Ca - Mg (without N) 5 N------K - Ca Mg (without P) 6 N - P - Ca - Mg (without K) 7 organic matter (without mineral fertilizers) 8 control Nitrogen was applied as NaN03 (topdressed) and as ammonium sulfate; P2O5 was given as superphosphate associated to bonemeal; K2O was applied as muriate, CaO as "sambaquis" (oyster shells); MgO was given as MgSO4 (topdressed). The source of organic matter was farmyard manure. As far yields are concerned the following observations were made: 1. treatment n. 7 was superior to all others; 2. considering the mineral fertilizers, good responses were due to N and P2O5; 3. the control yield was exceedingly poor, being inferior to all the others treatments; The chemical analyses revealed that: 1. the protein content decreased accordingly to this order: 7, 6, 5 and 1; treatment 4 (without N) gave the lowest protein content; 2. treatment n. 4 produced the highest fat content; treatment no. 7 ranked second; no. 8 gave the lowest fat content; 3. crude fiber: highest - treatment 7; lowest - 8; 4. ashes: the ashes content was higher in treatment 5; proprobably because the most abundant element in the ashes is K, the ash content of treatment 6 (no K) was very low; 5. non nitrogenous substances (determined by difference) - high in treatment 8 and low in treatment 7; 6. mineral elements in the ashes - the element omitted from a given treatment was very low in the grasses therein obtained; this shows the relative poverty of the soil in that element. As general remark the Authors suggest the use of farmyard manure in the fertilization of Kikuio grass; farmyard manure could probably substitute wither green manure or compost.


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Blastocystis infection has been reported to be associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and chronic diarrhoea. The availability of data on the subtypes of Blastocystis found in these patient groups would be of interest in understanding the significance of Blastocystis infection in chronic illness. In this study, we identify Blastocystis subtypes found in patients presenting with IBS, IBD, chronic diarrhoea and asymptomatic patients in Ankara, Turkey. Blastocystis was detected in 11 symptomatic patients by microscopy and 19 by stool culture. Stool culture was more sensitive than microscopy in identifying Blastocystis. Using standard nomenclature adopted in 2007, Blastocystis sp. subtype 3 was the most common in all groups, followed by Blastocystis sp. subtype 2. Identical subtypes of Blastocystis are found in patients with IBS, IBD and chronic diarrhoea. These particular subtypes show low host specificity and are carried by humans and some farm animals. The subtypes of Blastocystis that are commonly found in rodents and certain wild birds were not found in these patients. We suggest a model in which the severity of enteric protozoan infection may be mediated by host factors.


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This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of hepatitis E antibodies (anti-HEV) among individuals exposed to swine in the rural areas of the state of Mato Grosso (MT) in Brazil. The study included 310 participants who had an average age of 39 years. Fifty-one per cent of the participants were female and 26 (8.4%) were anti-HEV-positive. Concomitantly, we studied 101 blood donors from the urban area of the state capital who had never lived in a rural area or handled swine. Four per cent (4%) of these individuals were anti-HEV-positive (p = 0.206). When we compared the anti-HEV-positive participants who had been exposed to swine with the anti-HEV-negative participants, we noticed associations between the presence of anti-HEV and increased age, a history of blood transfusions and contact with other farm animals. However, after a multivariate analysis was performed, this association was not confirmed. Finally, the ratio of anti-HEV-positive individuals who had been exposed to swine in rural MT was similar to that found in previous studies in Brazil. This prevalence did not characterise this type of exposure as a risk factor for HEV infection in this region.


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Pigs are very often colonized by Staphylococcus aureus and transmission of such pig-associated S. aureus to humans can cause serious medical, hygiene, and economic problems. The transmission route of zoonotic pathogens colonizing farm animals to humans is not well established and bioaerosols could play an important role. The aim of this study was to assess the potential occupational risk of working with S. aureus-colonized pigs in Switzerland. We estimated the airborne contamination by S. aureus in 37 pig farms (20 nursery and 17 fattening units; 25 in summer, 12 in winter). Quantification of total airborne bacterial DNA, airborne Staphylococcus sp. DNA, fungi, and airborne endotoxins was also performed. In this experiment, the presence of cultivable airborne methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) CC398 in a pig farm in Switzerland was reported for the first time. Airborne methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) was found in ~30% of farms. The average airborne concentration of DNA copy number of total bacteria and Staphylococcus sp. measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction was very high, respectively reaching values of 75 (± 28) × 10(7) and 35 (± 9.8) × 10(5) copy numbers m(-3) in summer and 96 (± 19) × 10(8) and 40 (± 12) × 10(6) copy numbers m(-3) in winter. Total mean airborne concentrations of endotoxins (1298 units of endotoxin m(-3)) and fungi (5707 colony-forming units m(-3)) exceeded the Swiss recommended values and were higher in winter than in summer. In conclusion, Swiss pig farmers will have to tackle a new emerging occupational risk, which could also have a strong impact on public health. The need to inform pig farmers about biological occupational risks is therefore crucial.


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Djur och djurskyddet hör till ett rättsligt regleringsområde som inte varit föremål för omfattande rättsvetenskaplig forskning i vårt land även om intresset för djurs välbefinnande ökat både i samhället och inom EU. Avhandlingen har avfattats som en artikelavhandling och är en offentligrättslig studie om djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Tematiken har behandlats både ur djurens och djurens ägares eller innehavares synvinkel med utgångspunkt i djurskyddslagstiftningen och förvaltningen av djurskyddsärenden i Finland. Forskningen är fokuserad huvudsakligen på skyddet av och välbefinnandet hos produktions- och slaktdjur även om bland annat de begrepp som granskas också berör andra djurkategorier. De övergripande frågeställningarna i avhandlingen är två. För det första, vad är det som avses med djurs välbefinnande och skydd i regleringen av djurskyddet och för det andra, hur realiseras dessa i djurskyddsmyndigheternas förvaltningsverksamhet? I forskningen presenteras och diskuteras bland annat en ny begreppskonstruktion: djurs rättsliga välbefinnande. Den empiriska delen i avhandlingen omfattar förvaltningsverksamheten inom området av djurskydd under åren 1996–2006. Sammanlagt 10468 dokument som upprättats av djurskyddsmyndigheten i samband med verkställandet av djurskyddsövervakning ingår i undersökningen. Forskningen utmynnar i en åtgärdsförteckning med förslag till utvecklingen av området för djurskydd.


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Studies are performed in developing techniques/procedures that provide greater reproductive performance in farm animals, including pigs. In this sense, the study of gilts reproductive organs at different oestrus cycle stages for assessing the presence of abnormalities and/or other parameters that may affect the future animal fertility is important. In order to evaluate the morphological, morphometric and histomorphometric features of ovaries, uterus and uterine tubes (UTs) characteristics of prepubertal gilts at different oestrus cycle stages, reproductive tracts from 48 animals immediately after slaughter were obtained. After, the structures were dissected and removed, and the ovaries were used for classification of oestrus cycle stage of each gilt in follicular phase (FP) and luteal phase (FL). Then, morphometric evaluations of ovaries, UTs, uterine horns and uterine body were performed. Besides that, medial segments of UTs and uterus were fixed in Bouin solution, processed and included in paraffin, when histological sections of 5.0 micrometers (µm) were obtained and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin. Histomorphometric analyzes using image capture system and specific software were performed. Afterwards, data were submitted to Student's t test for assessment the statistical differences (P<0.05) between the two different oestrus cycle stages (FP × LP) and between the placement of reproductive structures (right × left antimer). Among the gilts evaluated, 35 were in the FP and 13 in LP. There was no difference (P>0.05) between morphometric parameters of ovaries, UTs and uterus of gilts in FP and LP. Likewise, in respect to the placement of reproductive structures, both in the oestrus cycle stages, as in the general average, there was no difference (P>0.05). Regarding the histomorphometric variables, gilts classified in FP presented a higher (P<0.05) height of glandular and UT epithelium compared to animals in LP. On the other hand, the diameter of endometrial glands was higher (P<0.05) in gilts at LP compared to FP. Furthermore, gilts in LP presented a higher (P<0.05) proportion of endometrium occupied by glands, whereas animals in FP had a higher (P<0.05) proportion of connective tissue and blood vessels. In conclusion, in prepubertal gilts, the histomorphometric parameters as endometrial glands diameter, the height of glandular epithelium and of UT epithelium and the proportion of endometrium occupied by connective tissue, besides the glands and blood vessels varies through the oestrus cycle, possibly under the influence of ovarian steroids.


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Abstract: Currently the importance of using alternative strategies for biodiversity conservation is emphasized and since the establishment of germplasm bank is an alternative to the conservation of endangered species. This is a technique of great importance for the maintenance of Brazilian fauna. Since the early70'sthere was a growing concern about the need to preserve essential genetic resources for food and agriculture, mainly for conservation of genetic material from farm animals. Thus was created the Brasilia Zoo, in July 2010, the first Germplasm Bank of Wild Animals in Latin America, as an alternative strategy for the conservation of threatened or endangered species, using both gametes and somatic cells and stem cells. Then we argue to create new banks or research networks among different regions with aimed to tissue preservation.