986 resultados para FREQUENCY-RELATIONSHIP


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The close relationship between rain and lightning is well known. However, there are numerous documented observations of heavy rain accompanied by little or no lightning activity (Williams et al, 1992; Jayaratne, 1993). Kuleshov et al (2002) studied thunderstorm distribution and frequency in Australia and concluded that thunderstorm frequency (as expressed by number of thunder-days) in Australia does not, in general, appear to vary in any consistent way with rainfall. However, thunder-days describe occurrence of thunderstorms as heard by an observer, and therefore could be only proxy data to evaluate actual lightning activity (i.e. number of total or cloud-to-ground flashes). Field experiments have demonstrated a strong increase in lightning activity with convective available potential energy (CAPE). It has also been shown that CAPE increases linearly with potential wet bulb temperature, Tw (Williams et al, 1992). In this study, we examine the relationship between lightning ground flash incidence and the two parameters – surface rainfall and surface wet bulb maximum temperature for selected localities around Australia...


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Background: The majority of studies investigating the neural mechanisms underlying treatment in people with aphasia have examined task-based brain activity. However, the use of resting-state fMRI may provide another method of examining the brain mechanisms responsible for treatment-induced recovery, and allows for investigation into connectivity within complex functional networks Methods: Eight people with aphasia underwent 12 treatment sessions that aimed to improve object naming. Half the sessions employed a phonologically-based task, and half the sessions employed a semantic-based task, with resting-state fMRI conducted pre- and post-treatment. Brain regions in which the amplitude of low frequency fluctuations (ALFF) correlated with treatment outcomes were used as seeds for functional connectivity (FC) analysis. FC maps were compared from pre- to post-treatment, as well as with a group of 12 healthy older controls Results: Pre-treatment ALFF in the right middle temporal gyrus (MTG) correlated with greater outcomes for the phonological treatment, with a shift to the left MTG and supramarginal gyrus, as well as the right inferior frontal gyrus, post-treatment. When compared to controls, participants with aphasia showed both normalization and up-regulation of connectivity within language networks post-treatment, predominantly in the left hemisphere Conclusions: The results provide preliminary evidence that treatments for naming impairments affect the FC of language networks, and may aid in understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the rehabilitation of language post-stroke.


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This article presents some remarks on models currently used in low speed manoeuvring and dynamic positioning problems. It discusses the relationship between the classical hydrodynamic equations for manoeuvring and seakeeping, and offers insight into the models used for simulation and control system design.


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This paper examines empirically the effect firm reputation has on the determinants of debt maturity. Utilising data from European primary bond market between 1999 and 2005, I find that the maturity choice of issuers with a higher reputation is less sensitive to macroeconomic conditions, market credit risk-premiums, prevailing firm credit quality and size of the debt issue. The annualised coupon payments are shown to be a significant factor in determining the debt maturity and reveal a monotonously increasing relationship between credit quality and debt maturity once controlled for. Finally, I show that issuers lacking a credit rating have an implied credit quality positioned between investment-grade and speculative-grade debt.


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Microscopic relations between single-particle orientational relaxation time (T, ) , dielectric relaxation time ( T ~ )a,n d many-body orientational relaxation time ( T ~o)f a dipolar liquid are derived. We show that both T~ and T~ are influenced significantly by many-body effects. In the present theory, these many-body effects enter through the anisotropic part of the two-particle direct correlation function of the polar liquid. We use mean-spherical approximation (MSA) for dipolar hard spheres for explicit numerical evaluation of the relaxation times. We find that, although the dipolar correlation function is biexponential, the frequency-dependent dielectric constant is of simple Debye form, with T~ equal to the transverse polarization relaxation time. The microscopic T~ falls in between Debye and Onsager-Glarum expressions at large values of the static dielectric constant.


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Polypyrrole exhibits reversible changes in their direct current resistance on exposure to organic volatiles. However, one needs to employ an array of such sensors to discriminate organic volatiles present in a mixture. Hence, polypyrrole based gas sensor is designed for the detection and discrimination of different organic volatiles. Multi frequency impedance measurement technique is used to detect the organic vapors, such as acetone, ethanol and Isopropyl alcohol, in the gas phase, over a frequency range 10 Hz to 2 MHz. The sensor response is monitored by measuring the changes in its capacitance, resistance and the dissipation factor upon exposure to organic volatiles. It is observed that the capacitive property of the sensor is more sensitive to these volatiles than its resistive property. Each volatile responds to the sensor in terms of dissipation factor at specific frequency and found that the peak magnitude has a linear relationship with their concentrations.


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Characterizing the functional connectivity between neurons is key for understanding brain function. We recorded spikes and local field potentials (LFPs) from multielectrode arrays implanted in monkey visual cortex to test the hypotheses that spikes generated outward-traveling LFP waves and the strength of functional connectivity depended on stimulus contrast, as described recently. These hypotheses were proposed based on the observation that the latency of the peak negativity of the spike-triggered LFP average (STA) increased with distance between the spike and LFP electrodes, and the magnitude of the STA negativity and the distance over which it was observed decreased with increasing stimulus contrast. Detailed analysis of the shape of the STA, however, revealed contributions from two distinct sources-a transient negativity in the LFP locked to the spike (similar to 0 ms) that attenuated rapidly with distance, and a low-frequency rhythm with peak negativity similar to 25 ms after the spike that attenuated slowly with distance. The overall negative peak of the LFP, which combined both these components, shifted from similar to 0 to similar to 25 ms going from electrodes near the spike to electrodes far from the spike, giving an impression of a traveling wave, although the shift was fully explained by changing contributions from the two fixed components. The low-frequency rhythm was attenuated during stimulus presentations, decreasing the overall magnitude of the STA. These results highlight the importance of accounting for the network activity while using STAs to determine functional connectivity.


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The non-deterministic relationship between Bit Error Rate and Packet Error Rate is demonstrated for an optical media access layer in common use. We show that frequency components of coded, non-random data can cause this relationship. © 2005 Optical Society of America.


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The joint time-frequency analysis method is adopted to study the nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response for a class of S.D.O.F nonlinear system. A time-frequency masking operator, together with the conception of effective time-frequency region of the asymptotic signal are defined here. Based on these mathematical foundations, a so-called skeleton linear model (SLM) is constructed which has similar nonlinear characteristics with the nonlinear system. Two skeleton curves are deduced which can indicate the stiffness and damping in the nonlinear system. The relationship between the SLM and the nonlinear system, both parameters and solutions, is clarified. Based on this work a new identification technique of nonlinear systems using the nonstationary vibration data will be proposed through time-frequency filtering technique and wavelet transform in the following paper.


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Cancellation of interfering frequency-modulated (FM) signals is investigated with emphasis towards applications on the cellular telephone channel as an important example of a multiple access communications system. In order to fairly evaluate analog FM multiaccess systems with respect to more complex digital multiaccess systems, a serious attempt to mitigate interference in the FM systems must be made. Information-theoretic results in the field of interference channels are shown to motivate the estimation and subtraction of undesired interfering signals. This thesis briefly examines the relative optimality of the current FM techniques in known interference channels, before pursuing the estimation and subtracting of interfering FM signals.

The capture-effect phenomenon of FM reception is exploited to produce simple interference-cancelling receivers with a cross-coupled topology. The use of phase-locked loop receivers cross-coupled with amplitude-tracking loops to estimate the FM signals is explored. The theory and function of these cross-coupled phase-locked loop (CCPLL) interference cancellers are examined. New interference cancellers inspired by optimal estimation and the CCPLL topology are developed, resulting in simpler receivers than those in prior art. Signal acquisition and capture effects in these complex dynamical systems are explained using the relationship of the dynamical systems to adaptive noise cancellers.

FM interference-cancelling receivers are considered for increasing the frequency reuse in a cellular telephone system. Interference mitigation in the cellular environment is seen to require tracking of the desired signal during time intervals when it is not the strongest signal present. Use of interference cancelling in conjunction with dynamic frequency-allocation algorithms is viewed as a way of improving spectrum efficiency. Performance of interference cancellers indicates possibilities for greatly increased frequency reuse. The economics of receiver improvements in the cellular system is considered, including both the mobile subscriber equipment and the provider's tower (base station) equipment.

The thesis is divided into four major parts and a summary: the introduction, motivations for the use of interference cancellation, examination of the CCPLL interference canceller, and applications to the cellular channel. The parts are dependent on each other and are meant to be read as a whole.


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Tunas and tuna-like fishes have contributed considerably towards the increase in fish production from Ceylon's coastal waters, during the last five years and in this blood fish group lies a potential resource for a further increase in production. Consequently considerable attention is being paid to the study of these species. Length frequency sampling of these species are being carried out and quite often it becomes necessary to convert catch in terms of weight to catch in terms of number, when estimating apparent abundance of the stock. The length-weight relationship in addition to its usefulness in converting length frequency data to weight frequency data for such purpose is of general value to biologists and even to fishermen. The six species studied are yellowfin tuna (Thunnus alacares, Bonneterre), skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis, Linnaeus), mackerel tuna (Buthynnus affinis, Cantor), frigate mackerel (narrow corseleted Auxis thazard, Lacepede and broad corseleted A. rochie, Risso) and bonito (Saida orientalis, T&S).


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Common squid (Loligo duvauceli) is caught as by-catch of shrimp trawlers in shallow coastal. waters off Pakistan. Size frequency data of squid for sexes combined collected from Karachi Fish Harbour were analyzed. The length-weight relationship of the form W = a.L b was determined and to mean length of squid sample measured compared with mean length derived from inverse equation was tested for any significant differences, none were observed and it was inferred that the equation W = 0.243xL 2.2424 describe the relationship.


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Silkie is a famous black-bone chicken breed with beautiful silky feather. The unique medical property of this chicken was recorded in Chinese traditional medicine dictionary about 700 years ago. In this study, we analyzed the mtDNA D-loop sequence variation of 26 Bairong Silkies from Fujian Province, China, together with 100 reported Silkie mtDNAs from China and Japan, and studied their matrilineal components and genetic relationship. A total of 21 haplotypes were detected, which could be assigned to six haplogroups (A-E, G). Among them, haplogroups D and G were exclusively presented in Japanese Silkies and Chinese Silkies, respectively. Chinese Silkies had higher frequency of lineages belonging to haplogroups A, B, and E, and lower frequency of haplogroup C than Japanese Silkies. For the four Chinese Silkie populations, most of samples of Taihe, Chengdu, and Hubei Silkies were grouped in haplogroups A, B, and C, whereas most of Bairong Silkies were grouped in haplogroup E. Five haplotypes were shared by Japanese and Chinese Silkies. The genetic diversity of each Silkie population varied, but the overall diversity of Chinese Silkies was similar to that of Japanese Silkies. Taken together, our results confirmed the genetic connection between Chinese and Japanese Silkies, but also clearly showed that the matrilineal genetic structures of Chinese and Japanese Silkies had some differences.


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Mark Pagel, Quentin D. Atkinson & Andrew Meade (2007). Frequency of word-use predicts rates of lexical evolution throughout Indo-European history. Nature, 449,717-720. RAE2008


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BACKGROUND: Mammalian genomes commonly harbor endogenous viral elements. Due to a lack of comparable genome-scale sequence data, far less is known about endogenous viral elements in avian species, even though their small genomes may enable important insights into the patterns and processes of endogenous viral element evolution. RESULTS: Through a systematic screening of the genomes of 48 species sampled across the avian phylogeny we reveal that birds harbor a limited number of endogenous viral elements compared to mammals, with only five viral families observed: Retroviridae, Hepadnaviridae, Bornaviridae, Circoviridae, and Parvoviridae. All nonretroviral endogenous viral elements are present at low copy numbers and in few species, with only endogenous hepadnaviruses widely distributed, although these have been purged in some cases. We also provide the first evidence for endogenous bornaviruses and circoviruses in avian genomes, although at very low copy numbers. A comparative analysis of vertebrate genomes revealed a simple linear relationship between endogenous viral element abundance and host genome size, such that the occurrence of endogenous viral elements in bird genomes is 6- to 13-fold less frequent than in mammals. CONCLUSIONS: These results reveal that avian genomes harbor relatively small numbers of endogenous viruses, particularly those derived from RNA viruses, and hence are either less susceptible to viral invasions or purge them more effectively.