463 resultados para Explorations


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Numerous definitions of forgiveness have been proposed in the literature (e.g.. North, 1987; Enright, Freedman & Rique, 1998), most ofwhich are based on religious or philosophical notions, rather than on empirical evidence. Definitions employed by researchers have typically set very high standards for forgiveness. This research was designed to investigate the possibility that these definitions describe an ideal of forgiveness and may not reflect laypersons' beliefe and experiences. Using Higgins' Self-Discrepancy Theory as a fiamework, three types of forgiveness beliefs were investigated: actual, ideal, and ought Q-methodology (which permits intensive study ofphenomena in small samples) was employed to examine and compare participants' beliefs about forgiveness across these domains. Thirty participants (20 women), 25 to 78 years of age, were recruited firom the community. They were asked to sort a set of66 statements about forgiveness according to their level of agreement with each statement This process was repeated three times, with the goal of modelling participants' actual experiences, their ideals, and how they believed forgiveness ought to be. Three perspectives on forgiveness emerged across the domains: forgiveness as motivated by religious beliefs, reconciliation-focussed forgiveness, and conflicted forgiveness. These perspectives indicated that, for many participants, the definitions presented in the literature may coincide with their beliefs about how forgiveness would ideally be and should be, as well as with their experiences of forgiveness; however, a large number of participants' experiences of, and beliefs about, forgiveness do not conform to the standards set out in the literature, and to exclude these participants' experiences and beliefs would mean overlooking what forgiveness means to a large portion of people. Results of this study indicate that researchers need to keep an open mind about what forgiveness may mean to their participants.


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This study explores the stories and experiences of second-generation Portuguese Canadian secondary school students in Southern Ontario, Canada. The purpose of this research was to understand the educational experiences of students, specifically the successes, challenges, and struggles that the participants faced within the education system. Questions were also asked about identity issues and how participants perceived their identities influencing their educational experiences. Six Portuguese Canadian students in grades 9 to 11 were interviewed twice. The interviews ranged from 45 minutes to 90 minutes in length. Data analysis of qualitative, open-ended interviews, research journals, field notes and curricular documents yielded understandings about the participants' experiences and challenges in the education system. Eight themes emerged from data that explored the realities of everyday life for second-generatiop Portuguese Canadian students. These themes include: influences of part-time work on schooling, parental involvement, the teacher is key, challenges and barriers, the importance of peers, Portuguese Canadian identity, lack of focus on identity in curricul:um content, and the dropout problem. Recommendations in this study include the need for more community-based programs to assist students. Furthermore, teachers are encouraged to utilize strategies and curriculum resources that engage learners and integrate their histories and identities. Educators are encouraged to question power dynamics both inside and outside the school system. There is also a need for further research with Portuguese Canadian students who are struggling in the education system as well as an examination of the number of hours that students work.


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The first example of a [5+2] cycloaddition reaction wherein the olefin of the vinylcyclopropyl moiety is constrained in a carbocycle was explored, and possible reasons on the lack of reactivity of the substrate were studied. A simple model substrate was synthesized and subjected to cycloaddition conditions to determine if the reason for the lack of reactivity was related to the complexity of the substrate, or if the lack of “conjugative character” of the cyclopropyl ring with respect to the olefin is responsible. A more complex bicyclic substrate possessing an angular methyl group at the ring junction was also synthesized and explored, with evidence supporting the current theory of deconjugation of the cyclopropyl moiety.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Ce mémoire utilise des données qualitatives provenant d’entretiens semi-structurés pour examiner les ressources qu’utilisent les individus qui font face à l’insécurité alimentaire sous l’angle du capital culturel de Pierre Bourdieu. Les participants étaient choisis parmi les usagers des organismes alternatifs qui œuvrent en sécurité alimentaire à Montréal. Tous étaient en situation d’insécurité alimentaire. Des analyses inductives et déductives étaient exécutées. Seize indicateurs de la forme du capital culturel incorporée, et trois indicateurs de chacune des formes institutionnalisées et objectivées ont été trouvés à être reliés aux stratégies qu’utilisaient les répondants pour améliorer leur situation alimentaire. Cette recherche nous indique que le capital culturel individuel joue un rôle dans les stratégies utilisées, incluant la participation dans les organismes communautaires. De plus, un manque de capital approprié peut servir comme barrière à la participation dans certaines stratégies ce qui pourra avancer des réflexions sur la justesse et l’efficacité des stratégies actuelles.


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On a longtemps associé la mer à la naissance du roman. Suivant l’hypothèse d’Erwin Rohde, on a supposé que le roman grec s’était formé par la synthèse de la tradition élégiaque alexandrine et de la vogue des récits de voyage. Si l’hypothèse de Rohde a depuis été nuancée pour montrer que les romans grecs et latins sont aussi redevables à d’autres genres littéraires de l’Antiquité classique et à d’autres sources d’influence, comme les mystères isiaques, il n’en demeure pas moins que les histoires de voyages et d’enlèvements, de pirates et de tempêtes sont caractéristiques de la production narrative grecque et latine du IIIe au VIe siècle au point que l’on pourrait parler d’une véritable tradition du roman maritime. [Introduction]


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There has been recent interest in using temporal difference learning methods to attack problems of prediction and control. While these algorithms have been brought to bear on many problems, they remain poorly understood. It is the purpose of this thesis to further explore these algorithms, presenting a framework for viewing them and raising a number of practical issues and exploring those issues in the context of several case studies. This includes applying the TD(lambda) algorithm to: 1) learning to play tic-tac-toe from the outcome of self-play and of play against a perfectly-playing opponent and 2) learning simple one-dimensional segmentation tasks.


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Monogr??fico con el t??tulo: "La investigaci??n sobre la identidad profesional del profesorado en Europa


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All of our knowledge of history is mediated in one way or another. Even the experience of first hand witnesses are, it may be argued, subject to semiotic influences such as physical and emotional position, attitudinal point of view and accuracy of recall. A great deal of historical knowledge is acquired through dramatised versions of historical events. As the characters who actually took part in historical events become the dramatis personae of re-enacted accounts, their stories are edited not only to meet dramatic necessities but the social, psychological and cultural needs of both storytellers and audience. The process of popularising history in this way thus becomes as much about the effects of events on people as the events themselves. This chapter describes and analyses the way in which four historical events have formed the basis of school based drama workshops that explore this process. The Player in Tom Stoppard’s ‘Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead’ posits that actors do on stage what others are supposed to do off, which, he claims, ‘is a kind of integrity.’ The chapter discusses how drama may be used to explore not only stories from history but how those stories may be mediated and so become open to multiple interpretations. The process of dramatising events from history provides opportunities to develop and exercise a critical literacy that is concerned not so much with either fact or empathy as with interrogating both why and how stories are told. Thus, the experience of exploring the symbiotic relationship between drama and history is dependent on an internal logic which may indeed be perceived as a kind of integrity.


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This paper seeks to import a more complex understanding of gendered subjectivity into discussions of young people and homosexuality, and is based on an Australian national survey (n=749) of same-sex attracted youth (SSAY) aged between 14 and 21. Results revealed significant gender differences with regard to patterns of sexual attraction, behaviour and identity labels among participants. For the young men in the study, there was more congruence between feelings of gender a-typicality, same-sex attractions and same-sex behaviours. Overall, young women displayed more fluidity with regard to their sexual feelings, behaviours and identities. Young women were more likely to be engaged in private explorations of lesbianism, concurrent with participation in heterosexual sex and relationships. Young women were also grappling with more limited and emotionally risky opportunities for sex with other girls who were already known to them as friends. The invisibility of lesbianism as an identity or practice led to confusion about what feelings meant for the future in the arena of lived experience. The paper concludes that more research is needed into the impact of gender on the development of young people's experiences of homosexuality, particularly the manner in which invisibility and lack of social acceptance of a full spectrum of sexual diversity may disadvantage young women's emotional health and well-being.


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Contents: Paradigm plurality and its prospects -- Organizational knowledge : production and consumption -- Escaping the confines of organization theory / with Ian Atkin -- Actor-networks and sociological symmetry / with Christine McLean -- Fluidity and identity / with Beverly Metcalfe -- Time and temporality -- Decoration and disorganization / with Stella Minahan -- Governmentality and networks -- Actor-networks, research strategy and organization / with Nick Lee -- Rethinking triangulation -- Critical retrospective research -- Concluding remarks : a future agenda for alternative organization studies.


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As embodied social agents our lives are preoccupied with the production and reproduction of bodies. Making, unmaking and remaking our embodiment are ongoing activities. Eating, exercise, washing, grooming, dressing, for example, are activities in which the body engages in routine tasks of bodily management. Such activities can be seen as everyday rehabilitation. The study explores the impact of major physical impairment on embodiment, and on the processes involved in re-embodiment after catastrophic injury or disease. The experiences of the people in this study dramatically highlight the continuous, but largely taken for granted processes involved in our embodiment. Four analytical strands are interwoven throughout the study. The first strand relates to the frailty and vulnerability of the human body, characteristics which are epitomised by the bodies of the informants in this study. The second strand engages with key aspects of the context in which re-embodiment takes place, namely a context replete with crisis, danger, fear, uncertainty and risk. The third strand projects into the future in considering the ongoing project of self. The fourth strand addresses the institutional and social impediments which may confine vulnerable bodies and limit the exploration of more expansive bodies. The study is situated within the general theoretical approach of the sociology of the body. While recognizing the powerful impact of social discourse in the production of bodies, the study focuses on the critical role of embodiment in the reconstitution of self. The people in this study have experienced profound bodily change, but although this damage has disrupted, it has not annihilated their embodied selves. The people still possess and occupy their bodies. It is the obduracy of embodiment which directs the processes involved in remaking the body.


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Australia’s evocative Mallee region is rich with histories, impressions and geographical complexities. It is also a microcosm of a world in turmoil.

Ground Truthing allows the Mallee to speak: to show its nurturing and renewable self. In searching for the creative principles that bring the Mallee into being, Carter digs, plots and weaves a poetic passage. A Wotjobaluk man, 'Jowley', the poet John Shaw Neilson and pastoralist William Stanbridge are among characters that give creative access to the region. Their voices mingle with those of vanished peoples and an ecological future crying out for renegotiation.

Through this spatial history of the Mallee, we see that regions contain 'the region of regions' that is the creative key to the production and sustenance of all places.