151 resultados para Explant
A transformation technique for the introduction of transgenes to control blackheart by particle bombardment has been developed for pineapple cv. Smooth Cayenne. Leaf callus cultures capable of high frequency organogenesis with a short regeneration time were used as explant material. Gus and gfp reporter genes were used to observe and determine transient and stable expression. The ppo gene, isolated from pineapple, was introduced to control blackheart. Co-transformation occurred with constructs containing the nptII gene conferring geneticin resistance. We have recovered 15 independent transgenic gus and gfp lines each from 8 separate experiments and 22 ppo lines from 11 experiments. Gus, gfp, ppo and nptII positive plants have been regenerated, which have been shown by Southern blot analysis to be stable transgenics containing multiple copies of the introduced genes. These results show that biolistic gene delivery in pineapple can be successfully achieved at an acceptable efficiency of 0.21-1.5% for genetic improvement of 'Smooth Cayenne', the industry standard throughout the world.
Excised shoot tips of Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. (dodder), a rootless and leafless angiospermic plant parasite, were cultured in vitro for the study of the control of lateral bud development by the apex. In a chemically defined medium lacking hormones, the basal bud alone developed into a shoot. The addition of coconut milk to the growth medium induced the activation of multiple lateral buds, but only a single bud developed further into a shoot. The decapitation of this shoot induced the development of another shoot and the process could be repeated. This showed the controlling effect of the apex in correlative control of bud development. Application of indole-3-acetic acid to the shoot tip explant delayed the development of the lateral bud. Gibberellic acid A3 induced a marked elongation growth of the explant and reinforced apical dominance. The direct application of cytokinin to an inhibited bud relieved it from apical dominance. A basipetally decreasing concentration gradient of auxin may prevail at the nodes. Bud outgrowth is probably stimulated by cytokinin produced locally in the bud.
Trehalose, an alpha,alpha-diglucoside, induced a rapid blackening and death of shoot tips of Cuscuta reflexa (dodder) cultured in vitro. The onset of toxic symptom was delayed if any of the several sugars which support the in vitro growth of Cuscuta was supplied with trehalose. The rate of trehalose uptake or its accumulation in the tissue was not affected by sugar cofeeding. The levels of total and reducing sugars declined appreciably in the trehalose-fed shoot tip explants compared to control tissue cultured in absence of a carbon source. This was not due to an increased rate of respiration of the trehalose-treated tissue. In shoot tips cultured in presence of both trehalose and sucrose, the decline in total and reducing sugars was curtailed. There was a marked fall in the level of sucrose; and invertase activity was higher in trehalose-fed shoot tips. The incorporation of label from [14C]glucose into sucrose in the shoot tip explant was reduced as early as 12 h of trehalose feeding. The results suggest that increased utilization of sucrose as well as an inhibition of its synthesis contribute to the drastic fall in the sucrose content upon trehalose feeding.
An efficient regeneration protocol based on organogenesis from cotyledon explants and suitable for gene delivery has been developed for an Australian passionfruit hybrid. Multiple shoots were regenerated from 30-day-old cotyledon explants on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 6-benzylvaminopurine (BAP) and coconut water. Media pulsing experiments were conducted to investigate the effect on organogenesis of exposure time of the explants to MS containing 10 mu M BAP and 10% (v/v) coconut water, i.e. passionfruit regeneration medium (PRM). Continuous exposure of these explants to PRM maximised the number of shoots produced to 12.1 per explant. However, periods on hormone-free medium improved the appearance of the shoots and increased the number of explants with shoots from 75 to 84.6%. Further, shoots exposed for 7 days to half-strength MS supplemented with 10 mu M NAA (1-napthalene acetic acid) produced twice as many plantlets than those on half-strength MS alone. Transient GUS histochemical assays indicated delivery of the uidA gene via Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
Vascular intimal hyperplasia is a major complication following angioplasty. The hallmark feature of this disorder is accumulation of dedifferentiated smooth muscle cells (SMCs) to the luminal side of the injured artery, cellular proliferation, migration, and synthesis of extracellular matrix. This finally results in intimal hyperplasia, which is currently considered an untreatable condition. According to current knowledge, a major part of neointimal cells derive from circulating precursor cells. This has outdated the traditional in vitro cell culture methods of studying neointimal cell migration and proliferation using cultured medial SMCs. Somatostatin and some of its analogs with different selectivity for the five somatostatin receptors (sst1 through sst5) have been shown to have vasculoprotective properties in animal studies. However, clinical trials using analogs selective for sst2/sst3/sst5 to prevent restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) have failed to show any major benefits. Sirolimus is a cell cycle inhibitor that has been suggested to act synergistically with the protein-tyrosine kinase inhibitor imatinib to inhibit intimal hyperplasia in rat already at well-tolerated submaximal oral doses. The mechanisms behind this synergy and its long-term efficacy are not known. The aim of this study was to set up an ex vivo vascular explant culture model to measure neointimal cell activity without excluding the participation of circulating progenitor cells. Furthermore, two novel potential vasculoprotective treatment strategies were evaluated in detail in rat models of intimal hyperplasia and in the ex vivo explant model: sst1/sst4-selective somatostatin receptor analogs and combination treatment with sirolimus and imatinib. This study shows how whole vessel explants can be used to study the kinetics of neointimal cells and their progenitors, and to evaluate the anti-migratory and anti-proliferative properties of potential vasculoprotective compounds. It also shows how the influx of neointimal progenitor cells occurs already during the first days after vascular injury, how the contribution of cell migration is more important in the injury response than cell proliferation, and how the adventitia actively contribute in vascular repair. The vasculoprotective effect of somatostatin is mediated preferentially through sst4, and through inhibition of cell migration rather than of proliferation, which may explain why sst2/sst3/sst5-selective analogs have failed in clinical trials. Furthermore, a brief early oral treatment with the combination of sirolimus and imatinib at submaximal doses results in long-term synergistic suppression of intimal hyperplasia. The synergy is a result of inhibition of post-operative thrombocytosis and leukocytosis, inhibition of neointimal cell migration to the injury-site, and maintenance of cell integrity by inhibition of apoptosis and SMC dedifferentiation. In conclusion, the influx of progenitor cells already during the first days after injury and the high neointimal cell migratory activity underlines the importance of early therapeutic intervention with anti-migratory compounds to prevent neointimal hyperplasia. Sst4-selective analogs and the combination therapy with sirolimus and imatinib represent potential targets for the development of such vasculoprotective therapies.
Toxicity in Cuscuta reflexa Sucrose Content Decreases In Shoot Tips Upon Trehalose Feeding Trehalose
Trehalose, an {alpha},{alpha}-diglucoside, induced a rapid blackening and death of shoot tips of Cuscuta reflexa (dodder) cultured in vitro. The onset of toxic symptom was delayed if any of the several sugars which support the in vitro growth of Cuscuta was supplied with trehalose. The rate of trehalose uptake or its accumulation in the tissue was not affected by sugar cofeeding. The levels of total and reducing sugars declined appreciably in the trehalose-fed shoot tip explants compared to control tissue cultured in absence of a carbon source. This was not due to an increased rate of respiration of the trehalose-treated tissue. In shoot tips cultured in presence of both trehalose and sucrose, the decline in total and reducing sugars was curtailed. There was a marked fall in the level of sucrose; and invertase activity was higher in trehalose-fed shoot tips. The incorporation of label from [14C]glucose into sucrose in the shoot tip explant was reduced as early as 12 h of trehalose feeding. The results suggest that increased utilization of sucrose as well as an inhibition of its synthesis contribute to the drastic fall in the sucrose content upon trehalose feeding
The objective of this study was to develop a rapid and efficient system for regenerating shoots from nodal explants of scented geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L. Her. ex Ait: syn. P. roseum willd). Single node stem explants were inoculated in MS media containing different combinations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) with indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) (0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 mg/l) in a 4x4 factorial experiment. Multiple shoots were induced in media supplemented with BAP and IAA, Maximum number of shoots (56 per explant) were observed in the medium containing BAP and IAA at 1 mg/l each, 30 days after inoculation. Micro shoots were subcultured once in every four weeks. Adventitious shoots were induced from in vitro grown leaves and petioles. Several regenerated shoots were rooted on MS half-strength medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/l indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and the plantlets were hardened in the growth chamber. This micropropagation system could be used for rapid and large-scale production of scented geranium.
Background: The micropropagation protocol for Phyllanthus amarus, an important medicinal herb used widely for the treatment of hepatitis in ethnomedicinal systems, was standardized with shoot tip and single node explants. Materials and Methods: The micropropagation was carried out for the hyperproducing ecotype (phyllanthin content 463.828 ppm; hypophyllanthin content: 75.469 ppm) collected from Aanaikatti, Coimbatore, and grown in mist chamber, CPMB, TNAU. For micropropagation studies, the leaves were trimmed off and the shoot tips (6 mm long) and nodal segments (single node) were used for initiation. Results: Shoot tips and single node explants gave a maximum of 6.00 and 7.00 multiple shoots per explant with Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) (1.0mg/L mg/L). Upon subculturing, a shoot length of around 7 cm with an average of eight internodes per shoot was observed after 20 days in the elongation medium supplemented with BAP (0.2 mg/Lmg/L) and Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) (2.0 mg/L). Seven to ten adventitious roots developed when the elongated microshoots were cultured in half strength MS medium with Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) (2.0 mg/Lmg/L) and NAA (1.0 mg/L mg/L) in 15-20 days after transfer. The rooted shoots acclimatized successfully to field conditions. Conclusion: A method for successful micropropagation of the valuable medicinal plant was established which will provide a better source for continuous supply of plants for manufacturing drugs.
Petiveria alliacea L. é uma planta pertencente à família Phytolaccaceae, conhecida popularmente no país como guiné, erva-de-alho, erva-tipi ou amansa-senhor. Nativa da Região Amazônica tem sido cultivada em muitas áreas tropicais com propósito medicinal ou ritualístico. O objetivo desse trabalho foi (i) o desenvolvimento e a multiplicação de plantas de P. alliacea L. através de métodos de cultura de tecidos, e monitoramento fitoquímico das culturas, e (ii) avaliação comparativa das potencialidades genotóxica e antigenotóxica entre plantas coletadas no campo e produzidas in vitro. Exemplares de diferentes populações ocorrentes no estado do Rio de Janeiro foram utilizados como matrizes para a cultura. Foi estabelecido um protocolo para multiplicação das plantas em meio MS suplementado com BAP e ANA em diferentes concentrações e combinações, que forneceu como melhor resultado em média 8 plantas por explante na concentração de BAP 4,4 μM + ANA 0,54 μM. A análise fitoquímica foi baseada em métodos cromatográficos de diferentes extratos de plantas de campo e plantas in vitro das populações estudadas resultando em diferentes substâncias identificadas nas amostras analisadas por cromatografia em camada delgada. Os extratos foram também avaliados por cromatografia gasosa acoplada á espectrometria de massas, sendo identificadas diferentes substâncias, entre as quais o dibenzil dissulfeto, um produto de degradação de tiosulfinatos com importantes atividades biológicas na defesa das plantas. Os extratos aquosos das plantas de campo e daquelas estabelecidas in vitro foram submetidos à avaliação da potencialidade genotóxica e antigenotóxica, usando-se como modelo o DNA plasmidial pUC 9.1. Os resultados demonstraram que as concentrações utilizadas do extrato aquoso foram capazes de induzir alterações na conformação estrutural do DNA, indicando a ocorrência de quebras simples e duplas nesta molécula. Observou-se também que as lesões aumentaram, proporcionalmente ao aumento da concentração dos extratos, caracterizando-se, assim, um efeito dose-resposta. Os dados também apontaram para um efeito protetor do extrato aquoso, em relação aos danos oxidativos causados pelo cloreto estanoso, indicando, também, uma potencialidade antigenotóxica do extrato aquoso.
Passiflora pohlii Mast., conhecida como maracujá-do-campo ou maracujazinho, é uma espécie nativa do Brasil que apresenta características de interesse agronômico, principalmente em relação à tolerância a patógenos do solo pertencentes ao gênero Phytophtora sp, que provocam grandes prejuízos à cultura de maracujá. Embora ainda existam poucos trabalhos sobreesta espécie, estudos recentes com espécies do gênero descreveram atividades biológicas e farmacológicas em extratos de diferentes órgãos, incluindo folhas e raízes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estabelecimento de culturas de raízes adventícias a partir de segmentos caulinares e radiculares excisados de plantas in vitro de P. pohlii e a avaliação do perfil fitoquímico e do potencial antioxidante dos extratos obtidos a partir de diferentes materiais obtidos in vitro, em comparação com plantas mantidas in vivo. Foram testados diferentes sistemas de cultura, além de tipos e concentrações de auxinas para a indução de raízes adventícias in vitro a partir de segmentos caulinares e radiculares. As culturas foram mantidas à temperatura de 252C, na presença ou ausência de luz. As respostas obtidas variaram de acordo com o tipo de explante utilizado. Segmentos internodais apresentaram a melhor taxa de indução de rizogênese em meio solidificado com ágar e suplementado com ANA a 2,7 μM, na ausência de luz, enquanto que segmentos radiculares tiveram maior taxa de proliferação em meio líquido sob agitação, suplementado com AIA a 2,85 μM, na ausência de luz. Os materiais botânicos produzidos in vitro, incluindo plantas completas e raízes adventícias obtidas a partir de segmentos internodais e radiculares, assim como plantas obtidas in vivo, foram utilizados para a produção de extratos etanólicos para a avaliação do perfil fitoquímico e da atividade antioxidante. As análises por CCD e CLAE-UV indicaram a presença de flavonoides e saponinas nos extratos de folhas de plantas mantidas in vivo e obtidas in vitro, enquanto que os extratos de raízes apresentaram apenas saponinas. Os extratos de folhas foram ainda submetidos à análise por CLAE-UV-IES-EM visando à identificação da massa molecular das substâncias encontradas. Foram identificados dois flavonoides, possivelmente isômeros, com massas moleculares de 607,2, nos extratos de folhas de plantas mantidas in vivo e obtidas in vitro. O potencial antioxidante dos diferentes materiais foi determinado pelos ensaios de 2,2-difenil-1-picril-hidrazila e CCD-DPPH. As maiores atividades antioxidantes foram observadas nos extratos de raízes primárias e secundárias excisadas de plantas mantidas in vivo. As estratégias de cultura de raízes in vitro descritas neste trabalho foram aplicadas com sucesso para P. pohlii. Além disso, a caracterização do perfil fitoquímico do material obtido in vitro e de plantas mantidas in vivo, assim como do seu potencial farmacológico, foi realizada pela primeira vez para a espécie
Cleome dendroides é uma espécie endêmica da Mata Atlântica dos estados do Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, bioma alterado por intensa atividade antrópica, o que constitui uma ameaça à preservação de suas populações. Não existem estudos dos pontos de vista fisiológico, biotecnológico, fitoquímico ou farmacológico sobre a espécie. Considerando-se o perfil fitoquímico e o potencial medicinal do gênero, torna-se relevante definirem-se protocolos para a produção de plantas e metabólitos de C. dendroides utilizando diferentes sistemas de cultivo in vitro. No presente trabalho, foram realizados estudos sobre a germinação in vivo da espécie, avaliando-se a influência do substrato, temperatura e luz. Não se observou qualquer tipo de dormência, sendo as temperaturas de 20, 25 e 20-30C, em areia ou vermiculita, apropriadas para a germinação in vivo. Definiu-se também uma metodologia eficiente de germinação sob condições in vitro, e as plântulas obtidas foram utilizadas como fonte de explantes para os estudos de propagação in vitro. A resposta morfogênica foi avaliada considerando-se a origem e tipo do explante, tipos e concentrações de reguladores de crescimento e número de subculturas. A metodologia empregada mostrou-se eficiente para a produção de brotos e manutenção de estoques de plantas in vitro que serviram como fonte de explantes. A melhor condição para a propagação in vitro foi definida em meio solidificado contendo BA, independentemente do tipo de explante e da origem. Os brotos obtidos foram alongados, enraizados e aclimatizados. Também foi estabelecida a cultura de raízes e a regeneração de brotos a partir destas culturas. Avaliou-se o efeito da origem do explante, assim como dos tipos e concentrações de fitorreguladores sobre a proliferação de raízes e a regeneração de brotos. O fitorregulador AIB propiciou maior multiplicação das raízes, enquanto BA mostrou-se eficiente na regeneração de brotos a partir das raízes recém-formadas. Foi estabelecido ainda um protocolo de cultura de calos e de suspensões celulares. Avaliou-se o efeito da origem e do tipo de explante, dos tipos e das concentrações de fitorreguladores sobre a calogênese. A combinação de PIC com KIN foi a mais eficiente para a indução de calos em explantes de plântulas obtidas a partir de germinação in vitro, produzindo calos que foram mantidos por pelo menos dois anos. As suspensões celulares também foram estabelecidas em meio contendo PIC + KIN, mantendo uma produção de biomassa de cerca de cinco vezes o peso fresco inicial por três sucessivas subculturas. Análises histoquímicas e fitoquímicas revelaram a presença de alcaloides nos calos e nas suspensões celulares. Foram realizadas análises fitoquímicas de plantas de campo, plantas aclimatizadas, plantas mantidas em estoque in vitro e culturas de raízes, as quais indicaram a presença de derivados de glicosinolatos. Os resultados demonstraram a viabilidade de produção de material vegetal de C. dendroides por meio de métodos biotecnológicos e a produção in vitro de metabólitos de importância medicinal
诱导风信子(Hyacnthus orientalis L.)同一花被外植体上不同部位细胞分化花芽,从外源激素的作用和内探激素的变化探讨细胞脱分化启动的原因,研究了不同外源激素的组合下同一花被不同部位花芽分化的诱导频率:测定了花被上、中,下三部位切块离体培养前后的内源IAA和Z+ZR的含量;在此之前研究了GC-MS.MIM内标法测定微量植物材料内源IAA含量的可行性. GC-MS.MIM内标法是测定微量(0.5-1g)植物材料内源IAA含量的一种比较理想的方法,所需材料量一般为0.58.这一方法的材料前处理采用粗提液用C18Sep-pak柱初步分离纯化.HPLC进一步纯化,能获得纯度高的样品,且操作简便,省时省力. 风信子同一花被不同部位细胞均能分化花芽.当培养基中附加2.0mg/l Zeatin或2.0mg/16-BAP时,随着外探IAA浓度从0升高到10.0mg/l.捆胞分化花芽的部位从花被下部向上部移动。 离体培养前后同一花被上、中、下三部位内源IAA和Z+ZR含量测定结果表明.风信子同一花被内源IAA含量是上部最高,下部次之,中部最低,而内源Z+ZR含量从上向下依次增加;在附加不同外源激素的MS培养基上培养3天后,同一花被上,中、下三部位内源IAA和Z+ZR含量部有一定的变化。
本研究通过对玉簪属植物的组织培养,发现以腋芽、花序、试管苗的叶片为外植体,均可达到迅速繁殖的目的,但对于不同的玉簪品种来说,所能采用的外植体的种类又不尽相同:对于非嵌合体玉簪品种,以腋芽、花序、试管苗的叶片作外植体都可以;而对于嵌合体玉簪品种,如果以花序或试管苗的叶片为外植体,通过诱导不定芽进行快繁,在所得的试管苗中,超过50%的个体失去斑叶特性,这在实际生产中是不可行的,如果以腋芽为外植体,所得试管苗中多于95%的可保持原有嵌合体特征,故为理想的外植体。 在以腋芽为外植体的离体培养中,取嵌合玉簪品种H. ‘Francee’和H. ‘Ground Master’的芽作材料,通过对试验结果的分析、比较,选出了合适的繁殖培养基:MS + BA0.5mg/L + NAA0.5mg/L + KH2PO4150mg/L + 水解乳蛋白500mg/L + 蔗糖30g/L + 琼脂 5.6g/L,其可提高腋芽分化率,达到了快速繁殖的目的,此外,该培养基还可保持原来的生长势,降低斑叶特性分离比;同时选出了生根培养基:MS + IAA1mg/L + 蔗糖30g/L + 琼脂5.6g/L。 以花葶为外植体的试验,证实了此种方式仅适合非嵌合体玉簪的快速繁殖。 在以叶片为外植体的研究中,取了嵌合体品种H. ‘Francee’、H. ‘Ground Master’、H. ‘Gold Standard’、H. ‘Color Glory’和H. ‘Little Ming’的再生叶征作材料,通过对试验结果的分析、比较、观察到在培养基:MS + BA4mg/L + NAA0.1mg/L + 蔗糖 30g/L + 琼脂 5.6g/L上只有芽的形成,培养基:MS + BA0.4mg/L + NAA0.4mg/L + 蔗糖 30g/L + 琼脂 5.6g/L则利于根的发生,而培养基:MS + BA4mg/L + NAA0.4mg/L + 蔗糖 30g/L + 琼脂 5.6g/L促进根或(和)不定芽的产生,则因品种的不同而变化,另外还发现,经诱导不定芽途径所得到的试管苗,仅少于5%的个体保持斑叶特性,所以不可用于嵌合体玉簪的组织培养,但可快速繁殖非嵌合体玉簪。
Tor mahseer (Tor tor), possess high commercial and recreational value as they are potential game as well as food fish of India. Two cell culture systems were developed from fin and heart of T. tor (Hamilton-Buchanan). The explants excised aseptically from fingerling of T. tor were cultured in Leibovitz-15 (L-15) medium with 20% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Radiation of cells started after 72 hours and 48 hours of explant attachment from caudal fin and heart respectively. Confluent monolayer of cells with heterogeneous morphology around fin explants was observed after 7-10 days, where as a homogenous confluent layer of fibroblastic cells from heart explant was observed after 12-13 days. The establishment of cell culture systems from different organs and tissues of commercial important species would facilitates in vitro research.
Purpose: To determine the effects of carbon ion beams with five different linear energy transfer (LET) values on adventitious shoots from in vitro leaf explants of Saintpaulia ionahta Mauve cultivar with regard to tissue increase, shoots differentiation and morphology changes in the shoots. Materials and methods: In vitro leaf explant samples were irradiated with carbon ion beams with LET values in the range of 31 similar to 151 keV/mu m or 8 MeV of X-rays (LET 0.2 keV/mu m) at different doses. Fresh weight increase, surviving fraction and percentage of the explants with regenerated malformed shoots in all the irradiated leaf explants were statistically analysed. Results: The fresh weight increase (FWI) and surviving fraction (SF) decreased dramatically with increasing LET at the same doses. In addition, malformed shoots, including curliness, carnification, nicks and chlorophyll deficiency, occurred in both carbon ion beam and X-ray irradiations. The induction frequency with the former, however, was far more than that with the X-rays. Conclusions: This work demonstrated the LET dependence of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of tissue culture of Saintpaulia ionahta according to 50% FWI and 50% SF. After irradiating leaf explants with 5 Gy of a 221 MeV carbon ion beam having a LET value of 96 keV/mu m throughout the sample, a chlorophyll-deficient (CD) mutant, which could transmit the character of chlorophyll deficiency to its progeny through three continuous tissue culture cycles, and plantlets with other malformations were obtained.