998 resultados para Experimental anxiety


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Parental behaviors, most notably overcontrol, lack of warmth and expressed anxiety, have been implicated in models of the development and maintenance of anxiety disorders in children and young people. Theories of normative development have proposed that different parental responses are required to support emotional development in childhood and adolescence, yet age has not typically been taken into account in studies of parenting and anxiety disorders. In order to identify whether associations between anxiety disorder status and parenting differ in children and adolescents, we compared observed behaviors of parents of children (7–10 years) and adolescents (13–16 years) with and without anxiety disorders (n=120), while they undertook a series of mildly anxiety-provoking tasks. Parents of adolescents showed significantly lower levels of expressed anxiety, intrusiveness and warm engagement than parents of children. Furthermore, offspring age moderated the association between anxiety disorder status and parenting behaviors. Specifically, parents of adolescents with anxiety disorders showed higher intrusiveness and lower warm engagement than parents of non-anxious adolescents. A similar relationship between these parenting behaviors and anxiety disorder status was not observed among parents of children. The findings suggest that theoretical accounts of the role of parental behaviors in anxiety disorders in children and adolescents should distinguish between these different developmental periods. Further experimental research to establish causality, however, would be required before committing additional resources to targeting parenting factors within treatment.


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This study examines the effects of a multi-session Cognitive Bias Modification (CBM) program on interpretative biases and social anxiety in an Iranian sample. Thirty-six volunteers with a high score on social anxiety measures were recruited from a student population and randomly allocated into the experimental and control groups. In the experimental group, participants received 4 sessions of positive CBM for interpretative biases (CBM-I) over 2 weeks in the laboratory. Participants in the control condition completed a neutral task matched the active CBM-I intervention in format and duration but did not encourage positive disambiguation of socially ambiguous scenarios. The results indicated that after training the positive CBM-I group exhibited more positive (and less negative) interpretations of ambiguous scenarios and less social anxiety symptoms relative to the control condition at both 1 week post-test and 7 weeks follow-up. It is suggested that clinical trials are required to establish the clinical efficacy of this intervention for social anxiety.


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A ansiedade é um dos conceitos mais importantes dentro da Psicologia. Uma grande quantidade de trabalhos experimentais tratando sobre os efeitos da ansiedade-de-teste, tem sido conduzida. A discussão sobre ansiedade-de-teste e sua relação com o desempenho acadêmico deve ser precedida por uma elucidação do conceito de ansiedade. Este conceito tem sido interpretado de diferentes formas pelas várias escolas de pensamento na Psicologia e Filosofia. Os dois primeiros capítulos deste trabalho são dedicados à uma apresentação dos vários conceitos de ansiedade e de teorias que consideramos importantes que abordam o assunto. A seguir, passamos a descrever a análise experimental que foi realizada com o objetivo de detectar os efeitos da ansiedade-de-teste no desempenho e verificar os resultados da manipulação da variável tempo limitado e da magnitude do "stress", na relação estudada. Grande parte da literatura sobre ansiedade tem sublinhado que a influência desta sobre o comportamento é bastante complexa. A pesquisa aqui reportada se baseia nas investigações de Spielberger que focalizam a relação entre o desempenho do estudante e seu nível de ansiedade. Como Spielberger, julgamos ser necessário controlar as variáveis dificuldade da tarefa e inteligência dos sujeitos. Com base nos resultados encontrados, concluímos que uma série de outros aspectos devem ser considerados, tais como elaboração da prova, matéria envolvida, experiências anteriores dos alunos, imagem do professor etc. Busca-se conhecer a natureza da ansiedade-de-teste e encontrar formas efetivas para controlar este tipo específico de ansiedade, de maneira a aparelhar melhor os alunos para lidarem com ele. É necessário também que os educadores tomem conhecimento das características e implicações da ansiedade-de-teste, de forma que sejam capazes de tirar partido dela e consigam minimizar seus efeitos negativos no processo ensino-aprendizagem.


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O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi testar o ”princípio da pessoa que ajuda”, fenômeno que ressalta os benefícios que recebemos quando ajudamos alguém. Para a consecução desse objetivo, sujeitos com alta ansiedade de falar em público desempenharam um papel de ajuda: serviram de "terapeutas comportamentais" para outros sujeitos com alta ansiedade de falar. Depois de selecionado, os sujeitos -de alta ansiedade de falar em público -foram distribuídos por estes quatro grupos experimentais: (1) grupo cujos sujeitos aprenderam, com terapeutas, técnicas comportamentais para a redução da ansiedade de falar, e, posteriormente, ensinaram essas técnicas a outros sujeitos; (2) grupo em que os sujeitos aprenderam, com os terapeutas, as técnicas para a redução da ansiedade de falar, mas não as ensinaram a outros sujeitos; (3) grupo que aprendeu as técnicas com os sujeitos do grupo 1; (4) grupo cujos sujeitos apenas participaram do pré e pós-testes. Previu-se que os sujeitos do grupo 1 apresenta riam maior redução da ansiedade de falar do que os sujeitos do grupo 2, porque aqueles exerceriam um papel de ajuda. Porém, os testes estatísticos indicaram que a hipótese substantiva foi rejeitada: o grupo 1 não teve a sua ansiedade significativamente mais reduzida do que o grupo 2, embora os grupos que receberam o programa de tratamento para a ansiedade de falar (grupos 1, 2 e 3) tenham melhorado significativamente mais do que o grupo 4. São discutidas possíveis explicações para esses resultados e feitas sugestões para novas pesquisas.


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Na infância, a hospitalização, em especial por circunstâncias cirúrgicas, constitui uma experiência potencialmente ameaçadora e causadora de ansiedade, medo e stress, que não se circunscreve apenas à criança, mas também aos pais e à família. A presença de níveis elevados de ansiedade infantil pode ter consequências nefastas e comprometedoras do desenvolvimento psicológico. A preparação psicológica da criança é crucial para a redução da ansiedade e das alterações do comportamento pós-hospitalização, razão porque considerámos fundamental colmatar a inexistência de um programa similar destinado ao utente pediátrico do HDESPDL. Desta forma, concebemos o Programa Infantil de Preparação para a Cirurgia (PIPCirurgia), um instrumento de preparação psicológica destinado a crianças entre os 6-11 anos propostas para cirurgia eletiva com internamento programado. O PIPCirurgia pretende preparar criança e pais, trabalhar estratégias de coping e reduzir a ansiedade e as alterações comportamentais pós-hospitalização. Validámos a sua utilidade através de um plano metodológico experimental aplicado a uma amostra de 60 crianças, equitativamente subdividida em Grupo Experimental (submetido ao PIPCirurgia) e Grupo de Controlo (recebeu o procedimento atualmente disponibilizado pela instituição). A investigação efetivou-se através de dois estudos, Estudo I: Ansiedade infantil e Caraterísticas Sociodemográficas e Estudo II: Efeitos do PIPCirurgia na redução da Ansiedade Infantil e das Alterações do Comportamento Pós-Hospitalização. Utilizaram-se métodos de recolha de dados quantitativos. Aplicou-se um Questionário de Caraterização Sociodemográfica, a versão traduzida e validada para a população portuguesa do State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children, e uma versão por nós traduzida e testada do Post-Hospitalization Behavior Questionnaire. Concluímos que, para as amostras em estudo, existiu uma relação entre a Ansiedade Infantil e a presença de antecedentes familiares de doença, assim como entre a Ansiedade-Estado pré-operatória e a situação de emprego materno. Confirmou-se a utilidade do PIPCirurgia para reduzir a Ansiedade Infantil relacionada com a cirurgia e minimizar as alterações comportamentais pós-hospitalização.


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This study investigated the role of H1 and H2 receptors in anxiety and the retrieval of emotional memory using a Trial 1/Trial 2 (T1/T2) protocol in an elevated plus-maze (EPM). Tests were performed on 2 consecutive days, designated T1 and T2. Before T1, the mice received intraperitoneal injections of saline (SAL), 20 mg/kg zolantidine (ZOL, an H2 receptor antagonist), or 8.0 or 16 mg/kg chlorpheniramine (CPA, an H1 receptor antagonist). After 40 min, they were subjected to the EPM test. In T2 (24 h later), each group was subdivided into two additional groups, and the animals from each group were re-injected with SAL or one of the drugs. In T1, the Student t-test showed no difference between the SAL and ZOL or 8 mg/kg CPA groups with respect to the percentages of open arm entries (%OAE) and open arm time (%OAT). However, administration of CPA at the highest dose of 16 mg/kg decreased %OAE and %OAT, but not locomotor activity, indicating anxiogenic-like behavior. Emotional memory, as revealed by a reduction in open arm exploration between the two trials, was observed in all experimental groups, indicating that ZOL and 8 mg/kg CPA did not affect emotional memory, whereas CPA at the highest dose affected acquisition and consolidation, but not retrieval of memory. Taken together, these results suggest that H1 receptor, but not H2, is implicated in anxiety-like behavior and in emotional memory acquisition and consolidation deficits in mice subjected to EPM testing.


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The behavior and experience of pain are characterized by alertness and anxiety, which disappear soon after the healing process begins. Based on this area, the present study aimed to quantify the expression of c-fos in segments of the brain of rats after surgical stimulation in one rear hind paw (analgesia), using anesthesia with sodium thiopental and practices of acupuncture pre and post operative. The animals were stimulated with intraperitoneal injections of solution (NaCl) 0.2% (2ml), and divided into three groups, control, preoperative and postoperative. Each treatment was divided in manual acupuncture (AM) and electroacupuncture (EA). The animals were randomly distributed in each group. The c-fos expression was quantitated using immunohistochemistry for all situations. The results showed a great efficiency of all treatment compared to the control group (p <0.001), thus reenforcing data in the literature on the potential of acupuncture analgesia. There were no statistical differences among the different treatments, although there was a trend of EA being more efficient than AM


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Clinical observations suggest abnormal gaze perception to be an important indicator of social anxiety disorder (SAD). Experimental research has yet paid relatively little attention to the study of gaze perception in SAD. In this article we first discuss gaze perception in healthy human beings before reviewing self-referential and threat-related biases of gaze perception in clinical and non-clinical socially anxious samples. Relative to controls, socially anxious individuals exhibit an enhanced self-directed perception of gaze directions and demonstrate a pronounced fear of direct eye contact, though findings are less consistent regarding the avoidance of mutual gaze in SAD. Prospects for future research and clinical implications are discussed.


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Based on the Attentional Control Theory (ACT; Eysenck et al., 2007), performance efficiency is decreased in high-anxiety situations because worrying thoughts compete for attentional resources. A repeated-measures design (high/low state anxiety and high/low perceptual task demands) was used to test ACT explanations. Complex football situations were displayed to expert and non-expert football players in a decision making task in a controlled laboratory setting. Ratings of state anxiety and pupil diameter measures were used to check anxiety manipulations. Dependent variables were verbal response time and accuracy, mental effort ratings and visual search behavior (e.g., visual search rate). Results confirmed that an anxiety increase, indicated by higher state-anxiety ratings and larger pupil diameters, reduced processing efficiency for both groups (higher response times and mental effort ratings). Moreover, high task demands reduced the ability to shift attention between different locations for the expert group in the high anxiety condition only. Since particularly experts, who were expected to use more top-down strategies to guide visual attention under high perceptual task demands, showed less attentional shifts in the high compared to the low anxiety condition, as predicted by ACT, anxiety seems to impair the shifting function by interrupting the balance between top-down and bottom-up processes.


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Despite immense efforts into development of new antidepressant drugs, the increases of serotoninergic and catecholaminergic neurotransmission have remained the two major pharmacodynamic principles of current drug treatments for depression. Consequently, psychopathological or biological markers that predict response to drugs that selectively increase serotonin and/or catecholamine neurotransmission hold the potential to optimize the prescriber's selection among currently available treatment options. The aim of this study was to elucidate the differential symptomatology and neurophysiology in response to reductions in serotonergic versus catecholaminergic neurotransmission in subjects at high risk of depression recurrence. Using identical neuroimaging procedures with [(18)F] fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography after tryptophan depletion (TD) and catecholamine depletion (CD), subjects with remitted depression were compared with healthy controls in a double-blind, randomized, crossover design. Although TD induced significantly more depressed mood, sadness and hopelessness than CD, CD induced more inactivity, concentration difficulties, lassitude and somatic anxiety than TD. CD specifically increased glucose metabolism in the bilateral ventral striatum and decreased glucose metabolism in the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex, whereas TD specifically increased metabolism in the right prefrontal cortex and the posterior cingulate cortex. Although we found direct associations between changes in brain metabolism and induced depressive symptoms following CD, the relationship between neural activity and symptoms was less clear after TD. In conclusion, this study showed that serotonin and catecholamines have common and differential roles in the pathophysiology of depression.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The biased interpretation of ambiguous social situations is considered a maintaining factor of Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Studies on the modification of interpretation bias have shown promising results in laboratory settings. The present study aims at pilot-testing an Internet-based training that targets interpretation and judgmental bias. METHOD: Thirty-nine individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for SAD participated in an 8-week, unguided program. Participants were presented with ambiguous social situations, were asked to choose between neutral, positive, and negative interpretations, and were required to evaluate costs of potential negative outcomes. Participants received elaborate automated feedback on their interpretations and judgments. RESULTS: There was a pre-to-post-reduction of the targeted cognitive processing biases (d = 0.57-0.77) and of social anxiety symptoms (d = 0.87). Furthermore, results showed changes in depression and general psychopathology (d = 0.47-0.75). Decreases in cognitive biases and symptom changes did not correlate. The results held stable accounting for drop-outs (26%) and over a 6-week follow-up period. Forty-five percent of the completer sample showed clinical significant change and almost half of the participants (48%) no longer met diagnostic criteria for SAD. LIMITATIONS: As the study lacks a control group, results lend only preliminary support to the efficacy of the intervention. Furthermore, the mechanism of change remained unclear. CONCLUSION: First results promise a beneficial effect of the program for SAD patients. The treatment proved to be feasible and acceptable. Future research should evaluate the intervention in a randomized-controlled setting.


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Poverty increases children's exposure to stress, elevating their risk for developing patterns of heightened sympathetic and parasympathetic stress reactivity. Repeated patterns of high sympathetic activation and parasympathetic withdrawal place children at risk for anxiety disorders. This study evaluated whether providing social support to preschool-age children during mildly stressful situations helps reduce reactivity, and whether this effect partly depends on children's previously assessed baseline reactivity patterns. The Biological Sensitivity to Context (BSC) theory proposes that highly reactive children may be more sensitive than less reactive children to all environmental influences, including social support. In contrast, conventional physiological reactivity (CPR) theory contends that highly reactive children are more vulnerable to the impact of stress but are less receptive to the potential benefits present within their social environments. In this study, baseline autonomic reactivity patterns were measured. Children were then randomly assigned to a high-support or neutral control condition, and the effect of social support on autonomic response patterns was assessed. Results revealed an interaction between baseline reactivity profiles and experimental condition. Children with patterns of high-reactivity reaped more benefits from the social support in the experimental condition than did their less reactive peers. Highly reactive children experienced relatively less reactivity reduction in the neutral condition while experiencing relatively greater reactivity reduction in the support condition. Despite their demonstrated stability over time, reactivity patterns are also quite susceptible to change at this age; therefore understanding how social support ameliorates reactivity will further efforts to avert stable patterns of high-reactivity among children with high levels of stress, ultimately reducing risk for anxiety disorders.


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A hipótese de \"manipulação comportamental\" supõe que um parasito pode alterar o comportamento de seu hospedeiro visando aumentar a probabilidade de completar seu ciclo evolutivo. Tais alterações aumentariam a taxa de transmissão hospedeirohospedeiro, assegurando ao parasito ou a seus propágulos o encontro de novo hospedeiro. A possibilidade de infecções parasitárias provocarem mudanças comportamentais em seus hospedeiros e a elevada frequência com que o acometimento de seres humanos por larvas de Toxocara e cistos de Toxoplasma ocorre, têm chamado à atenção de pesquisadores interessados no estudo das relações hospedeiro-parasita. Na infecção por Toxoplasma gondii e Toxocara canis, cistos e larvas estão presentes em diversos locais anatômicos incluindo musculatura, coração, pulmões, olhos e cérebro. A presença de parasitos no cérebro dá oportunidade de manipulação do comportamento do hospedeiro. Entretanto, não se sabe qual ou quais mecanismos estão envolvidos no processo de manipulação do comportamento. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram verificar alterações na ansiedade, medo, memória e aprendizagem de Rattus norvegicus experimentalmente infectados por Toxocara canis e/ou Toxoplasma gondii em dois períodos após infecção, bem como a localização das larvas e cistos e presença de placas beta amiloide ( A) na região do hipocampo no tecido cerebral desses roedores corado pela técnica de Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE), e Vermelho de Congo, respectivamente. Foram utilizadas 40 exemplares fêmeas da espécie Rattus norvegicus, com seis a oito semanas. Os animais foram divididos em quatro grupos: Toxocara - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis, Toxoplasma -10 ratos infectados com 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, Infecção dupla - 10 ratos infectados com 300 ovos de Toxocara canis e 10 cistos de Toxoplasma gondii, e controle - 10 ratos sem infecção. Nos dias 40, 41, 70 e 71 após a infecção, os animais dos grupos infectados e controle foram submetidos à avaliação no Labirinto em Cruz Elevado e Campo aberto. Aos 120 após infecção foi feita avaliação da memória, aprendizado e aversão a urina de gato dos animais no Labirinto de Barnes. No final das análises comportamentais os animais foram levados a eutanásia para retirada do cérebro e confecção dos cortes histológicos preparados em HE e Vermelho de Congo. Os resultados mostraram efeito ansiolítico para ambas as infecções, principalmente para Toxoplasma gondii. Não houve comprometimento da memória e aprendizado no LB, porém os animais infectados por Toxocara canis ou Toxoplasma gondii apresentaram menor tempo para encontrar a toca com urina e entrar nela. A leitura dos cortes histológicos corados com HE mostraram larvas de Toxocara canis e cistos de Toxoplasma gondii em regiões do sistema nervoso central dos animais relacionadas com memória e aprendizado. As lâminas coradas com Vermelho de Congo apresentaram placas beta amiloides ( A) em metade dos animais infectados por Toxoplasma gondii. Conclui-se que a infecção por ambos os parasitos apresenta efeito ansiolítico quando ocorre infecção única. Quando a Infecção ocorre concomitantemente há modulação no comportamento. Além disso, ratas infectadas com infecção única apresentam-se menos aversivas à urina de gatos.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre no Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz


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Research investigating anxiety-related attentional bias for emotional information in anxious and nonanxious children has been equivocal with regard to whether a bias for fear-related stimuli is unique to anxious children or is common to children in general. Moreover, recent cognitive theories have proposed that an attentional bias for objectively threatening stimuli may be common to all individuals, with this effect enhanced in anxious individuals. The current study investigated whether an attentional bias toward fear-related pictures could be found in nonselected children (n = 105) and adults (n = 47) and whether a sample of clinically anxious children (n = 23) displayed an attentional bias for fear-related pictures over and above that expected for nonselected children. Participants completed a dot-probe task that employed fear-related, neutral, and pleasant pictures. As expected, both adults and children showed a stronger attentional bias toward fear-related pictures than toward pleasant pictures. Consistent with some findings in the childhood domain, the extent of the attentional bias toward fear-related pictures did not differ significantly between anxious children and nonselected children. However, compared with nonselected children, anxious children showed a stronger attentional bias overall toward affective picture stimuli. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.